SF3:3S TA Fight: Urien vs Makoto by DevilAzite

Today we have another tool-assisted Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike choreographed match, between the game’s dirtiest mixup artists: Urien and Makoto.

SF3:3S Urien Aegis Reflector efficiency at 0:32, Urien EX Chariot Tackle juggle at 1:35, Makoto Taunt kill at 1:45, and Makoto angry parryfest at 2:53

gameplay by DevilAzite

released today, October 6th, 2010

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5 Responses to SF3:3S TA Fight: Urien vs Makoto by DevilAzite

  1. Maj says:

    Not sure why this stood out to me, but i really like the way Makoto rolls at 2:39. Also the default screenshot looks awesome without the lifebars.

  2. Bob Sagat says:

    Cool stuff. I never understood why Makoto is wearing a long scarf so tightly around her neck. It’s like: “Hey! Strangle me!”

    • Maj says:

      Nah, that’s too obvious. I bet if you try to pull it, ninja stars shoot out of her neck or something. I wouldn’t try it if i was you.

  3. Bob Sagat says:

    Yeah, I can imagine it’s like a mindgame, like the scarf’s length is at her perfect attack range, so as soon as someone grabs it, it’s all over.

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