SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

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SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

Post by SofaKingAC »

Well, I've finally put together my first proper combovid! Nothing too fancy editing-wise, and that thing going on over on the right is YouTube's fault. Anyway, words cannot express how much self-back-patting I'm doing right now. Take a look, give your feedback, discuss, ask questions, give your feedback, etc...

Linkage: http://youtu.be/d-wh6Pp8U5k
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Re: SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

Post by error1 »

nice combos, didn't realize hugo could combo off a normal throw like that
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Re: SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

Post by onReload »

Loved it, I like how many different trade setups you got goin'

I like the meaty vs. Elena's cr.HK, the late Palm Bomber into EX Lariat vs. Urien, comboing after j.HK against a juggled Q, linking into an EX Palm Bomber on stunned cr.Hugo (and then f+HP later)...good stuff
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Re: SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

Post by SofaKingAC »

Time to do the transcript! This might not fit in the YouTube description, so I decided to put it here instead. If this can be edited into the post on the site, I would certainly appreciate it.

vs. Yang:

f+HP (trade with SA3 s.LK), SA3

Explanation: Yang doesn't get get pushed back as far as Hugo does when the sides are switched. The Super is held for about ten frames.

vs. Elena:

UOH, c.LP, c.LP xx SA3, dash, HCB+HK, QCB+HP, EX QCF+K

Explanation: Elena's c.HK lowers her hitbox and moves her forward. HP Palm Bomber hits on the last frame before Elena hits the ground. EX Lariat is the only version that can combo after this particular timing without dizzy.

vs. Oro:

SA3 (second hit trade with HP SA2), s.MP, EX QCB+P, walk forward, c.MK, backdash, 360+HK

Explanation: SA3 hits the frame before Oro lands from his jump. The second hit of Hugo's SA3 has the same "back turn" hitstun as his regular f+HP, but this disappears when it trades, making ground combos with this setup very boring. EX Palm Bomber is timed to land only the last two hits. Dizzy is most likely the only way to combo into Meat Squasher.

vs. Urien:

f+HP (trade with LP Aegis), s.MP (trade with Aegis), SA3 (fourth hit trade with Aegis), s.LP, QCF+LK, dash, neutral throw, SA3

Explanation: This combo is rather self-explanatory.

vs. Sean:

f+HP (trade with Basketball), SA1

Explanation: Common knowledge, but Sean's basketball knocks the opponent in whatever direction he's facing when he throws it, regardless of the direction they face. Like Alex's HP Flash Chop, Hugo's f+HP puts opponents into a "back-turned" hitstun state, from which Hugo can combo into a command grab. The SA1 has to be performed as a reversal, otherwise Hugo will slide out of reach due to lingering pushback from f+HP.

vs. Q:

HCB+HK, UOH, s.HK, s.LP, s.MP, UOH, taunt, EX QCB+P, EX QCB+P, DP+HK

Explanation: This juggle is made easier by Q's large aerial hitbox. Hugo's s.HK knocks an airborne dummy high into the air. The second EX Palm Bomber is timed to land only the last two hits.

vs. Ibuki:

Neutral throw, s.MP, s.MP, walk forward, s.LP, f+HP, walk forward, c.LP, s.LP, SA2, dash twice, neutral throw, SA2

Explanation: This juggle works because of Ibuki's tiny aerial hitbox.

vs. Hugo:


Explanation: Additional hitstun during crouch + additional hitstun due to dizzy + Hugo's large crouching hitbox = Three HP Palm Bombers in a row, followed by EX. Hugo is considered crouching during his dizzy animation, allowing a few frames to link f+HP (the only attack that would cause a KO) after MP Palm Bomber.

vs. Q:

QCB+HP, UOH, c.LK (Q dies), c.HK

Explanation: Again, additional hitstun during crouch comes into play. This is the only way to combo into c.HK without dizzy.

EDIT: Added note about f+HP. Thanks, onReload.
Last edited by SofaKingAC on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SFIII: 3S Hugo Combos

Post by onReload »

You might want to throw in there the fact that some attacks (f+HP) put the opponent in a state where they can be command grabbed. Just for anyone who doesn't know 3s all that much
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