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Post by jchensor »

I think that one was enough for now. If I'm ready for another assualt on all things logical and normal, I'll let you know. ^_^

- James
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Post by ikusat »

On a scale of 1 to weird, those are like a 3.
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Post by Xenozip. »

ikusat wrote:On a scale of 1 to weird, those are like a 3.
Yes indeed. There's definitely some 9's and 10's out there that freaking lolwtfbbq though. :D
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Post by Xenozip. »

This thread could get interesting:
What don't you like about GOOD combo videos? Posted by #reload.

The topic sounds oxymoronic, since if it's "good" then what's to complain about, but the sea of people on the internet never cease to find things to complain about... ever.
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Post by Maj »

Worth a mention that Sirlin has posted his entire book on his website. Chika chika check it out. I've lost count of the number of times i've seen his "Playing to Win" essays linked in random articles, forums, and discussions alongside topics as far from fighting games as possible. Actually i'm always surprised by the interpretations people have for them. It's cool to see that the ideas that the Street Fighter community came up with (or at least discovered) are so versatile.
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Post by Maj »

What makes a good CMV? By Vice Vecta. on Cyberfanatix
- the SNK community's version of that SRK thread about what makes a good combo video
- most of the ideals are the same, but there are a few differences in terms of editing focus
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Post by Magnetro »

Maj wrote:What makes a good CMV? By Vice Vecta. on Cyberfanatix
- the SNK community's version of that SRK thread about what makes a good combo video
- most of the ideals are the same, but there are a few differences in terms of editing focus
I'd change the order to Editing & Music being # 1 cause you can't have high paced editing with music that doesn't fit it...So yeah, that should explain it. And the content (if we're talking about ONLY a CMV) should be GOOD not terrible & it should focus more around the editing (have the hits and stuff match the music or lyrics (Vid of dreams boxer grab). That's just my opinion. Although I'm not sure if he is talking about videos with minimal editing though, I know the KOF (viva mexico!) crowd is infamous for their crazy editing and 20 min videos every couple o' weeks, so maybe that's all he's used to...? Cause I think there are entertainment videos (Meikyousisui Vol6) and then there are regular combo videos with minimal editing (Meik10/Variable Atmosphere), former is for editing and latter for content.

Anyway, at least he didn't complain about the music/personal preference issues.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Tropsy has completed a netplay client for MB:AC-PC (mbCaster).

The adjustable "delay" function allows you to run the game online vs humans at 60fps with some minor input delay, just like the IaMP netplay.

What that means is local areas can expect to be able to use 2 delay. Which literally means a 2-frame delay in your inputs (you push a button, it registers 2 frames later), and run at 60fps. Cross-country netplay can usually get 4-delay, which means a 4-frame input delay and 60fps. Overseas is usually 6+, which isn't unplayable but you really start to feel the delay in your inputs after 6 and up because 5-delay is literally 1/10th of a second (and it's noticable).

The good new is, is that it's totally adjustable to what you want. So if you'd prefer a framedrop instead of an input delay you can set the delay-function lower. Or if you prefer delay and smooth fps, higher.

Other features so far include the caster-standard spectating mode, so you can watch other live netplay games, and the adjusting of the delay setting mid-match.
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Post by Maj »

Haha looks like i'm gonna battle with Saturn, some kid who made a couple of SNES SSF2 speedruns.

Tool-Assisted Combo Videos on TASVideos
- some dude says he likes "it"

It's funny how proud he is of how little he knows. At the same time it's scary to think of how much there is to know about even the most barebones Street Fighter game. Anyway i'm hella not getting baited into doing a pointless Ken speedrun. I'll capture some SNES combos tonight just to give him a glimpse of what he's missing.
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Post by Magnetro »

Their forums look like the ones I share with you guys.

You two have very different media. Make sure he understands what you're talking about. Make him play your game.
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Post by laugh »

I didn't watch Saturn's Ken speed run, but I doubt that he did all the combos you can do with Ken, let alone knowing "all possible combos" with him. Sick ass Ken combos though. Some of it were good enough to throw into a video.

Edit- you know what? I don't think he really knows how to do rapid fire cancels. He probably thought that you linked those air attacks and thinks that he knew those were possible. Make him replicate one of the air canceling combos you did, Maj. I wanna see this fool feel the SHAME.
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Post by Maj »

Haha, it's just funny how he considers himself to be an expert but he's stuck in this little box that hasn't been opened since 1996. His speedruns would be much more impressive if he did a little bit of research into combo videos. The problem is that he doesn't even know any of the elementary advanced techniques like jump-canceling rapid fire light attacks, renda kara canceling, and creating backwards attack setups. It doesn't even seem like he's familiar with the important character-specific setups, apart from recognizing that Sagat is tall.

So whenever he watches a Tosaka video, he must be thinking that none of that stuff is possible on the SNES version. It's true that some attack properties and hitbox sizes are different, but almost everything in those four Ken clips is adapted from some famous video by the usual suspects - NKI, Tosaka, zerokoubou, TZW, etc.

Anyway i just asked him to do me a favor and explain the third and fourth combos, which he claimed to have known before. But yeah, he hella didn't. In his Ken speedrun, there are like three or four perfect opportunities to add a jump-canceled attack to the end of a combo and he always passes them up. There's even one part where he does s.LK -> c.LK, air Hurricane Kick without comboing it.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Taking damage.. perfect run..

Arg some one shoot him.

If it's intentional damage then it isn't "imperfect". Has he never seen a shmup run?

How would you make a Samurai Shodown run entertaining without intentionally taking damage?
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Post by Maj »

Well, at least he's learning. He is a little bit too proud of himself but everyone thinks they are helluva way too good at Street Fighter before they find SRK. Hopefully his next SSF2 speedrun will be much better, which would be nice cuz right now the MK speedruns are owning up the SF ones.

Anyway here's something cool ...

Some dude's blog or whatever by Some dude
- it's hard to read Japanese when you don't know Japanese

Scroll down to the "2007.05.03" update, find the two-character link that leads to "" and check out the pictures. Dunno what this is from, but omni guessed that it was a cell phone game which sounds about right. Not important though, cuz mini-Ryu is tight!

Also scroll down to the "2007.10.4" update at the very bottom of the page and check out the SNES (SFC = Super Famicom) clips. Dunno if he knew them before he saw Vid of Dreams or if he's simply posting them cuz he figured out how they were done or what. I found his website by following a link that someone posted on kysg's BBS about the SNES combos in desk's vid.

When desk's explanation vids are ready, i'll go post a link in the same thread.
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Post by desk »

kysg's BBS? i know I should but I don't know what that is. how do I get there? And I think I did all the explaining I'm likely to do on SNES A2 in the vid of dreams thread. The only thing I'm really writing up is the float thing (which has been done for a few months now, lol. Still can't be bothered to get the web page up and running).

and those mini characters are awesome. Peeps probably know more than me but it just looks like a particularly awesome 'river city ransom' mod.
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Post by Maj »

There are two BBS links at the top of the left-side menu on kysg's website. I just post random comments in the same thread every time i've got something to say to him. Lately he hasn't been responding but it must be a hassle for him to translate English to Japanese. Though i'm pretty sure he at least checks out the random links i post, so i'm content.
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Post by laugh »

Saturn bows his head down at Maj's heels in defeat, sf3ng style.

Seriously though, I'm amazed that the kid didn't turn sour and just stop making sense like a lot of e-kids I've seen.

You found out about DeeJay's unique Machine Gun Punch properties while you were discussing things with him too. This looks like a win*2 - win situation.
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Post by Maj »

Yeah man, i'm totally impressed by that kid's overall reaction. Maybe he'll come back with the totally amazing fighting game speedrun of the century! It'll probably take quite a bit of time from now, so i'm not holding my breath, but i admit i am looking forward to it.
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Post by Magnetro »

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Post by Maj »

Actually i'm helluva excited about it. Check out the trailer:

Personally i think it looks awesome. Obviously the actual game will look nothing like that, but it's probably the coolest promo i've ever seen. Way cooler than the first Tekken 6 teaser.

Will it be good? No clue. I'm guessing no. But it doesn't have to last. It just has to be good enough to warrant a sequel. SFA1 sucked but SFA2 was good. CvS1 sucked but CvS2 was good.

Plus, if it wasn't for CvS1, i would never have found the real SF community and never learned ST. So even if SF4 does nothing more than bring more people to SRK for Viscant to tell them that Hyper Fighting was the high point of the Street Fighter franchise, that still counts for a lot.
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Post by Xenozip. »

jchensor wrote:I think that one was enough for now. If I'm ready for another assualt on all things logical and normal, I'll let you know. ^_^

- James
... I can't hold back any longer.

Warning, may cause cranial hemorrhaging. Click at your own risk/discretion.
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Post by Maj »

First two were cool, but i didn't get the joke in the last two. They all have some crazy editing skills (except for the last one, which was captured directly from some RPG mugen thing). But they are all kind of unsatisfying. They never make sense. At the end, you're just like, "What the hell was that?" but there are no answers ...
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Post by Xenozip. »

They are all inside jokes/memes. You'd have to understand everything that is referenced in the vide--

Actually even if you did recognize everything you'd prolly still be "wtf".
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Post by Xenozip. »

Also relevant to this is:

And if you haven't seen where the random crazy German comes from:

Oh and the Cheetamen 2 tribute:
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Post by ikusat »

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Post by Maj »

CCC2 info on SRK
- Sirlin defends his version of ST, mostly by refusing to take blame for anything

Is it worth it to get involved? Man, so many chumps. I can feel the headache already.

It's more disappointing than anything. I can understand the overall feeling of apathy but why are people trying to sweep all the problems under the rug? If CCC2 ST turned out worse than DC ST, why should it be considered off limits to bring it up?

Nobody needed another flawed version of console ST simply for the sake of having it on a newer system. Emulators make the best training mode anyway. The only reason anyone bought into the hype in the first place was cuz we were promised arcade perfect ST. CCC2 failed to deliver and the consequences (aka hating) shouldn't surprise anyone.
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Post by Xenozip. »

FG YouTube Usernames on SRK.

I've used youtube for subscriptions for a while, and recently I convinced Blip to also create an account in order to subscribe to channels for match video updates. Of course, he didn't know who to subscribe to, so I started that thread with the intention of finding channels that post exclusively fighting game match and combo videos, like my own channel.

Pretty good list so far if I do say so myself, but I feel it could use much more. I know there has to be more FG-exclusive channels lurking about.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Akatsuki Blitzkampf is apparently getting arcade loketested at the moment, which probably means it will get an arcade release.

Akatsuki Blitzkampf: Ausf.Achse

Ausf.Achse Details
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Post by Xenozip. »

Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

Haha, please tell me those people have no clue how to play the game. I can imagine that dude's profile ...

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