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CvS2EO P-Groove Special

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:35 am
by Maj
At the beginning of the year, (now defunct) released a Preview Video for a DVD collection of online matches that they were planning on selling. It actually looked kinda cool, so i suggested that they include a bonus feature on the DVD - an exclusive combo video highlighting CvS2EO's signature gimmick: P-Groove cancels. A whole bunch of combo ideas were accumulated in a thread on SRK but the project never got off the ground. So i'm just gonna copy over some of that information and reorganize it a little, in case it turns out to be interesting to anyone here.

My problem is that i have neither an Xbox nor a working capture card, and i still haven't gotten around to buying a replacement yet. But i do have a pretty good understanding of the CvS2 game engine and a bunch of ideas for P-Groove combos. For testing purposes, the CvS2EO P-Groove cancel system can be simulated using the EX-Grooves in Dreamcast CvS2. Over the course of the original discussion, several people from the XBL CvS2EO scene volunteered to capture combos but it was always delay after delay after delay until the whole DVD thing came and went. In fact i'm not even sure if that DVD ever got completed, cuz i never heard anything about it since then.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:02 am
by Maj
CvS2EO P-Yamazaki vs Morrigan
setup: midscreen, standing less than a character width apart
combo: Morrigan vertical jump air FB, Yamazaki QCF+HP fireball reflect xx QCF,QCF+P lvl3 antiair super
comments: Yamazaki's fireball reflect actually hits Morrigan as it absorbs her fireball, making it cancelable into a super. Right after he releases the reflected fireball, he cancels into the super which makes the fireball juggle. Then the super itself juggles on the way down.

CvS2EO P-Chun Li vs Chang
setup: midscreen
combo: j.HP (two hits), c.LP, s.HP xx HP fireball xx lvl3 kick super xx superjump cancel into LATE j.MK, land and immediately do Lightning Legs
comments: The P-Groove cancel puts Chun Li into a special juggle state similar to the lvl2 cancel glitch, and the jump-cancel preserves that state. You have to be mashing kicks before you land so that she cancels landing animation into the Lightning Legs. That's the only way it'll juggle.

CvS2EO P-Chun Li vs Chang (variation)
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.LK, c.LP, s.HP xx HK Spinning Bird Kick xx lvl3 kick super superjump cancel into LATE sj.MK, land and immediately do Lightning Legs
comments: Same general principle, but using a different combo starter. You need to cancel a special move in order to get that last Lightning Legs to juggle, but it doesn't matter what special move you cancel. I think this version would look a lot cooler since you don't really see SBK in a lot of combos.

CvS2EO P-Kyo vs Rolento
setup: corner
combo: sj.HP, c.LP, c.HP xx QCF+HK,HK, F+HP xx QCF+LP,QCB+P,P (OTG) xx lvl3 Orochinagi (OTG), QCF+LP,QCB+P,P (OTG)
comments: If you cancel Kyo's OTG punch into a super, the super will OTG as well. So you can put two OTG punches in a combo and dizzy Rolento since he has a low 60-point stun limit. Superjump is necessary in the beginning to land closer to Rolento. Once Rolento is dizzy, just do whatever meterless Kyo combo you find most stylish.

CvS2EO P-Geese vs any 70-point dizzy character
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.MK, s.LK, s.LK xx HP fireball xx Deadly Rave (incomplete), c.LP, s.HP xx MK dash shoulder triple-hit thing (i don't know what it's called)
setup: This easy combo will dizzy any 70-point character and they don't even need to be fat. It inflicts 72 dizzy points and works against Ryu. After that, just do your favorite meterless Geese combo.

CvS2EO P-Akuma vs anyone
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.MK, s.LP, s.HP xx HK Hurricane Kick, reverse HP DP xx lvl3 air super FB
comments: Perform the HP DP command in the same direction, and then Akuma automatically turns around and does the DP in the other direction. We call that "CvS Help!" (cuz the game is bailing you out there). The cool part of the combo doesn't involve the super, so it's kind of a waste here.

CvS2EO P-Akuma vs any 60-point dizzy character (variation)
setup: corner
combo: j.HP, s.HP xx HP DP (3 hits) xx Raging Demon (whiff), s.HP xx LP DP (opponent dizzy), teleport into corner, QCB+LP roll out of corner, crossup c.MK, s.LP, s.HP xx HK Hurricane Kick, reverse HP DP
comments: Meterless version of above combo, used after a dizzy combo. Actually i'm not sure how much dizzy the first combo inflicts, but it's above 60 for sure. It might even be close to 70 points. Akuma uses the teleport to create some space to get the opponent away from the corner, since the whole turnaround HP DP thing won't work in the corner.

CvS2EO P-Ken vs any fat character
setup: midscreen
combo: meaty HCF+LK, s.LK xx HCF+MK xx lvl3 SA3
comments: Create the meaty using a knockdown or having the opponent do some kind of invincible move like a roll or a dodge, then go for it. It's not a terribly difficult combo but it just looks cool.
update: Actually, it seems like this combo doesn't work because there's nobody in the game fat enough to get hit by the super after all that. But it would probably work if you got Ken's LK fancykick to hit meaty backwards, maybe by doing it against Ken's QCB+LK roll.

CvS2EO P-Haohmaru vs any character
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.MK, s.HK xx LP DP xx HCB,F+P (lvl3 one-hit super)
comments: Might have put the opponent near the corner to get the crossup to hit late enough. The LP DP does more damage (1400) than HP DP (1000) on one hit. This combo is really basic but i think getting the HCB,F+P to combo is cool enough to put in a video, even if most people have already seen it.

CvS2EO P-Ryo vs any character
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.MK, c.HP xx HCB+HP superjump cancel air fireball (late tigerknee motion) xx lvl3 rush super upon landing
comments: Cancel the landing animation of the air FB to connect the super. Pretty basic but useful too.

CvS2EO P-Ryo vs any character
setup: midscreen
combo: sj.HP, s.MP xx F,B,F+HP xx QCF,QCF+P lvl3 gut punch (opponent dizzy), whiff LK flying kick, sj.HP, c.LP, far s.MP xx HK flying kick
comments: There are a number of ways to combo into Ryo's lvl3 gut punch super for the instant dizzy. His machine-gun punches work for sure, his HCB+P launcher probably works too, and maybe you can even do it with his DP. Anyway, i just like that flying kick. It's so damn goofy-looking.

CvS2EO P-Chang vs anyone
setup: corner combo
combo: Standing right next to the opponent, use Choi's HCF+MK assist, then have Chang do c.HP xx LP ball spin so that the first hit of the ball spin hits at the same time as Choi. If this happens, the opponent will not be knocked down, so the ball will actually come around and hit one more time. So then you wait until the ball spins around once more and cancel into HCB,HCB+K (the Choi tornado). If you time it right, the ball should hit one more time (it juggles because of the super cancel). Then Choi's tornado super will juggle. So you get 3 ball hits out of this combo, and a Choi assist, and a low fierce, and a lvl3 Choi tornado super.
comments: It's important to use MK Choi assist so that he returns to Chang's side in time to do the tornado super. It's important to use LP ball spin because for some reason the HP version is too slow and the tornado isn't fast enough to connect after the HP version. The MP version is fast enough, but it's better to be on the safe side and use the LP version, since they all do the same damage anyway. You can use the following command to do c.HP xx LP ball spin: D+HP,LP,MP,HP,LP. I tested the combo against Kim (who has no special properties), so it should work against anyone.

CvS2EO P-Sagat vs any 60-point dizzy character
setup: corner
combo: counterhit j.HK, s.HP xx HP DP (2 hits) xx lvl3 super low FB (whiff), HP DP (5 hits, opponent dizzy), j.HK, s.LP, s.MP xx HP DP
comments: Inflicts 61 stun points with the counterhit starter, and 59 points without. The meterless ender is a pretty easy link combo and of course it can be changed to something else.

CvS2EO P-Kyosuke has some potentially super advanced shit. Theoreticaly you can do stuff like j.MK -> j.HP -> j.HK, s.HP xx HP DP xx QCF+HK xx QCB,QCB+P (jump cancel) j.LK -> j.MP -> j.MK -> j.HP -> j.HK, s.HP xx QCF+HK.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:02 pm
by fullmetalross
For the ken funky Kick thing since ken moves forward slightly you can't make it hit him during that special roll cross-up thing. But I am going to try it with the Zangief version of it. Because the FP has a big box on it, plus zangief is fat so maybe we can get it to work.

Ninja Edit: I was actually thinking of using these in the video I'm making, even though I don't have an X-box. Anyone have opinions on that. I mean Ex-groove looks uglier than just the P-groove that would be on the X-box, but do you think it really matters that much?

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:58 pm
by Maj
As an absolute last resort, i guess you could use EX-Groove and explain the situation in big flashy letters. I think the more ghetto you make it sound, the more people will accept it. I mean, you should actually say "EX-Groove special move cancels work the same way as CvS2EO P-Groove cancels. I know it looks ugly but i don't have an X-box." You can get away with almost anything if you're ghetto/funny enough (check out the full text description on the right).

However, it would definately look much much nicer if you used CvS2EO. Most of the combos in this thread are actually quite practical, so if you can borrow a friend's Gamecube or Xbox for a week you should be able to finish.

Also, i think anytime you use CvS2EO you should make it obvious by picking EO-Ism for the dummy/opponent character so that the EO logo appears on the screen.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:37 pm
by Mike Z
EO had A-Groove cancelling from normals as well, didn't it? (Not that it's super-awesome or anything, just that P-groove cancelling wasn't the only unique feature.) I seem to remember that if you did a midair normal xx activate into another air normal, it would put them in knockdown instead of recovering. So you could do Ryo launch into jumping move activate jumping move, and continue. There was some other weirdness with this, something like if you hit them with a move while they were airborne but low to the ground xx activate into a quick move you could get them standing again, or in strange stun...can't remember very well. Maybe you could throw them?

Also, wasn't there the P-Iori Fierce DP into pillar super for the midair stun (that you can repeat with infinite meter)?

My CvS2 knowledge is all gone...
Mike Z

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:22 pm
by Maj
I don't remember hearing about anything like that. I mean, i never really played around with CvS2EO but i think i'd have heard about such a major engine change. Plus i think the reason P-Groove cancels exist in CvS2EO is cuz P-Groove is so weak in Hard Operation aka CvS2HO. It kinda doesn't make sense to make A-Groove more powerful cuz it's been the top tier groove for years.

The weird Iori DP xx pillar super is in standard CvS2 as well, using EX-Groove with an S-Groove foundation. It's also in a CvSPro combo video with Iori getting ahead of the lvl3 super and doing a fierce DP before the super connects. Then he does lvl1 supers (in S-Groove) and it's an infinite. Of course that's only possible because CvS1/CvSPro pillar supers moved across the screen MUCH slower than they do in CvS2. But that whole glitch is weird and i don't really understand why doing more lvl1 supers keeps the freeze going. The original CvS2 EX-Groove clip even had Iori doing lvl1 supers from half screen away and it still kept the infinite going, even though the pillar was never touching the opponent.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:28 am
by Mike Z
From the CvS2->CvS2EO differences FAQ on GameFAQS...
-Characters can jump and whiff an air attack and still
activate into Custom Combo in A-Groove afterwards.
They can also cancel most connected air attacks into
Custom Combo as well.
I knew I wasn't on crack. I played around with that when it came out (it was interesting for about a day). If you do that they go into knockdown rather than recovery, etc etc.

Go me.
Mike Z

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:18 am
by Maj
Whoa, crazy. If it's just air attacks then i guess it doesn't have too big of an impact on game balance. I mean, very few characters can combo into air attacks. Chun Li is the most prominent of the bunch but she obviously can't do kick super into custom combos. She can still do anti-air s.HK jump cancel craziness but that's a gimmick, not a solid tactic. Ryo, Yun, Kyosuke are not very scary.

Once people start throwing away their Xboxes and Gamecubes, i'll have to pick up a used everything for 20 bucks and start messing with CvS2EO. Otherwise, it sucks buying a video game system for one game.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:24 am
by jchensor
I have EO for the XBox. If you ever wanna stop by and mess with it or borrow it, lemme know. I may have to plug it in solely for the fact that I can try to do this A-Groove thing, see if it wields anything interesting.

- James

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:14 pm
by buktooth
that guide was wrote by me!

i think.

anyway, some more stuff to throw around:

CvS2EO P-Hibiki vs any 70 stun character
setup: midscreen
combo: sj.HP, s.HK xx QCB+HP xx QCF+MP xx deadly rave (incomplete), s.HK xx QCB+HP xx QCF+MP (dizzy)
comments: ghetto fabulous

(theoretical, not tested)
CvS2EO P-Kim vs any fat 60 stun character
setup: corner
combo: cross up j.HK, c.LK, c.LK, c.LP, c.MK xx QCB+HK xx lvl3 launcher kick thingie, d,u+HK xx d+HK (dizzy...?)
comments: i THINK that should dizzy... if not a counter hit jump-in might solve that

-can balrog do LK upper rush xx super? if so he'd be able to do something like upper rush, link jab xx upper rush xx gigaton blow

-it would be interesting to mess with super cancelling dhalsim's teleport. probably nothing there combo-wise, but it sounds fun to figure out where dhalsim would end up depending on when you super cancel

-iori jump fierce fierce xx fierce dp xx pillars, fierce dp might dizzy a 60 stun char

-rock probably also has something with cross up j.HK, c.LP, s.HK xx QCB+HP xx deadly rave (incomplete), s.HK xx QCB+HP

-raiden jump in combo into final drop kick xx flame breath possibly 100%?

-king j.HK, c.MP xx QCB+HP, dp+HK xx QCF,HCB+K? i'm not sure if dp+HK is off the ground or not

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:01 am
by fullmetalross
buktooth wrote:that guide was wrote by me!

i think.

anyway, some more stuff to throw around:

CvS2EO P-Hibiki vs any 70 stun character
setup: midscreen
combo: sj.HP, s.HK xx QCB+HP xx QCF+MP xx deadly rave (incomplete), s.HK xx QCB+HP xx QCF+MP (dizzy)
comments: ghetto fabulous

(theoretical, not tested)
CvS2EO P-Kim vs any fat 60 stun character
setup: corner
combo: cross up j.HK, c.LK, c.LK, c.LP, c.MK xx QCB+HK xx lvl3 launcher kick thingie, d,u+HK xx d+HK (dizzy...?)
comments: i THINK that should dizzy... if not a counter hit jump-in might solve that

-can balrog do LK upper rush xx super? if so he'd be able to do something like upper rush, link jab xx upper rush xx gigaton blow

-it would be interesting to mess with super cancelling dhalsim's teleport. probably nothing there combo-wise, but it sounds fun to figure out where dhalsim would end up depending on when you super cancel

-iori jump fierce fierce xx fierce dp xx pillars, fierce dp might dizzy a 60 stun char

-rock probably also has something with cross up j.HK, c.LP, s.HK xx QCB+HP xx deadly rave (incomplete), s.HK xx QCB+HP

-raiden jump in combo into final drop kick xx flame breath possibly 100%?

-king j.HK, c.MP xx QCB+HP, dp+HK xx QCF,HCB+K? i'm not sure if dp+HK is off the ground or not
for the raiden one you could do jump in combo into a max charged kick, which does full stun i think? to a 60 stun, then again into flame breath that would definetly do it.

I've gota sweet 100% stun on 60 stunners with raiden but it uses meter so it's not a 100%, unless I could do it while charging the super kick.... actually I could do that haha.

Re: CvS2EO P-Groove Special

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:34 pm
by Maj
These two combos don't require P-Groove cancels, but they do take advantage of EO-Ism shortcuts to circumvent charge issues.

CvS2EO EO-Ism C-Vega vs anyone
setup: corner
combo: Vega anti-air LK flipkick, HK flipkick (one hit), lvl2 flipkick super xx LK flipkick, HK flipkick (one hit), lvl1 flipkick super
comments: If HK flipkick doesn't work then MK flipkick will. They're both very fast and the situation dictates which is better. You won't know till you try it.

CvS2EO EO-Ism Terry vs Rolento
setup: corner
combo: Rolento lvl1 Steel Rain, Terry c.LK to interrupt it, MP Rising Tackle (one hit) vs Rolento s.LP, reversal MP Rising Tackle (one hit, Steel Rain interrupt), reversal HK Power Dunk (one hit?)
comments: I haven't tested this since i don't have EO, but there's no reason it shouldn't work. The second hit of the Power Dunk might not connect because the Rising Tackle never resets the juggle count. You could substitute a third Rising Tackle at the end, but i think it would be more interesting to see what the Power Dunk does.

Re: CvS2EO P-Groove Special

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:58 am
by Maj
CvS2EO EO-Ism P-Guile vs Dhalsim
setup: corner
combo: LP Sonic Boom from full screen away, dash forward twice, s.LK vs Dhalsim whiff DF+LP, cancel s.LK into Taunt, wait for LP Sonic Boom to connect and then cancel Taunt to lvl3 Sonic Hurricane
comments: Bootleg Guile combo involving pointless Taunt. Might have to do a little more dashing with Guile (and backdashing with Dhalsim) to get enough of a head start on the Sonic Boom.

CvS2EO EO-Ism P-Balrog vs S-Honda
setup: midscreen
combo: meaty Final TAP vs Honda LP+LK dodge, c.MP xx LK Dash Upper, s.LP, c.MP xx LP Dash Straight xx lvl3 Gigaton Punch
comments: It's a fair bet that EO-Ism Balrog has an LK Dash Upper infinite against Honda.

EO-Ism A-Groove has some potential too. Personally i'd be very interested in seeing how many Sonic Booms A-Guile can fit into one Custom Combo by holding the stick in the Sonic Boom direction the whole time. Also, every time EO-Ism Balrog does TAP, it increments his count on the next one. Eventually he's doing nothing but Final TAPs and it looks crazy as a Custom Combo. Getting the last one to connect after CC leads to hella easy dizzy possibilities.

Oh yeah, and i keep forgetting whether we've ever tested the cancelability of Guile's F+HP backfist using EO-Ism.

Re: CvS2EO P-Groove Special

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:53 pm
by fullmetalross
Maj wrote:Oh yeah, and i keep forgetting whether we've ever tested the cancelability of Guile's F+HP backfist using EO-Ism.
Im pretty sure you did back in the day IE a year ago or something, and its not.