My KoF XIII junk

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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Maj »

I don't really have anything to add, but i just want say thanks for starting this thread. It's always fun to read. I wish there were more like it.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by ihate_00 »

Persona wrote:Specific striker combos sounds good. As long as it's the default teams. I prefer something a bit more default since it limits what you can do. If you mix any striker, the limits become endless and there would never be a moment where you feel your combos are finished.

As for KoF XIV, if SNK is lazy, I wouldn't even mind if they used the same XIII combo system. Just add all the Ash Saga characters, add the missing specials/supers for the existing characters, maybe change some EX specials around and give it a balance patch and I'll be happy enough. Pretty sure KoF XIV is going to be a dream match so why not?
.....I was thinking of doing default team Striker combos for the cmv with may be 15-25 combos in total, might start working on it in a week/month or so and will definitely share with you some of my ideas and ask for your help on things.....

.....about the Kof XIV bit, at this point I kinda feel there might not be any XIV as too much time has already passed after XIII was released, a dream match would be very much welcome if that ever is the case anyway.....

.....sadly I am not very much interested in any of the upcoming fighting games either ( well may be a bit interested in USF4 but after the reveal of the final character lost much of the interest I had), so future seems kinda bleak for me in this regard..... :( .....
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

I sold the Jump game and will be borrowing my friend's copy of BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma. :D

Also even though I'm burnt out from KoF XIII, I had a dream of some Kensou combos so I decided to pop in the disc and realized that his combos are quite fun to play with so obviously it's my chance to get another character completed before I break down (lol).

The only challenging thing for Kensou was finding max damage since I felt it was tricky. And here's the preview:

I currently don't have any new tech for Kensou since I feel that he's completely dissected although I feel that most people didn't pay too much attention into making more variations in his HD combos.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by ihate_00 »

.....awesome, great seeing you finally focusing on Kensou, I really love his new design and mechanics.....hopefully your full cmv will give us at least some innovations of combos from him.....I really like what I see so far, as expected from you.....
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Some new stuff for Kensou, thanks to Bubblan for discovering it is that there's a way to get a ton of extra damage for Kensou leading to HD mode and 2 power gauges 100% combo. Also Kensou can combo after his qcbx2 AC but requires positioning unlike comboing after his qcbx2 A. Haven't seen anyone do it yet.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by ihate_00 »

Persona wrote:Some new stuff for Kensou, thanks to Bubblan for discovering it is that there's a way to get a ton of extra damage for Kensou leading to HD mode and 2 power gauges 100% combo. Also Kensou can combo after his qcbx2 AC but requires positioning unlike comboing after his qcbx2 A. Haven't seen anyone do it yet., nice info indeed, hope to see you explore on this new ideas.....can we get a sample of the combos, btw?.....if not just waiting eagerly for your full release of Kensou combo video.....
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

ihate_00 wrote:
Persona wrote:Some new stuff for Kensou, thanks to Bubblan for discovering it is that there's a way to get a ton of extra damage for Kensou leading to HD mode and 2 power gauges 100% combo. Also Kensou can combo after his qcbx2 AC but requires positioning unlike comboing after his qcbx2 A. Haven't seen anyone do it yet., nice info indeed, hope to see you explore on this new ideas.....can we get a sample of the combos, btw?.....if not just waiting eagerly for your full release of Kensou combo video.....
Well here's the KO combo which combos after his qcbx2 AC. Only thing that seems to combo after it is his rdp BD since it barely reaches. Doing the qcbx2 AC in the corner goes right under the opponent since it comes out very quickly unlike his qcbx2 A where the opponent bounces on it. The combo looks a bit plain but I like how Kensou does a ton of air qcb As at different heights. But basically after the rdp BD, you're free to do anything you like with the leftover HD meter since the combo is pretty much a guaranteed KO with his Neo Max.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Stuck with one combo for a long while. Bubblan gave the idea and I worked on it and got 997 damage with HD mode and 3 meters without chasing fireball. Discussed it with Bubblan and we couldn't think of a solution then I finally found a way to get 3 more damage which turns it to 1000 damage. Sounds good right? Well you need to get 1001 damage to KO. So fuck it, fireball chase it is then.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Stun combo for Kensou that does 100% damage (which no one has yet to do).
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by ihate_00 »

Persona wrote:Stun combo for Kensou that does 100% damage (which no one has yet to do)., I am literally speechless.....what an awesome combo, and yes this is the 1st 100% damage stun combo for Kensou, you sir have outdone yourself this time, hats off to you.....
.....btw, its great to see all these new innovative combos for Kensou, keep going, man.....
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

The first time Megui has given me a rendering problem (lost a few frames at the last combo causing the audio to desync).
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by ihate_00 »

Persona wrote:

The first time Megui has given me a rendering problem (lost a few frames at the last combo causing the audio to desync).
.....excellent video form you as always, really nice stuff.....
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

ihate_00 wrote:
Persona wrote:

The first time Megui has given me a rendering problem (lost a few frames at the last combo causing the audio to desync).
.....excellent video form you as always, really nice stuff.....
Thanks. I personally find Kensou a boring character but I believe I've used everything he has other than his air qcb AC which anyone would know what it does if they just try it out once themselves. I could've used it to start the combo on Ash when he's stunned but I don't see the reason to use an extra power gauge. But eh, another character done meaning one step closer to ending this project.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

A ton of people keep pestering me to do Kyo so I guess it's time to finish him up. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the longest video in the series. Four combos is already two and a half minutes.

Combo video preview (two out of three stun combos):

KO combo:

Also no Kyo combo video would be complete without this, thanks to tool assist. Even with tool assist, it still messed up a ton of times:
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Was about a minute shorter than I expected since one combo I thought of doesn't seem to work and even with tool assist I couldn't do two sets of his qcf B in one combo (before stun and after stun) without obviously messing up so I just went with one set and fancied it up a bit.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Very slowly doing the final five characters (in fact I'm so lazy that I've asked around if anyone wanted to contribute to it and I'll credit them) haha. Instead I started working on the final revisions of the characters I already finished. Of course I'll only release them after the roster is finished but I think it's safe to at least release the last combos for each character early.

The characters that already have a KO most likely won't be changed. Other than that, I'm trying to make all new KO combos although some might be the exact same (characters with only one 100% combo such as Daimon and Clark) or optimized.

As for releasing the KO combos early, here's an example of the format. I'll be releasing three teams in a pack so the video isn't too short.

The K' combo is brand new and adjusting it in ANY way won't make it KO. The Kula combo is an optimized version from my old video. The old version did 994 damage (34 hits) and this does 1004 (33 hits). I also changed the f A, qcb B to f A xx qcb B (whiff) xx f B. The Maxima combo is the same from my old video (I honestly can't think of any new Maxima combo without a setup) but the screen positioning is changed to look more stylish.

I'm going to release this with Kyo and Iori team but Kyo team honestly isn't anything new considering I already made KO combos for Kyo and Benimaru and Daimon has only one 100% combo (well at least I made it KO in VS mode now). All the combos in Iori team is new.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Here's some new combos that's going to be in the next pack.



I was originally going to do Terry, Kim and Ralf teams but I just couldn't find anything worth noting for Raiden so I went with Elisabeth team for now.

Terry, Andy, Elisabeth, Duo Lon, Shen and Leona combos will be new. I already have a Joe combo that KOs so I'm not changing it, the Ralf combo is from my old video just with the KO effects added (I honestly felt it was the best looking Ralf combo that didn't need any additional supers other than Neo Max) and Clark has only one 100% combo so there's nothing I can do for him other than add the KO effect.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by krusan »

Question to Persona or anyone with access to TAS and willing to try:
After Mature´s QCB+BD, how many weak attacks can be chained while still being able to cancel the last one into qcb+P and hit with its 3 hits? I´ve hit with st.A, cr.A, cr.B, st.B, but never more than 2 of them and it´s really hard for me to do it. I can do it about 1 of every 4 tries if I´m lucky.
Thanx in advance.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Down A, B (both hits hitting) xx qcb P (2 hits) works. Funny though since I seem to be able to do it much more frequently by hand than with tool assist. It seems to be luck based and having to hope that the second hit of standing B hits.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by krusan »

I was thinking on a posible stun combo for Mature but with this info, now I know it´s not posible :(
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Haven't made any progress on the last five characters due to complete boredom but am slowly doing the old characters for remastering. I think the first I can probably get done is Shen Woo considering how simplistic his combos are. I think about 1/3 of his combos from the old video is transfered so I guess it's almost like a complete makeover.

Here's what I have so far:

jp C, C xx f B xx qcf BD, qcf D, qcf D, D 439

jp C, C xx f B xx qcb AC xx qcf P, qcf D, qcf D, C 465


jp C, C xx f B xx BC, C xx f B xx hcb-f P xx qcf D, qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf D, qcf D, qcf B xx qcf-hcb AC 930


jp C, C xx f B xx BC, C xx f B xx hcb-f P xx qcf C (hold) xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcfx2 P xx qcf-hcb AC 1001


jp C, C xx f B xx BC, C xx f B xx qcf A xx hcb-f P, C-A-B-C xx qcf-hcb AC 1021


jp C, C xx f B xx BC, C xx f B xx hcb-f P xx qcf AC, qcf A xx qcf D xx qcf AC, qcf A xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcfx2 P xx qcf-hcb AC 1008

jp C, C xx f B xx BC, C (far C) xx qcf A xx hcb-f AC xx qcf BD, qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf D, qcf A xx qcf D, qcfx2 P xx qcf-hcb AC 1008

jp C, C xx f B xx BC, d B, d C xx qcf A xx hcb-f AC xx qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf D, qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf D, qcb A xx qcf A xx qcf C (hold), qcfx2 AC xx qcf-hcb AC 1004

qcf C (full charge), qcf BD, BC, C-A-B-C xx qcf-hcb AC 1058

qcfx2 P (counter hit), BC, C-A-B-C xx qcf-hcb AC

I split the transcript into sections so it's easier to read. The first section is the most damage from one power gauge. I normally don't add these unless the character can do a healthy amount of damage. The first combo is very practical and can be performed anywhere on screen although you will get less damage in the corner since the last hit needs to be a far hit if you want the extra damage. The second combo is spacing specific and without the spacing you'll need to change the combo a bit and it'll be 461 instead of 465. Since I don't make more than 12 combos per character, if I'm running out of space, I'll probably get rid of the first combo considering most Shen Woo players probably already know the combo.

The second section is max damage with HD mode and two power gauges for 930 damage. If anyone thinks they can get more, feel free to try it out.

The third section is HD mode and three power gauges that KOs.

The fourth section is HD mode and four power gauges that KOs. The combo I listed is character specific. If you noticed, I don't cancel his power up after his command grab. Of course, you can cancel it and then it will work on every character. I'll also add a corner to corner 100% combo as well.

The fifth section are all the 'go for broke' combos. Even though Shen Woo is lacking in variety in terms of specials and supers, I feel that most people take the easy way out by ending his combos with his power up (I think it power ups your attack damage by 30% or 50%, can't remember) into Neo Max because it does insane damage. Leave out the power up and you'll need to work harder for his damage. I didn't list the combo done on Ash in the recent combo video I released but it will be the last combo, which I would also like to mention was very difficult simply because even with the power up, his SDM does terrible damage. I've never seen anyone do 100% with Shen Woo without Neo Max and the damage was EXACTLY enough to KO. Of course you can KO with his SDM in the arcade version but the damage scaling is different.

Also one thing that doesn't seem to be possible is to perform his DM after his power up. It's just too slow although I found a setup that makes it connect just in time but I need to use an extra power gauge to set it up therefore I don't have enough power gauges to perform Neo Max after it. Such a pity really.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Very slowly finishing the next combo video for the 100% combo showcase series. Team Art of Fighting, Team Women Fighters and Team Psycho Soldiers. Old combos will be Mai, King, Athena (needs to be redone so it KOs) and Kensou. The rest should be new.

Here's Ryo and Robert so far.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Finished the third 100% combo showcase pack.

The final pack (nine combos) will have about 6-7 new combos (Ash, Billy, Saiki, Mr. Karate, EX Iori, Kim, Raiden), and 2-3 combos being old (EX Kyo, Hwa Jai). Honestly can't think of a better looking 100% EX Kyo combo than the one already in my video.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Last_Window »

Cool stuff. Loved the combo with Takuma.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by krusan »

Hi, Persona. I´ve just seen your preview vid for Duo Lon and I just wanted to share with you a piece of info that, on the other hand, you may already know:
After his NM in the corner (I can´t recall if it works always or only under some conditions) you can hit with a cC or a j f+AC. Indeed, IIRC, the j f+AC may be an anywhere juggle, but I never could find anything extremelly cool with it. Share with us if you find something :D
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Last_Window wrote:Cool stuff. Loved the combo with Takuma.
Glad you enjoyed it. I normally didn't like the Takuma combo but IMO it went very well with the music.
krusan wrote:Hi, Persona. I´ve just seen your preview vid for Duo Lon and I just wanted to share with you a piece of info that, on the other hand, you may already know:
After his NM in the corner (I can´t recall if it works always or only under some conditions) you can hit with a cC or a j f+AC. Indeed, IIRC, the j f+AC may be an anywhere juggle, but I never could find anything extremelly cool with it. Share with us if you find something :D
The down C only works if the Neo Max isn't max canceled since if you max cancel it, the opponent is already in the air when the Neo max starts, making the opponent too high to hit with the down C since you have a very short window where you can combo after the Neo Max. Air forward AC is an anywhere juggle so it doesn't matter what you do as long as Duo Lon's attack touches the opponent. I actually did the down C after Neo Max in the second 100% combo video pack. :P
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by HarlequinRogue »

So we stumbled upon this video a while back:

We have no idea who this is, and I'm not experienced enough with KoF, so I have no idea what combos are specific to which version. But I think this might be interesting enough for you guys
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

HarlequinRogue wrote:So we stumbled upon this video a while back:

We have no idea who this is, and I'm not experienced enough with KoF, so I have no idea what combos are specific to which version. But I think this might be interesting enough for you guys
The mobile version is much more broken than the normal versions (arcade/console). For example, the first combo where Yuri does that move with that barrier in front of her, the normal version doesn't juggle the opponent that high. At maximum height, you can only get two to three reps before you have to find another way to hold the opponent in the air. In the mobile version, it seems to knock the opponent way up into the air, making it look like some sort of infinite.

But since the mobile version is quite different from the normal versions, it basically opens up new combos for anyone who is willing to make combos for it.

Also random tidbit but Duo Lon combos are wayyyyyyyyy too difficult. No other character (maybe Ash?) comes even close to his difficulty. Even with tool assist, I'm almost at the verge of giving up.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

Mobile version is way different. Some stuff is the same to console but the rest isnt. Like Mature DM into continue combo, that doesnt exist in console and shouldnt in mobile eiter.
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Re: My KoF XIII junk

Post by Persona »

Here's the revision of the first combo in my Duo Lon trailer (which is 100 times better). When I did the earlier version, I noticed the combo almost stunned so was curious how far I could go with the combo if I used the meter to extend the combo instead of end with a super. Super scales much better and is usually always the better way to end a combo if you want more damage but Duo Lon's combos are so long that I actually got more overall damage extending the combo instead of end with a super. There's like eight one frame links in the combo by the way.
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