Samurai Shodown

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Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

Combo video:
As expected, very few cancelable attacks, juggles and chains. Only Wu R. seems to have some diferent juggle posibilities. Other than that, you can do jump attack - cancelable ground attack - special/super, far projectile + ABC attack and interrupted heavy attack into ABC attack for lost of damage.
We put in the vid whatever was diferent than that. Few other things:
Genjuro can hit after a projectile hits or use optional 2nd hit of the projectile in exchange of a jump attack for very few new but not very remarkable options. Nakoruru can hit a hard attack while hanging on bird and cancel it into dive attack and it will combo. Galford can add a dog to his bnb or before another special.

A little review of the game:
Standart modes of SNK game. Not tried ghost thing, but may be good. Not tried online. Only played once story mode on default dificulty. Older SS games were hard of even very hard vs CPU, for me at least.
Anyway, in VS, if you like spacing, poking and, over all, very high risk-very high reward, this is your game. IMO, those things were done really well. Your mind-reading abilities and your reflexes will be put to test constantly. Hit confirms are hard because of how short are combos. Lots of things do a lot of damage.
Hope you enjoy the vid and the game too!

Edit: 2nd time in a row I forget to include @combovid in my tweet!!!!
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

Reviewing the game a bit more after one week playing it. Mainly abuot the online.
Been playing online for a week. Surprisingly good netcode, even more being an SNK game. WAY better than any other SNK game I´ve played. There may be a bit of lag in 1 of every 10 matches, and usually not very much.
On the other hand, online modes and lobbys can be improved a lot. You wait for a match in practice mode, play matches and when there are no more rematches, you´re back into the online menu and have to go back to training mode, select character, etc., and then, go to options and select "accept mataches-yes" AGAIN.
There´s lots of people to play with but, no matter wich "connexion requirements" you set, the game puts you against people not under the requirements you selected... and still there´s usually not lag. Seriously good netcode.
Casual lobby is confusing. I don´t even know how to start a match there.
The game doesn´t allow to many "gimmicks", while there are some. Not many "abusable-spammable" tactics, while there are some. Genjuro is in his own league, anyway. Some balacing (mainly small things) for characters and gamepaly mechanics will be wellcomed.
Overall, good or even very good online experience. How much till I get tired? ...who knows.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

We´ve found a bug and we "played" with it and did a vid
Really weird stuff there; invincibility, unusual camera angles, invisible fireballs and dogs, rounds that end in unexpected ways and even some TOD combos.
Hope you all enjoy it.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by Doopliss »

Saw it earlier, it's a really cool glitch.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

Doopliss wrote:Saw it earlier, it's a really cool glitch.
You mean you had already seen the bug in another vid?
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by Doopliss »

Nah, saw your video on youtube before I saw the post :P
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

We´ve done a new Samurai Shodown CMV:
In it we squeeze the engine posibilities for combos with the use of trades and other set-ups.
We sent the vid for it to be premiered at EVO and they even answered us, but as we sent them the vid just 3 days before the event (just when I finished with the combos and the wild idea of it being shown at EVO crossed my mind) we knew our chances of it being shown were minimal and, indeed, it wasn´t shown there.
Anyway, here it is and we hope you all enjoy it.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by Maj »

I liked the Genjuro triple fireball combo and the Haohmaru bait sequence that looked like it could happen in a real match. The setups in this video were a little more interesting than the first video, but the first one felt more like a combovid. I guess two-move combos that take a really long time because of cinematics aren't quite satisfying enough. It's an unusual approach to designing a fighting game for sure.

When a video has a lot of short combos that are more about creative setups, i wonder if it would help to mix in some traditionally satisfying combos (more moves with simpler setups). It's just hard to get excited about combos that involve so few actions after the combo starts. Anyway just thinking out loud.

Fun video overall though. It's too bad they didn't show it. I think they often have the schedule worked out ahead of time and sometimes it's pretty strict (with announcements and guests and whatnot) before certain games. Back when we used to make collab videos for Evo, i never really knew if/when they were gonna show them until it started playing or someone called me over to introduce it. Same thing this time with the throwback videos they showed this year (before SF5 i think?), but i couldn't make it to Evo this year anyway. So yeah, it's always a little chaotic but it's a massive live event after all.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

I agree with most of what you say about short combos and such, but, really those are the only things left to show for this game. That´s how the game it´s made. Just comboing into a Super Special Move is a big deal because of how extremelly unusual it is. Other than what has been shown till now, everything else is jump attack-ground-attack-special/WFT. My most sincere congratulations if someone finds something else. Trades, refelcts and such were the only things left to explore and even with thtat there´s not room for too many things. Not trying to excuse myself and, again, I agree with what you say about the vid in specific and general topics.
The only char with some juggle options and such is Wu Ruixiang and I may do a vid just focusing on her with the combos I´ve already shown in our older vids and a few ones I had for this vid that, for edition reasons, didn´t made the cut.
That´s unless they make some changes in future balance updates, something I highly doubt. They may open a few new combo options here and there in the better case scensario, but they may also remove some combo options too, as they have already done in previous updates.
About it not being shown at EVO, it always was the most probable thing to happen. We just wanted to try.
...anyway, they spent LOTS of time with the "blue screen with EVO logo" so there was room for it to be show, but it´s perfectly understandable that they didn´t, and we´re grateful just for them answering us and thinking about doing it considerig the vid was sent the day before EVO started.
Thanks for your comments and time.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by Maj »

Yeah it's understandable, i had the same problem with SF4 sometimes. Personally i was more interested in setups than combos with some characters, but i found the videos were usually better received when they had a few longer combos starting from basic setups.

As far as the blue screen, i'm sure there was some dead time at the venue too, but they were usually doing crowd activities and stuff during that time. They were playing this "Is it gonna kill?" crowd game at the venue but not on stream for example: ... 6123854848

There was a better video but i can't find it because twitter search is trash. I can't believe how much information is trapped on that terribly organized platform.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

I didn´t know they did those kind of things at EVO while nothing was streaming! I thought they just were moving stuff and such, but they entertaing the people there too in the meanwhile.
About the vid and its clips, as said many times, it´s just a matter of showing what people wants to see or what you enjoy doing. I try to always choose what i enjoy doing even knowing not many people would share my POV. For this vid, those were the only things I could find that were not shown yet or were too basic for my tastes. I knew this would probably mean a posible not-very-warm reception, but it´s been like this for my vids since forever.
Anyway, I apreciate your comments and the fact that you try to help with them.
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Re: Samurai Shodown

Post by krusan »

We keep squeezing Samurai Shodown´s combo posibilities and here´s a new vid:
Samurai Shodown Wu Ruixiang combo exhibition:
IMO, the only character with enough combo options worth doing a combo vid, you´ll find all our previously shown Wu Ruixiang clips and a few new ones.
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