Hahaha oops, I had meant for the link to be in my previous post. It's edited in there now.Remxi wrote:phoenix: Do you have a link to where I can have a look at your project or is it still offline?
Animated Hitbox Data!
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Remxi: That's rad. Planning on a full video? I'll keep that meterless DM throw box thing in mind if I ever get access to breakpoints.
Phoenix: The pics are looking really good with the proper transparency effects. I'm still surprised you were able to wand-out the NeoGeo bgs. I guess you set the box fill opacity to zero? If you are interested, you can reduce the filesizes further with an optimizer like pngout or similar.
felineki: Thanks, I'll look into messing with the background sprites some time.
Phoenix: The pics are looking really good with the proper transparency effects. I'm still surprised you were able to wand-out the NeoGeo bgs. I guess you set the box fill opacity to zero? If you are interested, you can reduce the filesizes further with an optimizer like pngout or similar.
felineki: Thanks, I'll look into messing with the background sprites some time.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
I'm having troubles in downloading from mediafire. It keeps looping over and over again the link and can't download. Think could be uploaded by Megaupload?Remxi wrote:phoenix: Do you have a link to where I can have a look at your project or is it still offline?
Damnit: Not sure if this is working as intended or not (it's possible it's part of how the throw mechanics of the game work) but in kof2002 hitbox viewer, it is drawing the throw box for DM grabs even when you don't have the meter for it. e.g. Vice does hcbx2+K with no meter and it will still display her throwbox. I'll probably be playing around with the hitbox viewer some more so if I come across anything else I'll let you know. Thanks again for making this available for Neo Geo games, it really is an amazingly useful resource.
Here is a "zero damage" clip I decided to make with Vice after looking at her hitboxes (I made a similar clip in 98 with Leona). Just through gameplay with her I'd notice a lot of her close attacks would whiff or cause other attacks to whiff in strange situations. I didn't really realise the extent of her whacky hitboxes until I started messing around with the hitbox viewer haha.
Transcript for my own reference (and if anyone is curious as to what is happening):
Taunt, run, s.B x 2, s.D xx f+A, s.CD xx hcf+B (no longer at point blank range after this, it places the characters at far normal range), far s.B x 2, backdash, c.D xx qcb+C, qcb+B (the legs of this move only have red boxes, not hittable which allows you to make some cool patterns), s.A/c.B whiff chain battle, backdash qcb+B, qcfx2+C (same frame activation causes the slowmo startup, same frame grabs whiff against eachother), leapfrog qcfx2+A (just to get to the corner really), BC activation (reversaled from the last move keeps 2p Vice facing the wrong direction). In the last part, 2p Vice does vertical j.CD to avoid 1p Vice s.D which gets whiff cancelled into hcbx2+BD, freezing 2p Vice in the recovery of j.CD. She then lands and whiffs a far s.C through the shruken hitbox of the SDM, BC whiff cancel into hcf+B which does no damage until the opponent lands. Finally she buffers a backdash into her HSDM motion to create a Kattobi cancel effect with the superfreeze occuring on the same frame as the KO (unfortunately doing it this way doesn't get the awesome laugh sound effect to play as 1p Vice's death scream takes over).
And yeah, as a Vice player noticed that many times Vice's close D causes zero damage. I experimented this case against Takuma when he tries to launch a haohshokouken and I run, roll and try to hit him with close D for a combo but in reality, Vice trespasses him, kick whiffs and she appears behind him.
There's other cases of this happening but i don't remember clearly.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
lol, i love it! I liked how you discovered how if you whiff a hcf B close, it turns into a far B instead of a close B.Remxi wrote: Transcript for my own reference (and if anyone is curious as to what is happening):
Taunt, run, s.B x 2, s.D xx f+A, s.CD xx hcf+B (no longer at point blank range after this, it places the characters at far normal range), far s.B x 2, backdash, c.D xx qcb+C, qcb+B (the legs of this move only have red boxes, not hittable which allows you to make some cool patterns), s.A/c.B whiff chain battle, backdash qcb+B, qcfx2+C (same frame activation causes the slowmo startup, same frame grabs whiff against eachother), leapfrog qcfx2+A (just to get to the corner really), BC activation (reversaled from the last move keeps 2p Vice facing the wrong direction). In the last part, 2p Vice does vertical j.CD to avoid 1p Vice s.D which gets whiff cancelled into hcbx2+BD, freezing 2p Vice in the recovery of j.CD. She then lands and whiffs a far s.C through the shruken hitbox of the SDM, BC whiff cancel into hcf+B which does no damage until the opponent lands. Finally she buffers a backdash into her HSDM motion to create a Kattobi cancel effect with the superfreeze occuring on the same frame as the KO (unfortunately doing it this way doesn't get the awesome laugh sound effect to play as 1p Vice's death scream takes over).
The ending sounds like if the HSDM Vice is moaning the K.O. feeling (check her mouth gaping, lol).
BTW, think I can use this zero damage of Vice for NB4? We want to use a small zero damage display in the end credits for some cool comedy relief.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Good idea.
Thx for the feedback.

Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Is it possible to run macro.lua and a hitbox script (neogeo or cps2) simultaneously?
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
yes but you need to edit the lua to run the other one.Remxi wrote:Is it possible to run macro.lua and a hitbox script (neogeo or cps2) simultaneously?
the command is something like
but there are bound to be complications so I'll let dammit answer
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
If you try that the next script overrides the register functions (emu.registerbefore, etc.) of the last one. (But some of the non-arcade emus do allow it.) I'd fix it if I knew how.
Two workarounds: For a still shot, do the setup with macrolua and make it autopause at the end, then switch over to the hitboxes and frame advance a couple times. Or you can script a sequence with macrolua and play it while recording to FBM, then play the FBM with the hitboxes on.
Two workarounds: For a still shot, do the setup with macrolua and make it autopause at the end, then switch over to the hitboxes and frame advance a couple times. Or you can script a sequence with macrolua and play it while recording to FBM, then play the FBM with the hitboxes on.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Shu recently updated his Darkstalkers Frame Data site, now including hitbox diagrams made with the script. So far it only covers the normals, but the front page says he's planning to get to the rest eventually.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Someone should let him know about the new BG removal techniques. Might piss him off after all that work though.
http://code.google.com/p/mame-rr/wiki/H ... nd_removal
Someone should let him know about the new BG removal techniques. Might piss him off after all that work though.
http://code.google.com/p/mame-rr/wiki/H ... nd_removal
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
Just stopping by, again, to say Mauve is the man.
Samurai Shodown 5sp hitboxes.
Samurai Shodown 5sp hitboxes.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
For whatever reason, my u2be account is no longer infracted so it's back to being able to post long videos and unlisted videos.
More on topic though, I posted a video showing off some SS5sp hitboxes http://youtu.be/eYqux9mDdl0
More on topic though, I posted a video showing off some SS5sp hitboxes http://youtu.be/eYqux9mDdl0
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
What got you the infraction in the first place?
Re: Animated Hitbox Data!
The BlazBlue hitbox videos, see screenshot.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.