Interesting Combo/Glitch/Tutorial Videos

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Interesting Combo/Glitch/Tutorial Videos

Post by Maj »

Keep making new threads every time one of you guys makes a new video, but use this thread to discuss random other people's vids that catch your eye.

A Closer Look At King tutorial video by ZenFire

I thought this was a very well-made video. Very nicely edited and video quality looks clean. Doesn't go into matchup strategies but does a great job at outlining King's offensive capabilities in a variety of situations against various classes of opponents. Dope music too.
Mike Z
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Post by Mike Z »

ZenFire's a friend. I gave him lots of pre-release feedback for that one - . He did pretty well considering never having made a vid before.

It is interesting to me that a move which looks like a crossup but isn't is only useful at the absolute highest levels of plaoy. Beginners would just block, intermediates would be too slow to react. Only pros would try to block towards you and get hit.

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Post by Xenozip. »

I absolutely love this video.

+ Simple intro
+ Noninvasive BGM is overlayed with audio
+ Intelligent content
+ Content covers basics to advanced
+ Easy to read and understand subtitles
+ No extraneous intermissions or transitions
+ Explores notes of interest
+ Simple outro

The only thing I could possibly think of that could have made this better is a little more content. Other than that, it's perfect IMO.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

WindyMan posted this on SRK recently:
WindyMan wrote:Back when I had up a few years ago, I had an article on the site about Jump Cancel Throw Evasions. I had planned to put out a video to accompany the article, but I never got around to putting it together.

Today as I was cleaning out my hard drive, I found some of the raw clips I was going to use for the video. I don't recall anyone seeing them before, so I figured it would be best to throw them together really quick. Here's the short little compilation I made:

The video includes:

-Kim doesn't know how Yun missed a command grab
-Vice goes for a point-blank grab super; Haoumaru will have none of that
-Ken rolls right through a Rock command grab
-Two Zangiefs whiff
-Obligatory Dan appearance
-Athena command grab vs. Yun palm strike
-Looks like a Raiden super, it's an Iori command grab!
-Hibiki dodges(!) a Zangief SSPD
Pretty dope video. I kinda vaguely remember him mentioning this idea/video to me way back when his website was still active. It's a good thing he wound up throwing something together, even if the editing is ghetto. It's better than letting all those clips go to waste.
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Post by fullmetalross »

People were talking about doing this with command throws in 3s, but like it never really worked in the engine. It's kinda cool, but really useless as well. I can't really see a time I would use this on the fly unless I was looking for specific setups. But whatever, its funny that it's in the game.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Well, it naturally has less use in 3S because of risk and reward. The only thing you can cancel a superjump in 3S with is a super, which has too much risk due to throws being too fast to react to pre-catch.

The only time I could see it being used in 3S is against Makoto post-Hayate (after getting hit by Makoto's qcf+P).

But then, only "safe" supers could be used in that situation because if Makoto chooses to block or backdash or jump after the hit, then you could just as easily fail. And that's assuming you had the exection to also option-block Makoto's c.LK. I would assume Necro's Slam Dance super would probably be the most ideal, but it still "loses" to Makoto's jump option. As per-usual, nothing is guaranteed in 3S.

CvS2 is different though.
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Post by fullmetalross »

actually a jump canceled genei jin might do the trick....

If she jumps you can dash punch her out of the air, if she block you can command grab and your so fast after activation if she hayate's you should be able to her, But it doesn't really matter since this is all theory fighter.

Also in CVS 2, nothing is guaranteed, except for perhaps A-groove but really thats not even true because there are plenty of things you can do. CVS 2 and 3s are similar enough in that there basic street fighter mechanics are still there, they just have alot of different subsystems stacked on top so it's not the same game anymore. At least imo.
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Post by Xenozip. »

SJC into GJ would lose if Makoto blocks, since it's punishable on reaction to the flash. Makoto blocks after Hayate, Makoto sees flash, Makoto punishes.

GJ has a lot of punishable start-up frames post-flash.
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Post by Maj »

Found these two PS2 Tekken 5 videos mentioned on kysg's page.

First, we have the TZ Community Project act.2, a collaborative effort originally released on Tekken Zaibatsu a couple of months ago.
act.2-1 | act.2-2 | act.2-3 | act.2-4 | act.2-5

Those are the youtube links for those of you too lazy to download a 623.5MB file using BitTorrent (like me). The whole thing is close to an hour long, and gets pretty crazy towards the end. Intro is a bit too long, but people who make hour-long combo videos kind of earn that luxury.

Second, a more recent video called heritage of the past by YOU of Deep Theater, which is somehow affiliated with kysg.

Has some crazy Kazuya combos without wall impact support, but honestly a lot of that stuff looks done to me.
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Post by Maj »

Uh, what the hell is this? Super Mario Bros TimeAttack 1-1
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Post by fullmetalross »

It's just a mugen bonus stage someone cooked up. nothing too crazy, but it's good stuff.
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Post by Maj »

Although combo videos usually originate from fighting games, there are a few people who try looking for advanced combos elsewhere.

VP2 Frigid Damsel by Panda Attack | youtube version

Panda Attack is a player known for having made multiple surprisingly elaborate Devil May Cry 3 combo videos. His latest project is an exploration of the combat system in Valkyrie Profile 2, of all games. Who'd have thought we'd ever see a combo video for an RPG??
Last edited by Maj on Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mike Z
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Post by Mike Z »

Anyone who played VP, really. ;^) Though I was hoping for some non-Freya stuff since there's a lot of really cool infinites you can do. Heh.

Mike Z
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Post by Maj »

Here are some pretty cool non-fighting-game combo videos that i didn't know about.

Art of Ninja (Ninja Gaiden Black Combo) by Pokey

Lots of annoying broken combos where the counter resets, but there are also a lot of cool combos. That last clip looks awesome, where he does an air throw from a raised platform.

avp movie one by tochiro team
avp movie 2 by tochiro team
avp lost movies by tochiro team
avp save the queen by tochiro team
avp soft drink commercial by tochiro team

Oh. Em. Gee! 32 seconds into the first video, Linn Kurosawa does launcher into wall hit into air throw into OTG air super into air throw. That's like 15 fighting games in one!! Can't believe i've been missing out on Predator combos all my life.
Mike Z wrote:Anyone who played VP, really. ;^) Though I was hoping for some non-Freya stuff since there's a lot of really cool infinites you can do. Heh.
Hm, never played that game but i have made some [url=hxxp://]Legacy of Kain: Defiance combos[/url] before, since we're talking about the combo potential of weird offbeat games.
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Post by ZenFire »

Those svp movies were so damn awesome. Kurosawa can airthrow multiple times in the same jump and can air throw people from their groud bounce. It's so great these guys are doing this, would have been a real pitty if I never found out what potential lay in this game.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Re: SJC in 3S; Actually you could use it to avoid super throws that you can jump out of on reaction. Basically, Alex attempts a 360 super and some one SJ's through the catch frames, then cancels the SJ into super.

I heard Yun can actually cancel his SJ into his command throw (hcb+K zenpou tenshin), but I don't really know. I assume he can. But, it's still pretty useless because it's just an overly flashy way of avoiding an already avoidable-on-reaction situation.


Seven Oh Five - Video Game Commercial -- Old, but hilarious.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

Heh, definately interesting. Checked out their website and it said that most of their short films cost only a few hundred dollars to make. That looks really professional for such a low budget.


Here's kind of a cool 3S combo video, though i'm not sure how much of it is new. It's mostly Yun, with some Urien and Yang on the side. Pretty good for a first effort.

Stage : 1 by Mikei aka(?) MRX


Never heard of this game before and the combos themselves look relatively basic, but some character designs look cool. I'd have tried it out if i saw it at an arcade.

Asura Blade Combo Video by TBL2/Makeda
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Post by jchensor »

That 3S Combo Video is interesting. Some of the Combos he does are practically carbon copies of stuff one of the Japanese guys has done before in his video... RX was it? I can't remember which one. I just know that the Yang Combo he does is almost part for part the exact same combo, as is the Yun vs. Alex Combo. But he acknowledges the Japanese players for inspiring him.

So this begs the question: did he do all those by hand? Are those combos actually possible to do by hand? If he did them by hand, yeah, then it's definitely impressive: an exhibition of crazy Japanese Combos done not by a program pad. But I don't know the combos well enough to know how hard they actually are.

As for that Asura Blade Combo Video, all I can say is: classic example of how you can over edit your Combo Video. The editing was so distracting, it was hard to concentrate on the combos. Some of the edits were cool, parts of it looked professional, but the overall randomness of it kinda made it more tacky overall.

As for the Combos itself, there were a lot of situations where it looked like the combos could have been inifnites (not counting the ones that obviously were that he stopped after a few reps). I'm curious as to why he would stop using certain moves over and over again. But no way to tell until you actually play the game yourself.
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Post by Xenozip. »

The most difficult combos to do in that video would be #2 and #3. They aren't impossible to do without a programmable pad, but very difficult and not practical to do in matches.
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Post by desk »

I asked that dude about the 3s combo vid and he hasn't said anything about it being programed. He said the 4 shoulder combo (after an elbow) was a 'console only thing'. i don't get it but if I had to guess either way I'd say it wasn't done by hand... but I guess if he did that's a compliment right?
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Post by Maj »

Couple of interesting videos starring another pair of uncommon games ...

Samurai Shodown 5 Special CMV by Ryu of

Lots and lots of crazy 100% combos, with awkward long pauses inbetween because that's how samurai roll. The editing is kind of annoying, but i think part of that is because it's synced with the background song, which i don't like. A lot of the combos are stylish though. (Thx to Vic Viper for finding this.)


Martial Masters Combo Exhibition by Darkone

Seems like this game has a lot of variety in both character design and combo potential. The editing doesn't get in the way and each character does one or two impressive combos until the entire cast is covered. Almost every character in this game has one or more moves that look like they were jacked from various Street Fighter games. A lot of the game is fairly creative though. (Thx to Nebuloso for finding this.)
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Post by Xenozip. »

Maj wrote:Uh, what the hell is this? Super Mario Bros TimeAttack 1-1

Difficult Super Mario Bros Mod - Teehee
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by fullmetalross »

maybe Im a mean person by nature, but that shit made me laugh for like 10 minutes straight.
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Post by Xenozip. »

It gave me a much needed laugh too.

Also, Japanese player "u-na" released a combo video for Monster here.
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Post by jchensor »


Every time the guy died by invisible block in the SMB video, I laughed sooooo hard.

It made me feel like such an ass, laughing at someone's pain like that.
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Post by desk »

SNES mortal kombat 2 CV

Maybe it was just the music but I really, really liked this vid. Some of the glitches are really weird, especially when the screen starts freaking out. I don't know if the footage is new but it's definately worth watching even if you're not into MK.
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Post by Maj »

You know, it would be cool if we discussed these things a little more. I'm not saying you should watch vids you don't care about. I'm just saying that when you watch a video that you were going to download anyway, post your thoughts here. They are valuable. At least to me they are.
Xenozip. wrote:Also, Japanese player "u-na" released a combo video for Monster here.
That last Delga combo at 3:13 was dope! Whiffing throws during combos is always tight, and juggle combos are no exception.

To be honest though, i was a little bit disappointed by the direction taken after the intro. Cuz the intro made it look like it was going to be one of those rival battle videos, kinda like this thing or to a lesser extent this one (video quality/editing are ghetto but the way the music switches is brilliant).
desk wrote:SNES mortal kombat 2 CV
Haha, that was actually entertaining. Most MK glitches are just plain stupid, but i always prefer glitches when they are worked into combos somehow. It's also cool that he worked the fatalities into the video without slowing down the pace too much.

That Kung Lao sequence at 2:19 looked like one of Magnetro's clips. It was made using three different clips, right? The clock skips forward during the transition from Reptile to Sub-Zero. I'd say that my favorite combo in the video was the Johnny Cage one at 7:30 simply because of the number of shadow dash kicks they got in. I always thought that move was cool. I think Cody's version is cooler though.

They kinda overused that frozen projectile glitch though. And the Kitana fan glitch. I mean, what was the point of showing it against Shao Kahn when it was already the main theme of a combo they showed less than a minute before that point? Still, good vid overall.
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Post by Xenozip. »

Maj wrote:To be honest though, i was a little bit disappointed by the direction taken after the intro. Cuz the intro made it look like it was going to be one of those rival battle videos, kinda like this thing or to a lesser extent this one (video quality/editing are ghetto but the way the music switches is brilliant).
I believe that was the direction he intended to take, but I think he was pressured in to releasing the video early, which meant coming up with solid content outside of the theme. However this is just hearsay.

Honestly I believe he could have done a full video of Char vs Char, but he needed more time. He picked the right characters, both characters have enough combo potential for a video like that. He even started with exploring absurds and shift cancels for each shift (monster/freedom/tranqulity) for the first character, which he could have done for the other character. We've come up with lots of M/F/T and absurd combos for both characters. Alas, he strayed from the theme.

Still, I have to give this video a lot of respect because he managed to cover so much, with optimal damage output. As a Monster player I respect the video because it displays optimal b&b shift cancels for each character in each shift, which is like saying optimal b&b 1-super combos for each CvS2 character (a-groove included). Not particularly advanced, but certainly very thorough.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

That sucks, that the video was rushed and he didn't get to do what he wanted to do. Still it did turn out really well, like you said. Covers the whole cast, all the combos look damaging, and it gets right to the point. If he really did have to give up on his original plan, then he's gonna regret it later. Maybe he'll go back and finish it. Or, hey, one of us could make a character rivals/battle video.

In other news, i finally managed to download this thing:

The Meaning Of Dreams CMV by Robot Hero and a grip of other people

You know, as an SNK video it's still way heavy on the editing end, but i thought he actually did a great job of keeping it subdued. Most of the time the editing really helps the pacing, like cutting down Iori's combo super animation by doing a custom edit. Also he cut through a lot of lengthy setups by kinda fast-forwarding through them via stop frames. It really came off as professional and tactful.

Until the ending. Fuck, 3 full minutes of credits with absolutely no game footage on the screen!? I mean, maybe he thought he was being clever using an unexpected non-anime and i'm sure he was really happy when he found that Tarzan song in Portuguese or whatever, but come on. You can't let yourself get carried away with shit like that.

Most of the combos were really good though, and a lot of the setups were creative. That SvCC Hugo combo was impressive. What was up with MotW Terry getting random otg's against Hokutomaru? SFA3 flipable combos are weak though. They should have known better, especially if it's gonna be generic X-Ryu Hurricane Kick redizzies.
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Post by ZenFire »

I watched the meaning of dreams vid not too long ago also. I liked the editing, I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, but all the effects were tasteful imo. The only thing I couldn't get into were the rpg scenes taht had no place in there. That bothered me quite a bit. It's also the first full fledged combo video I've seen released in 60fps. It looks damn smooth, it's great. Considering the quality of the picture and thefact htat it's 60fps, I'm surprised it's only 300mb.

Contents.. well I can't really figure out why they would WANT to put so many games in one video without at the very least an overlapping theme. I need theme, if it's just randomness.. then.. it should be called something like "The meaninglessnes of the stuff I dream about".

But still, 60fps video is sweeeeet.
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