Evo Series Fantasy Draft

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Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Well, i told watts and MrWizard about this idea but Watson said that it would count as illegal gambling if money was involved and Wizard said he'd run it for free on SRK but nothing came of it. So i'm just gonna post it up here and see what happens.

Remember that L5R card game i mentioned in the Side Projects thread? Their tournament season consists of like 30 tournaments worldwide, averaging roughly 100 entrants. I guess for the past couple of years they've been running kind of a fantasy league where everyone picks top 4 for each event, on the Friday before each tournament. At the end of the season, the person with the best track record wins a prize (where they get a chance to influence the storyline).

When i first saw it, i thought it might be cool to do that in the fighting game scene since everyone has heroes and everyone roots for their friends and everyone mashes on refresh waiting for results. Clearly people care. But i thought it would never work cuz one big tournament would never provide enough room for error. There would be too many winners if hundreds of people participated on SRK.

Yet there are a lot of Evos now. Like 5 distinct events? Considering that each event features 8 tournament games, there's plenty of results to guess at. So i dunno, if this sounds interesting to you guys, just post up your guesses for each Evo tournament the day before it starts and the top 3 people will win some fake points or something.

Here's the Evo schedule:
evo2k.com wrote:Evo South: March 10-11, 2007 - Austin, TX
Evo East: May 25-27, 2007 - Stamford, CT
Evo North: June 22-24, 2007 - Northbrook, IL
Evo West: July 27-29, 2007 - Los Angeles, CA
Evo World: August 24-26, 2007 - Las Vegas, NV
Obviously the first one is over and done with, but we still have four coming up. So, is anyone interested?
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Post by Magnetro »

I think the community on this forum is diverse enough to pick people for at least 1 game going on. uhh... So yeah, it might work.. How about real prizes like a picture of guile signed by you or something? or a picture of you signed by guile!
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Post by Xenozip. »

Magnetro wrote:or a picture of you signed by guile!
I am so winning that shit.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

Evo East 2k7 is this weekend, so we better get the ball rolling. Here's the deal. Take as many games as you like and list top 8 in order. For example i'm only gonna bother guessing at the Capcom games (this time) because i have no clue what's going on with the rest.

Make sure you submit your list by midnight Friday.

For any given game, you can win a maximum of 1 point (added to The Score) by correctly selecting either 5+ people anywhere in the top 8 or selecting 3+ people along with their exact standings. If this ends up being too easy, then i might have to retroactively reduce the reward to 1/2 point or something, but that seems unlikely. Anyway here's my list ...


Capcom vs SNK 2
1) Choi
2) Combofiend
3) Buktooth
4) Justin Wong
5) Valle
5) Ricky
7) Amir
7) Nestor

Super SF2 Turbo
1) watts
2) NKI
3) afro legends
4) jchensor
5) Choi
5) JeRon
7) Valle
7) Justin Wong

SF3 3rd Strike
1) Amir
2) Pyro
3) watts
4) Ricky
5) Arturo
5) Justin Wong
7) Valle
7) Rockefeller

Marvel vs Capcom 2
1) Justin Wong
2) Clockw0rk
3) SooMighty
4) Sanford
5) potter
5) Golden Nismor
7) SmoothViper
7) NKI

Man i'll be lucky if half of these people actually end up on the east coast this weekend. I need to do more research next time.

One of these days ... my hero watts is gonna win another ST tournament. I'm certainly not gonna screw up the chance to have called it by betting on anyone else, ever, until it happens...
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Greetings from the land of dail-up! Since SRK is taking an hour and a half to load, i'ma post my Evo2k8 results predictions.

Capcom vs SNK 2
1) bas
2) Choi
3) Buktooth
4) desk
5-8) Random Japanese

Super SF2 Turbo
1) watts
2) NKI
3) desk
4-8) Choi

SF3 3rd Strike
1) Random Yun player
2) Random Chun player
3) Random Ken player
4) Random Makoto player
5-8) Random Yun players

Marvel vs Capcom 2
1) Clockw0rk
2) Yipes
3) potter
4) NKI
5-8) I got nothin'
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Damn, way off.

Go Nuki!

Good to see Armenian kings in top 8 of the number one Street Fighter tournament in the world.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Wow, sounds like Evo2k8 was emotionally intense:

Where's the cheese by ChoiBoy on SRK

Valle vs Daigo, ten years later. And the return of John Choi. by dog-face on SRK

Is it true that Choi uppercutted a lot? Did the new (old) people's champion's people cheer?
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Gotta admit, i'm kind of excited about SSF4 finals. I think this is the year that an American player will finally win the marquee game. Not sure who it's gonna be, though obviously i'm rooting for Valle. There should be a lot of oddball characters making it through, judging by the rankings. Who knew Fei Long would be a factor in this game?

TvC should be fun to watch too. I have no clue whatsoever what that game looks like at high level play. And of course MvC2 on PS3 should be interesting to say the least. I hope Viscant wins with Colossus/Marrow/Guile.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by CPS2 »

I mainly want to see how far Humanbomb and Toxy get. And I kinda hope Toxy enters XvSF, even tho he didn't really give any indication that he was interested.

Also my buddies Melvin and Yang will be there. They're definitely very very good in Sydney but I just have no idea how Sydney even rates.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by error1 »

Maj wrote:I think this is the year that an American player will finally win the marquee game.
Why, is Daigo not playing?
jk I would like to see Sanford win, his Sagat seemed nearly unbeatable in vanilla but I haven't seen him play much super
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

CPS2 wrote: Also my buddies Melvin and Yang will be there. They're definitely very very good in Sydney but I just have no idea how Sydney even rates.
Lol...Yang is on another level by himself and im not talking game related hahaha. I have to make sure I tell him to own in Kof if there is any diy
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Xenozip. »

Maj wrote: I hope Viscant wins with Colossus/Marrow/Guile.
Marrow? Really? lol
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by onReload »

Weird, I've been farming unlock points in MvC2 on DC (i.e. leaving it in training mode for hours, sometimes playing arcade mode) and I've come to like Marrow. She doesn't seem to have a whole lot of options, but is still fun to play.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

I don't know, she just seems like a Viscant character. I can't remember the last (real) wacky team he was playing, but it probably had Anakaris and Doom in it. I think Storm was THE original Viscant character and in fact he was using her in the very first SHGL tournament, way ahead of the game. But modern Storm is beyond his execution capabilities for sure, so there's not much point in picking a clear disadvantage at the character select screen.

You know, i'm actually kinda somewhat vaguely considering learning MvC3. Always wanted to pick up a Marvel game.

Also i should probably write an Evo retrospective or something. Seems like a lot of people (who haven't experienced it first-hand) miss the point.
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Re: Evo Series Fantasy Draft

Post by Maj »

Looks like SRK finally caught on:

Pick Your Winners. EVO 2011 SSF4:AE and MvC3 Fantasy Brackets

Hella long title too!
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