MSHvSF Screenshot Set by error1

Here’s another exclusive screenshot batch, featuring Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, courtesy of error1. Most of these contain mirror matches as the central theme, either directly or in spirit. Shuma Gorath mimicking Zangief is pretty creative, wouldn’t you say?









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5 Responses to MSHvSF Screenshot Set by error1

  1. error1 says:

    #2 there can be four shields on the ground at once, and you can’t steal a teammates or opponent’s shield
    #4 Shumas shadow super makes an identical looking copy
    #5 Hulk and Zangief’s super armor causes them to flash orange, mecha gief does a red flash
    #6 Spider-man’s armor causes him to flash a pure white
    #7 SRK invincibility let’s Normi’s projectile line up with akuma’s face
    #8 give this a try it slows the game to a crawl

  2. n00b_saib0t says:

    3, 4, and 8 are dope.

    i’ve never seen norimaru’s projectile, so i have no clue what happened to akuma’s face in 7 lol. i might have to go boot up the saturn and find out.

    • Bob Sagat says:

      It looks like a little statue of Akuma himself, sitting on his knees. The face of the statue lines up with Akuma’s, which makes it hard to spot. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s what it looks like to me.)
      Some awesome screenshots there. I was wondering how you got the identical Hulks, thanks for the explanation.

  3. Remxi says:

    Haha I love the idea for #7. #8 & #2 are also cool.

  4. Juan Fra says:

    #7 is great because of the timming. But #1 is so simple, yet so awesome.

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