SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

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Don Vecta
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by Don Vecta »

error1 wrote:Car Float Glitch
In Street Fighter II if you break one side of the car so that it causes red hit sparks and then do a backwards jump and attack, it may cause your character to become stuck in mid air. To jump backwards you need to press up and back at the same time, it's harder then it sounds. The easiest normals to get it to work with are Ryu and Ken's HK, and E. Honda's MK. The spot you need to hit to trigger the glitch is very small so expect for it to take you a ton of tries. A second player can knock you out of it, but if time runs out with you stuck then the game is effectively frozen.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17283624/sf2car%20bonus.mkv
This is a classic glitch! Back in Mexico what we used to do was a dp LP right in the hole of the broken window (Ryu/Ken should be standing up right in front of the window, not in the ground), but the positioning was more accurate in the left side.

I see there were other options to do. :P
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

yah I've seen it with a dragon punch and blanka ball but never tried it myself, still should mention it.
I guess it's time to talk about handcuffs.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

WW Guile Glitches

Doing a throw with MP and then immediately doing a flash kick ( as if you where doing a kara flashkick ) will cause the throw to screw up. Instead of being throw the opponent will become stuck to you. During this time the opponent is invincible and Guile can't preform special moves. Also if you do a sonic boom as the handcuffs are starting guile may become stuck as well, but can free himself by doing a flash kick. You can end it by doing a magic throw.

If you do a close F+HK upside-down kick and try to cancel it with a sonic boom Guile may become stuck during the recovery. In this state he is invulnerable to some low attacks but can't move or attack. It can be ended by doing a flash kick or being hit. This is also possible during handcuffs.

Magic Throw
The magic throw is done almost the same way as the stance but the you need to hold forward a little bit longer and you need to hit both buttons at nearly the same time. If done correctly Guile will do a throw without touching the opponent. The opponent can move and attack but he will still get thrown when the throw finishes.

Reset the game
In some versions of WW doing a HP throw and then immediately doing a flash kick will cause the game to reset. Also doing a MP throw and then doing a flash kick after the throw has started but before the opponent hits the ground will cause the game to reset.

In some versions of WW rather the resetting the game, doing a HP throw and then immediately doing a flash kick will cause the opponent to get stuck in a stun animation and constantly scroll through the floor. During this time, doing a sonic boom will stop the scrolling, sometimes causing an odd, often game breaking thing to happen, and once stopped the scrolling may often be resumed by doing a flash kick.

Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17285201/sf2handcuffs.mkv
the video shows in order, handcuffs, stances, magic throw out of handcuffs, normal magic throw, HP throw reset, scrolling into handcuffs, magic throw out of handcuffs, and mp throw reset.

In-depth reading: http://nzism.alphaism.com/forum/index.php?topic=8.0
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

512 Special and 512 Guard
In WW there is a 1 in 512 chance of a random button press doing a special move. There is a also a 1 in 512 chance of a move being automatically blocked without the player holding back. This can cause a charge move to happen without a charge, but can't be used to cancel a normal. This is probably not a glitch.
In depth reading on sf2 randomness: http://sonichurricane.com/articles/sf2randomness.html
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

I stole the juggle screen shot from dammit
Vega OTG
In WW Vega is briefly vulnerable when rising, so he can be combed after a knockdown move.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17285744/sf2otg.mkv

Dhalsim Juggle
In CE Dhalsim is vulnerable during part of his air recovery. So if hit out of the air by a move that would normally cause him to land on his feet, he can be juggled.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17285755/sf2juggle.mkv
Last edited by error1 on Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

This should go in the Guile section above, not sure it needs a picture

Charge Storage
In some versions of WW doing a MP throw and then doing a flash kick after the throw has started but before the opponent hits the ground will store a flash kick, if done corectly it will cause guile to walk back for a frame. Hitting kick will cause him to do flash kick. Holding a direction when doing a MP throw and pressing a punch button after it's finished will cause you to throw a sonic boom. This sonic boom charge can be used to do a quick magic throw.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17285932/sf2ch ... torage.mkv
In-Depth Reading: http://old.jasongordon.com/static/sf2/s ... glitch.txt
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

Ryu vs CPU Ryu
In WW if you get to Ryu's stage and lose, then continue as second player and pick Ryu, you will fight a CPU controlled Ryu.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

Knock Down Cancel
In many street fighter games if a move that causes knock down, and a non knock down move hits the same character on the same frame the knockdown will be canceled. For example in SF2 if Guile connects with his D+HK sweep at the same time as a sonic boom, it won't knock the opponent down. If Dhalsim connects with a normal at the same time as a yoga fire the opponent won't catch on fire and won't be knocked down.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17286157/sf2down.mkv
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

I think I'm going to skip backwards attacks, that's all the cps1 stuff right. Guess I'll see if I can do giefs magic throw.

Vega Barrel Scrolling
In CE on the third bonus stage, if Vega removes the left or right most barrel and then back flips where the barrel was, he will start scrolling all over the place.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17286201/sf2ce-bonus.mkv
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

Zangief Magic Reversal
In ssf2 930911 usa, if Zangief does a reversal with 360+MK, and the opponent is on the ground, he will grab them no matter where they are.
Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17286372/ssf2u gief magic.mkv
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

some more videos and screen shots, I'll do the write ups later, whiff fab surprised me with how hard it is to do, even with frame advance I had a lot of trouble. I did manage a setup vs ken that allows any backwards command throw including fab but couldn't get it to whiff.
http://www.filefront.com/17291435/ssf2t ... versal.mkv
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by onReload »

has anyone noted differences with the way the 'reversal hurricane kick' works? my friend mashed one out after I told him how it worked, and ken did one without moving forward..bizarre.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

you mean the reversal super thing? yes
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

well since I think I've got all the video's we need I'll just make it one big DL
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

Zangief Magic FAB
In ssf2t if Zangief preforms a backwards super, he may preform it without actually grabbing the opponent. He will teleport to the opponent when doing the suplexes, and the opponent will be knocked down at the end. An interesting side effect is that shadows will follow the other character until he enters an idle state, even if Zangief is hit out of it during start up. There is no consistent way to do this giltch, but the easiest was is to knock Zangief out of the air with a dictator's S.jap and then walk under him as Zangief does a reversal FAB.
In-Depth Reading: Inhttp://zachd.com/nki/NKI-glitch.bible.txt

Instant Air Hurricane Kick
In ssf2t Dhalsim, Sagat, and Ken can't do reversal supers. If you try they will do the last special move preformed instead. If the last special move was an air hurricane kick, Ken will a quick one hit air hurricane kick. If your last special move was a super you can actually to a reversal super.
In-Depth Reading: Inhttp://zachd.com/nki/NKI-glitch.bible.txt

T.Hawk c.mp stray hit box
During the recovery of T.Hawk's C.MP his head hitbox ends up way in front of him for a frame.
In-Depth Reading: http://sonichurricane.com/?p=4476

Dhalsim's Yoga Blast stray hitbox
The first active frames of Dhalsim's Yoga Blast appear behind him.
In-Depth Reading: http://sonichurricane.com/?p=4476

what was the method for selecting the original colors? I forget.
what is this float thing desk does here?

edit: figured out the float thing, I was able to do it with a sonic boom hitting at the same time as guiles F+hk, but I'm not sure why other normals don't cause it, so telling me what normals cause it would help.
edit: never mind, it looks like the move doesn't matter, just timing, it has to connect at the same time the opponent starts to land
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

Float Glitch
In all SFII games but ST, if a character gets hit by a projectile and a normal at the same time in the corner, right before they land, they will be in ground hit stun in the air. Right as they recover they can jump, block, or do any ground move in the air. Note that trying to chain light attacks will cause you to enter an air state instead. Guile, Dhalsim, and Akuma have the easiest time setting this up.

Video Example: http://www.filefront.com/17309077/sf2ce-float.mkv
In-Depth Examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JaB_2blg_o#t=3m10s
Last edited by error1 on Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by desk »

I only ever activated that with cr. mk (because it didn't require any screen scrolling). Good work by the way dude. Can you get it to work in arcade ST? From my testing a few years back, seemed to only work in the games preceding it. It was the same in hyper, got it on all versions of chun except ST, very strange.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

I'll see if I can get it to work in ST can't imagine they would have fixed it on purpose.
I wasn't able to get it to work on Balrog in ce, any hit caused him do go into crouching stun and he couldn't do any ground moves after.
It makes sense that a crouching normal might be easier as you would be more likely to hit them close to the ground.
Did you ever do a write up on it that I can link to?
I'm guessing dhalsim can probley cause it midscreen pretty easy.
Ever try it in sfa1? Knock down cancel works the same way in it.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by desk »

haha, I had the same thought and did try it out in alpha. I couldn't get anything but I was trying everything by hand and my testing wasn't extensive. So, yeah, you should definitely try it out. Works in all SNES versions of SF2 as well.

Though I'm certain I did some kind of write up/forum post explaining it, I have no idea where it is. This is the closest thing I can find...


felineki had a theory as to what was stopping it in ST. Hope that's of small use.

EDIT: oh yeah, random info you may have discovered already. if you do it mid screen they fall before you can do any moves. I had a clip that never got used of a mid screen set up with akuma. Didn't make any new combos possible but it looked cool.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

I didn't know it only worked in the corner. Yah can't get it to work in st or alpha, I think the difference is that other sf2 games give you two frames where moves can hit simultaneity and st and alpha only give you one
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by desk »

It works in PSX ST for some reason. I was keeping that one to myself because I thought I'd get around to making a combo vid for that game but I never will, so it doesn't matter. A few other Ideas I had that I know I'll never go back to...

Is any character ever considered to be below the ground in SF2? Maybe doing this to that character would create some insane falling glitch like claw in the barrel bonus stage (SF2CE). Actually, doing this on a bonus stage might cause some cool effects anyway. Again, I was never able to use scripts or anything so all my attempts failed and I gave up.

Testing with moves like cammy's cannon spike that maintain their animation until they hit the ground. Maybe you could get extra hits or new combos out of them?

Supers would obviously be the most interesting thing to try out but it would only be possible in the PSX version.

You can teleport out of the corner [after the glitch] but for some reason I never paid attention to what was actually possible afterwards. Maybe do some interesting things?
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by Maj »

I remembered two more things. There are some moves in the game that seem to bypass hitstop. The three that come to mind are Dee Jay's MGU, Bison's headstomp, and Blanka's upball. You can complete the motion so fast that the normal being canceled looks like a phantom hit.

The Bison example was in a TZW video a long time ago. Or at least i think that's what it was. He just showed a clip of Bison doing c.LP xx whiff headstomp over and over. At the time, we were all confused about what the hell he was showing.

There's also a weird application of that reversal super glitch. What you can do is have Sagat throw a fireball, then hit him (easy using Dhalsim LK slide) then have him do reversal super. He'll do a fireball instead, and you can keep doing this indefinitely to keep two fireballs on the screen constantly. However when two fireballs are on the screen, only one of them has an active hitbox.

This was also shown in a TZW video, but it was much more recent. In fact that was the glitch we were reverse engineering at Evo a couple of years ago.

edit: NKI demonstrated in his Volume IX. Have you seen that video? Glitchfest!
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

It's been a while since I've watched NKI's videos.
looks like most of IX is raging demon console glitches
but I'll have to include the ken crazy kick thing and the time out superflash thing.
don't see the Sagat reversal thing but I remember NKI submitting it for the sfbb
btw how do you keep the original colors in ST?
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by Maj »

About half of it, yeah, but there's still a lot of "legit" glitches. And i guess you're right about the Sagat thing. I must have seen it somewhere else. I don't remember the multicolor thing but i remember asking about it and discussing it here so i'll try to find that thread.

edit: Okay here's the whole process step by step:

1) Choose an old character.
2) Die.
3) On the continue screen, have the other player join in.
4) Wait until the character select screen loads, then press Start to continue. Your character will revert to the new version, but keep the old palette.
5) Don't press anything until the timer runs out and your character is automatically selected.

If you simply continue like normal, white Ryu reverts to black Ryu, but having 2P join in during the continue screen then pressing 1P Start on the character select screen keeps Ryu white while defaulting him to N.Ryu status. Opponent can be anyone you want. It doesn't work if you press 2P Start immediately followed by 1P Start on the continue screen - gotta be on character select for it to work.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by Buttermaker »

error1 wrote:In ssf2 930911 usa, if Zangief does a reversal with 360+MK, and the opponent is on the ground, he will grab them no matter where they are.
This also works in SSF2T 940223 World with old Zangief and 360 + HK.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by Maj »

And the bypassing hitstop stuff i mentioned earlier was O.Bison's Headstomp in ST and Blanka's Vertical Rolling Attack in HF. I think Blanka's only cancelable normal in that game is close s.MP, but i tried it with regular Rolling Attack and that didn't bypass hitstop so upball is definitely the culprit.

I just checked all of them in SSF2 and all three work. Plus Blanka picked up a new cancelable normal in B+MP, so that works too. Blanka's s.MP xx upball looks pretty crazy actually, especially when it KO's. I ran into it a long time ago and i haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but i just assumed all HF Blanka players knew about it.

So Bison's Headstomp bypasses hitstop in CE, HF, SSF2 and ST with O.Bison only. Blanka's Vertical Rolling Attack works in HF, SSF2, and ST with O.Blanka only. And Dee Jay's Machine Gun Upper works throughout SSF2 and ST.
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Re: SF2 Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Post by error1 »

OK, feel free to change it. I just tried ST and Deejay was the only one I could get to work
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