Interesting Combo/Glitch/Tutorial Videos
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Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Doesn't even have to be counterhit.Just last frame meaty.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
ah right, i just assumed it was CH 'cause the whole video is counterhit...but yeah I can't test anything meself
Re: Yo check this out yo
interesting aof speed run
Re: Yo check this out yo
SFZ2 Blog
SFZ2 Blog
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
That video's amazing! We really have to find this guy. It's too bad that by the time we get him to upload that video himself, everyone will have seen this version and won't bother to rewatch it on his channel. But maybe he has some other vids that can get full untaxed views.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
In the video description says that the combomaker is called SIN, never eard about him before BTW.
SFZ2 Blog
SFZ2 Blog
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Yeah me neither, and unfortunately the name SIN is so common and short that we'll never find him searching on google or whatever. I'll try asking bas though, maybe he can give us a lead.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
talk about a hard name to find, specialty since capcom picked s.i.n. as the bad guy group
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Wow, its the fist 55 min vid that i have wached entirely! This guy is awesome.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
No, unfortunately he didn't recognize the video or the author at all. Then i tried conning him into starting a u2b channel but it's pretty much impossible to convince that guy to do anything. Anyway we'll figure it out eventually. I'll just have to remember to ask every Japanese guy i happen to talk to.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
lots and lots of msh speed running
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Just posting this because nobody else has written any real comments on this COTA video, and because 55 mins is too long to comment on otherwise.Play By Play wrote:Maj: re:
omni: 55 mins?!?!?!
Maj: pew pew pew
omni: is this the gamest tape?
Maj: nah i think it's new?
Maj: 2007
Maj: made by some Japanese guy named SIN
Maj: aka impossible to locate on google
omni: aka alex saguerdo
Maj: hahaha that guy never did a 4+ move combo in his life
omni: colossus has a dope 1 frame tiger knee
omni: hella no animation
Maj: haha i have no idea what that is
Maj: maybe it's like shoulder tackle cancel short or something
omni: this game is so bizarre
omni: it's like the wild wild west of combogames
omni: i ain't going to lie to you maj
omni: i don't remember half of these moves he's doing
Maj: awesome right?
omni: how you going to go colossus then gouki
omni: it's like...3 move
omni: 3 moves to hella broken combos
omni: need some buildup! some pacing!
Maj: japanese english alphabet
Maj: MSF, XS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E
omni: he just did fierce dp, land and throw as a combo
omni: man...i don't even think i could play akuma in the arcade board
omni: i forget
Maj: yeah you could
Maj: i used to do it all the time
Maj: and fuck up the code and be stuck with silver samurai
omni: it was hard though right?
omni: like ST hard?
Maj: helllls yeah
Maj: all kinds of timings
omni: watching breathing animations
Maj: every character in this game has a different gravity too
omni: they really do
omni: sooo many combos are sooo char specific
omni: and everyone has a different 'magic series'
Maj: and all of them are broken as fuck
omni: did he just do double air throw
omni: thats some sneaky bas shit right there
Maj: hahaha
Maj: i spent 45 minutes trying to make bas register a youtube channel
Maj: that guy is so lazy
Maj: it's 100% impossible to convince him to do anything he doesn't want to do
omni: just make one
omni: then give him the pw
Maj: dude it takes less than a minute
Maj: i gave him the direct link to the registration page
Maj: on!
omni: nico foo
Maj: i like how all the combos start against neutral opponent
Maj: it's all "setups? why?? i can already combo everything!"
Maj: goddamn, sentinel is doing whatever he wants right now
Maj: haha he's 34 minutes in though
omni: i was about to say
omni: i'm on wolverine
omni: who is also just hitting buttons btw
Maj: yeah i watched all the way up to iceman
Maj: then all the way up to psylocke
Maj: taking 3 tries to get through this video
omni: man
omni: the world was not ready for this game
omni: including capcom
omni: such a fucked up game
Maj: hahahaha the world still isn't ready for this game
omni: so many smart decisions made for msh
omni: some guy on the team was like, 'you know what...fuck that programmer who wanted individual gravity'
omni: although i bet that same programmer
omni: created flying screen
Maj: hahaha
Maj: the one thing i don't like about cota
Maj: is the combo counter disappears on KO
omni: man look at the font
omni: for combometer
omni: the gap for tens
omni: 1 0
omni: 1 1
omni: 1 2
omni: shit needs some kerning
Maj: hahaha
omni: no joke though
omni: juggernaut looks dope as fuck in this game
Maj: hells yeah
omni: picking up ibeams
Maj: his stage too
Maj: it's all advanced
Maj: like it breaks gradually
Maj: then at some point some rocket takes off
Maj: cause you broke all the restraints
Maj: and you don't even see it 90% of the time
Maj: because he kills you too soon
Maj: power up, F+HP is like 40% damage
omni: yeah
Maj: man, silver samurai is such a broken combo character
Maj: he has sooo much shit
Maj: hahaha except you need a combo video to make his lame attacks connect
Maj: it's like everything is designed to miss
omni: this game also looks old
omni: iceman has not held up
Maj: man how the fuck can storm combo throws out of ground hitstun?
Maj: in xsf too right?
Maj: lightning attack, throw
omni: yeah
omni: she's weird
Maj: damn akuma falls weird
omni: man
omni: i wanna play that sentinel
omni: he's just combo'ing full screen slow ass missles
omni: for no reason
Maj: hahaha yeah hella cheap
Maj: did you see the superjump one?
omni: no
Maj: 33:13
Maj: so fucking cheap
omni: wow
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Yeah I need more tries with this's awesome to see these characters I know from mvc2 doing crazy shit, but some of it...i don't even know if it's a character's move, or follow up or the stage or goddamn whatever. it's also, i'm gonna admit, the only capcom fighter i can't beat. i just can't get the hang of the controls.
was there any comp. play of this back in the day; in japan only maybe? (edit: i did find some shit from 2010, from online u.s. play, i think) i think i'd like to see some...nowadays it would just be battousai vs. the world.
was there any comp. play of this back in the day; in japan only maybe? (edit: i did find some shit from 2010, from online u.s. play, i think) i think i'd like to see some...nowadays it would just be battousai vs. the world.
had me dyingomni: shit needs some kerning
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
I'm still only about 3/4 of the way through it haha. So far I've enjoyed Omega Red, Sentinel and Silver Samurai the most. I was a little disappointed with the Spiral (and to a lesser extent, Psylocke) combos as I was expecting something of the caliber that Battousai has been releasing, but found this set of combos much less creative (it may be more technical, idk I have pretty poor knowledge of CotA). Anyways, awesome vid and thanks for brining it to my attention.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
In fairness, COTA is one of those rare games that has no combo ceiling. We don't know what kind of tools SIN used but if it was only programmable controllers, then Battousai had an obvious huge advantage. Anyway 2007 to 2010 is a long time in COTA years, especially considering all the new tools that those three years introduced.
I agree though, the Psylocke and Spiral segments weren't great. Then again, every combo maker has favorites and whatever the opposite of "favorite" is. I think this guy's favorites are Colossus, Cyclops, maybe Akuma, maybe Silver Samurai? Those are the characters that seem to show the most variety and creativity in their combos.
I agree though, the Psylocke and Spiral segments weren't great. Then again, every combo maker has favorites and whatever the opposite of "favorite" is. I think this guy's favorites are Colossus, Cyclops, maybe Akuma, maybe Silver Samurai? Those are the characters that seem to show the most variety and creativity in their combos.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
16 min vid containing various bugs/glitches in Melty Blood Actress Again PS2 vers. Some of these have been explored in previous vids (e.g. Kohaku bomb + throw floating floor glitch) but the majority are new afaik. Lots of interesting stuff here, but I will pick out some things I particularly liked: 4:20 (Ciel's wall jump super move is interrupted by the presence of the opponents pushbox allowing her to do a ghetto combo). 5:20 (airthrowing the aerial clone of Nanaya's AD causes the original version to glitch and slide across the stage). 14:22 (clash party). 15:42 (Ciel AAD mirror). The BGM is pretty hilarious, too. ROVE IT!
Anyone interested in MB should subscribe to this channel. Just the other day there was a Miyako CMV released, containing plenty of sick side switch/backwards attack combos. There is also a huge library of other MB vids produced over the years (also a few vids from lesser known games such as Big Bang Beat and Dragon Blast).
16 min vid containing various bugs/glitches in Melty Blood Actress Again PS2 vers. Some of these have been explored in previous vids (e.g. Kohaku bomb + throw floating floor glitch) but the majority are new afaik. Lots of interesting stuff here, but I will pick out some things I particularly liked: 4:20 (Ciel's wall jump super move is interrupted by the presence of the opponents pushbox allowing her to do a ghetto combo). 5:20 (airthrowing the aerial clone of Nanaya's AD causes the original version to glitch and slide across the stage). 14:22 (clash party). 15:42 (Ciel AAD mirror). The BGM is pretty hilarious, too. ROVE IT!
Anyone interested in MB should subscribe to this channel. Just the other day there was a Miyako CMV released, containing plenty of sick side switch/backwards attack combos. There is also a huge library of other MB vids produced over the years (also a few vids from lesser known games such as Big Bang Beat and Dragon Blast).
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Nice. I pretty much xcopied that entire first paragraph for ComboVid. Thanks dude, that makes my life a lot easier.
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Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
its kinda tough to read all these pages, so has anyone seen this?
can someone please explain to me how its possible to program combos in ARCADE mode without getting hit?
can someone please explain to me how its possible to program combos in ARCADE mode without getting hit?
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet ... 305#p19305wolverine-master wrote:can someone please explain to me how its possible to program combos in ARCADE mode without getting hit?
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Like on an emulator?wolverine-master wrote: can someone please explain to me how its possible to program combos in ARCADE mode without getting hit?
- Posts: 579
- Joined: Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:10 pm
- Location: brooklyn NY
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
thanks...i have fba-rr.
but im still a bit confused on how to do all that stuff during gameplay....its not like you can predict what the opponent is gonna do.
oh well....i just thought it was kind of amazing.
thanks alot guys.
but im still a bit confused on how to do all that stuff during gameplay....its not like you can predict what the opponent is gonna do.
oh well....i just thought it was kind of amazing.
thanks alot guys.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
You make a save state while recording a replay, then you see what the CPU opponent does, then you load the save state and you already know what the opponent's gonna do. Sometimes your inputs change the CPU's decisions, but you can try it a few frames earlier or later and it'll usually go back to what it did before. You can also use different input combinations to manipulate the CPU into doing whatever you want. This is what TASing is all about.
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Whoa, stgeneration updated with new vids today.
This whole HSFA SFA2 Akuma combo is thoroughly awesome. Not sure why he did it against CPU Sagat though.
Also it looks like some old ghetto SF2 glitches are present in HSFA because of Champion Edition Ism.
And he found a float glich with SFA1 Rose/Ken.
This whole HSFA SFA2 Akuma combo is thoroughly awesome. Not sure why he did it against CPU Sagat though.
Also it looks like some old ghetto SF2 glitches are present in HSFA because of Champion Edition Ism.
And he found a float glich with SFA1 Rose/Ken.
Re: Yo check this out yo
basically, if you didn't know, CRoyd shows that in 3s, after an air parry, you go into a toward jump state. Fun stuff
basically, if you didn't know, CRoyd shows that in 3s, after an air parry, you go into a toward jump state. Fun stuff
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
took 8 minutes to show 10 seconds worth of information
Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet
Haha, yeah, which is weird - considering that the videos prior, where he would edit and VO them afterward performing them were actually longer than how he's doing it live now.
Re: Interesting Combo/Glitch/Tutorial Videos 2011
Haha i think everyone already learned that from Daigo vs Justin.
Re: Interesting Combo/Glitch/Tutorial Videos 2011
It actually took me years to notice
The neutral jump HK is close enough to the directional one, and there were yelling people!
Anyone know if this also applies in CvS2 or A3? You get more invincibility frames upon activating a 100% gauge vs. a 50% gauge.

Anyone know if this also applies in CvS2 or A3? You get more invincibility frames upon activating a 100% gauge vs. a 50% gauge.