MatchVid of the Day: Tokido vs watts (SSF2T)

Who wants to watch my heart break in slow motion? This match took place just shy of top 8 at Evolution 2008, where John Choi eventually eliminated Tokido in losers’ semifinals.

players: Tokido (Vega) vs Mike “watts” Watson (O.Sagat)

Freeze at 1:00 to see Sagat’s j.HP miss Vega’s wall dive by mere pixels. That was the match right there. If your heart is still functioning, you can also pause at 1:01 to see Vega crouching just pixels outside Sagat’s throw range. It’s “Barlog Wins!” the rest of the way …

game: Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Console)

venue: Evolution 2008 – Losers Bracket

recorded on August 9th, 2008

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3 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: Tokido vs watts (SSF2T)

  1. Bob Sagat says:

    At 0:40 Sagat doesn’t even seem to want to turn around anymore.

  2. Don Vecta says:

    This is how to play with Balrog, baby!

  3. Maj says:

    Profound Sadness aside, there are two things i really enjoy about this match. The first is how Vega never reclaims his claw from 0:20 to 0:27 despite standing right on it (because he’s stuck in Tiger Machinegun blockstun).

    And the second is that perfect Tiger Uppercut at 0:25.

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