Recommended Combo Video Music
Recommended Combo Video Music
I see there's a much-needed "banned" thread, but I think it'd also be nice to have a recommendation/suggestion thread.
I'd like to start by recommending anything by St. Germain; either his Tourist album or his Boulevard album. The former is a kind of jazzy drum and bass and the latter is a kind of blues acid jazz, both of which might be a bit of an acquired taste. You may have heard So Flute which was featured in the movie Snatch -- which by the way has an awesome soundtrack and I find any of the music in that movie acceptable.
I'd also recommend any of the tracks from the Blunted album. Again it's a bit of an acquired taste as it's mostly trip hop and acid jazz.
And I personally really love the track I-209 by Marko Fürstenberg. I think KYSG's Elena video had very appropriate BGM, but I would have died and gone to heaven if he had used I-209 as the featured music for the Elena video. In fact I often watch it on Mute while listening to that track, hehe. If anyone does an Elena video in the future I would strongly recommend that track, dammit.
Red Snapper and Everything but the Girl are also artists who have made some wonderful tracks that I believe would fit very nicely in a combo or tutorial video.
I'd like to start by recommending anything by St. Germain; either his Tourist album or his Boulevard album. The former is a kind of jazzy drum and bass and the latter is a kind of blues acid jazz, both of which might be a bit of an acquired taste. You may have heard So Flute which was featured in the movie Snatch -- which by the way has an awesome soundtrack and I find any of the music in that movie acceptable.
I'd also recommend any of the tracks from the Blunted album. Again it's a bit of an acquired taste as it's mostly trip hop and acid jazz.
And I personally really love the track I-209 by Marko Fürstenberg. I think KYSG's Elena video had very appropriate BGM, but I would have died and gone to heaven if he had used I-209 as the featured music for the Elena video. In fact I often watch it on Mute while listening to that track, hehe. If anyone does an Elena video in the future I would strongly recommend that track, dammit.
Red Snapper and Everything but the Girl are also artists who have made some wonderful tracks that I believe would fit very nicely in a combo or tutorial video.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
You know, if you compare classical music in its various phases to the music we listen to today, over 90% of the modern stuff is tracks where barely two interesting things happen in the span of four minutes. That kinda shit would never fly (way) back in the day. Did we all just get dumber?
Don't get me wrong; i'm not hating. I love music. There are many many things i find fascinating about the music of our generation. When the world arrives at an economic dead end and all of our fuel/electricity is rationed for basic essential life support, my car CD player is what i'm going to miss most of all. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of all modern music is nothing more than a catchy tune. Take any given song and check out how many times the same thing is looped. Usually it's the same drum and bass line throughout the track, with one guitar melody on top of that, and vocals that mirror the melody. Throw in some random 20 second solo to blow people's minds and you've got a hit! Kinda sad.
Well, this certainly went a bit off topic. Sometimes i consider using some classical music as combo video bgm, but i can never reconcile wanting to include game sound effects and not wanting to fuck up the music.
Don't get me wrong; i'm not hating. I love music. There are many many things i find fascinating about the music of our generation. When the world arrives at an economic dead end and all of our fuel/electricity is rationed for basic essential life support, my car CD player is what i'm going to miss most of all. Still doesn't change the fact that 90% of all modern music is nothing more than a catchy tune. Take any given song and check out how many times the same thing is looped. Usually it's the same drum and bass line throughout the track, with one guitar melody on top of that, and vocals that mirror the melody. Throw in some random 20 second solo to blow people's minds and you've got a hit! Kinda sad.
Well, this certainly went a bit off topic. Sometimes i consider using some classical music as combo video bgm, but i can never reconcile wanting to include game sound effects and not wanting to fuck up the music.
Classical music has its share of snoozefests too - even decent stuff like Carissimi's Jephte oratorio has some extraordinarily boring movements that are just there to churn through the required text. A big reason classical is so respectable is that all the bad stuff has been weeded out. In a couple hundred years, all you'll remember of mid-20th-century pop is the Beatles.
I think the de-volution of modern pop music into bare melody finds its logical extension in Christian rock, which is dumbed down about as far as possible while remaining listenable. Nobody officially complains because the church has long realized that a catchy melody is all that you need for their real goal, memorization. (This is why different churches' hymn books will all have the same tunes with different words and orchestrations.)
I've heard only one classical music combo video - an old Urien setups vid which I don't recall anymore. I think it would be pretty awesome. Even if actual baroque music wouldn't work, you could go for pop-classical music like Orff or Bernstein.
I think the de-volution of modern pop music into bare melody finds its logical extension in Christian rock, which is dumbed down about as far as possible while remaining listenable. Nobody officially complains because the church has long realized that a catchy melody is all that you need for their real goal, memorization. (This is why different churches' hymn books will all have the same tunes with different words and orchestrations.)
I've heard only one classical music combo video - an old Urien setups vid which I don't recall anymore. I think it would be pretty awesome. Even if actual baroque music wouldn't work, you could go for pop-classical music like Orff or Bernstein.
I'm into Beethoven and Vivaldi. Not so into everyone else. Definitely cautious of classical music that involves singing.
Not sure that i buy the argument that filting over time was the difference. There's a lot of flashback radio shows that play the best of random decades like the 70's, 80's, or 90's yet they always manage to select the least interesting shallow vanilla garbage available. Something about the way music is distributed and marketed and reviewed these days has gone completely haywire. It strikes me as severly dysfunctional the things people will gravitate toward and the things that they won't give a chance.
Anyway there's no shortage of creative dynamic music that will work well in a combo video.
Not sure that i buy the argument that filting over time was the difference. There's a lot of flashback radio shows that play the best of random decades like the 70's, 80's, or 90's yet they always manage to select the least interesting shallow vanilla garbage available. Something about the way music is distributed and marketed and reviewed these days has gone completely haywire. It strikes me as severly dysfunctional the things people will gravitate toward and the things that they won't give a chance.
Anyway there's no shortage of creative dynamic music that will work well in a combo video.
This was a defunct topic anyway, so thread-jack all you want.
Re; Evo: Yes and no. If you listen to some "bad" Trance you may notice that the song's focus is the bassline, and yet the bassline is actually quite monotonous and droning (read: repetitive and dull). Yet, there are some people who absolutely love this kind of music. I suspect it's either because they like 'white noise', or they strongly appreciate a specific set of sounds and want to hear it repeatedly instead of in short bits.
Kind of like a catchy jingle in a commercial, you get it stuck in your head. Your mind continually repeats the jingle (although sometimes annoying) for some reason or another. Usually the remedy for this is to play the song over and over until your mind gets sick of it; eg "played out". If you relate this to people who like "bad" Trance you could see how some people might want to hear the same thing repeatedly instead of just a few times, in order for their mind to completely familiarize with the tune(s).
If you were to take a song and insert a short 5 second riff, it's possible the audience would want to hear that single riff over and over, therefor desire to hear the song over and over, but get disturbed by how short the riff is.
On a side note; (The) Prodigy is a band that I've always had a strong interest in because they have an uncanny ability to change their song completely, sometimes more than once, during the course of a single track. You may not be aware of this if all you've heard is their 'mainstream' stuff, but they do have some music where they somehow keep the rhythm/beat and yet change everything else about the song mid-way through.
Re; Evo: Yes and no. If you listen to some "bad" Trance you may notice that the song's focus is the bassline, and yet the bassline is actually quite monotonous and droning (read: repetitive and dull). Yet, there are some people who absolutely love this kind of music. I suspect it's either because they like 'white noise', or they strongly appreciate a specific set of sounds and want to hear it repeatedly instead of in short bits.
Kind of like a catchy jingle in a commercial, you get it stuck in your head. Your mind continually repeats the jingle (although sometimes annoying) for some reason or another. Usually the remedy for this is to play the song over and over until your mind gets sick of it; eg "played out". If you relate this to people who like "bad" Trance you could see how some people might want to hear the same thing repeatedly instead of just a few times, in order for their mind to completely familiarize with the tune(s).
If you were to take a song and insert a short 5 second riff, it's possible the audience would want to hear that single riff over and over, therefor desire to hear the song over and over, but get disturbed by how short the riff is.
On a side note; (The) Prodigy is a band that I've always had a strong interest in because they have an uncanny ability to change their song completely, sometimes more than once, during the course of a single track. You may not be aware of this if all you've heard is their 'mainstream' stuff, but they do have some music where they somehow keep the rhythm/beat and yet change everything else about the song mid-way through.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
That place has fan made music for RPG's. I don't think you can DL the albums on their site though... But a lot of that music IMO fits many kinds of videos.
That place has fan made music for RPG's. I don't think you can DL the albums on their site though... But a lot of that music IMO fits many kinds of videos.
Here are a couple of tracks that wouldn't fit in a combo video in their entirety, but they have (brief) instrumental portions that could work.
Refused - New Noise (link)
(first 65 seconds right up until he screams out the words, "Can I scream!?!")
A Patch of Black (In a Riot of Color) - Serial Kisser (link)
(lots of dope instrumental parts inbetween the two 30-second vocal bits)
Cap'n Jazz - No Use For a Piano Player When You Got a Player Piano
(probably too offbeat for a combo video, but still awesome)
I'll probably be posting a lot more of these eventually. Otherwise i'll just forgot about 'em by the time i need one.
Refused - New Noise (link)
(first 65 seconds right up until he screams out the words, "Can I scream!?!")
A Patch of Black (In a Riot of Color) - Serial Kisser (link)
(lots of dope instrumental parts inbetween the two 30-second vocal bits)
Cap'n Jazz - No Use For a Piano Player When You Got a Player Piano
(probably too offbeat for a combo video, but still awesome)
I'll probably be posting a lot more of these eventually. Otherwise i'll just forgot about 'em by the time i need one.
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
Bump. I'm always looking for Combo Video Music. If anyone has any, please post it up.
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
Dope chill instrumental music ...
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet - Coma Pony
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet - Spared from the Insult List
Tristeza - Balabaristas
Tristeza - La Tierra Sutil
Tristeza - Palindrome Dome
Minutemen - Cohesion
Minutemen - June 16th
Minutemen - Love Dance
De Facto - Hoxadrine
De Facto - Vesica Pisces
Don Caballero - Unresolved Kharma
Crime in Choir - Hot Slant
Crime in Choir - Vene Qua
Turing Machine - Bleach It Black
Turing Machine - Don't Mind If I Don't
Turing Machine - Rock. Paper. Rock.
Except that last band isn't chill at all. Helluva intense actually.
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet - Coma Pony
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quintet - Spared from the Insult List
Tristeza - Balabaristas
Tristeza - La Tierra Sutil
Tristeza - Palindrome Dome
Minutemen - Cohesion
Minutemen - June 16th
Minutemen - Love Dance
De Facto - Hoxadrine
De Facto - Vesica Pisces
Don Caballero - Unresolved Kharma
Crime in Choir - Hot Slant
Crime in Choir - Vene Qua
Turing Machine - Bleach It Black
Turing Machine - Don't Mind If I Don't
Turing Machine - Rock. Paper. Rock.
Except that last band isn't chill at all. Helluva intense actually.
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
Dengue Fever
Ocean of Venus (hear here)
Lake Dolores
The Controls
Opium Dreams (hear here)
Midwest Product
IA Style
In the Tornado - Desperate attack!- (Silent Rhythm) (hear here, skip to 3:12) **
(The Real) Tuesday Weld
Bathtime in Clerkenwell (hear here)
All good
Thievery Corporation
Air Batucada
Bario Alto
Hmm.. the "trouble" with marvel is that you could theoretically/convincingly fit just about anything with it. Maybe. Guess it depends how long the video is.
** Highly recommended for some epically hype shit
Ocean of Venus (hear here)
Lake Dolores
The Controls
Opium Dreams (hear here)
Midwest Product
IA Style
In the Tornado - Desperate attack!- (Silent Rhythm) (hear here, skip to 3:12) **
(The Real) Tuesday Weld
Bathtime in Clerkenwell (hear here)
All good
Thievery Corporation
Air Batucada
Bario Alto
Hmm.. the "trouble" with marvel is that you could theoretically/convincingly fit just about anything with it. Maybe. Guess it depends how long the video is.
** Highly recommended for some epically hype shit
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
If i ever make videos for a game (Be it combo or otherwise) i try to always add the Track "Quentin Grey: Growing Aggression" to it, i must have used it 3 times now, & my next SFIV combo video i intend to use it. The Music on >>this<< video
It's pretty hard to get, so if anyone wants it, PM me & i'll gladly upload it
It's pretty hard to get, so if anyone wants it, PM me & i'll gladly upload it
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:50 pm
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
Am having a very hard time finding music for a 10 mins video I just finished, It's not a combo video. I hope you guys don't mind if I use some of the music posted in this thread.
- Posts: 63
- Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:14 pm
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
thats a classic song from the counterstrike days & rockin somafm(secretagent of course)!Xenozip. wrote: Thievery Corporation
Bario Alto

thievery corp has some nice stuff.
ewige blumenkraft!
Music in combo videos?
What kind of music do you like to hear in combo video?
I don't think I will ever use anything with lyrics because I want to hear character's voice. Also, I prefer some "serious" music (not something happy-like).
I don't think I will ever use anything with lyrics because I want to hear character's voice. Also, I prefer some "serious" music (not something happy-like).
Re: Music in combo videos?
Ah yes, good thread. I kinda sense saltiness in Maj when he mentions Linkin Park 

Re: Music in combo videos?
As I said, I will probably never use song with lyrics, but this one seems good for a combo video:
Last edited by Ryukenden on Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Music in combo videos?
I don't care as long as I can still hear the game sounds loud and clear.
- Posts: 1505
- Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:47 pm
Re: Recommended Combo Video Music
You guys are welcome to use anything on here as long as you credit Jason or Mikey, according to the credits in the info of the music.
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