Are you self-conscious about your videos?

video previews, releases, and feedback

Do you worry?

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Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Magnetro »

I'm curious to know how many people here worry or spend a lot of time thinking of what other people (SonicHurricane and non-SonicHurricane) think about the videos you put out. This topic is inspired by a conversation I had with James Chen a while ago. It's an interesting topic to post on here since most if not all the people here have made at least one video in their 'career'.I dunno if the results will vary. My guess is that most of you guys used to worry but you stopped caring after a while. If you really like making videos for the particular game you enjoy the most, then you should constantly be having ideas (editing and content) for videos. Which means you shouldn't be so self-conscious about how others will react since you're so concentrated on making it "perfect" to you.

If anyone is curious about how joo, is, keep reading, if not skip to the next paragraph. I asked him some questions about what he though of others' opinions on his the Vol series. The short answer is, Japanese understand and appreciate it much much more than Americans (haha, ain't that the truth), but first and foremost, he makes them for himself to enjoy since he knows it's lonely at the top (ain't that the truth). His Vol series isn't his best work, those are just videos he makes 'cause he wants to have content out. His best work is yet to be seen, so that goes to show you he's really 'in touch with himself' about what he thinks is good/great to him. Scary. He's really passionate about combos and he told me I should have a zealous attitude when it comes to playing MvC2 to find new stuff. ^_^. Interesting. I'm curious to know how other Japanese person's mentality on this stuff though, it seems like their mentality is pretty much the same as it is here, perhaps there are some neat differences though.

Anyway, I personally don't worry about what others on SRK or other places (that aren't here) think about the stuff I've made. If I worried, I don't think I would have gone through with the Dhalsim DVD. After all, it's a giant tutorial about a low-tier character that will never get play. Hehe. As far as combovideos and other stuff, I don't really think about it most of the time since almost no one 'gets' the videos and the standard for combos/non-tutorial content is ridiculously high nowadays. So at this point it's just a competition with joo. My Magneto video has gotten like 400,000 hits since it came out. I really liked they way it turned out when I made it 2 or 3 years ago, but looking back on it, I really don't like it at all. I think it is mostly because it had a lot of the same things over and over, well, with slight variations. So it wasn't creative and now that I know the game more, I coulda done way more stuff with it. The wost thing about it is that it's wayyy more popular than anything else that I've done...and I've put more effort into everything POST-MagnetoVideo. So I'm really bitter and pessimistic about the general public when it comes to content. As for SH, there are a lot of great combovideo people here that can tell when a video is good all around even if they don't understand the content. I'm self-conscious here since MOST of the time it has to do with the flow of a video or the editing style more than the content. Other times, the content (which goes over a lot of people's head) and the editing SEEM like they don't match up but, to marvel players (like 4 of you) it might be different.
Last edited by Magnetro on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vidness »

I would be lying if I said I didn't care what people think. But I know the game and mechanics such that I know that if something hadn't been done before.

Triple assist, unrollables setups, jump-mode changing moves...

I just like showcasing stuff that wasn't shown in other videos. I guess that's why I haven't come out with anything in so many years...I mean, there are some cute things I've discovered since my last vid, but I don't deem them worthy for world view.

Check out Prep's site for 'Vidness' and check out the mega* stuff. Do I make a full video and put those in it? Or is just one of them enough? Who knows....
It was greed that killed him...
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Post by jchensor »

When the 2-Hit Combo debuted at Evo, I almost went into shock from all the nervousness and fear I felt. I was literally crouched into a ball on the floor, nervous as all hell (well, given previous events in the weekend, I was already sort of on edge). After it was all over, I think my stomach hurt from nerves all the way up until the point where Diago parried Justin's super. Then I was happy again.

But I'm very self-conscious about my videos. I think just about everyone here is. It's very apparent that most of us are of the same mindset here, and that we put all of our blood, sweat, and tears into these things. We've all been up until 3:00 trying to record the perfect version of the combo. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care. And if we care, it's hard NOT to be self-conscious about your video. Not all of us can be Michael Bay and completely not give a rat's ass about what your audience thinks and still be happy with your end result. Effing Michael Bay. Grrrrrrr.... But that's for another day...

But yeah, when you create, you generally create for two reasons: for artistic purposes and for approval from your audience. Everyone prioritizes the two in different amounts. But to truly be not worried about your audiences' reaction, you really have to only make your video for artistic purposes (and by artistic, I refer to craft. So making the most clear and helpful tutorial vid you can is being artistic). If you are creating a video for neither artistic purposes nor for audience approval, then you can only be making it for practice for a future of those two purposes.

- James
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Post by Magnetro »

jchensor wrote:When the 2-Hit Combo debuted at Evo, I almost went into shock from all the nervousness and fear I felt. I was literally crouched into a ball on the floor, nervous as all hell (well, given previous events in the weekend, I was already sort of on edge). After it was all over, I think my stomach hurt from nerves all the way up until the point where Diago parried Justin's super. Then I was happy again.
I don't get why you'd be so nervous, weren't you happy the way the video turned out? Or were you just nervous that people would "BOO!!" the video? If you were worried that people would not like it, it would be because they just didn't like the idea of a whole video full of 2-hit combos...or how it was presented?
jchensor wrote:But I'm very self-conscious about my videos. I think just about everyone here is. It's very apparent that most of us are of the same mindset here, and that we put all of our blood, sweat, and tears into these things. We've all been up until 3:00 trying to record the perfect version of the combo. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care. And if we care, it's hard NOT to be self-conscious about your video. Not all of us can be Michael Bay and completely not give a rat's ass about what your audience thinks and still be happy with your end result. Effing Michael Bay. Grrrrrrr.... But that's for another day...
Hehe, I think it is exactly the opposite, if you put so much time into it and you're happy with your result (ode to the 2hit combo) then you shouldn't worry. I had to look up Michael Bay to see what you meant, my guess is that you don't like the way the movie was made and you feel that you can tell him where he went wrong but he wouldn't care? Hm, this relates to me and whoever else shares my views in a funny way, I guess there is a difference between being open minded about changing portions of your work and being Michael Bay-lk.
jchensor wrote: But yeah, when you create, you generally create for two reasons: for artistic purposes and for approval from your audience. Everyone prioritizes the two in different amounts. But to truly be not worried about your audiences' reaction, you really have to only make your video for artistic purposes (and by artistic, I refer to craft. So making the most clear and helpful tutorial vid you can is being artistic). If you are creating a video for neither artistic purposes nor for audience approval, then you can only be making it for practice for a future of those two purposes.
I like seeing different styles of editing to present a video, it's neat to see how people use the editing in their video to accentuate the content that they're using for whatever game it may be. For instance, in Powerstrike (presented by RX) there was a lot of black and white effect used on particular bits of the combo to show something old, and during the parts where the character would dizzy, the clip would fade out and back in where the combo continued. Those effects really helped in keeping the video moving.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Only to a certain point. I embrace laziness in my everyday lifestyle to possibly unhealthy extremes, so it's hard to be totally self-conscious about my videos.

If I review some of my videos (which I occasionally do) and see something aesthetic or editing-wise I could have done then I instead allow lazy to win, and I just don't give a rats ass -- "At the time I was too lazy to add or edit this, and I'm certainly too lazy to edit it now".

On the other hand, if I notice something content-wise that's subpar or suboptimal or technically incorrect like a combo that could have been air-teched in SFA3 my head basically explodes and I suffer from massive guilt and angst and embarrassment.

... but I'm still too lazy to fix it.


But honestly, priority wise, the videos I create are for :
1) me
2) my brother
3) my friends
4) my net friends
5) hardcore fans
6) ... very very distant 6th, the public

So really I only have myself to blame when I release something with imperfections, but on the other hand I only truely have myself to impress and dazzle so it's hard to really beat myself up over things.

Also, I think like a lawyer and a bureaucrat -- I may not be right, but everyone else in the universe and their mother are technically incorrect and I can argue to prove it.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by ZenFire »

I need validation more than anything. I'm a shitty/sub-par player because I lack certain essentail skills. So making a video is the only way I can get attention and moderate respect with regards to fighting games. I'm being way to honest, but anyway... I'm also an enormous fanboy. A Closer Look at King was a labor of love. It's truely wonderful to discover/find things for yourself without having people spoon-feed it to you. I don't care if I wasn't the first on earth to figure it out, as long as I found it out for myself. Few things compare to finding something for your unpopular character and then showing that "hey, it works and it's practical". Even though I lose more than I win, I consider myself to be a better 'player' than most of the ppl I play against here in Holland, because none of them invest as much time into gathering info and uncovering new useful tactics. Too bad that doesn't count for shit outside making videos that only reach a handful of ppl. Does the insecurity gleam too brightly?
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Post by Magnetro »

Last edited by Magnetro on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maj »

Usually my videos are catered towards a very specific audience and those are the only people i'm interested in impressing. Most of the combo vids i've made fall into that category. Tutorials are another story though, cuz those are aimed towards the general public. So far the only full tutorial i've made is that old CvS2 Guile Tactics vid. Other than that i made a bunch of short glitch vids highlighting one thing, and those are generally pretty accessible. I mean, i try to show the setups and try to explain everything on my website.

The combo vids though ... it's nice when anonymous people dig it cuz i'm always happy to contribute something to the community, but at the end of the day the only opinions i really care about belong to people who have earned my respect. It's not exactly a small number of people, but it's certainly a small percentage of the fighting game community (and even a smaller percentage of the internet as a whole).

I don't show my videos to my family or my friends or my coworkers or anyone else outside the fighting game circle. I never try to get those two groups to mix. Sometimes i'll post a video on some random forum on a vaguely related topic simply to get more people to notice fighting games, but that's about it. I guess it's the same thing as when one of my videos gets posted on youtube. Sometimes i get bored and read through those comments but it's very rare to find an insightful one. Winning internet popularity contests has never been a goal for me.

To answer the first question, i do try to make my vids as polished as possible within the time frame that i have to work with. But once they are released, i focus more on explaining how i did everything. By the time i get done doing that, i've already moved on to something else. Old videos are old. Of course they're going to be more ghetto, both in terms of content as well as editing. No sense in worrying about those or wishing they were better. It's actually kind of cool to see how my understanding of the games grew over time.
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Post by jchensor »

Magnetro wrote:I don't get why you'd be so nervous, weren't you happy the way the video turned out? Or were you just nervous that people would "BOO!!" the video? If you were worried that people would not like it, it would be because they just didn't like the idea of a whole video full of 2-hit combos...or how it was presented?
I finished the video about three days before it premiered. It was 22 minutes long. It was gonna be shown in front of a live audience who have never seen it before and I was gonna be in the room. It's a video full of nothing but 2-HIT COMBOS. Videos up to that point had usually been about making the BEST combos possible, not the worst. I mean, there was soooooooo much potential for it to be a disaster. In fact, when Wiz's computer messed up part way through and the video stopped right before the credits, I told Wizard it was okay, and to just let it go 'cause I kinda just wanted the moment to end and it felt like the video had lasted for so long already.
Magnetro wrote:Hehe, I think it is exactly the opposite, if you put so much time into it and you're happy with your result (ode to the 2hit combo) then you shouldn't worry.
That's the proper way to feel, yeah, I agree. But honestly, I worked on that thing for 2+ years. If people hated it, it would feel a bit of a letdown.
Magnetro wrote:I had to look up Michael Bay to see what you meant, my guess is that you don't like the way the movie was made and you feel that you can tell him where he went wrong but he wouldn't care?
He was quoted in an interview as saying, "Everyone could want the house to be painted white, but I'll paint it green anyway" in reference to the fact that he doesn't give a shit about what others say, and will do things his way. Which is fine, until he RUINS MY ENTIRE CHILDHOOD.

- James
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Interview with ThongboyBebop straight from Combovideo Prison

Post by Magnetro »

Interview with TBB:

The Kuroyume: I'll be as honest as possible, which means it's kind of fucked up, haha
The Kuroyume: When I make a video, I know almost exactly what I want and what I expect it to do
The Kuroyume: I think my tutorials work because I understand who I'm making it for as well or better than anyone who makes video
The Kuroyume: And because the type of videos I make are for a broad audience, that means I have to obsess over every detail.
The Kuroyume: But when it's done, it's done
The Kuroyume: I never think about a video again after it's complete. I do that before and during the process. By the end if I didn't accomplish what I set out to do then I've wasted my time
MAgnetro2k: So after your videos are released, what do you do?
The Kuroyume: I move on
The Kuroyume: It's not like I get to release it a second time
The Kuroyume: I just assume it's perfect. Seriously.

The Kuroyume:
"If you don't believe you're making the best video ever every single time, you shouldn't bother."
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Maj »

Do any of you guys get mildly annoyed at mistakes that slipped through the cracks into your older videos?

CvS2 Chun Li Strategy Guide
- at 0:52, it took me so long to get that double dodge timing right that the scrubby/sloppy followup is easily the ugliest thing i've ever recorded
- at 1:06, entire sequence took forever to record so i decided to end with the easiest Chun combo of all time (B+MP xx super) and of course fucked it up
- at 2:12, random whiffed HK Flash Kick? really? amateur hour

CvS2 Random Awkward Craziness
- at 1:06, i know i didn't have auto-CA enabled but i did have autoblock enabled, which doesn't affect the combo but it did make my life easier; should've gotten that damn HK Flash Kick to register as a lvl2 cancel so it would have juggled too
- at 4:40, would it have killed me to jump or dodge with purple Rolento in order to prevent him stepping forward? ugh

CvS2 Guile Exhibition (Revised)
- at 0:15, P-Guile parries Psycho Crusher twice before connecting s.HP xx FK super, which should be possible with a program pad. But that shit took me like seven hellishly tiring hours to record so i'm not 100% sure that i didn't accidentally have autoparry enabled when i finally got it. I kept waiting for someone to call me out on it back when i didn't quite understand why it worked, but nobody ever did.
- at 0:25, again no automatic Counter Attack but autoblock was enabled to keep me sane since it took me like two days to record
- at 2:22, i kinda wish i had tried a second lvl1 FK super at the end of the first combo, even if it had too much startup to connect

CvS2 Evil Ryu Air Hurricane Kick Setups
- in the first clip, E.Ryu is supposed to teleport behind Iori's reversal LP DP and punish, but i took too damn long and Iori fully recovered

SF? Guile Exhibition (Evo2k7 Edition Trailer)
- misspelled "legitimate" ... fack!

Also my oldest clips were recorded onto VHS tapes first and then captured. But since my VCR only had mono audio input/output and i had no idea what i was doing in Premiere, a lot of those old combovids have game sound coming out of the left speaker only. Very annoying if you try to use headphones.
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Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Magnetro »

First off, sorry Maj, I think this topic came up before, but I couldn't find it.

So this is something I've been thinking about a lot these days. The basic question is "Do you seriously care what people think of your videos?" This question has different meanings to different people. For instance, someone who is brand new to the video making world might have more feelings about what others think of their video. On the other hand, some people who've been at it for a while only care what SOME people think. And finally, there are the people who do not care whatsoever because they're perfectly content with their final work.

When I ask if someone seriously cares about what people think, I feel that it's necessary to list the audience:

*People whose opinion matters for whatever reason. It can be about editing, the content in the video or anything else.

*Somewhat knowledgeable people (regarding combos & editing)


So, in my opinion, you can either think that it's important and you care equally, you care in tiers, or you don't care at all equally. Maybe I'm missing an option.

Anyway, I think I've fallen into the last category because I can safely say that when I make a combo or situation video, I wouldn't have put it out unless I was happy with it. I think it has to do with being a perfectionist -- if you put a lot of time and effort into one portion of the video (eg: combos), then, to me anyway, it's only logical that you'd put your best effort into editing it and piecing it together. Unless the editing isn't something you care about.

As for what kind of content goes into it, my thing is: my taste for what's cool is unique -- I've talked to Joo a lot about this. He and I simply cannot meet eye to eye with what we think is interesting for a combo. Since he and I are the only people who make Marvel vs. Capcom 2 combo videos still, there isn't anyone else with whom I can talk to about the complexity of Marvel2. Thusly, the content is something that I'm happy with, so there is no point in caring what other people thought about it. I mean, sure if someone knowledgeable likes it, that's cool, but no one is going to get all of it (maybe joo, but he doesn't like the style behind the content I make). What I do and where I'm at is so special, there isn't anything you can do to get people to understand it or try to make some for themselves. All the people who would have wanted to make programmable controller assisted Marvel vs. Capcom 2 combo videos have already tried it. So for me, the only person left is Joo, and like I said, he and I have drastically different opinions of what's cool. I like his combos and I think they're amazing, but ultimately, I would rather make different kind of content than he does.

So, do you care about what people think of your videos?
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by CPS2 »

I am very new to this, and have been wondering lately "what is a good combo?" Basically I'm not to happy with much of what I make, and am only starting to get a sense of how many ideas can go into one combo, which means how many smaller ideas you can "throw away" before combining them into something good. Sometimes an idea will hit be out of the blue, and it can turn into a high damage, high hit count combo, but it can still end up boring.

To sum it up tho, the main people who I care what they think, are combovid makers and top tourney players from my area. Youtube, random blog comments, definitely not. You probably get to a point where you do it for your own satisfaction, but I'm definitely not there yet, still trying to figure out what I like.
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Doopliss »

Basically, I don't care what people think of my videos if they haven't played the game, or if they're not good enough to understand what's going on.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Raine »

Hmm I pay no attention to the stereotypical moronic youtube/eventhubs style comments as those people aren't worth wasting time thinking about. I do respect the opinion of those who understand what combomaking is about, or people who understand the depth of that particular game even if I don't agree with what they have to say. I must say I enjoy hearing positive comments from those that don't actually understand the depth of the combo, but can still appreciate the aesthetics of it. Ultimately I make combos for my own curiosity and desire to explore undiscovered aspects of a fighting game system. If people enjoy what I make, that's a bonus.
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Xenozip. »

Magnetro wrote:So, do you care about what people think of your videos?
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by error1 »

I guess I do, I mean if some random u2ber said "omg that combo waz gr8 but it needz mor dan" I would probably put some more Dan in it. That said the only negative response I ever get ( and I get it in numbers that surprise me ) is
"damn i just notice on the bottom it says tool assisted =[ "
"Hmm, can someone explain what exactly "tool assisted" is? Does it mean the hit stun last longer? Or the range of attacks?"
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Smileymike101 »

You should have said: Tool-assist means i called Daigo to come help me with the combos, because he has Daigo execution bro.
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Re: Do you care what people think about your videos?

Post by Magnetro »

CPS2 wrote:I am very new to this, and have been wondering lately "what is a good combo?" Basically I'm not to happy with much of what I make, and am only starting to get a sense of how many ideas can go into one combo, which means how many smaller ideas you can "throw away" before combining them into something good. Sometimes an idea will hit be out of the blue, and it can turn into a high damage, high hit count combo, but it can still end up boring.

To sum it up tho, the main people who I care what they think, are combovid makers and top tourney players from my area. Youtube, random blog comments, definitely not. You probably get to a point where you do it for your own satisfaction, but I'm definitely not there yet, still trying to figure out what I like.
Well, it's up to you to find what you think is interesting in a combo. The more you fine tune something, the less your audience will get it, imo. Nowadays with the Youtube generation, there are a lot of people who are experiencing a different atmosphere in terms of criticism. You know, it's not longer SRK/GameCombos or any of that, it's random kids on Youtube -- that's why I think this place is so helpful, it's the last forum for combovideos that hasn't been run over by Gamefaqs or Youtube kids.

One thing I don't quite understand myself is, how do you find personal satisfaction to be the last and only source of criticism you care about? It took me a long time cause 1) no one but joo plays marvel at my level 2) joo has a different opinion of what's interesting. So if there is anyone else who feels the same way, what made you feel that way?
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Pokey86 »

EDIT - WOW! Sometimes i just don't realise how long i've been typing for.

It has aklways intrigued me this subject, as in general i have mixed views on the whole subject. & personally in my path in all this is relates to more than just combo videos. I happpen to have the sad status as something of a forum addict. To date i've signed up to more than what might be considered healthy :P. In general i've only ever really been a regular on 3 of them (IGN DMC Board - First one i ever went on, Iberian Warriors & lately SRK & Gameraplays) However whether or not people care about response to there video is a given to me, if you upload it to a worldwide audience, however small it is, you care about response to your video.

Personally i do make videos for my own personal satisfaction, not entirely, comments & discussion regarding it can sometimes exceed that viewpoint depending on the video i'm making. In terms of my own play i've never done tool-assistance, nothing against it, i simply don't know how to do it, so if someone disregards my gameplay i can feel a bit irked. This is entirely dependant on the video, the response & where the response originates. 90% of youtube comments, good or bad i generally disregard because 99% of the people checking your vids on youtube are horribly inexperienced in whatever game your showcasing. To datye my catalogue of videos stands as.


In general i take responses from knewledgable people seriously, youtube, gametrailers & the like i don't care much, alot of my videos have only ever been uploaded to dedicated fan-forums & haven't seen the light of youtube unless someone else uploaded them, often without my consent.


Devil May Cry & my obsession with it

I would like to think, as i started early in DMC i was one of the more well known combo makers for this game, people later excelled me in skill & execution but because i was one of the "old ones" i had a great advantage in being remembered, there was more to discover & i along with others had the advantage of being able to discover them. In later times when all new tricks & mechanics have been exhausted & all you are left with is 4refining old tricks, it becomes harder to be known.[/tl;dr]

Welcome Chaos: It's funny, i almost never uploaded my videos on to youtube because i'm not fond of viewers who do not fully understand/appreciate the mechanics or tricks being performed. But alot always seem to find a way to. This video was almost purely made in the shadow of what could be considered the defining combo video of Devil May Cry 3, a video called Hell Sloth Is Dead. (allegedly made by a dude called Prince of Devils) That said if you've even played DMC3 this combo video will appeal to you, it's perfectly crafted the combos are great it shows exceptional skill some great doppelganger tactics & overall it's a worthy defining video for DMC, if anyone ever got recommended a video to watch it was this. Much to some peoples irritation personally i have no qualms given people credit. HSID is without a doubt the defining DMC3 combo video imo.

Welcome chaos is the first video ever made & had alot of faults with it. For one i was playing using a Dazzle DVC90 on my comp, which ran for 3 minutes smoothly while recording before having some horrible lag issues, not to mention when recording it had no sound (playback had sound) i spend a massive effort on this video, but moreso working through kins than actual gameplay. & i'll admit i made this video as a simple shadow to the recently released HSID at the time. Because of that i got alot of "It's good, but Have you seen/It's not as good as HSID. I can understand how people would get annoyed about that, if every SF video ever made was compared to Daigo/Mago/Momochi/Eita/Justin then 99% of SF videos would be shit on all day. but in this regard it was, & it was made purely for that purpose.

[tl;dr]I never admitted that at the time but i'll admit it now without prejudice. It was my first video & i was eager to get a response.[/tl;dr]

Twosometime This was a more refined video, i uploaded this to youtube on request. The thing that makes this special was comments where the least of my concerns, i'd made only about 3 videos beforehand so i was still very rough on editting & devotion to creating a perfect video. At this stage on DMC no one used Doppelganger (A style in which you conjur up a second character, controlled by the same controller) It had a great few kinks that allowed you to manipulate the second character to a small degree. I took the time to learn & incorperate this.

But sadly i was nion the only person to do this, so in terms of comments i was the only one who understood what was going on. Yeah i got praise for it because controlling 2 people with one controller is like "l33t Proz" but really doing things with doppel that `looked` flashy you could just activate, push R2 then Mash R1 + / all day. The only times where the video was referenced by a particular combo, was on say the first combo were you clearly see a Rising Dragon being performed & the enemy being cought mid air with Beowulfs Hyper Fist - Or during the Nevan Cerberus combo where mechanically i'm not doing much but so much is going on but it must be hard shit to do.

To this day there is really only 3/4 people out of the entire community i would take gameplay comments in to consideration regarding doppelganger, & i'd like to think those felt the same to me as well, someone else did make a doppelganger combo video & i did write a very detailed response in regard to it, it was also a very good video. (in the end there are about 2 DG combo videos to date, nolifekings duel & mine.

[tl;dr]This was a video for self indugence/self improvement, i'd say there has never been another video i've made to date where i have cared less about comments[/tl;dr]

Writtent Walkthroughs/Guides - I've made plenty of guides, my "beating DMD Hard Way & cheap Way" guide aimed at new DMD starters or people just wanting to mix it up, this was also the first guide i had written, it was aimed at people new to DMC's hardest difficulty & simply a walkthrough on the easiest ways people could get through difficult things, with a twist because i don't like making exacts of other peoples stuff. in the end i regretted putting my e-mail address up as i got loads of responses in regards to annnoying questions, all of which could could have been answered by "Just practice more" At this stage you must remember you will innevitably get very youb people watching vids/reading guides as well as mature people, so this kind of thing is innevitable. At a later date i wrote up a SS guide, to get through the whole game on DMD with a SS rank for every level, this took alot of time to research & write up, i spent ages on this & sadly, only ever got 1 good e-mail, i did learn from my pasty mistakes & made an alt e-mail address to so i didn't get my main accoutn spammed with daft questions. I did get mentioned on a few forums for this though. I used my DMD SS video runthrough alongside this to support it. I also made a few guides in relation to either style specific things like Doppelganger Style manipulation 7 a co-written master FAQ/guide exploring the mechanics of the game (very long winded, & boring but in depth)

[tl;dr]All together i didn't care much for replies, i helped all i could, but with respect to the target audiences i got generally what i expected.[/tl;dr]

As a kinf of random challenge i DMD scratch run with very few rules against it, not exceptional play but i added caption commentary to spice it up, i made the run for enjoyment & i thoroughly enjoyed making every video. repsonse was nice to.

True Style Tournement (1 & 2)

In the early days i noticed that there was a massively varied response from forum to forum, a signiture if you will of the forums maturity & knowledge base, some forums had an arrogant atmosphere to me with dictator like ruling over facts & falacies within the game, ( others had a very liberal approach but sometimes had an overall greater knowledge of mechanics (phantom babies) others was just a complete fuck about forum which didn't take itself seriously in the least. I enjoyed the variation so put together a small tournement with me & 2 others displaying a single mission & about 20 videos all together, we each chose the same style, & on mission one made 1 video each, they'd all get uploaded & we'd let the community vote on the best/favourite. I emplored people to explain why they thought it was best but didn't make it a stipulation, it was very lax on rules regulations. I loved doing the whole thing. & it generated quite a large audience, neverthless when it all finished (3 way tie as it went) when i went on to making TST2 the fanbase had excelled & i had about 5-15 challengers per style, this strained the viewer as TST2 was based in mission 2 & watching 15 variations of mission 2 can be tiresome. Nevertheless even that went well & considered this to be the best success in any of my recording life to date, i enjoyed every second of making & distributing the talens as well as watching the videos & giving opinos myself (As you might tell, i love wasting my life on forums chatting shit) i didn't have any prizes to give away sadly, but it all worked out anyway as i won :P (but that's partially because i entered every style & not everyone did)

[tl;dr] TST - this was made almost entirely for response purposes, it was a voting tournement, so was made almost entirely for that purpose, as well as generating some competition for the game, which it did. SUCCESS![/tl:dr]


[tl;dr] For other games i had a tendancy to come late so i was in the position of most things having been discovered, that said i still played the best i could & tried to make my videos unique or contribute something that hadn't been done but could still be useful.[tl;dr]

For Ninja Gaiden Black i wanted to attempt to beat the world record for Karma ranking (It's scoring system) but as i was incapable of Xboxlive at the time i settled for recording the run. My videos were ONLY EVER shown on a website called Iberian Warriors a very serious & excelletn website similair to this, you got in through invite only, everyone there had a fantastic understanding of Ninja gaidens naunces & mechanics so discussions could be thick & flowing & advice was everywhere. It is very similair to this only it had an enormous amount of followers for the type of stie it was, so it didn't have dead points like alot of forums do. that said i took comments very seriously, & they are a meticulous bunch so they'd notice every ET/UT missed & any mistake i made. I don't think i ever had a fault with a single comment made. My run was unique in that i was showing the entire run unedditted so people could understand fully when how long they could take to still achieve time rankings & also showed fights in full, so people could see a strategy run through to the end. this did turn out succesful as alot of key peopled checked my videos for just those things, one of which called Balbaid who at the time of completing his video did achieve the #1 spot. then was exceeded by a bloke called JTB, whom also apparently referenced a few of my videos. I was number 5 when i finished at near enough 24 million, but now i have been kicked out of the top 10, i'm 11th i think.. :P

[tl;dr] I cared about all responses as i knew they were coming from experienced players [/tl;dr]

In NG i also made two style gameplay videos, i came to this immediately after DMC so style was an important mindset of mine, it gave me a kind of edge, the first NG video i made was Art of the Ninja to which i manipulated through editting the pause button so i could make what seemed together as weapon switch combos (Like DMC) i got a great response f4rom the community with this video about being a pro at the game. However at the time of creation i was a relatively inexperienced NG player. This lead me to stress the point of difference between combo & gameplay videosin a blog the only blog i have ever made. I also took part in the Ninja Gaiden Freestylt Tournement & won my first ever prize, a game of my choice, i won that with the video True Style taking some similair traits from the first video i made i managed to clinch the win against some brilliant & well known players.

[tl;dr] I recieved an overhwhelmingly better response than i hoped for[/tl;dr]

Command & Conquer Red alert 3

Though i played this alot & the best rank i achieved was rank 63 in the world on the game, i was still far short of the best, i made one or two videos displaying soem strategies ot jokes but overall nothing of incredible value, in the end i made a few VOD's (Replays with audio commentary) None of these were my videos but they were the highlights of the things i did in this game, i won't link them because unless you play the game it's just me sounding pathetic & talking about mechanics within the game.

I've also made a few offshoot videos for some other games (SF EX2, SFIV, Capcom VS SNK2, DMC1, Tiberium Wars, Goldeneye) but don't care to go in to them.


In closing, to ask why i make the videos is a very peculiar questions, i make some videos for different things, maybe i like to contribute, sometimes i like to fill a hole i've seen, sometimes i want to bandwagon because it looks fun (SF combos vids, they're certainly not special or unique in any way) Other times i just feel i have somethins small to offer, or just want to feel some time. Hell sometimes i just get the urge to recording something. The sadest/gayest videos i made where the Voice-over Red alert videos & hell i enjoyed making them, though i pray to god that no one in my real life ever stumbles upon them, i'd never hear the end of it.

Sadly recoridng video games is not a notbale queslity for any socialism purposes.


lol, if anyone read all that i'd be amazed
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Xenozip. »

I'm almost always just trying to convey technical data in vids rather than being stylish. So I never cared. I research, I record, I post.

I Imagine if I created videos for the sake of being stylish then it'd be the same way as it is with art. Stuff like "that sucked" or "didn't like it" or "that was weird" or "needs improvement" or "stop doing [xx]" or "clean it up, make it sharper, work on it longer" would mean about fuckall to me, which is exactly as much as "so awesome" or "I love it" or "nice job" or my fucking-favorite "more please". Things like that really are all empty and meaningless to me.

I use to be really self conscious about my artwork because I knew I was terrible, so I'd always be self-deprecating as motivation for self-improvement and take anything that anyone said overly seriously. But eventually once I was able to produce what I wanted to produce I didn't care what anyone else thought of it anymore. I welcomed criticism, and I still welcome it, but it doesn't help me improve or mean as much to me as advice/suggestions/example. I basically just listen to criticism, but it goes in one ear then out the other.

tl;dr: If some one would have liked the vid better a different way then they need to show me or at least break it all down in words I can relate to. Things like "you know if you do this by doing that, then you get this result" or "do you know what happens if you do this instead?" actually have some weight to them. Maybe it's just the attitude. Like if I'm playing Sagat and some one says "you're doing it wrong" they better be prepared to follow up with "this is how you do it right" or shut the fuck up, and if they can't show me then they better at least be able to explain in words.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Magnetro »

Thanks for merging the thread.

It's hard to come across people who will give you insightful criticism or positive feedback. Especially on anything that isn't SRK. That's why I can understand why Joo didn't care about many people watching his DVD, no one is really going to get it, so it doesn't mean anything.
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Pokey86 »

Well you need sites in relation to this kind (One with a very dedicated fanbase) if you want to take very meticulous replies onboard.

You either become a regular at a site & use experience & history to determine who to take seriously. Or a website gets made that has a more thorough, dedicated fanbase.

This site is good, but it stresses more the point of making videos & mechanical techqnique than actually progressing standards & increasing your own personal ability. That said it's certainly respectable enough, it's just a shame this place doesn't have a larger amount of users. That said it's hard to come by that sort of thing. Though garnering those users is a tough thing to do, there is no quick way of doing it without degrading quality.


& who is this joo people seem to talk of him here like he is a messiah of combo videos or something :P
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Maj »

Basically, joo is the Prince of Combos. He doesn't really use tool-assistance so much as technokinetic willpower. He basically thinks of a combo, then focuses his mind on the Dreamcast until it manifests the execution autonomously. Magnetro calls him El Uno.
Tigre III
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Tigre III »

(sorry for my basic english)
Well, worry about?
To make CMVs isnt like a work, that you must do it good... Its a hobby for me, thats all.
Its possible that, if the edition is bad, or with errors, or the combos arent true, the power meter isnt correct... But if all is legitimate, and the edition is correct, I dont worry. Where is the problem? I make a cmv, if you see it and dont like it, or you can do it better... Good. And if you like it, great then. Of course i will try to make my best combo, and of course that i want to make nice combos that like to the people but, if I must to worry about it, and get so nervous... Then, what class of hobby is it?
Make a CMV, or a simple combo vid its really a intrincate thing, because not always the people that watch it knows whats the message or the objective of the vid; you can make a tutorial video, or a artistic video. You can want to simply show the possibilities of the engine, or show the easiest way to get a perfect round... But if the guy that is watching the video wants to see a different kind of video...
For example, a good combo vid for me its the vid that show me how i can become better in a real vs match. I think that the spirit of beat em ups is the versus, play against another guy. I dont want copy a entire role, like Daigo´s play strategy (I prefer to play like I want, though isnt the best way with that chair) But if the vid shows that after a regular and easy to connect movement I can make a lot of damage, or my main has a movement that works fantastic and i didnt know it, I prefer this vid more than a spectacular vid that shows a 100 hit combo, or with a impossible (in vs mode) set up. But thats only my personal opinion, my preference. Everyone has one, and always, when you make a CMV, some people will like it, and anothers dont... The casual players sometimes say" you use tool assisted, that its impossible", and some combo fans say "thats too basic, boring"...So, dont worry!

... "El Uno"? In Spanish?! LOL
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Pokey86 »

Maj wrote:Basically, joo is the Prince of Combos. He doesn't really use tool-assistance so much as technokinetic willpower. He basically thinks of a combo, then focuses his mind on the Dreamcast until it manifests the execution autonomously. Magnetro calls him El Uno.

Any links to his work?

something i'd understand like SFIV/Cap VS SNK2/SF EX would be nice but not required.
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by error1 »

Any links to his work?
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Smileymike101 »

I try to make combos of things i discover, or at least i think i discover.If it has been posted in a combo video i have not seen, i dont know it exists, so i post it.I swear Ryu and Ken combo vids these days get so predictable.We got it that you can do FADC ultra, amazing, now show something interesting.Like Error1's gouken combo from New Blood 3 where he does cr.hp xx Kongo.Those are things i like to see, and love to create.
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

Pokey86 wrote: Stuff.....

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: HOLY SHIT...YOUR THAT POKEY?!?!?! Im a huge fan of your dmc stuff and have been for years. It extra special to see and have you on here.

Just thought Id say that....
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Re: Are you self-conscious about your videos?

Post by Pokey86 »

lol, apparently so. & Thanks, i know i worked my ass on DMC ^_^ so it's nice to hear people have heard of it in other circles.
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