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Post by ikusat »

Got some help with the last line(next to the credits screenshot). It's something more like:

"Well, he has to introduce us after all(lol)"

The colloquial ending kind of threw me off too.
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Post by Maj »

Cool, thanks guys. The reactions this trailer is getting are awesome. Everyone is like, "That's pretty cool, but he used CvS2EO combos? And his Marvel clip didn't even have an air combo? TZW would have used more Sonic Booms."

But they don't even know. Can't wait to see their reactions to the final vid. Haha, i'm saving that shit for nationals.
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Post by NKI »

Yeah, ikusat is right. I was interpreting いかん as 移管, which is totally different.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Hehe, this is kind of funny. It almost sounds like KYSG and Maj are politely flirting via word of mouth.

"You so awesome", "no, you so awsome", "no, you"!
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

I don't know what it is, but it happens with damn near every foreign combo video creator i end up talking with. And a good portion of the (relatively) local ones as well.

It was like that with Sai-Rec back when they were around. Happens almost every time i post on someone's BBS. Can't complain though. Polite is nice.
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Post by Goryus »

Hey NKI, I noticed that my Gill combo video was linked to from this thread: ... 116381/l30
(Next to "962")

Did anyone comment on it? If so, would you mind telling me what they thought?
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you reject all the other possible gods, you'll understand why I reject yours.
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Post by NKI »

Nah, it's just the link, posted by the "Nameless 3rd Strike Player"...
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

there are still tons of things in the all about SFEX book that I'd like translated but I don't wanna over load NKI with this technobabble on a game he doesn't play :(.
Thongboy Bebop
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Post by Thongboy Bebop »

Hey NKI, you have any idea how I can get tickets to the LunaSea reunion show at Tokyo Dome? The tickets go on sale on October 26th, and so far the best plan I've come up with is leaving on the 12th and sleeping in front of the ticket booth for two weeks.

I'm willing to pay upwards of a grand to anyone who can get me two tickets. You think chinese immigrants would be down for this, like with the PS3 launch?

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Post by ShinjiGohan » ... Ex/162.png

If possible a summary of what the chart means, or any sections with numbers would be nice.
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Post by NKI »

Sorry I suck and I take a long time to reply to stuff. If there's ever any kind of urgency, feel free to PM me.
Thongboy Bebop wrote:Hey NKI, you have any idea how I can get tickets to the LunaSea reunion show at Tokyo Dome? The tickets go on sale on October 26th, and so far the best plan I've come up with is leaving on the 12th and sleeping in front of the ticket booth for two weeks.
Well, if you know someone who lives in Japan, they could just snag the tickets for you online. ... t=20071224

They range from about $130 to $300. Pretty damn steep if you ask me, but I guess it just depends on how much you wanna see 'em...
ShinjiGohan wrote: ... Ex/162.png

If possible a summary of what the chart means, or any sections with numbers would be nice.
Dunno if I'll have time to translated all of that, but here's a start...
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

thats fine nki, I don't expect ya to do the whole thing lol. Infact you didn't even have to edit the png, a summary in text on this site would be fine, but I appreciate the effort.
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Post by Maj »

Wow that chart is great. Let me know when you post it on your website or on SRK, cuz i know someone who was looking for walk/jump data in various Street Fighter games.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Well its technically NKIs work, so I'd only host it with his approval. But yeah, I'm glad that the chart further disproves some claims that the characters all jump the same lol.
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Post by Maj »

Hm, looks like kysg wrote a bunch of stuff about Tekken, then at the very end he mentioned desk, myself, some Russians, and more Tekken players. Online translators fail again. Help please.

(I don't care about the Tekken essay though. The only Tekken combo i'll ever need is 112, and i mastered that a long time ago. That's right suckas, i beat Tekken 2 AND the original Tekken. The ARCADE VERSIONS! They didn't even have endings so it was strictly a matter of pride.)
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Post by desk »

wtf? I've been staring at that update for the past month (checking for the yang vid) and I didn't see my own bloody name! lol. I only wish I'd pimped my myspace instead of so when you clicked me you were linked to that instead :(
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Post by Maj »

Did you email him about your video? Don't think i saw you post on his BBS. Though he never really responds on there anymore. The last four or five times i've posted something, he's put his responses directly on the front page of his website.

I though of more things to say about how i rock Tekken. Ahem ...

Man you don't even know! First i schooled that fool Heihachi using my dope 112 skillz with Kazuya. And then in Tekken 2 i flipped it on 'im with tha true OG 112 techneeq. Heihachi climbed all the way up that cliff and i made him fight through the whole tournament to bring da ruckus to Kazuya - twice! Shit was epic. Some kid eatin' a $2 slice of cheese pizza said "Wow."

Cuz that's all he could say. That's all there was to say. 112 4 life!
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Post by desk »

nah, to my knowledge I don't think he's seen it. I don't know how to contact any japanese cv makers. I have put some clips up on a random-non-vdeogame-related japanese site but they're only seen by random-non-videogame-related people, lol. If anyone can tell me how to do it I'd be happy to hear :)

and that tekken crack couldn't have went further over my head. I haven't got a clue what is going on, lol.
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Post by Maj »

Don't pay attention to the Tekken nonsense. I'm just letting NKI know that he doesn't have to translate 90% of that giant kysg post, since i already know all there is to know about Tekken. In particular, 112.
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Post by desk »

EDIT(didn't read the whole update): KYSG just updated his page with links to Vid of Dreams and the Guile exhibition. I'm totally gutted though because he links to the small youtube links I put on my youtube account. Not to the Combo videos page :( If anyone has any japanese insights into what is said I'd be happy to hear.

also 'desk world!' YES!!!
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Guess if someone has a chance, the cross up guide on the top left hand corner ... EX/164.png

circles are probably misses, triangles are probably hits, but I can't tell for sure.
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Post by NKI »

ShinjiGohan wrote:Well its technically NKIs work, so I'd only host it with his approval.
Go for it.
Maj wrote:Hm, looks like kysg wrote a bunch of stuff about Tekken, then at the very end he mentioned desk, myself, some Russians, and more Tekken players. Online translators fail again. Help please.
He just says that he's going to review your vids next.
desk wrote:EDIT(didn't read the whole update): KYSG just updated his page with links to Vid of Dreams and the Guile exhibition.
(Begin voice of KYSG...)

First I'll talk about desk's new vid.

[picture and YouTube links]

The whole thing is uploaded on The theme of the vid is the Street Fighter series (including Rainbow Edition), and it also includes some clips from the SNES version of Alpha 2. If you don't know what Rainbow Edition is, please Google it.

As far as the contents, what really caught my eye was the CE juggle combos on Dhalsim. Being that this bug was fixed in AE, desk actually had to do the combos in CE. There were several that were so good I had to go back and watch them again.

I'm wondering if getting hit during pre-jump animation is what causes this bug? When I tried it out, this definitely didn't seem to be the case.

The content of the vid is so good that it doesn't even need good editing. However, the editing and choreography in this vid are EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD. This isn't merely a combo video; it is the "The World of desk", elegantly portrayed.

And now we also have the latest vid from Majestros which also premiered at Evo 2007. I wrote up a fairly crappy post for the trailer back on July 11th. The full vid was posted on September 3rd. It's available in x264 and WMV9 versions.

[Picture, vid info, link]

Maj seems to absolutely love Guile to no end, compiling Guile clips from almost every fighting game into one vid. Maj possesses an unfathomable amount of knowledge about Guile.

[The caption next to the "Absolutely no cheats" title screen is just that title screen translated into Japanese.]

I have absolutely fallen in love with this vid, because of Maj's extreme attention to detail. Despite the fact that it's a vid solely devoted to one character, it never gets stale. It's like he's a professional with aesthetics. He also has some really entertaining non-combo clips as well.

I really liked the "blended" combos that switched between the different versions of SF mid-combo. It seems like that would be chaotic to try to record all those clips in exactly the same fashion, but he pulled it off flawlessly.

[The caption underneath the credits box]

He was kind enough to credit me again in this vid, along with Sai-Rec. It looks like he's crediting me for the Capcom Fighting Jam contents, but looking at Maj's vid, I can't help but think he's just being nice [and that I didn't really contribute anything to the vid].

(End voice of KYSG.)

There's one more sentence after that, but I'm really not sure about the pivotal word in that sentence, so I'm not going to try to translate it until I'm sure.
ShinjiGohan wrote:Guess if someone has a chance, the cross up guide on the top left hand corner ... EX/164.png
Sorry, I'm gonna have to do this later. I've been translating for nearly three hours straight tonight. (Not just for you guys, but for other people too.)
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

in all honestly, whenver you get around to it is fine. I've had the book untranslated for a couple years now, another week or so for a page or so isn't gonna kill me lol.
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Post by desk »

huge thanks NKI, I really appreciate you taking the time out to do that.
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Post by Maj »

It finally makes sense! Seriously, it was a complete abyss of insane rambling before you cracked the code. Check this out: wrote:The impression where the "desk world" is formed clearly. wrote:The impression in which the "desk world" is formed clearly.
NKI wrote:This isn't merely a combo video; it is the "The World of desk", elegantly portrayed.
Like night and day. Thank you sir!

By the way, desk, congratulations on getting a world named after you by kysg! He's absolutely right - your editing style is totally your own.

And just to set the record straight, kysg was being too modest in saying that he didn't contribute anything to my Guile vid. The entire reason i even bothered with CFJ is cuz kysg's Guile vs Alex parry charge setup was so awesome.
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Post by ikusat »

There's one more sentence after that, but I'm really not sure about the pivotal word in that sentence, so I'm not going to try to translate it until I'm sure.
Last line seems like an incredibly cryptic way to say "It makes me think I should do more too."
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Post by NKI »

ShinjiGohan wrote:Guess if someone has a chance, the cross up guide on the top left hand corner ... EX/164.png

circles are probably misses, triangles are probably hits, but I can't tell for sure.
Double-lined circle = can be done immediately after the opponent gets up
Single-lined circle = will cross-up, but can't be done as the opponent is getting up
Triangle = always crosses up
X = never cross-up

The characters are listed on the left-most column in this order, from top to bottom:
D. Dark
Pullum Purna
Cracker Jack

To the right of that, the columns are (in order, from left to right)...
Jab Strong Fierce Short Forward RH
ikusat wrote:
KYSG wrote: 自分もまだ足掻く必要あるんじゃないかって思わされるわ
Last line seems like an incredibly cryptic way to say "It makes me think I should do more too."
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. And then I forgot to ask my Japanese friend... :?

By the way, I don't want you to feel like I'm the only one who can kick down translations in this thread. Anyone can contribute.

It would actually be much better if other people contributed, because I'm not online much at all these days. (Took me two weeks just to reply to the simple translation request above...)
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Post by Xenozip. »

Not looking for a direct translation, but I'm looking at this page here:
And I'm trying to figure out what they are saying for Lei-Lei (Hsien-Ko) as far as strengths and weaknesses go.

The overall tier list here:
Makes total and complete sense to me. Everyone is pretty much exactly where I assumed they were, except Lei-Lei.

I can't for the life of me figure out why they put Lei-Lei there and not equal to or lower than Lillith. Blip and I can not make heads or tails of what they are saying after trying to read it a little.

There's more information about her here
but it specifically refers to Vampire Hunter and not Vampire Savior.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

NKI wrote:
ikusat wrote:
KYSG wrote: 自分もまだ足掻く必要あるんじゃないかって思わされるわ
Last line seems like an incredibly cryptic way to say "It makes me think I should do more too."
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. And then I forgot to ask my Japanese friend... :?
More what? Guile combos?! Suh weet ah! Can't wait for "3S Vol. 10 - Guile" ... even if it's all Mugen combos.

Btw if he was referring to something else, i don't care. That's my interpretation and i'm sticking to it.

P.S. Thanks again for translating, guys.
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Post by NKI »

Xenozip. wrote:Not looking for a direct translation, but I'm looking at this page here:
And I'm trying to figure out what they are saying for Lei-Lei (Hsien-Ko) as far as strengths and weaknesses go.
This is really hard to translate because I don't even know English terms used for Vampire Hunter/Savior, but I'll try anyway...

It says she's good because she has very tricky movements. There's some move of hers (the "Whirlwind dance"...?) she can do twice in the air, and she can still air dash after that. She's much trickier in this game than in Vampire Hunter.

Then it says something about in Vampire Hunter, she had these two moves, one of which had to be blocked low, the other could be blocked standing. They changed it in Vampire Savior so that you can block both of them standing, so it's easier to block. However, you'll end up landing those moves more often in Vampire Savior, because the move is really fast (???) and you can build SS meter faster (???). The next line I really have no idea. Something about you can kill them REALLY fast because she can rush down hella and do more triangle jump combos. (Are they even called triangle jumps in Vampire?)

Her weak points I barely understand at all. Something about if you get them with the "Thunder Rip" (Tenraiha?), there's really nothing she can follow up with. Then something about how she can't really use her "GC" anymore, because her "echo" move got changed to the "Whirlwind dance"...?

OK, I'm just gonna stop talking. I'm probably hella not making sense. :oops:
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