K-6 Presents Combo Vid No.1

This is the first of five Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike videos created by rKf over several years. He uploaded them all to his u2b channel today, so i’ll feature one of them each day. If there’s enough interest, it may even encourage him to put together a sixth video for our enjoyment.

SF3:3S Urien non-knockdown Knee Drop at 0:15, Urien tauntfest juggle at 0:37, Urien 50% damage Taunt at 1:13, and Urien double Messatsu Gou Hadou at 1:52

combos by rKf and RX

edited by rKf

soundtrack: SF3:3S Urien Stage BGM

download site:

originally released in June, 2003

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One Response to K-6 Presents Combo Vid No.1

  1. CPS2 says:

    Really like the ones that start with throws.

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