Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

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Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Something that bothers me with AE is that the new characters doesn't have any trials... so I'll make some! I'll try to keep the classic trial feel intact. The first ones being only special moves, then the super, then Ultras etc. I'll to make them quite varied though.

1: Dash Punch
2: Shoulder
3: Command grab
4: Super
5: U1
6: U2
7: s.MP, s.LK
8: c.MP, c.MP, s.MK
9: j.LP xx f.HP, c.HK xx s.HK
10: Dive kick, s.LP xxs.LK xx s.MP, HP rush Punch
11: j.HP, s.MP, EX Dash Punch, LP Dash Punch
12: j.HK, c.MK, LP Shoulder, Super, s.MP, f.HP, HP Dash Punch, c.HK
13: FA, LK Dive Kick, c.LP, EX Dragon Kicks, LP Dash Punch
14: j.LP xx f.HP, s.LP xx s.LK xx s.MP, EX Dash Punch, U1, EX Shoulder
15: HK Dive kick, U2
16: AA HP Palm, EX Shoulder, FADC, U1, EX Shoulder
17: FA, EX Palm, EX Dash Punch, EX Shoulder
18: FA, LP Dive Kick, c.MP, c.MP, s.MP xx HP xx b.HP, EX FA, U1, EX Shoulder
19: HK Dive Kick, U1, f.HP, EX Dragon Kicks
20: HP Palm, Super, LP Dash Punch, f.MK, f.MK, f.MK, f.MK, U1
21: U1, Super, LP Dash Punch, s.HK, f.HP, HP Dash Punch, s.HP, HK Dive Kick
22: c.MP, c.MP, c.MK, LP Shoulder, Super, s.HP, s.HP, U2
23: FA, Command Grab, c.MP, s.MP xx HP xx b.HP, FADC, EX Dragon Kicks, EX Dragon Kicks
24: MP Shoulder, Super, HK Dragon Kicks, LK Dragon Kicks, LK Dragon Kicks, LK Dragon Kicks, s.HP, U2

1: Rekkas
2: Palm
3: DP
4: Super
5: U1
6: U2
7: s.LP, c.HK
8: cl.MP, c.MP
9: c.LP, cl.MP, far s.MP xx HP xx b.HP
10: c.MK, MP Palm
11: j.HP, s.HP, HP Rekkas
12: Dive Kick, c.MK, MP Palm, Super, LK xx MK xx HK
13: j.HP, s.MK, Super, s.MK, HK DP, HK DP
14: FA, EX Palm, U1
15: j.HP, c.MK, EX Rekkas, U2
16: j.MK xx df.MK, s.HP, HK DP, EX DP
17: j.HP, c.LK, c.LP, s.LP, c.MK, HP Rekkas
18: FA, EX Palm, MK DP, FADC, far s.HP
19: s.MK, HP Palm, EX DP, FADC, HK DP, EX DP, U2
20: FA, Command grab, s.MK, Jump cancel (Dive kick), U1
21: HP Rekka, HP Rekka, FADC, s.MK, s.MK, HK DP, HK DP, EX DP
22: j.HK, s.MP, c.MK, MP Palm, FADC, c.LK, U2.
23: FA3, FA2, HP Rekka, HP Rekka, FA2, FA1, HK DP, U2
24: (Super) c.MP (Dash), c.LK, c.MP (Dash), s.LK xx s.MK, (jump cancel), HK Divekick, U1.

Evil Ryu:
1: Hadoken
2: Shoryuken
3: Stomp
4: Super
5: U1
6: U2
7: c.MP, s.MP
8: f.MP, c.MP
9: j.HP, c.MK, LK Stomp, EX FA
10: Dive Kick, s.MP, Shaku
11: FA, Super
12: AA LP SRK, U2
13: j.MP, j.MP, U1
14: j.HP, s.HP, LK Tatsu, SRK, FADC, U1
15: j.HP, s.MP, MK Stomp, c.LP, EX Tatsu, U2
16: j.HK, s.HP, MK Stomp, c.MP LK Tatsu, HP SRK
17: j.MK, s.MP, EX Shaku, EX Stomp
18: FA, c.HP, MK Stomp, FADC, s.MP, EX Shaku, U1
19: j.MK, s.LP, s.HP, MK Stomp, c.MP, LK Tatsu, s.HP, Teleport
20: j.HK, c.MP, s.MP, HK Shaku, FADC, EX Shaku, EX Tatsu
21: AA s.HK, EX Hadoken, U1
22: j.HK, c.MP, s.HP, MK Stomp, SRK, FADC, EX Hadoken, U1
23: c.MK, EX Hadoken, s.MK, EX Hadoken, lvl.2 FA, f.MP, c.MP, HP Hadoken
24: Hadoken, FADC, FA, f.MP, c.MP, HP Hadoken, FADC, U2

1: Slam
2: Gorai Hadoken
3: Slash
4: MP Airdash (has to hit)
5: Super (air)
6: U1
7: U2
8: b.MP, b.MP, s.HK
9: c.MP, s.LP, s.HP
10: j.HK, b.MP xx HP, LK Slam
11: j.HP, f.LP xx MP, LK Slash xx EX FA
12: FA, air Super
13: AA LK Tatsu, U1
14: AA LK Slash, U2
15: FA, EX Slash, LK stomp
16: j.HP, s.HP, EX Tatsu, EX Hadoken, U2
17: j.MK, c.LK, c.LP, c.HP, HK SRK
18: j.HP, c.LK, s.LP, b.MP xx HP, SRK, FADC, Up U1
19: j.HK, b.MP xx HP, LK Slash, FADC, b.MP xx HP, LK Stomp
20: FA, c.MP, c.HP, Mk Tatsu, FADC, s.HP, EX Tatsu, f.HK
21: b.MP, c.HP, LK Slash, FADC, s.LP, s.HP, EX Hadoken, EX SRK
22: c.LP, c.MK, EX Hadoken, s.LK, EX Hadoken, lvl.2 EX FA, LK Slash, MP DP
23: c.LP, EX Hadoken, c.LP, EX Hadoken, c.LP, EX Hadoken, s.LK, EX Hadoken
24: Hadoken, s.MP, EX Hadoken, s.LP, c.MK, HP Hadoken, FADC, U2

6-7 special/super/ultras
2-3 links
2-4 BnB style combos (jump in, move, special (maybe EX FA/ Some sort of super cancel in the end))
3-6 simple juggle combos (AA to ultra, maybe one or two FADC combos, EX slash/EX Palm/EX Tatsu/ Twin s.MK etc)
3-4 Medium-difficulty combos with links.
4-7 Hard combos.

8 (mentioned) moves or less.
Last edited by Doopliss on Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:20 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials.

Post by Snoooootch »

Dude, great idea! :) I'll get on it as soon as it comes out. Hopefully the playstation store is out by then. >_>
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials.

Post by Doopliss »

For Yun's last one, I figure it should start with command grab, some moves into Super, quickly do Ultra 1, then juggle a move after the Ultra, if possible. Otherwise, you start with the ultra, then do a simple genei jin juggle after it.

For Yang last, I was thinking about starting the super, then do MP Palm, jump-in target combo (This should work, seeing as palm has a lot of hitstun, and good recovery), grounded target combo or s.HP or something into teleport, slash, U1.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials.

Post by error1 »

you should make sure the yun and yang combos use ex moves, or else you could use super
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Maj »

So you're planning on releasing this as a video or as text? I'm down to put it up on ComboVid if you need a place to post the text first. Then i guess you could release a custom solutions video, edited to look like SF4 Trial Mode. I remember seeing something like that for a custom challenge and it looked pretty decent, but of course it's impossible to find now because "sf4 challenge" brings up a million useless results on u2b.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Maj wrote:So you're planning on releasing this as a video or as text? I'm down to put it up on ComboVid if you need a place to post the text first. Then i guess you could release a custom solutions video, edited to look like SF4 Trial Mode. I remember seeing something like that for a custom challenge and it looked pretty decent, but of course it's impossible to find now because "sf4 challenge" brings up a million useless results on u2b.
I was planning on doing a video walkthrough per character, similar to these (Without hand footage). Sony Vegas' default font looks exactly like the in-game one, so it'll look quite nice. I guess I'll release a text version too though, with a checklist.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Maj »

You don't have to publish it as text if you weren't planning to. The only reason i mentioned it is because the SF4 Trials were essentially text that players had to figure out. Presenting them as videos that players simply duplicate is a different concept. But either way sounds good.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

No, but a checklist is good if someone wants to print it out or something to remember which ones they've completed.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

I'm done with Yang's preliminary trial list now. Feedback, ideas?
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Rufus »

I still think they should have set up some kind of on-line sharable trial mode. :/
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Pokey86 »

1: Rekkas
2: Palm
3: Teleport

Minor but i'd say SRK would be more suitable than a non-hitting special, hell they only made you do bison/Sims teleport because they had nothing to fill the gap.

4: Super
5: U1
6: U2
7: s.LP, c.HK
8: cl.MP, c.MP
9: c.LP, cl.MP, far s.MP xx HP xx b.HP
10: j.HP, c.MK, MP Palm
11: j.MK xx df.MK, s.HP, HP Rekkas

I think you've rushed to the link & cancel combos to quickly

12: Dive Kick, c.MK, MP Palm, Super, LK xx MK xx HK
13: j.HP, s.MK, Super, s.MK, HK DP, HK DP
14: FA, EX Palm, U1
15: j.HP, c.MK, EX Rekkas, U2

Haven't you got 4 corner combos already?

16: j.HP, s.HP, HK DP, EX DP

5 Corner Combos?

17: j.HP, c.LK, c.LP, s.LP, c.MK, HP Rekkas
18: FA, EX Palm, MK DP, far s.HP


19: s.MK, HP Palm, EX DP, FADC, HK DP, EX DP, U2

Lol, isn't that a bit to complex for the first FADC combo?

20: FA, Command grab, s.MK, Jump cancel (Dive kick), U1

While i'd say this Should be a combo, how would the game translate a whiffed dive kick, couldn't you just cheat & FADC the MK?

21: HP Rekka, HP Rekka, FADC, s.MK, s.MK, HK DP, HK DP, EX DP

Lol, that's an ace combo

22: j.HK, s.MP, c.MK, MP Palm, FADC, c.LK, U2.

Crouch LK links in to U2?

23: FA3, FA2, HP Rekka, HP Rekka, FA2, FA1, HK DP, U2

LMAO! i don't agree with that one, i know the game offers some pretty useless trial combos but i don't think it's ever asked for FA3 -> FA2, mind you i'd Super to to make it easier.

24: (Super) c.MP (Dash), c.LK, c.MP (Dash), s.LK xx s.MK, (jump cancel), HK Divekick, U1.
Overall some pretty cool combos, might give them a go myself
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Pokey86 wrote: Minor but i'd say SRK would be more suitable than a non-hitting special, hell they only made you do bison/Sims teleport because they had nothing to fill the gap.
I guess.
Pokey86 wrote:I think you've rushed to the link & cancel combos to quickly
Dunno man, Yang doesn't have that many links. And basic cancel combos are basic. Think I'll remove the jump-in on the first cancel combo though.
Pokey86 wrote:Haven't you got 4 corner combos already?
Pokey86 wrote:5 Corner Combos?
I guess I don't really think about it, I always do everything in the corner anyways, and I guess a lot of other people do too.
Pokey86 wrote:Nice
But I just noticed I forgot to write down the FADC here though.
Pokey86 wrote:Lol, isn't that a bit to complex for the first FADC combo?
Well, it's trial 19, it should be a little complex :P
Pokey86 wrote:While i'd say this Should be a combo, how would the game translate a whiffed dive kick, couldn't you just cheat & FADC the MK?
That's why I force you to do the jump cancel.
Pokey86 wrote:Crouch LK links in to U2?
It's possible after a jump-in or FADC, making it a 1-frame link.
Pokey86 wrote:LMAO! i don't agree with that one, i know the game offers some pretty useless trial combos but i don't think it's ever asked for FA3 -> FA2, mind you i'd Super to to make it easier.
I dunno, I like this one. While it IS possible to cheat, you have to be really precise with where you start during the super, allowing you to get 2 bars back before the EX Lvl.2 FA from the HP rekkas. Overall, I tried to make it a little harder to cheat, at least if you wanted to follow meter limits, but Yang can combo into crumple very easily, making it really hard to avoid.

Btw, a random note: It seems you can't activate the first rekka with negative edge, making s.HP xx HP rekka kind of annoying.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

E.Ryu's and Oni's lists are up too. It was kinda hard to come up with stuff that wasn't already more-or-less covered by Ryu or Akuma for E.Ryu, but I think I did OK. Oni's feels kinda off, I'll really need some feedback on that one. Is there anything I've completely overlooked?
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Pokey86 »

Evil Ryu:
1: Hadoken
2: Stomp
3: Shoryuken

I'd switch the 2 abouve round... But minor really

4: Super
5: U1
6: U2
7: c.MP, s.MP


8: f.MP, c.MP

2 MP MP links?

9: j.HP, c.MK, LK Stomp, EX FA

does LK stomp link from Crouch MK? i had no idea. Surprised you didn't add his target combo in there, easy differentiation from Ryu that, seeing as he aint go a target. Say Jump HP -> Target MP -> HP -> Focus Attack

10: Dive Kick, s.MP, Shaku
11: FA, Super
12: AA LP SRK, U2
13: j.MP, j.MP, U1
14: j.HP, s.HP, LK Tatsu, HP SRK, FADC, U1

i can understand HP SRK being used... But wouldn't the "best" srk to use be LP or MP? afterall they both do more damage when FADC'd. That said they made you FADC Akumas HP SRK on his combo in trials

15: j.HP, s.MP, MK Stomp, c.LP, EX Tatsu, U2


16: j.HK, s.HP, MK Stomp, c.MP LK Tatsu, HP SRK

I love this combo, one of my favourites now.

17: j.MK, s.MP, EX Shaku, EX Stomp

I'm pretty sure that link is character specific, (Shaku to Stomp) does it work VS Dan, i've never tried?

18: FA, c.HP, MK Stomp, c.MP, LK Tatsu, s.HP, Teleport

i lol'd

19: FA, c.HP, MK Stomp, FADC, c.MP, s.HP, EX Stomp
20: j.HK, c.MP, s.MP, HK Shaku, FADC, EX Shaku, EX Tatsu
21: AA s.HK, EX Hadoken, U1

lol, nice

22: j.HK, c.MP, s.HP, MK Stomp, SRK, FADC, EX Hadoken, U1

That ones alot easier than some of the combos before it, Stomp to SRK is dead easy.

23: c.MK, EX Hadoken, s.MK, EX Hadoken, lvl.2 FA, f.MP, c.MP, HP Hadoken

Makin these last ones tough.

24: Hadoken, FADC, FA, f.MP, c.MP, LP Hadoken, FADC, U2 (Sometimes Dan blocks the LP Hadoken, it's possible I'm doing NE MP Hadoken when it works, will investigate further)

FADC then FA? the hell

1: Slam
2: Gorai Hadoken
3: Slash
4: MP Airdash (has to hit)
5: Super (air)
6: U1
7: U2
8: b.MP, b.MP, s.HK
9: c.MP, s.LP, s.HP
10: j.HK, b.MP xx HP, LK Slam
11: j.HP, f.LP xx MP, LK Slash xx EX FA
12: FA, air Super

^^lol, just break the convention of it all :P^^

13: AA LK Tatsu, U1
14: AA LK Slash, U

^^Guessing that is U2^^

15: FA, EX Slash, LK stomp
16: j.HP, s.HP, EX Tatsu, EX Hadoken, U2
17: j.MK, c.LK, c.LP, c.HP, HK SRK
18: j.HP, c.LK, s.LP, b.MP xx HP, SRK, FADC, Up U1
19: j.HK, b.MP xx HP, LK Slash, FADC, b.MP xx HP, LK Stomp
20: FA, c.MP, c.HP, Mk Tatsu, FADC, s.HP, EX Tatsu, f.HK

You can link Stand HP from a FADC'd MK Tatsu, wow, alot more hitstun than i thought.

21: b.MP, c.HP, LK Slash, FADC, s.LP, s.HP, EX Hadoken, EX SRK
22: c.LP, c.MK, EX Hadoken, s.LK, EX Hadoken, lvl.2 EX FA, LK Slash, MP DP

That's gonna confuse the fuck out of people

23: c.LP, EX Hadoken, c.LP, EX Hadoken, c.LP, EX Hadoken, s.LK, EX Hadoken
24: Hadoken, s.MP, EX Hadoken, s.LP, c.MK, HP Hadoken, FADC, U2
Not bad altogether, you've upped the difficulty to the standard that trials are, but most of them look like fun. Do you plan to release these as some kind of challenge or something? Sorry if i sound like a dickhead through judging the quality of anything above. It's all imo of course, if i made up challenges they'd probably follow the trial convention as close as possible & be boring as hell.

Also good job for not having a MP -> FADC -> MP -> -> FADC -> MP -> SRK combo... i hated that damn one in Super.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Smileymike101 »

Hadouken FADC into U2, considering it's motion, is stupidly difficult.I've give up trying to get it to work on pad.So after i input the dash i have like 1/4 of a second to do TWO half circle motions?Yeah, no way.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Pokey86 wrote:I'd switch the 2 abouve round... But minor really
Wow, no idea why I made it like that.
Pokey86 wrote:2 MP MP links?
Thing is, seems he can't link into or out of any of his heavy moves, or any MK but close s.MK, which is as fast as a jab, so MPs it is. They apparently were really afraid of Stomp loops. Maybe he could do s.LP to s.HP, but meh.
Pokey86 wrote:does LK stomp link from Crouch MK? i had no idea. Surprised you didn't add his target combo in there, easy differentiation from Ryu that, seeing as he aint go a target. Say Jump HP -> Target MP -> HP -> Focus Attack
I felt target combo was too easy, even though it looks kinda cool to end it with EX FA like that. Seems that LK stomp combos from all mediums except c.MP (iirc).
Pokey86 wrote:i can understand HP SRK being used... But wouldn't the "best" srk to use be LP or MP? afterall they both do more damage when FADC'd. That said they made you FADC Akumas HP SRK on his combo in trials
I dunno why I wrote HP SRK there, I'll just change it to any SRK.
Pokey86 wrote:I'm pretty sure that link is character specific, (Shaku to Stomp) does it work VS Dan, i've never tried?
Works on Dan, timing is quite tight though. I'm sure that some of the trials in SSFIV doesn't work on all characters anyways. Some of the longer link combos are probably character unspecific on Blanka or something.
Pokey86 wrote:That ones alot easier than some of the combos before it, Stomp to SRK is dead easy.
Yeah, but you have to cut 'em some slack sometimes, right?
Pokey86 wrote:Makin these last ones tough.
Pokey86 wrote:FADC then FA? the hell
Works at the right distance.The spacing is quite specific, but kinda easy to find/figure out. Then again, I might be overestimating the general public.
Pokey86 wrote:^^Guessing that is U2^^
Pokey86 wrote:You can link Stand HP from a FADC'd MK Tatsu, wow, alot more hitstun than i thought.
Yes, it has slightly more hitstun than LK Slash. You can't use U2 after it it seems.
Pokey86 wrote:That's gonna confuse the fuck out of people
You think? I think trial 14 might help out a little, otherwise they'll just have to watch the vid :P

Pokey86 wrote:Not bad altogether, you've upped the difficulty to the standard that trials are, but most of them look like fun. Do you plan to release these as some kind of challenge or something? Sorry if i sound like a dickhead through judging the quality of anything above. It's all imo of course, if i made up challenges they'd probably follow the trial convention as close as possible & be boring as hell.
Funny thing is, I DID try to follow the classic formula XD And don't worry, I'll need some feedback, good or bad, to make this better. I just hope they aren't TOO hard so people give up on it. It won't really be a challenge per sé, more like something you can do if you really wanted trials for the new characters.
Smileymike101 wrote:Hadouken FADC into U2, considering it's motion, is stupidly difficult.I've give up trying to get it to work on pad.So after i input the dash i have like 1/4 of a second to do TWO half circle motions?Yeah, no way.
Yes, I purposly went full dick on that one :P But I can do it, so you should be able to do it too. You have to do it at the right range, so that the Hadoken gets delayed by a few frames for it to work at all, like Ryu 24.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Pokey86 »

24: Hadoken, s.MP, EX Hadoken, s.LP, c.MK, HP Hadoken, FADC, U2
You could cheat & just say, do HP Hadou -> FADC -> Crouch Jab -> EX Tatsu -> U2
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

At the end of the day, It's up to you how much of a challenge you want. You could cheat that way in Oni 24 as well if you're not fast enough to do it directly.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Pokey86 »

Doopliss wrote:At the end of the day, It's up to you how much of a challenge you want. You could cheat that way in Oni 24 as well if you're not fast enough to do it directly.

I was talking about Oni 24 :P
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

For some reason I thought you were talking about E.Ryu 24 >.<

I thought of something earlier today: When I'm done with Yun's trials, I'll just release a text-version of the trials. Then I will upload videos later. That way, people will have some time to come up with the solution themselves. Gonna try finishing today.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Yun's are done. However, it all got very confusing, as I tested random stuff here and there while doing it, so it could really use a good analyze.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss » ... Trials.txt

Is this layout easily coprehensible? I'm writing it .txt so that everybody can read it.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Maj »

A few typos here and there ("all their moves during Super counts" and "angeled") but otherwise it's pretty clear overall.

Btw the reason i capitalize stuff like F+HP is because F is a command like HP, whereas standing/crouching/jumping are states. But it's a matter of personal preference so it doesn't matter to me how it's written as long as it's not ambiguous.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Maj wrote:all their moves during Super counts
I don't see what's wrong with this, could you specify it?
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Maj »

The noun in that sentence isn't "Super." The subject phrase is "all their moves during Super" which is really "all their moves" which is plural, so it should be "all their moves during Super count."
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

I see, thanks. Grammar has never been my strong point.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

Now the text version is up, feel free to give them a try!
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
Posts: 1016
Joined: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:57 pm

Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Pokey86 »

Might do a video for the hell of it.^^

good stuff btw, i'm gonna treat your trials as i would the normal ones... IE: I'm gonna cheat :P
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by Doopliss »

well, it's gonna make some trials, especially Yun 14, easier. Remember that you can't use Yun's & Yang's supers to cheat though.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu Trials

Post by onReload »

Doopliss wrote: ... Trials.txt

Is this layout easily coprehensible? I'm writing it .txt so that everybody can read it.
you should invite video responses, see if people do some nice work with the presentation (text overlays and stuff)
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