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USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:54 am
by Doopliss
Hi everyone, it's been a while, thanks for renewing the boards again Maj! I thought it was really over this time.

I've been working on a themed USFIV video, where I showcase all supers/Ultras you can combo after in the latest version without trades, starting from 0 stun. I'm feeling quite confident that I have them all, but I wanted to post it here and see if anyone could succeed where I failed (For install/Passive moves one has to start it mid-combo and then hit with something after it's completely over. But I've already figured them out for everyone, even Makoto). Some explanations below:
FB: Can make a fireball connect during or after the Ultra (Lamest solution but I guess it counts so it's there)
AA: Can only combo from very specific Anti-Air situations (Also kinda lame but not as much)
Y: Yes
N: No
Stun: There's a valid 0-stun combo which allows you to combo after this.
>0 stun: Noticably you can combo after these when starting from more than 0 stun, but from what I can tell here are no viable 0-stun options.


Adon U1 would've worked as an AA in Super, but not anymore with its slam knockdown.
Vega Super (Base): So basically his super combos into its own follow-up, which teeeechnically counts since they scale separately
Sagat: The Rose-specific post U1 combo and similar set-ups seem to have been patched out, removing any practical Post U1 combos
Seth:The suction effects of Super and U2 can combo into a sonic boom, super lame but counts
Dudley U2: Only works when you Rose FADC and then chip kill with the 2nd hit of U2, having the Rose connect after.

These are all I've managed to find solutions for. A few close calls where I felt really closebut couldn't make it:
Cammy Super (She reacts slightly different than U1 on AA which seems to make all the difference, really close but can't find anything)
Yang U2 (If you can get the final hit as an AA high enough you might be able to juggle with his 3f c.LK, but I can't find a set-up that gets the dummy high enough with Yang's lack of positioning control)
Vega Super (The claw portion)(I can get them pretty high with a 1-hit super, but not high enough for the 2nd hit of Scarlet Terror to hit. EX does, but that's obviously an illegal 5-bar combo)

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:14 am
by Maj
I don't have much to add, but sounds like a cool idea for a video! I'm surprised there aren't more viable AA cases (especially with how high you can launch Dhalsim), but i guess a lot of these have ridiculous recovery.
Doopliss wrote:Hi everyone, it's been a while, thanks for renewing the boards again Maj! I thought it was really over this time.
No problem, turns out it was just a database version/connection issue. I contacted hosting tech support and they updated some stuff and i guess that's all it took. I could've probably gotten it resolved earlier but i didn't even notice for a while and no one contacted me or anything.

Anyway i don't have any intention of letting this forum die. But sometimes it just takes a while to find time for updates, errors, and whatnot.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:59 pm
by Doopliss
Yeah, I was sure characters like Fei would be able to, but no such luck. Ryu's U1 is insane, even with tool assistance it took me ages to find the right combination spacing and jump timings for Dhalsim.

My main issue is to figure out a way to edit it so it doesn't become boring, a lot of these are fringe 1-hit scenarios and not that interesting and super/Ultra flashes kill a lot of time, but if I edit it to be too fast-paced a lot of nuance will be lost. Might just make a fast-paced video with a long transcript.

Glad to hear you're still willing to keep it alive, this place means a lot to me.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:16 am
by HarlequinRogue
Maj wrote:I don't have much to add, but sounds like a cool idea for a video! I'm surprised there aren't more viable AA cases (especially with how high you can launch Dhalsim), but i guess a lot of these have ridiculous recovery.
Doopliss wrote:Hi everyone, it's been a while, thanks for renewing the boards again Maj! I thought it was really over this time.
No problem, turns out it was just a database version/connection issue. I contacted hosting tech support and they updated some stuff and i guess that's all it took. I could've probably gotten it resolved earlier but i didn't even notice for a while and no one contacted me or anything.

Anyway i don't have any intention of letting this forum die. But sometimes it just takes a while to find time for updates, errors, and whatnot.

Yes we're back! I figured someone else would contact Maj through twitter or something since I don't use it

@Doopliss C. Viper can't get hit with a Fireball after the first hit of U1? And in general how many ultras with a camera change/animation can be interrupted or combo'ed out of?

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:41 am
by Doopliss
HarlequinRogue wrote:
Maj wrote:I don't have much to add, but sounds like a cool idea for a video! I'm surprised there aren't more viable AA cases (especially with how high you can launch Dhalsim), but i guess a lot of these have ridiculous recovery.
Doopliss wrote:Hi everyone, it's been a while, thanks for renewing the boards again Maj! I thought it was really over this time.
No problem, turns out it was just a database version/connection issue. I contacted hosting tech support and they updated some stuff and i guess that's all it took. I could've probably gotten it resolved earlier but i didn't even notice for a while and no one contacted me or anything.

Anyway i don't have any intention of letting this forum die. But sometimes it just takes a while to find time for updates, errors, and whatnot.

Yes we're back! I figured someone else would contact Maj through twitter or something since I don't use it

@Doopliss C. Viper can't get hit with a Fireball after the first hit of U1? And in general how many ultras with a camera change/animation can be interrupted or combo'ed out of?
"No trades" is a major rule here, otherwise everything (other than single-hit-to-animation moves with no vulnerable active frames, as well as throws) would be comboable. I found that you can actually trade out of Rufus's U1 after the final hit and keep juggling (Using Omega Rose's 2-bar orb thing), but it's against the rules (I managed to trade out of it with Dhalsim's U1 as well, but it will always knock Rufus down making follow-ups impossible).

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:41 pm
by Doopliss
Work got crazy, so I had to shelf this for a few months.

I solved Yang's U2, so I now have a solution for that. Cammy's super is infurating me though. Hitting Dudley out of HK thunderbolt with it launches him really high but its ONE frame away from being able to connect cannon spike! :evil:
Other options like Viper U1, Oni air U1, instant air tatsus etc. refuse to yield any superior air height results. Poison, Balrog, Dhalsim or T.Hawk could probably get this to work if they had any way to get that high into the air but they don't.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:12 am
by Doopliss
Solved Ken's U1 as well. Here's the finished video!

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:24 am
by HarlequinRogue
So glad it's out and I'm watching it now. Some of those cares are obsure... like ode to the 2 hit obscure

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:25 pm
by krusan
As expected, excelent vid. It´s really entertaining and you learn while watching it. Really creative and shows an almost unparalleled level of knowledge of the game. The kind of vids I love and miss so much. Plenty of remarkable things everywhere. Standing ovation.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 5:37 am
by Maj
Dude, incredible video! I really enjoyed the Dudley chip kill setup, the Seth vacuum stuff since using super cancels as projectile glue is always rad, that Sagat/Dhalsim U2 setup, all the Dee Jay juggles, and that crazy Hugo combo at the end.

Balrog vs Dhalsim note made me laugh.

Making Guile's U1 uncombo with the Sonic Boom seems mean and unnecessary and i don't approve. But seeing the crazy block pause on the second part was pretty cool :)

Overall, really interesting set of rules. It's amazing how much changes when you simply disallow one of our favorite tools. This video probably would've been way less interesting to us with trades. I bet any version of that rule would be interesting - like Heavy trades only or anti-air trades only.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:06 am
by Doopliss
Thanks y'all! You're completely right Maj, if trades were allowed almost half the video would be single hit trades and bloat it to like 20+ minutes.

The rule I was hesitant about was the 0 stun one. There are plenty of interesting set-ups to get a stun into Ultra, I found one with Gouken's U1 for example, and we can't forget the counter Ultras. But overall I think starting from 0 is more intuitive so I went with that.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:45 am
by HarlequinRogue
I love the Ryu, Dan and Hugo combos. Though I feel slightly cheated that I read the note about the Hugo combo before I saw it go down.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:27 am
by Maj
I think 0 stun was definitely the right choice. I'm sure there would be a couple interesting combos otherwise, but a lot more solutions that would feel unsatisfying. As it was, the only combo that stood out as meh was the first Sakura one, where i guess the fireball technically connected after the super, but it didn't really feel like combining after the super. I had to remind myself of the rules when i saw that, because everything before that just made intuitive sense. Not that you could've really left it out, but you know what i mean, haha.

Re: USFIV: What Super/Ultras can you combo after?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:49 am
by HarlequinRogue
Maj wrote:I think 0 stun was definitely the right choice. I'm sure there would be a couple interesting combos otherwise, but a lot more solutions that would feel unsatisfying. As it was, the only combo that stood out as meh was the first Sakura one, where i guess the fireball technically connected after the super, but it didn't really feel like combining after the super. I had to remind myself of the rules when i saw that, because everything before that just made intuitive sense. Not that you could've really left it out, but you know what i mean, haha.
ADon't the Chun Li combos also fall into the same boat? But I agree that there's no 'nice' solution in that they are there for completionists sake but are just unsatisfying