TRUST SSF2T Tutorial by XSPR

TRUST is an acronym for: T.raining R.egimen U.nder S.uper T.urbo – a software platform made up of different programs designed to assist novice and veteran players to improve and learn more about SSF2T. Furthermore, TRUST makes it easy for experts to share their knowledge through custom lessons. The chief goals are to make that process seamless and extensible.

download site:

XSPR’s notes:
“Seamless” refers to the user experience; the user selects a lesson, reads it, and actually plays it out. His grasp of the material can be immediately put to the test as he attempts to Execute what he is trying to learn. The biggest transition over the course of this process is using a mouse to select the lesson and press the “Execute” button, but from that point the joystick is used to navigate (Start button/Back button, up/down) until he quits to back out.

“Extensible” refers to the customization options available. TRUST comes with lessons built-in, but if you come across a particular script in a lesson that you’d like to change, you can select that lesson, go to the Tweak menu, and select “Edit Selected Lesson’s Script”. Feel free to edit the .html files too (add a video or screenshot, for example). Share your changes with the community!

Just simply GETTING to the gym is usually the biggest effort when you want to get in shape; once you’re there, it’s relatively easy to get in the groove to start your workout. This program provides a meaningful context for practical, useful training activities and are designed to match typical, practical, real situations as much as possible.

TRUST roles include Senseis from the community, but other members can edit macro scripts to make for a better training session. Senseis are those with in-depth knowledge about the game itself. I’ve designed and built the TRUST front end software and lessons, but it’s conceivable there could be others to architect different front ends as well.

This program sits on top of a stack of some other really cool stuff in the platform. It uses modified Lua scripts (MacroLua, Input-Display and Hitbox viewer), which work with mame-rr. The entire purpose of TRUST is to teach people how to play a game that never really came with any particularly explicit instructions, and what training modes do exist in modern incantations are often severely lacking in features. The fighting game community is largely built on members that have scratched their own itch in light of this, to spite being left to endure with whatever is otherwise available.

Lessons don’t have much of an “Observe” solution macro except for Custom1 so far, but I’m looking for others in the community to help with that (and for them to also share/collaborate making scripts, ideally). A macro will load when you click Observe for another lesson, however it usually just looks exactly like if you had clicked Execute as P1’s inputs are not scripted for them.

No game ROM is included with the install file.

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One Response to TRUST SSF2T Tutorial by XSPR

  1. Tarnish says:

    I’ve been giving this a shot, though I need to read up on that Macro Lua tutorial again. I have a few ideas for contributions, but I need to do some time management as far as learning this goes.

    I think my biggest issue with TRUST and Execution Aid have been that they always register as false positives for virus programs. It’s incredibly frustrating, though I can set them as exceptions, my computer doesn’t make any exceptions on boot when it purges files like that for some reason.

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