Nitori. Fisheye lens perspective. Cucumber wrench.
Okay i don't really know what that means but thanks dude! I'll probably update every day for a while cuz i've got a lot of old stuff to get through but it should calm down eventually. I won't mind if you get annoyed and unsubscribe, mostly because i won't notice because i don't know how to check.Xenozip. wrote:^ Subscrubed. :)
Holy shit, that is disturbing. Jeez god damn. How the hell did she become a celebrity?Happy candy-day from Nevada-tan.
The main difference is that these things are intended as forms of entertainment and filtered through endless focus tests by giant corporations with the goal of making a harmless, profitable, socially acceptable product. They have monetary incentives to cover their tracks.Xenozip. wrote:I mean, we play fighting games, which are "violent" by nature. I also play first person shooters. Sometimes I listen to somewhat violent music. I love action films that tend to have a lot of graphic violence. And I'm not a violent person at all, nor do I actually find the violent aspects of these things particularly "appealing", just entertaining.
Really?Anyway the point is, what goes into my head doesn't "influence" me
Had To wrote:Maj: we were talking about footsies for some reason
Maj: and SlimX wrote this:
Maj: There once was a man from Peru
And those who could beat him were few
If you whiffed one attack
You'd be flat on your back
But if you sat back and blocked, he just threw
CaliPower: sounds like a poem
Maj: i think it's a limerick
Maj: though i don't know the difference between a limerick and a poem
Maj: most brilliant thing i've read all year though
CaliPower: lmao
CaliPower: i like it
CaliPower: he wrote it?
CaliPower: haha
Maj: yeah
CaliPower: tell him that was awesome
CaliPower: if hes reffering to me
CaliPower: lol
Internet! wrote:Maj: sup sir
omni: There once was a man from Peru
And those who could beat him were few
If you whiffed one attack
You'd be flat on your back
But if you sat back and blocked, he just threw
Maj: SlimX is #1
Maj: all others are #2 or lower
omni: ?
Maj: http://combovid.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=7054#p7054
omni: ahhh
omni: choi just sent it to me
omni: had no idea where it came from
Maj: wow, i copied that to valle at 2:27
Maj: it's 2:41 now
omni: you are viral!
:(Maj wrote:Had To wrote: Maj: i think it's a limerick
Maj: though i don't know the difference between a limerick and a poem
Hahaha and now i do. Though that doesn't bring me any closer to being able to writing one. Helluva rules.Xenozip. wrote:http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=130478
Everyone should know what a limerick is. Because they are awesome.