Request Japanese translations here!
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Still working on this. Haven't had much free time lately... 

Re: Request Japanese translations here!
OK, so you may be thinking, "Why does it take him nearly three weeks to translate a couple of paragraphs?" It's not that it takes me three weeks to translate a couple of paragraphs; it's that it takes me three weeks to amass enough free time to translate a couple of paragraphs. 
(And I don't like giving half-assed translations.)
Anyway, here it is.
It is no exaggeration to say that I put all of my time and my life into this video.
It contains not just combos, but also situational clips.
Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to explain it all to everyone. LOL.
Without that kind of patience, it's really difficult to show just how amazing/complex some this stuff is.
There aren't a lot of Marvel out there players anyway,
so this video is basically just for my own amusement.
It's really hard to see, but over half of this video uses macros.
When programming macros, if A links to B, and B links to C, you're not limited to just link A to B to C.
There's a lot of potential with stuff that requires one-frame links.
From the beginning of a combo to the end, there might be 10 one-frame links.
It's a miracle that these combos exist. They are miracle combos.
And they are done not in training mode, and not with a Game Shark using full health,
but just in regular old Vs. mode starting with full health. They are totally complete.
Thanks to the fact that we now have a way to guarantee a macro will work 100% of the time. LOL. This video would have been impossible without that technique.
There are combos that took me 3 months of trial-and-error to get right.
I especially want to show how much persistence it took to get some of the FSD combos.
If I had to live my life over again, I'd probably make a video to show it all.

(And I don't like giving half-assed translations.)
Anyway, here it is.
It looks like the DVD preview will be uploaded on Preppy's site in just a bit.DVDPreviewですが、近いうちにpreppyのページにアップされるようです。
It is no exaggeration to say that I put all of my time and my life into this video.
It contains not just combos, but also situational clips.
I think there is a large gap in knowledge between combo video makers and your average players.見る側と作る側では大分意識に違いがあると思います。
Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to explain it all to everyone. LOL.
Without that kind of patience, it's really difficult to show just how amazing/complex some this stuff is.
There aren't a lot of Marvel out there players anyway,
so this video is basically just for my own amusement.
You can't tell by watching the video, but programming the macros took a considerable amount of work.動画では見えない努力としてマクロの実装があります。
まあ100%シーケンスを作ったおかげですがw それ以前とは天と地の差です。
It's really hard to see, but over half of this video uses macros.
When programming macros, if A links to B, and B links to C, you're not limited to just link A to B to C.
There's a lot of potential with stuff that requires one-frame links.
From the beginning of a combo to the end, there might be 10 one-frame links.
It's a miracle that these combos exist. They are miracle combos.
And they are done not in training mode, and not with a Game Shark using full health,
but just in regular old Vs. mode starting with full health. They are totally complete.
Thanks to the fact that we now have a way to guarantee a macro will work 100% of the time. LOL. This video would have been impossible without that technique.
I really wish I could show in the video just how much research and trial-and-error is required in the process of creating combos.コンボを作る過程においての分析、考察や試行錯誤なども動画で語りたいですねぇ。
There are combos that took me 3 months of trial-and-error to get right.
I especially want to show how much persistence it took to get some of the FSD combos.
If I had to live my life over again, I'd probably make a video to show it all.
Last edited by NKI on Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:56 am, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Wow. Thank you. That's nuts.
Edit: I'd be up for making videos explaining why his combos are really nuts frame by frame with fake sonicbooms. I don't know if he's up for that though. He'd have to send me his combo transcript to get the full effect of what he did. If I frame-by-frame his stuff I can already notice a lot of things though. *shrug*
Edit: I'd be up for making videos explaining why his combos are really nuts frame by frame with fake sonicbooms. I don't know if he's up for that though. He'd have to send me his combo transcript to get the full effect of what he did. If I frame-by-frame his stuff I can already notice a lot of things though. *shrug*
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
So no response from T-7 huh? Ah well, it was worth a try. Thank you for going through all that trouble sir.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Actually I found him on Mixi, so I might be able to get answers to those questions after all!
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Sweet. All available fingers crossed.
I know you're really busy, but when you have a minute can you look this over and see if there's anything interesting? I don't think it's anything major so you don't have to translate word for word - just a quick summary is more than enough.
I know you're really busy, but when you have a minute can you look this over and see if there's anything interesting? I don't think it's anything major so you don't have to translate word for word - just a quick summary is more than enough.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
I heard back from T-7 in regards to all those questions you had. It'll take me a bit to translate it all, so in the meantime, here's the reply from 538:
I don't really play the newer arcade games
and I don't think I'm going to play SF4 when it's released on console either.
(To be exact, it was Tougeki Damashii Vol. 10.)
But the reason why it took so long for me to reply isn't because I was preoccupied with the article.
I've just simply grown apathetic these days.
That's correct that my computer is busted and I can not make videos. LOL
Once again, I must apologize...I can't speak English at all.私は相も変わらず、英語がからきしダメな奴なのです。申し訳ない。
Just so you know, I've not even played SF4 a single time. LOL念のため触れておくと、私は只の一度もSF4をプレイしてません(笑
I don't really play the newer arcade games
and I don't think I'm going to play SF4 when it's released on console either.
Correct - I was involved with the Tekken 6 article in Arcadia magazine.Arcadia magazineでTekken 6の記事に携わったのは正解です
(厳密には増刊の闘劇魂Vol.10 = Tougeki damasii vol.10)。
(To be exact, it was Tougeki Damashii Vol. 10.)
But the reason why it took so long for me to reply isn't because I was preoccupied with the article.
I've just simply grown apathetic these days.
Unfortunately I'm not able to finish the video.> Yang video
my computerが壊れてvideoが作れない状況なのは正解です(笑
That's correct that my computer is busted and I can not make videos. LOL
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Oh my god !'m bleeding someone call 911 !'m bleeding so many daggers SO MANY DAGGERS!!538 / kysg wrote:Just so you know, I've not even played SF4 a single time.
and I don't think I'm going to play SF4 when it's released on console either.
I've just simply grown apathetic these days.
Unfortunately I'm not able to finish the video.
That's correct that my computer is busted and I can not make videos.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
UUUUUuuugggghhhh...sorry this took so long.
If it's any consolation, T-7 was a LOT nicer than kysg.
1) Did you have any connections with SAI-REC? There is a lot of similarity between your videos and theirs.
After seeing how elegantly SAI-REC pieced together their combos, I think it would be difficult to watch anything less spectacular, so I tried to make my vids at least as good.
In the beginning of my CvS2 DVD, there's a message that says, "Much respect and thanks to my predecessors".
I feel like I need to show the awesomeness of SAI-REC to those who haven't seen it yet.
2) Did you invent the Vega wall jump setup?
At the time when I did it, I had never heard of anyone else using it, so probably I was the first person to use it, but it's not that hard to set up, so maybe somebody else did find it before me.
I don't really concern myself too much with who invented what or whose video style looks like whose.
When watching combo videos, there will naturally be parts that look like somebody else's.
More important than that, if a video is similar to somebody else's, that's a compliment.
However, reselling somebody else's DVD is kinda whack.
3) Did you invent the CvS1 SNK-Groove renda kara cancel into meter charge trick?
I think they did it with Morrigan.
It's been taken a bit further, but they originally used it for chain canceling into specials.
Kyo and other characters can do it too.
4) Are you currently working on any combo video projects?
On my website, there's a link for バグコンボ動画 (combo/glitch vids). Please have a look if you're interested.
5) Since your CvS1 and CvS2 videos are no longer being sold, would you consider posting them (in segments) on youtube?
It will take a little time.
In order to show more people how great CvS is, I may also put it up on YouTube. It's pretty big though, so it might take me a bit.
Please be patient.
If it's any consolation, T-7 was a LOT nicer than kysg.
1) Did you have any connections with SAI-REC? There is a lot of similarity between your videos and theirs.
[No, I had no connection with them.] I was saddened by the fact that SAI-REC had kind of stopped making videos, so I started making my videos in their style, as a tribute, out of appreciation and respect.SAI-RECのビデオが途中で終わっていて残念に思っていたので、SAI-RECに尊敬と感謝の思いをこめて作りました
After seeing how elegantly SAI-REC pieced together their combos, I think it would be difficult to watch anything less spectacular, so I tried to make my vids at least as good.
In the beginning of my CvS2 DVD, there's a message that says, "Much respect and thanks to my predecessors".
I feel like I need to show the awesomeness of SAI-REC to those who haven't seen it yet.
2) Did you invent the Vega wall jump setup?
The set up that was originally done with Mai in CvS1, right?カプエス1では、舞でもやりましたね
At the time when I did it, I had never heard of anyone else using it, so probably I was the first person to use it, but it's not that hard to set up, so maybe somebody else did find it before me.
I don't really concern myself too much with who invented what or whose video style looks like whose.
When watching combo videos, there will naturally be parts that look like somebody else's.
More important than that, if a video is similar to somebody else's, that's a compliment.
However, reselling somebody else's DVD is kinda whack.
3) Did you invent the CvS1 SNK-Groove renda kara cancel into meter charge trick?
That was actually in a CvS1 strategy guide.これは攻略本がありましたね
I think they did it with Morrigan.
It's been taken a bit further, but they originally used it for chain canceling into specials.
Kyo and other characters can do it too.
4) Are you currently working on any combo video projects?
I'm currently working on a KoF XI glitches.KING OF FIGHTERS XIのバグコンボを研究しています
「げえむの部屋」にバグコンボ動画(YOU TUBE)に置いてあるので、よかったら見てください
On my website, there's a link for バグコンボ動画 (combo/glitch vids). Please have a look if you're interested.
5) Since your CvS1 and CvS2 videos are no longer being sold, would you consider posting them (in segments) on youtube?
I may actually start selling them again along with my KoF XI combo/glitch DVD.さっき研究しているKING OF FIGHTERS XIのバグコンボDVDの販売と一緒に、カプエスも再販するかもしれないです
It will take a little time.
In order to show more people how great CvS is, I may also put it up on YouTube. It's pretty big though, so it might take me a bit.
Please be patient.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
It's quite alright sir. I knew that you'd get it translated before my life was tragically ended by a freak airplane accident over the Bermuda Triangle. You see, i had no plans to travel over the Bermuda Triangle and after running the numbers i concluded that the odds of accidentally befriending a group of Bermuda Triangle explorers were relatively low. And so i wasn't worried.
Really interesting what he had to say about his (non-existent) connection with Sai-Rec. I definitely sympathize and felt the same way when they disappeared from the scene. It also explains why his videos are so similar to them in style.
I guess he really did invent the Mai/Vega setup and the renda kara meter charge cancel. I mean i knew about that Morrigan trick from the first Sai-Rec video but adapting it universally to rapid fire weak attacks still seems like a significant step forward to me. Anyway i wondered if maybe one of these ideas had come from unreleased Sai-Rec material or conversations with those guys, but after reading his responses i guess it's safe to assume that he's pretty much a loner. Cool.
It's crazy that he actually brings up the selling of other people's DVDs. Does that really happen? The thought never even occurred to me, but that shit is definitely helluva whack if it's anywhere near widespread.
Kinda bummed that he's still obsessed with KoF XI glitches, but hopefully he'll get inspired to capture some more CvS2 stuff once he sees all the positive feedback that uploading his CvS vids will undoubtedly generate.
Thank you sir! I definitely owe you lunch at next Evo or something.
Really interesting what he had to say about his (non-existent) connection with Sai-Rec. I definitely sympathize and felt the same way when they disappeared from the scene. It also explains why his videos are so similar to them in style.
I guess he really did invent the Mai/Vega setup and the renda kara meter charge cancel. I mean i knew about that Morrigan trick from the first Sai-Rec video but adapting it universally to rapid fire weak attacks still seems like a significant step forward to me. Anyway i wondered if maybe one of these ideas had come from unreleased Sai-Rec material or conversations with those guys, but after reading his responses i guess it's safe to assume that he's pretty much a loner. Cool.
It's crazy that he actually brings up the selling of other people's DVDs. Does that really happen? The thought never even occurred to me, but that shit is definitely helluva whack if it's anywhere near widespread.
Kinda bummed that he's still obsessed with KoF XI glitches, but hopefully he'll get inspired to capture some more CvS2 stuff once he sees all the positive feedback that uploading his CvS vids will undoubtedly generate.
Thank you sir! I definitely owe you lunch at next Evo or something.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
I'm not sure whether or not people actually resell combo DVD's, but I'm assuming so. I don't know why else he would've mentioned that. [shrug]
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Wait a minute ... didn't you fools used to run an underground TZW tape black market operation? Someday i would love to get a list of shady Street Fighter related transactions that watts has participated in. If he ever agrees to do an interview with dog-face, we're definitely asking him.
So yeah, um, i guess just write T-7 a quick thank you note like, "Thank you for answering my questions. I understand your videos better now. I felt the same way when Sai-Rec disappeared."
I wonder if those fools have a forum like this one where they all post links to their videos and give feedback and such. I wouldn't mind creating an international subforum if a few of them wanna join here. Think it's worth asking? We would need at least two Japanese combo video makers to join cuz otherwise one guy is going to end up talking to himself all the time and that would be sad to watch. It wouldn't even bother me if i didn't understand what they were talking about 99% of the time. It would just be nice to have them close enough to where at least we'd hear about their major video releases whereas now it's kinda 50/50.
So yeah, um, i guess just write T-7 a quick thank you note like, "Thank you for answering my questions. I understand your videos better now. I felt the same way when Sai-Rec disappeared."
I wonder if those fools have a forum like this one where they all post links to their videos and give feedback and such. I wouldn't mind creating an international subforum if a few of them wanna join here. Think it's worth asking? We would need at least two Japanese combo video makers to join cuz otherwise one guy is going to end up talking to himself all the time and that would be sad to watch. It wouldn't even bother me if i didn't understand what they were talking about 99% of the time. It would just be nice to have them close enough to where at least we'd hear about their major video releases whereas now it's kinda 50/50.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Hrm...I'm not really sure. It seems like they have no sense of community over there. I could be wrong, but it's like each person is in his own little world. I've never seen the Japanese equivalent to gamecombos.com, or sonichurricane.com, or any kind of video site. <shrug>
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Guess we can mull it over for a few days and then decide whether it's worth the effort. The glaring absence of Japanese HDR combo videos is alarming.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Don't most communications over there happen via discussion threads on 2chan, blogs, and similar places?
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Maj - Besides T-Akiba, I honestly don't think anyone is playing it. Most of those fools don't own any consoles.
Xenozip. - I dunno. Can you point me to a few threads/blogs to check out?
Xenozip. - I dunno. Can you point me to a few threads/blogs to check out?
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
There's an entire sub-board for fighting games on 2chan http://www.2chan.net/
I know most fighting games get discussed marginally there, but since I'm unable to read Japanese I don't really keep track of what is what. There's threads for match making and threads for tech and threads for matchups regarding IaMP, but I never looked into the other games.
There's also 2chan clones that are similar to 2chan, except they are just singular threads or a heap of threads. But they are pretty random. Usually I see those because they embed a youtube video in the thread (and youtube catches the embed link and refers to the thread url) and discuss the video or other random shit. I can't figure out what the purpose of those threads are and why they don't just use 2chan, except maybe these are people banned/suspended from 2chan.
Aside from that, I'm certain most people use IRC for discussion. The majority of the IaMP players are definitely on IRC. So all information/tech flows within the community live, either on IRC or 2chan threads, and occasionally finds it's way to wiki pages.
Regarding blogs, umm..
DARK http://kasayama2007.blog82.fc2.com/
http://kansaitaikai.hp.infoseek.co.jp/k ... imusou/ex/
Also this thread links like a ton of sites and blogs http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/game/3813/stora ... 16598.html
I seemed to have lost Hayao's blog url.
I know most fighting games get discussed marginally there, but since I'm unable to read Japanese I don't really keep track of what is what. There's threads for match making and threads for tech and threads for matchups regarding IaMP, but I never looked into the other games.
There's also 2chan clones that are similar to 2chan, except they are just singular threads or a heap of threads. But they are pretty random. Usually I see those because they embed a youtube video in the thread (and youtube catches the embed link and refers to the thread url) and discuss the video or other random shit. I can't figure out what the purpose of those threads are and why they don't just use 2chan, except maybe these are people banned/suspended from 2chan.
Aside from that, I'm certain most people use IRC for discussion. The majority of the IaMP players are definitely on IRC. So all information/tech flows within the community live, either on IRC or 2chan threads, and occasionally finds it's way to wiki pages.
Regarding blogs, umm..
DARK http://kasayama2007.blog82.fc2.com/
http://kansaitaikai.hp.infoseek.co.jp/k ... imusou/ex/
Also this thread links like a ton of sites and blogs http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/game/3813/stora ... 16598.html
I seemed to have lost Hayao's blog url.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Xenozip. wrote: I seemed to have lost Hayao's blog url.

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Re: Request Japanese translations here!
I doubt it'll get translated here. But I was wondering what it was saying on the top half of this ad poster?
http://web.archive.org/web/200104190922 ... x2ex1.html
I'm hoping that it is the requirements to fight against Kairi and Shadowgeist as secret end bosses but I honestly have no clue.
edit nevermind, asked nekki to translate it quickly. its just the method to unlock those two characters not to play against.
http://web.archive.org/web/200104190922 ... x2ex1.html
I'm hoping that it is the requirements to fight against Kairi and Shadowgeist as secret end bosses but I honestly have no clue.
edit nevermind, asked nekki to translate it quickly. its just the method to unlock those two characters not to play against.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Mind translating what adakino wrote about my Ryu (Liu?) vid when you have time? He makes crazy good videos for various SNK games as well as random 3D games i've never seen nor heard of.
Btw i dunno if you've seen desk's Remix Combos One vid but i just remembered that it already covered the Honda juggle setup you mentioned at Evo. I tried briefly to imitate it with Guile, but didn't have any luck. HDR still has some dope glitches though.
Btw i dunno if you've seen desk's Remix Combos One vid but i just remembered that it already covered the Honda juggle setup you mentioned at Evo. I tried briefly to imitate it with Guile, but didn't have any luck. HDR still has some dope glitches though.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
He said that it's Maj's new full combo movie, and that it has dedication to the combos and that the stylish editing is the best...(<-- not totally sure about the word order, threw me off, but things like "dedicated" could be read as "absorbed", meaning the viewer was absorbed with your video. either way it's a big compliment.) He then tells the reader about it, saying that it comprises Ryu from SF1 to 4, and that it's awesome, and the best Ryu combo movie to date.Maj wrote:Mind translating what adakino wrote about my Ryu (Liu?) vid when you have time? He makes crazy good videos for various SNK games as well as random 3D games i've never seen nor heard of.
Btw i dunno if you've seen desk's Remix Combos One vid but i just remembered that it already covered the Honda juggle setup you mentioned at Evo. I tried briefly to imitate it with Guile, but didn't have any luck. HDR still has some dope glitches though.
The last line is "I want to make combo movies like this".
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!
I've finally found the arcade board that I've been looking for and its on sale in japan but I can't seem to figure out how to purchase it... any ideas?
I put in my info
message but it won't post
any idea how to go about getting this? Admitively its pricey but I don't want to lose this chance as the game gets rarer and rarer.
I put in my info
message but it won't post
any idea how to go about getting this? Admitively its pricey but I don't want to lose this chance as the game gets rarer and rarer.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
Did you write in Japanese or English? I tried putting "test" in all the fields and the error didn't seem to like that I wasn't using characters. So, since I still don't have Jap. typing installed on this computer again, I copied and pasted the Japanese text into the fields, and it worked. You can see my comment, it says (in Japanese) "mail address" posted by "name (required entry" 'since I just copied what was already there....I'm sure they don't appreciate me cluttering up the damn thing, but there you go.
So I think you're gonna need someone to put your requests in Japanese...
So I think you're gonna need someone to put your requests in Japanese...
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!
yea, now I need to try and remember what service preppy used to help me get those ascii pads, if the guy is still in business for that matter. though I suppose any japan to usa service will do :-
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
He told me to use Masato Internet World-Wide Service back when i was buying my ppads. Someone told me about a less expensive service which i used to buy a couple of combo DVDs, but i forgot the name. You're probably right though, most of the ones that are still in business will do.
Another thing you can try is writing your message in English and throwing in some random Japanese letters at the end. Run "thanks" through an online translator or something. That's what i do when i want to post on a Japanese BBS which has that restriction.
Another thing you can try is writing your message in English and throwing in some random Japanese letters at the end. Run "thanks" through an online translator or something. That's what i do when i want to post on a Japanese BBS which has that restriction.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
How do you say "Enjoy." in Japanese? I tried running it through an online translator which gave me "楽しんでいます。" but that translates back to "It enjoys it." which is kind of the same but also not quite the same and also nonsense.
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
I asked my tf2-player friend how to say "Enjoy" as in I link them to a video then I say to them "enjoy"
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
You're both correct, they both make sense, but have different applications.Magnetro wrote:I asked my tf2-player friend how to say "Enjoy" as in I link them to a video then I say to them "enjoy"
Magnetro, what you typed up there is a command, like, as you put it, asking someone to enjoy. it's not super polite, but when telling someone to enjoy something, politeness isn't that important - and it's the internet.
maj, what you put is "one enjoys oneself" or "one has fun" and it can be first person, third person, 2nd person, whatever. it's also present-progressive, meaning it's going on presently, instead of "i have fun"...
as in "i'm/she's/he's/you're enjoying myself/herself/his self/yourself" or "i'm/she's/he's/you're having fun."
Re: Request Japanese translations here!
What about Tanoshijanai, would it be something like "isn't it enjoyable/fun"?
Or rather, what would be the casual way to ask if something seems fun/enjoyable?
Or rather, what would be the casual way to ask if something seems fun/enjoyable?
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.