What else are you playing?

talk about how great training mode is
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Maj »

Apart from STHD, my first online console game experience has been Burnout Paradise, which is an awesome cooperative game. They have 50 challenges for 2 players, 50 challenges for 3 players, so on up to 8 players. Most of them are easy so long as everyone stays on the same page and at least makes an effort toward reaching the goal.

However, some of the eight player challenges are incredibly difficult simply due to the amount of luck it takes to gather eight decent players. It seems like in every group of eight, there's at least one player who doesn't know how to Barrel Roll, one player who doesn't know how to Power Park, one player who doesn't know how to get on the freeway, and one player who doesn't know how to get off the train tracks.

Analogously, every good player always seems to be great at two skills, decent at two or three things, and struggles with one or two tasks. It's always different, probably as a function of the stunts each individual player deems cool. Of course i've never met any of the amazing high-ranked racers, but those guys probably have hundreds of routes memorized and i'm sure they've completed all of the challenges.

As it stands, i'm happy to have unlocked all of the cars and most of the achievements. Somehow i've managed to clear 287 of the 350 challenges, including 49 of the 50 eight player challenges. With any luck, the final eight player challenge will be done in the next 10 minutes. All we need is for one or two guys to hit that barrel roll through the hanging fuselage hoop.

Before experimenting with Burnout 3, i had no idea i liked racing games but then again i do love driving so maybe some of that translates over. Plus Burnout isn't the typical perfectionist ultrarealistic nonsense that most simulation games gravitate towards, so that helps too.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Xenozip. »

Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Maj »

That's a video game? Nothing happens besides people standing around and talking in gibberish. I skipped around a little bit and the room changed but that's about it. Though there was one part where the dude climbed up 3D stairs in a funny sideways way, so i guess that's nice ... haha.

Last night i noticed that Streets of Rage 2 is half the price of all the other XBLA demos i've got, which worked out nicely because i only had 480 MSmoneys left. Stayed up most of the night getting all twelve achievements.

One of them required finishing an online co-op game, which was funny cuz i picked Max and the other guy picked Axel, then did nothing but eat all the food and get in my way for six levels. Eventually he died and i had one life and one continue left. So i beat the sixth stage bosses which gave me another life from bonus points and had to go through the last two levels with five lives.

It has been so long since Genesis that i'm embarrassingly rusty, but i finally managed to beat down that evil Mr X with 5% vitality on my last life. It was truly a harrowing experience. The other dude must have stuck around the entire time because after the game i checked his GamerCard and he'd gotten the achievement too. Maybe it was my fault for sticking to default settings instead of giving us eight lives per continue.

So that was fun, except for the absurdly annoying parts where you have to fight offscreen non-generic enemies on tiny stages. This is the first game where i've gotten all the achievements, which feels like cheating. But in all fairness the only ones i'm missing in Burnout Paradise are the shameless marketing ploys aimed at making me buy a useless camera accessory.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Xenozip. »

Maj wrote:That's a video game? Nothing happens besides people standing around and talking in gibberish. I skipped around a little bit and the room changed but that's about it. Though there was one part where the dude climbed up 3D stairs in a funny sideways way, so i guess that's nice ... haha.
It's an RPG. The video contains mostly dialog and cutscenes.

It's accelerated play though, so it only contains a few fight sequences.

The second video in the series contains more fighting but it's another accelerated run, so I skip around a lot there too. But the videos are deceptive, the random encounter rate in it is absurdly high, so you like walk 5-10 spaces and you're in another fight. It's quite a lot more fighting than what is seen in the video.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Maj »

Yeah, RPG's are weighed on a different scale entirely. I checked out the story on wikipedia and it looked fairly interesting. It seems absurd that they'd remove that Snow Queen Quest because it contains a huge chunk of gameplay. If reviewers had gotten to try it, i'm sure the game would have received higher scores. Then again, i wonder how many of them would have even known it existed since the game takes so long to play and since it's an entirely alternate ending path.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Xenozip. »

I don't know. I've loved that game since forever. It's one of the few games that after a year or so of not playing it, I go back and play and enjoy it again, multiple times. There's very very few games that I can say that for.

I'm getting kind of old now, and the RPGs that absolutely stick out in my mind as ones that I would still play even to this day are:
- Persona 1 (JP version), Persona 2, and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- Phantasy Star 3, 4 (and maybe 2)
- Chrono Trigger

I saw Blip playing Dragon Quest (the original) the other day so I guess you could count that. I use to think that I could go back and play Lunar 1 and 2 etc, but last time I tried I just couldn't. Looking back on it, I really actually sort of hate RPGs.

SRPGs are a different story. Between Blip and I, I think that list would be too long to bother making a list for.

Racing games are another story too. I hate and loathe and abhor most of them, and only play them very casually when I'm hanging out with my friends. Except: Wipe Out XL. It's not just the only racing game that I like, but it also happens to be one of my favorite games in general, and I still play through it every so often.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by Smileymike101 »

I sometimes play mugen when i feel that SF4 o rsf2hdr are too strict( jesus i cannt to squat in hdr).Just got myself a pimp Rare Akuma and Shin Ken which has unblockable srk's.Also, i think MGS4 is the best game ever, that is, until GOW3 come up.
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Re: What else are you playing?

Post by onReload »

Didn't know this topic existed...I keep a "games beaten in 20XX" thread on digitpress.com, but i usually don't list what i'm playing as sometimes it's hard to tell when I drop a game...

but for right now it's just

-Borderlands (second playthrough) and
-Lunar Legend (on GBA)

...and I also played DDR last night for the first time in awhile. It felt really good to actually sweat, no joke. The actual versions haven't been good since like 2001, but this machine (DDRX) was in good working condition at the very least...considering it was a Dave & Buster's which has VERY little in the way of actual arcade games. Also, House of the Dead 4 sucks from what I've played of it.
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