Fighting Game News and Speculation 2010

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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

same way as damage scaling. say the 100th hit in a combo will do 10% of it's normal damage, with hit stun scaling it will also cause something like 10% of it's normal hitstun. Mind, I haven't seen any actual percentages and don't know if there is a minimum, but it practice it means adding an extra hit at the start of a combo can make the rest of the combo fail.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Smileymike101 »

Interesting.I'd love to know if there are any videos for TVC showcasing this.(aka showing one combo, and then the same combo with a move added before it, so that the last hit doesnt combo)
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Dammit »

How involved do the people from Marvel get in the design for Marvel characters?

Did they ever go, "you can't give him a move like that, it doesn't fit the persona" or "we need you to make Cable the one everyone wants to try first" or "make the Capcom characters weaker" or what?
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

From what i've heard, they did/do have input on character rosters and costumes and other visual aspects, but i've never heard anything to suggest they have any control over gameplay or balance issues.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Smileymike101 »

Damn hit stun scaling seems retarted.So like (of course this isn't a real example, just putting it out for the sake of it), lp xx mp xx hp xx hadouken works, but J.hp~ lp xx mp xx hp xx hadouken has a chance of not working?OF course it doesnt apply on small combos liket his, but still, it's stupid.If you developed an unique, interesting and long combo, and during a hit string you see the opportunity of hitting that special combo of yours, you dont even know if it's going to fully conenct.They would've better [ut a juggle limit of 30 or something.Ground infinites are harder to do than juggle infinites anyways.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

It's better then what Jojo's does. It's pretty stupid at times, but it lets them put truly crazy things in the game without it becoming broken. I'm not saying I like it, but there are going to be some crazy combos that would have been taken out if you could loop them.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

Wait what does JoJo do to prevent infinites? I know a few...
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

apparently if you repeat a special move more then once during a long combo then the next move will cause almost no hit stun
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Smileymike101 »

But whats wrong with infinites?I always loved in MVC2, when Magneto got the first hit in the first second, then he infinited the first char, and the unblockable +infinite the other 2 with absolutelty no possible way to anything.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

A lot of people didn't like that, or realize how rare it is (unless the difference in players' knowledge is big enough)
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

Yeah it takes a lot of solid design, resilient balance, and pure luck for a game to survive a combo limit failure as catastrophic as "one hit unintentionally kills three characters." Losing to Magneto OCV in that fasion isn't much better than losing to Gambit glitch.

Anyway if a problem like this comes up later on, you (hope you can) deal with it down the line. But that Magneto situation is a terrible starting point. If it had surfaced in the first year of MvC2, that game might have died immediately.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

I hope they give you a special ending for winning with the break the fourth wall team of Viewtiful JoeShe HulkDeadpool (those are the only people who have the 4th wall breaking superpower in the game right?)

also what's the opinion on dlc characters? I don't like it, but At least I don't see shuma being top tier.
What's the deal with DLC anyway? Do video games not cost enough nowadays? I can't see myself buying any dlc, it's a shame because I play Shuma quite a bit in mvsf. I don't see it as them just being greedy, but I wish there was a better way for them to squeeze out more money other then new characters. I see the future as you buying the game for 10$, then buying each character you want for 1$ each, and then spending 1$ for each special move and super move you want to use. Or perhaps they can give you the full game for free, but charge you 10 cents every time you do a fireball. idk I think my main problem with dlc might be the price point, sf4 it's basically a half the price of the game for some cosmetic changes.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

Well, what reason do they have for not selling DLC characters to an esablished consumer base? It's hard to say no to more money. I think s-kill had to fight pretty hard to avoid DLC characters in SF4, but i guess ultimately it's happening in SSF4.

From a tournament community perspective, it sucks separating the player base between people who have all the characters and people who don't. But then again all that stuff you mentioned already exists in mainstream games - paying for weapons in Crackdown and paying for cars in Burnout. Not to mention MMORPGs, which are an extortion scam period.

Personally i'm against DLC too, but that's clearly where the industry is headed so it's probably too late to put up a fight. Though i agree that announcing DLC characters this early is in poor taste. At least it's not so insulting when we know the new characters were created after the initial development cycle.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

DLC characters makes a lot of sense if your selling the game, you're not going to get any extra sells by putting shuma in mvc3, but you can get some extra money by selling him separately. But it means that if the extra cost of adding shuma would have made the game cost 50 cents more, you need to charge at least 5$ for him because only 10-20% will buy the dlc.
And the only bad effect they will see from it is brand loyalty.
I can tell you TF2 players love the crap out of valve because of the way they handled dlc ( a game with 10 years of development, sold for under 20$ new, and at least 3 years of free new content ), and left4dead sold very well purely on valves reputation.
In my mind capcom has a really bad reputation, but has made some fun street fighter games. There is no way I would buy a game just because it said street fighter or capcom on it tho (see ... Generation, ... of_Chun-Li,, etc )
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

Haha believe it or not, people actually like that Street Fighter 2010 game. And Capcom didn't have much to do with those other two. As far as movies go, personally i think they've reached the point where everyone's like "lol capcom" and it doesn't really affect their opinion of Capcom as a game developer.

And you know, they actually have tons and tons of brand loyalty. I mean, that's part of the reason SF4 worked. If you designed the same exact game with Art of Fighting characters, it wouldn't have been as successful. Same deal with Final Fantasy and other RPGs. But Capcom has Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Megaman, etc. which people buy on the strength of the brand and then figure out whether or not it's a good game.

Whether that comes down to "Capcom" having loyalty or "Street Fighter" having loyalty is up for debate, but ultimately it doesn't matter. Plus public opinion on these things tends to be waaay misguided. I mean the "masses" aren't exactly known for checking facts.

Anyway if i had to guess, i'd say that Capcom's whole strategy with announcing DLC early is to give everyone time to vent about it now so that by the time the game comes out, everyone's more or less over it. And the reason for that isn't to sell two DLC characters but rather to set up a precedent for a regular stream of DLC in the future. Then people will defend them like "Oh that's the way it's always been" just like people love saying "Oh that's how the internet works" even when they're defending something that hurts them.

The truth is game developers care way more about sales figures today and tomorrow than they care about sales figures next year or next sequel.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

I actually haven't seen nearly as much complaining as I would have expected, I guess if mvsf was dlc for xvsf or sfz2a was a dlc for sfa2 I wouldn't mind. it's just leaking it before the main roster is fully announced rubs me the wrong way. It makes it feel less of an expansion pack and more of an additional cost of the game.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

Yeah, Maj seems to agree if I'm reading his post correctly. When we got updates to games (especially needed ones), they seemed to come from community feedback and important tweaks/additions, or added, things are released at 80% finished, 100% priced, with the rest of the game to come - though Super SFIV made forthcoming DLC (and the fact that it is an update itself, the same way arcade owners could swap out CPS-2 games more cheaply than buying a new cab) more acceptable with a lower price tag, there's no way MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 won't be a full-priced game.

My guess is that this "DLC planned way ahead of time" thing has been going on for awhile, as they can tell that DLC works...Shit, kids (or their parents) still buy 2 or 3 versions of the same Pokemon games. I can't understand why people get mad at Valve (hi, Magnetro) for putting out tons of content for free.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by CPS2 »

I think it's ok as long as the most up to date version is available everywhere at roughly the same time. Blazblue seems to have a lot of problems with this, Euro versions of CT and CS were really late, and then you have DLC characters showing up in some regions before others, and then also arcade/console differences. Nobody really knows which version of the game they should be playing... PS3 Japanese/Asian version with the latest patches and characters seems like the most obvious choice, but a lot of people prefer arcade...
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by CPS2 »

error1! ... +vs+capcom

It's not SSF4, but still... great news =]
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

Submitted a tip to SRK, it's the subbed godsgarden article. Hooray. Really though, it's a useful channel/concept. Went up pretty fast though, I'm gonna PM the guy and let him know, in case he isn't aware, and apologize for not asking (didn't know if srk would)
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

HO-LE CRAP now I don't need to buy a ps3, glad I put it off
I love you capcom I might even buy your stupid dlc now, because I really like playing charge charactors in these types of games
but seriously, screw you capcom, why is this the first I've heard of it, you're tearing me apart
I guess I'll just wait until I get a 3ds to play ssf4
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

error i'm sure you know this will end up with a LOL JK tweet or something. or is that only when it's ono's jurisdiction...?
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Dammit »

So will SS4AE come back to console? Would they call it SS4AECESPDX or what?
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

remember, these are the people who made street fighter: the movie the game, so I don't think super street fighter 4: the arcade edition the console edition is out of the question
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by onReload »

Ono has said he's tried to talk with ... I don't know, the ghost of Inafune*, about making DLC for Super AE...If he's been shot down, it's only been for the moment. Maybe they want to let it do a bit of arcade-only time, maybe they believe in the importance of arcades...I don't know. Japan's arcade scene has dropped a bit, but not nearly as bad as ours - the question is, is it beyond repair?

I do know that the market right now, in any region, is with consoles. So if they're looking for the most money, and for mass (and international) appeal, it will be on consoles. Perhaps they're waiting for whatever market research shows to be the best time to announce the "SSFIV Arcade -> Console" version.

Either way, I'll be happiest if an arcade near me snags the Arcade Edition update (University Pinball in Philly says they will), as it will breathe new life into the arcade scene, even if it also appears on console. Here's to hoping. Also, SSFIVPC should exist right goddamn now.

*i don't know what the hell i mean by this, some Capcom higher-up
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Rufus »

onReload wrote: Either way, I'll be happiest if an arcade near me snags the Arcade Edition update (University Pinball in Philly says they will), as it will breathe new life into the arcade scene, even if it also appears on console. Here's to hoping. Also, SSFIVPC should exist right goddamn now.
I hear it's $5,000 per board, and you'd have to get two to support multiplayer. I'm not familiar with the arcade business, but it's hard for me to see how those numbers can work out profitably for the operator.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

Ono is kind of an attention whore. I don't know if he's doing it for marketing purposes or to stay in the spotlight or because he thinks it's good for the brand or whatever, but all those tweets about arguing with Inafune were probably bullshit. You'd have to be crazy to believe those characters/updates aren't coming to console eventually. At most, they'll keep it arcade-exclusive for a few months as a favor to arcade operators.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Doopliss »

I'm still angry coz he bashed Sodom. If they do make SF6 and he isn't in there, I'm gonna hunger strike outside of capcom headquarters.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by error1 »

vipers flame effects are really bad, I hope they change them
doesn't seem like they nerfed storm any, have to see if air mobility is as important in mvc3
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Post by Maj »

Yeah that move couldn't possibly look any worse. It's like they decided not to animate a hit spark at all and just went with blurring the whole screen until it was done animating. And you just know someone's gonna find a way to glitch it out and keep that dumb blur active forever.

Not sure about Storm yet. I haven't seen anyone move as fast in MvC3 as she moves in MvC2.