Throw escape trainer

reference materials and general how-to information
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Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls » ... did=118357

Something which I've started up on TZ, and bob in der bahn has really run with is programming a throw escape trainer. Hopefully a more fully featured version will be coming shortly.

It did occur to me however, once we get this working well, it probably wouldn't be too hard to generate a template to apply to any other situation you want to practice timing for (just frames, links etc.) The timing would have to be known, but with display input and 60fps (or at a stretch 30fps) recording it should be fairly easy to work out.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by CPS2 »

Kinda reminds me of Myke623's Kage combo flash game.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by Rufus »

noodalls wrote: It did occur to me however, once we get this working well, it probably wouldn't be too hard to generate a template to apply to any other situation you want to practice timing for (just frames, links etc.) The timing would have to be known, but with display input and 60fps (or at a stretch 30fps) recording it should be fairly easy to work out.
Working out exact timing parameters can be non-trivial in some games. For something as simple as a one-button throw break, it's not a big deal, but, for example, the street fighter games can do strange things. Input trainers are clearly not a huge technical challenge, but generating a good interface...
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls »

This project has now entered its beta phase, and is looking very promising. As soon as the author is happy for a limited or general release, I will link here. It looks like it would be very easy to modify for any purpose.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls »

Started to make my own version. Still some tweaking to go, but underlying engine is solid.
Don Vecta
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by Don Vecta »

i'll give it a go when i'm home.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls »

Tekken Throw Break Trainer V20.Made with PStick, Hauppauge HD PVR, AVIDemux Gamemaker Pro 8 and a lot of time.

This is setup to use the numerical keypad, with equivalents on the keyboard.

Press keypad 8 (keyboard 3) to start. The computer will randomly throw you. Break appropriately.

Keypad 1 (keyboard i) is LP.
Keypad 2 (keyboard o) is RP
Keypad 0 (keyboard j,k,l) is LP+RP. Or you can press keypad 1 and 2 yourself.

Keypad + increases difficulty. Keypad - decreases difficulty.
Keypad * increases FPS by 10. Keypad / decreases FPS by 10.

Difficulty 1 = 1P side 1+3 and 2+4 throws
Difficulty 2 = 1P side 1+3, 2+4 and 1+2 throws
Difficulty 3 = 2P side 1+3 and 2+4 throws
Difficulty 4 = 2P side 1+3, 2+4 and 1+2 throws
Difficulty 5 = 1P & 2P all throws.

The window to break throws should be frame accurate the same as in the actual game. You should be able to hold keys and release keys to bring the same results as in the actual game.

Comments here please. ... did=118357

If people want to contribute there own characters, it wouldn't be too much work to incorporate them. I'm not doing the capture for them however.

F9 to take screenshots. Please don't slow down the game to boost your scores. No one cares.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by Maj »

So is this still a work in progress or is it pretty much done? I saw it posted on SRK a couple days ago, but i got the impression that it was still being developed. Anyway let me know if/when/what you want me to post about it on ComboVid.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls »

I'll probably add some buttons down the bottom for difficulty, start and similar. A handful of people are reporting that it won't start even when they press 8 on the keypad. I think they are unable to follow instructions actually, but will try to make it easier for them. Not sure when that will happen.
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Re: Throw escape trainer

Post by noodalls »

noodalls Throw Break Trainer, released during Tekken 6 era has been updated, with many new features.


- Updated to TTT2P
- Mouse GUI
- Mouseover to give instructions while waiting
- Mouse/keyboard/joystick (via xpadder) input
- 1,d+2 animation added to help recognise and distinguish throw animation
- Variation in timing between throws possible
- Neutral animation
- Correct but late result added
- Decreased memory requirements
- Ling instead of Jack6 (smaller arms)

Same as last time
- 60fps (or other speeds)
- Variable difficulty


Tekken Throw Break Trainer

Made with
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue Edition
Programmable Stick
Hauppauge HD PVR

Designed to help people learn how to identify and break throws.

Timing window is accurate. Size of images is 480x272 to fit on PSP/Ipod/anything else. 60fps.

Needs ~300mb ram (half of the previous version).

Usage should be a lot more intuitive than the previous version

Play button to start (can also use 8 on numeric keypad)
Stop button to stop (can also use backspace)

Difficulty has eight levels
1 - 2P 1+3 and 2+4 throws
2 - 2P 1+3, 1+2 and 2+4 throws
3 - 1P 1+3 and 2+4 throws
4 - 1P 1+3, 1+2 and 2+4 throws
5 - All throws
6 - 2P throws and 1,d+2
7 - 1P throws and 1,d+2
8 - Everything

FPS can be changed in jumps of 10. 60fps is true to real Tekken

Interval has six levels
0 - 120F between throws
1 - 90F between throws
2 - 60F between throws
3 - 30F between throws (two throws per second, very little time to see results)
4 - Variation in timing between throws
5 - Even greater variation in timing between throws

Input is via mouse or keyboard. Joystick support may come at a future time

1 - Keypad 1, keyboard i, mouse button 1
2 - Keypad 2, keyboard o, mouse button 2
3 - Keypad 0, keyboard j,k,l, mouse button 3

Feedback always appreciated at TZ or arcadepimp


Am now happy for this to be featured on whatever front pages it can make it to, to increase awareness.
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