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Challenge 01: Triplicate Magnetic Shockwave

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:54 pm
by Maj
Can you make a combo containing three Magnetic Shockwaves? The less crap you put in the middle, the better. Doesn't matter what game you use, as long as Magneto is in it. And it's not Mugen. And you don't cheat.

Messing around in MSH, i put together this version using Final Burn Alpha. Still dunno what i'm doing with that emulator so i didn't use anything fancy, except assigning 3P to one key and starting from a save state to save time.

If you post a working (aka verified) transcript, you get one point. If you post a video, you get two points. The most you can get is two points.

Maybe i'll post more challenges in the future. Once you earn 100 points, you can buy 1 Mega Point. It has no cash value but it represents a LOT of wasted time. Plus it's always capitalized so as to be distinguished from lesser points at all times.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:40 pm
by Toxy

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:08 am
by Maj
Dude, that's awesome! But why'd you stop at three? You were soooo close to the fourth. As soon as i saw the beginning of the clip, i was sure that you were gonna take it a step further.

Well, you're definately the first winner. Congratulations! Hm, maybe i should make a thread to keep score.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:43 am
by Toxy
Ok heres the version with four shockwaves.

These little contests are pretty cool, are you going to make them up or can other people make them up also?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:55 am
by Goryus
I tried something like this on a while back, but didn't get much interest. :(

Oh well, I still think the combos there were pretty spiffy. I'm looking forward to messing around with your challenges in the future.

Oh, and you should totally award points to the people who have contributed clips to the projects going on in the other forum.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:02 am
by Maj
Toxy wrote:Ok heres the version with four shockwaves.

These little contests are pretty cool, are you going to make them up or can other people make them up also?
Sweet, thanks for taking the time to make that.

I'm glad you're into the idea of having these small contests. I've got nothing else planned but anyone can host one if they want. Just make a thread like this one, with the same "Challenge:" title format. If you want, you can even use the same "1 point for text, 2 points for video" line in your post, and i'll keep track of the scores.

Worst thing that can happen is that nobody responds. When we tried this sort of thing on VidOp, the results were discouraging. You gotta make it accessible and you gotta keep your expectations low.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:06 am
by Magnetro
yeah the magneto challenge on video opera was hard and I remember no one ended up doing it by hand.....Well with proof. I think trag ended up programming it and showing it to people.

The 3 shockwaves was an idea I thought about a long time ago cause I found out that magneto can do launch vs spiral --> shockwave, dash in shockwave --> dash in shockwave --> dash in shockwave. I was going to make it a challenge but I never got around to it. Jadon did like 4 shockwaves in a combo before

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:24 am
by Maj
Goryus wrote:I tried something like this on a while back, but didn't get much interest. :(
That sucks. It looks like an awesome thread too. If you hadn't posted the solutions already, i'd bump it for you. Yun is kind of a weird character in that the players who use him have to know a lot about him, but the players who don't use him don't know anything about him.

As far as rewarding points for external ongoing projects ... well, i'm afraid that would create too much uneven ground. I mean, if someone contributes 50 clips to some combo video group project, we'd have to reward them at least like 50 points. There need to be limits and (somewhat) equal opportunities so that the (fake) race stays close, exciting, interesting.

Plus, if you make clips for a video project, your reward is that your name ends up in a video that eventually gets released and watched by a lot of people. On the other hand, when you provide a solution to a challenge, you're putting the same amount of effort into making a video clip that only a handful of people will ever see.

I did give it some consideration, and i don't think giving points for contributing to collaborations will work out well.

However, i think there are some random things outside of challenges that will be worth points. For example, i'll probably give a point to each of the winners of that poll about how many times Yang will get hit by basketballs/roses in the next kysg video. The good thing about the points being worth nothing is that anyone can say "Maj, this man deserves a point" whenever anyone does something cool.

I'm only the scorekeeper. Don't want to be the judge. Actually that's probably the best explanation for my reluctance to reward points on contributions to real projects.

Haha, wow, i'm hella overthinking this.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:47 am
by Magnetro
Jadon did something like this a long time ago

He uses cyke and assists to not set fs, then he uses sabretooth assist uh, and then just otg's cyke (cyke is weird on the ground)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:59 pm
by Mike Z
You should be more specific with the rules: 5 is pretty easy - pick 3x Magneto, corner launch into Triple Super, OTG into Triple Super. Presto, the least possible hits in the middle.

Also in COTA with infinite life you can do as many shockwaves as you want with EM Pulses in-between. Or vs. Juggernaut.

Mike Z

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:20 pm
by Maj
Both of those are cool though. I mean, picking 3 Magnetos is a bootleg way to do it but still interesting. In this case i wasn't looking for anything specific. Just wanted to see what people would come up with. Do you wanna take your point now or should i hold off until you make a clip?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:53 pm
by Maj
So what's the closest that you can get two Shockwaves together? I was hoping that someone would post a solution that involved hitting the opponent with two or more Shockwaves at once. Or at least to have them really close together just so we could see what that would look like.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:01 am
by Mike Z
3x Magneto hits with 3 at once...admittedly, none of them causes flying screen but still, you could do assist + Shockwave, assist hits, Shockwave during the first one.

Mike Z

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:38 am
by Magnetro
Not exactly 3 but

you can get three, but you have to use the other guy's assists..

or ... ysucks.wmv

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:09 am
by Maj
That first clip is dope but the first Shockwave fades before Chun gets up again. The other two connect together and it looks dope, but two is still less than three. I can give you 2/3 of a point if you want, haha.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:04 am
by Magnetro
yeah, i know, I wasn't really trying to do 3, (note how I didn't use a guile assist dummy for the 3rd shockwave), I was just showing the solo crap he can do.

i'll have to pass on your 2/3rds of a points offer : )

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:05 pm
by Mike Z
- Do you have enough time after Venom/Mags to execute a Shockwave before you pop out of the web? You could maybe do three that way (2 from web, 1 after FS is over like usual)
- Could you use Shuma or Jin to get him to throw 2 shockwaves with 1 motion, then add a third real fast? :^)

Mike Z

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:10 pm
by Vega Omega
yo I got this, check back in a while to see. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:40 pm
by Maj
Magnetro wrote:i'll have to pass on your 2/3rds of a points offer : )
Haha, your call.
Vega Omega wrote:yo I got this, check back in a while to see. :D
Sweet. Get 'em get 'em.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:04 am
by Vega Omega
Vega Omega wrote:yo I got this, check back in a while to see. :D
Sweet. Get 'em get 'em.
alright, here it is:


Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:24 am
by Mike Z
To get the easy ones out of the way and pull ahead for most possible:
(Many thanks to BBHood and Magnetro for taping since TBBB has my capture card and now has no phone!)

5 shocks:

The coupe de grace - 6 shocks:

Mike Z

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:42 am
by Maj
Those are tight! Wow, i'm hella impressed. Each of you will get two points, and the elite Marvel capture squad will get half a point each (unless they object but Magnetro is the only person i know who would turn down free (fractions of) points).

Those are dope though. We've got almost enough stuff to make a Shockwave combo video, haha.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:44 am
by Vega Omega
From that setup I did too, I could easily sqeeze in a few more shockwaves. I was a little pressed on time today to do any better, so I'll get some more in when I get back on Sunday.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:25 am
by jchensor
Very nice. I really liked the combo Magnetro made. It's a pretty intricately crafted combo and he managed to get those Shockwaves in there by rather unconventional means.

I do have a question, though, regarding that combo and the 6 Shockwaves Combo... is there any way to have Magneto wedge himself in between the corner and the opponent before doing the Shockwaves? I only ask 'cause it would definitely look cooler if the Shockwave got to carry them across the screen again. If not, then nevermind. ^_^

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:50 am
by Magnetro
jchensor wrote:Very nice. I really liked the combo Magnetro made. It's a pretty intricately crafted combo and he managed to get those Shockwaves in there by rather unconventional means.

I do have a question, though, regarding that combo and the 6 Shockwaves Combo... is there any way to have Magneto wedge himself in between the corner and the opponent before doing the Shockwaves? I only ask 'cause it would definitely look cooler if the Shockwave got to carry them across the screen again. If not, then nevermind. ^_^
Uh yeah, you can just do the combo anywhere else on screen.

The 6 shockwave one was just like my other one with only 1 Magneto :roll:

I coulda done the simple shockwave fsd on cable in the corner then otg into another one, but I couldn't get a 3rd. I guess I'll have to keep getting fractions of points until I get the 2pts. I think Jadon did the best one out of all of the entries so far lol. It was a lot more creative IMO.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:12 am
by jchensor
Hmmm, I seem to have gotten my authors confused here. I was actually referring to Vega Omega's combo, not yours Magnetro. :-p Sorry. That's the one I do like a lot. ^_^

Is there anyway to get that combo so the last Shockwave goes out of the corner?

- James

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:58 am
by Vega Omega
jchensor wrote:Hmmm, I seem to have gotten my authors confused here. I was actually referring to Vega Omega's combo, not yours Magnetro. :-p Sorry. That's the one I do like a lot. ^_^

Is there anyway to get that combo so the last Shockwave goes out of the corner?

- James
cool, glad you liked it. :D And yes it's very possible to get that 3rd shockwave somewhere else on the screen. I"m going to go do it right now.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:28 pm
by Maj
Aw, don't tell me you gave up. I was looking forward to it too.

I'm also wondering how quickly Magneto would recover if Shockwave got interrupted by Rolento's knives (or whatever you crazy Marvel kids use as a substitute). Maybe it would be cool to wavedash past the Shockwave and get on the other side of the opponent, by having them jump or teleport. If it connects that way, maybe it will push the opponent and Magneto backwards and he can combo with random buttons while it's happening.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:32 pm
by Magnetro
Maj wrote:Aw, don't tell me you gave up. I was looking forward to it too.

I'm also wondering how quickly Magneto would recover if Shockwave got interrupted by Rolento's knives (or whatever you crazy Marvel kids use as a substitute). Maybe it would be cool to wavedash past the Shockwave and get on the other side of the opponent, by having them jump or teleport. If it connects that way, maybe it will push the opponent and Magneto backwards and he can combo with random buttons while it's happening.

that's not interesting.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:06 pm
by Maj
It will be if you add more Shockwaves to it. Maybe even enough to FSD your hate????