Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
There's this cool Terry combo in a Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special: Dominated Mind combo DVD trailer made by Leaf of Adaki, where Terry cancels fierce Rising Tackle into super. I'm not at all familiar with the game engine so i have no idea if he's still considered to be on the ground or if those cancels are all glitchy, but it looks undeniably awesome.
In honor of that combo, i figured i would start a list of random moves in random games that look airborne but the character is actually considered to be on the ground. These are actually quite useful for lots of applications in videos. I mean, apart from the obvious potential for stylish combos, you can also have random clips of grabbing these moves with 720 supers or using them to trade hits without getting knocked into the air.
- All Shotoesque Dragon Punches in almost all games have at least 1 or 2 frames of the airborne animation that are still grounded
- CvS series Terry is grounded when his Rising Tackle first connects, so CvS2EO P-Terry could probably do LP Rising Tackle xx lvl3 Power Geyser
- Guile's F+MK hopkick and F+HK upside-down kick never actually become airborne in any game
- CvS2 Chun Li's far s.HK never actually becomes airborne
- CvS series Honda is considered grounded during his entire headbutt super
- CvS series King never becomes airborne during her FB nor her double FB
- Blanka's ground ball super is considered grounded in every game it's in
- Dhalsim's ground teleport never becomes airborne, not even during the parts where he's clearly floating off the ground
In honor of that combo, i figured i would start a list of random moves in random games that look airborne but the character is actually considered to be on the ground. These are actually quite useful for lots of applications in videos. I mean, apart from the obvious potential for stylish combos, you can also have random clips of grabbing these moves with 720 supers or using them to trade hits without getting knocked into the air.
- All Shotoesque Dragon Punches in almost all games have at least 1 or 2 frames of the airborne animation that are still grounded
- CvS series Terry is grounded when his Rising Tackle first connects, so CvS2EO P-Terry could probably do LP Rising Tackle xx lvl3 Power Geyser
- Guile's F+MK hopkick and F+HK upside-down kick never actually become airborne in any game
- CvS2 Chun Li's far s.HK never actually becomes airborne
- CvS series Honda is considered grounded during his entire headbutt super
- CvS series King never becomes airborne during her FB nor her double FB
- Blanka's ground ball super is considered grounded in every game it's in
- Dhalsim's ground teleport never becomes airborne, not even during the parts where he's clearly floating off the ground
I'm pretty sure cvs2 Mai's doesn't leave the ground
cvs2 Chun's spinning bird kick is grounded although she's upside down and and the animations is off the ground and all that.
cvs1/2 Kyo's far s.rh is grounded. Beni's and Terry's are too i think.
cvs2 Blanka's standing close s.short and s.forward are grounded also. I think SF2 WW blanka's double spinpunch (s.fierce, i think) is also grounded.
Maki's hotfoot super is grounded i'm sure. I don't know about Sagat's hotfoot super but it'd make sense for him to be on the ground during the last part too, so you can do something like JD first 3 hits of his lv3 hotfoot super then (RC) command throw.
It'd be nice to make the opposite list of moves; moves that look like it's grounded but actually not, like all the shoto dashes in cvs and sentinel's pose when he's tagged in mvc2.
cvs2 Chun's spinning bird kick is grounded although she's upside down and and the animations is off the ground and all that.
cvs1/2 Kyo's far s.rh is grounded. Beni's and Terry's are too i think.
cvs2 Blanka's standing close s.short and s.forward are grounded also. I think SF2 WW blanka's double spinpunch (s.fierce, i think) is also grounded.
Maki's hotfoot super is grounded i'm sure. I don't know about Sagat's hotfoot super but it'd make sense for him to be on the ground during the last part too, so you can do something like JD first 3 hits of his lv3 hotfoot super then (RC) command throw.
It'd be nice to make the opposite list of moves; moves that look like it's grounded but actually not, like all the shoto dashes in cvs and sentinel's pose when he's tagged in mvc2.
CC that shit
Sagat's hotfoot definately gets airborne after he's done with the first two or three kicks. You're right about CvS series Kyo, Beni, Terry, and Blanka. Dunno about Mai. I wasn't sure about CvS2 Maki's hotfoot, but that seems reasonable. So can she do lvl2 hotfoot xx lvl1 hotfoot before the last hit of the lvl2 hotfoot knocks the opponent down?
WW Blanka's close s.HP is definately grounded because i've tried to air throw that thing before, with no luck. So i tested it out and found that the entire duration is vulnerable to ground throws.
Are you sure about CvS2 Chun's SBK? I know that it becomes grounded at the end, way earlier than it appears, but i'm also pretty sure that short characters can't duck under it and do low strong xx whatever combos.
WW Blanka's close s.HP is definately grounded because i've tried to air throw that thing before, with no luck. So i tested it out and found that the entire duration is vulnerable to ground throws.
Are you sure about CvS2 Chun's SBK? I know that it becomes grounded at the end, way earlier than it appears, but i'm also pretty sure that short characters can't duck under it and do low strong xx whatever combos.
Go for it. Sounds like a good idea. Start another thread to avoid confusion.laugh wrote:It'd be nice to make the opposite list of moves; moves that look like it's grounded but actually not, like all the shoto dashes in cvs and sentinel's pose when he's tagged in mvc2.
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Grounded / Airborne is a fairly big deal in OMF Battlegrounds, because one character's anti-air only hits airborne opponents. This means that there aren't too many moves that have the wrong flag set. For example, although Pyros' "lariat" spin actually hits lower than some of his normal attacks, if you move the camera you can clearly see his feet leaving the ground, and so it's technically airborne.
Pyros' LK flipkick, however, is airborne for the entire move, although it takes him a while to get off the ground. This is probably the #1 reason why Force beats Pyros - firespin and LK, his two best moves, get smoked by random gravwells.
In OMF 2097, there's also a lack of improbably labeled moves, except for one amusing situation. Shredder's Headbutt specials are clearly airborne, and sometimes even recover airborne when blocked(!), but they can still cancel into the ground-only Flip Kick special. As a result, OMF lets you cancel, displays frame 1 of the flipkick, then detects an illegal move and returns instantly to frame 1 of "at rest". It's like triangle jumping straight down, except it animates weirdly.
Pyros' LK flipkick, however, is airborne for the entire move, although it takes him a while to get off the ground. This is probably the #1 reason why Force beats Pyros - firespin and LK, his two best moves, get smoked by random gravwells.
In OMF 2097, there's also a lack of improbably labeled moves, except for one amusing situation. Shredder's Headbutt specials are clearly airborne, and sometimes even recover airborne when blocked(!), but they can still cancel into the ground-only Flip Kick special. As a result, OMF lets you cancel, displays frame 1 of the flipkick, then detects an illegal move and returns instantly to frame 1 of "at rest". It's like triangle jumping straight down, except it animates weirdly.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Umm OK, I know this is like UBER late but...that was just Super Canceling the Rising Tackle into the Super...sorry to disappoint you mate...Maj wrote:There's this cool Terry combo in a Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special: Dominated Mind combo DVD trailer made by Leaf of Adaki, where Terry cancels fierce Rising Tackle into super. I'm not at all familiar with the game engine so i have no idea if he's still considered to be on the ground or if those cancels are all glitchy, but it looks undeniably awesome.

For that matter, anyone know where to get that DVD?
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Don't you need to be grounded to cancel into a ground super, though?
No clue where to get the DVD, or if it was even completed. You might want to try asking him directly, though it's probably a longshot cuz everyone gets lazy when it comes to shipping overseas.
No clue where to get the DVD, or if it was even completed. You might want to try asking him directly, though it's probably a longshot cuz everyone gets lazy when it comes to shipping overseas.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Well Terry is registered as being on the ground during the very 1st hit of his Rising Tackle; he could also Super cancel it into a Super in some KoFs. Even if visually he looks like he's not touching the ground, the game registers him as being 'grounded'.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
some i've found at KOF.
- Chin's far D
- '94 to '97 Robert's CD.
- Kyo's far D looks like he's jumping a bit but it's also grounded.
- Blue Mary's fB (1st hit) and far D.
- Chris's CD.
- '97 '98 Shermie's CD.
- Athena's far D.
- Ramon's CD.
These are the ones I have in my mind so far. I'll check some others.
- Chin's far D
- '94 to '97 Robert's CD.
- Kyo's far D looks like he's jumping a bit but it's also grounded.
- Blue Mary's fB (1st hit) and far D.
- Chris's CD.
- '97 '98 Shermie's CD.
- Athena's far D.
- Ramon's CD.
These are the ones I have in my mind so far. I'll check some others.
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Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Well not exactly the topic, as in not grounded moves that appear airborne, but airborne situation when someone is on the ground.In SF4, if you pull someone out of the air with seth's EX tandem engine, NOT when you juggle into it, just when you pull them out of the air, as in FA lvl2 dash wait a little, EX tandem because they are considered airborne).You'll suck them in but they are still considered airborne, because if you jab them or something, moves without juggle potential will wiff as long as they are in hitstun, because they obviously cant reset while on the ground.Or, again with seth, if you push someone into a sonic boom ,after catching them with ultra in the AIR, you'll not get the spinning part of damage, bacuse it's a grab and grabs dont juggle(as in their animation resolves, but you get no damage).Also, as Maj showed in his rufus TACV, interrupted super after juggling with it renders the opponent airborne, although they are on the ground.
I am basing what i am saying on the fact that there doesnt exist such notions as juggling grounded opponents, and juggling being airborne related ONLY.
I am basing what i am saying on the fact that there doesnt exist such notions as juggling grounded opponents, and juggling being airborne related ONLY.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Bisons Scissor kick looks airborne but is infact a ground attack (SFIV)
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Yes I must say it looks quite strange (and frustrating) seeing him getting thrown out of the startup when his feet are clearly off the ground in the animation.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne ... odies.htmlPokey86 wrote:Bisons Scissor kick looks airborne but is infact a ground attack (SFIV)
S-Kill says you're wrong XD
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Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Skil said elf would be god tier in sf4.Yeah...
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
From what I've heard, he says every new character is top tier.
Re: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
Well Dudley sure is looking ridiculously OP. Ibuki and Makoto don't look at that strong to me though, but uhhh whatever we'll find out soon enough.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.