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searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:56 pm
by his1nightmare
If not before already, since the release of the Kirby (Return to Dreamland)-combo video some weeks ago everyone should be thinking of doing/searching/recording combos in games which aren't inside the regular beat 'em up/fighting game-genre providing combo videos usually.

I'm on my way to gather some material of this kind.

Here's a little compilation of Raphael combos from Soul Calibur 2 (inside a video of the worst quality possible); if I end up doing a rather big video in the very end, I will re-record them with a capture card or an emulator:

Here's a little combo from the game Shank, the options are rather limited and this game is everything but flawlessly programmed, but probably I will record some more in the future: ... -56_d.html
I will raise at this point that I have some idiotic audio-recording issues. In matter of Fraps, unless a game allows me to choose the number of channels manually, I can't record sound at all.

Here's a rather old video of mine about Prototype:
(In case you only want to see the interesting stuff, go to 1:45 and watch 2 scenes from there.)

I guess Devil May Cry-videos several of you saw already, however, an example for combos:

I guess I will take a closer look at Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 soon, the game which was made for a single purpose, to give mega-newbies the feeling to be capable of anything in a "fighting" game. I'm one of the people disliking Naruto utterly but the animations are just too - I repeat, TOO - great to not draw my attention to it.
Additionally I recorded some gameplay of another Naruto title quite some time ago, Ultimate Ninja 5 (/Narutimate Accel 2 (jap)):
From 3:00 onward you can watch some chosen clips, including combos.

Overall I'm sure that everything with an animation which is viewtiful enough can be put into an "all-round combo" video, even turn based games like Resonance of Fate.
Or, I dunno, even something like this (TrackMania 2 Canyon):

If anyone has anything to say, has some game-suggestions for me to look at or even probably wants to join this, though it's too early to call it like this, project, he shall comment.

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:08 pm
by Doopliss
If this becomes something, I could do combos in The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai or The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile.

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:31 am
by Pokey86
I made two combo videos for Ninja Gaiden Black. (Well, one combo video, one "stylish gameplay" video)

Never did upload them though.

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:26 am
by Raine
The only game I can think of that fits this is Guardian Heroes HD for XBLA which is a sidescrolling beat-em-up with like 60+ characters. I was gonna make a short vid for it when it came out but I got sick of playing it pretty quick. I should still remember a lot of the combos I had though.

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:51 am
by Persona
I plan on making combo vids for the Tales of series but no idea when I'll be able to, considering that I have to get a lot of skills in each playthrough before I can even attempt to start finding combos.

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:38 am
by Bob_Sagat
Yeah, I recently decided to go back in the past and explore TMNT: Tournament Fighters for the NES, only to find that combos of any kind are literally impossible in that game. You can't even hit anyone when they're dizzied!

Re: searching combos in 'other' games

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:35 am
by his1nightmare
Bob_Sagat lool.

At everyone:

Thanks for the replies guys. Actually I'd have liked to say to everyone record now and record hard, but sadly I'm caught in a vortex in real life right now, being forced to drop projects like this one.
However, if anyone got/gets excited about this idea, or already works on something similar, I'll gladly contribute the things I recorded so far. (includes also some Ninja Storm 2, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Devil May Cry 3 and Street Fighter 3 stuff (SF3 should never be missing imo, the clips are quite worthy too; though it's understandable to not use such mainstream-clips for this very collaboration).

best regards