KOF XIV combo videos
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
I keep forgetting to mention it but i really like the way you guys use non-chased slow projectiles to extend combos after supers, like Leona at 2:20 and Kensuo at 2:03. That Kensuo double wallbounce setup at 0:25 and 1:30 is really clever too.
Also i always enjoy those backwards setups you guys use to delay wallbounce, like Zarina at 2:22 and Ramon at 1:53. They look pretty cool even when they're not functionally useful.
Also i always enjoy those backwards setups you guys use to delay wallbounce, like Zarina at 2:22 and Ramon at 1:53. They look pretty cool even when they're not functionally useful.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Thanx a lot. Coming from you, it has a lot of value.
We try to squeeze KOF XIV combo engine, so we use whatever is needed, no matter how impractical it may be.
Here´s a new combo vid. We found way more than we expected!
Verse combo exhibition:
We try to squeeze KOF XIV combo engine, so we use whatever is needed, no matter how impractical it may be.
Here´s a new combo vid. We found way more than we expected!
Verse combo exhibition:
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Another one, and this has been challenging.
Choi combo exhibition
Choi combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Last combo vid of the year.
Chang combo exhibition:
Chang combo exhibition:
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Happy new year to everybody!
Our first combo vid of the year is here:
KOF XIV Bandeiras combo exhibition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxPXDA2-sjg
Our first combo vid of the year is here:
KOF XIV Bandeiras combo exhibition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxPXDA2-sjg
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
New combo video: KOF XIV Iori combo exhibition.
The vid focus mainly in using Yashiori (his fireball super move) to find new combo options.
The vid focus mainly in using Yashiori (his fireball super move) to find new combo options.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
New vid: Xanadu combo exhibition
It´s been hard to find stuff with him. MANY (stupid?) juggle restrictions.
And I fear I´ll find the same dificulties with many other chars...
It´s been hard to find stuff with him. MANY (stupid?) juggle restrictions.
And I fear I´ll find the same dificulties with many other chars...
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
First vid with 1.10 version
King of Dinosaurs combo exhibition
He has not many tools, but we did our best!
King of Dinosaurs combo exhibition
He has not many tools, but we did our best!
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
We keep doing more KOF XIV char specific combo vids:
Antonov combo exhibition:
Antonov combo exhibition:
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Another char that was hard to find stuff with.
KOF XIV King combo exhibition
KOF XIV King combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Sometimes, not very often, you find a char that has more stuff that you thought.
Ralf combo exhibition:
Ralf combo exhibition:
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Some characters have very few combo options and it´s pretty hard to find something new or flashy with them, and Alice is one of them.
We compiled what we found with her and here´s the vid:
KOF XIV Alice combo exhibition
We compiled what we found with her and here´s the vid:
KOF XIV Alice combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
I found more new stuff than I expected, and that´s always nice.
Chin combo exhibition
Chin combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Another char with poor combo options, but here is what we found:
Nakoruru combo exhibition
Nakoruru combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Trying to be give a chance to all chars, even if already somehow explored, we stumble upon Geese, and we think that what we found was worth showing.
KOF XIV Geese combo exhibition
KOF XIV Geese combo exhibition
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Geese is like my favorite character to play, so I really enjoyed that one. It got me thinking though: Is it possible to combo into hop j.HP with a max cancel somehow, and then continue the combo when landing?
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Geese´s jHP has quite a lot of start-up (for a jumping normal) and depending on how it hits it´s harder, or even imposible, to continue the combo after landing. I vaguelly recall trying it with no success.
Maybe, and it´s a big maybe, if max-cancelling a CD attack into a jump C that hits somehow meaty and in the exact frame to re-stand the opponent, one would be able to continue the combo, but the jC wouldn´t probably hit thrice.
I may give it a try later and share the results.
Geese´s jHP has quite a lot of start-up (for a jumping normal) and depending on how it hits it´s harder, or even imposible, to continue the combo after landing. I vaguelly recall trying it with no success.
Maybe, and it´s a big maybe, if max-cancelling a CD attack into a jump C that hits somehow meaty and in the exact frame to re-stand the opponent, one would be able to continue the combo, but the jC wouldn´t probably hit thrice.
I may give it a try later and share the results.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Ok, thanks for the insight!krusan wrote:Thanx.
Geese´s jHP has quite a lot of start-up (for a jumping normal) and depending on how it hits it´s harder, or even imposible, to continue the combo after landing. I vaguelly recall trying it with no success.
Maybe, and it´s a big maybe, if max-cancelling a CD attack into a jump C that hits somehow meaty and in the exact frame to re-stand the opponent, one would be able to continue the combo, but the jC wouldn´t probably hit thrice.
I may give it a try later and share the results.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
And... it was possible!
At the right distance of the corner, and vs Chang, I´ve been able to do the following: CD, max cancell, jC (2hits), sC and then whatever you want.
Do you have KOF XIV? You may want to give it a chance...
At the right distance of the corner, and vs Chang, I´ve been able to do the following: CD, max cancell, jC (2hits), sC and then whatever you want.
Do you have KOF XIV? You may want to give it a chance...
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Nice!krusan wrote:And... it was possible!
At the right distance of the corner, and vs Chang, I´ve been able to do the following: CD, max cancell, jC (2hits), sC and then whatever you want.
Do you have KOF XIV? You may want to give it a chance...
I do, but I really hate working with the CD, so hard to see how you're timing your follow-up wrong sometimes >.< If I had more time I might've done a video, but I'm quite busy with the rest of my life right now, so SFV videos whenever they release a new character will have to do for now.
On the note of Chang, I noticed you can do 4 EX charges into the 3-hit lv.2 jump super in the corner, never saw anyone do that (Maybe because it's too basic? XD). Feel free to use it if you like. Exact set-up is corner, s.LP for spacing, activate 1500 max mode, CH nj.CD, c.C xx (EX Charge)x4 (3-4 hits each), lv.2 Jump. Couldn't land the run or lv.3 super, but maybe you could?
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
That Chang combo is pretty impressive! I´ve never seen it anywhere. Hitting the 3 hits version of his "jump" lvl2 super in combo is not easy, and doing it after so many hits is cool. I can´t get the EX charge more than twice consistently and while doing it 4 times has already been seen, I don´t think the combo is basic because it is a Chang combo we´re talking about.
Max cancelling the CD and "re-stand" the dummy is not SO important IMO. You have to start the combo from a CD attack, and that´s not my favorite way to start a combo. You can get some meaty attacks after it and chain several buttons SF-style, but that´s usually all it offers. As you probably know, it may depend on distance from the corner too.
For combos (for vids, not on real matches) I usually prefer the classic normal-command-max cancel-CD, and then try to find and attack that lets re-stand. That can be hard too, as you said.
I understand your situtation, free time is never enough, but it woudl be really nice to see you doing a KOF CMV. Have you ever done any? I mainly associate you with the SF series and it could bring some fresh air. Even if not finishing combos (whenever it´s posible) with super, advanced or climax cancels (sometimes I prefer to not do it if it doesn´t shows anyting interesting) with about 10 combos you can easily get around the 3 minutes mark.
Thanx for your time.
Max cancelling the CD and "re-stand" the dummy is not SO important IMO. You have to start the combo from a CD attack, and that´s not my favorite way to start a combo. You can get some meaty attacks after it and chain several buttons SF-style, but that´s usually all it offers. As you probably know, it may depend on distance from the corner too.
For combos (for vids, not on real matches) I usually prefer the classic normal-command-max cancel-CD, and then try to find and attack that lets re-stand. That can be hard too, as you said.
I understand your situtation, free time is never enough, but it woudl be really nice to see you doing a KOF CMV. Have you ever done any? I mainly associate you with the SF series and it could bring some fresh air. Even if not finishing combos (whenever it´s posible) with super, advanced or climax cancels (sometimes I prefer to not do it if it doesn´t shows anyting interesting) with about 10 combos you can easily get around the 3 minutes mark.
Thanx for your time.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Never made a video for KoF, no. Played some 13, mainly trials. 14 is more my kind of game though. We'll see, maybe I'll make something with the DLC chars, when the playing field is more even 

Re: KOF XIV combo videos
IMO, day-one vids or ,simply, vids done with the intention of being upload ASAP, can get easilly obsolete and, maybe I´m wrong but, there would be a miriad of those when the DLC chars come out. Of course, there can be good day-one vids too.
I´d like to know about your KOF XIV stuff anyway, just curious. If you don´t want to do a vid, just sharing the clips or writting them, if you want and have the time. I´m not going to steal anything!
Indeed, with chars that I´ve already done a comb vid for, I´m not planning on doing anything else at all, unless there are big balance changes in the future. Only exceptions are Benimaru, Billy and Yuri, whose vids where done before the last great balance patch. So, if you´re going to share something with me, do it only about chars I´ve already done a vid.
Nice to talk with, anyway, as always.
I´d like to know about your KOF XIV stuff anyway, just curious. If you don´t want to do a vid, just sharing the clips or writting them, if you want and have the time. I´m not going to steal anything!

Indeed, with chars that I´ve already done a comb vid for, I´m not planning on doing anything else at all, unless there are big balance changes in the future. Only exceptions are Benimaru, Billy and Yuri, whose vids where done before the last great balance patch. So, if you´re going to share something with me, do it only about chars I´ve already done a vid.
Nice to talk with, anyway, as always.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
I like the scramble to find all the good stuff that happens at day 1, keeps me motivated.
I don't really have much else right now, CD xx QCB+B xx DP+A with Goro made me quite happy, but other than small stuff like that, nothing.
I don't really have much else right now, CD xx QCB+B xx DP+A with Goro made me quite happy, but other than small stuff like that, nothing.
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
One more vid, one less char left.
Luong combo exhibition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ86wnJ7oF4
Lots of juggling!
Luong combo exhibition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ86wnJ7oF4
Lots of juggling!
Re: KOF XIV combo videos
Closer and closer to end our KOF XIV char specific combo series, here´s another one:
K combo exhibition
It´s nice to find a char that allows some creativity without the need to squeeze your brain to the max
K combo exhibition
It´s nice to find a char that allows some creativity without the need to squeeze your brain to the max
Last edited by krusan on Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.