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Black Power CMV

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:39 pm
by Maiden Masher
A new CMV by Ultracombos

Particcipation: KofUnion - CyberFanatix - K.C.A
Video Diretor: Porco and Maiden Masher

Video Editor: CyberXkXdashX

Combo Makers
Maiden Masher

Special Thanks: NeoAkira


Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:48 pm
by Maj
Um ... What's Dhalsim doing in this video? That seems like a weird choice.

Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:02 pm
by Maiden Masher
H'm, I think the same as you, but the guy who gave the Idea to use this theme to make a CMV told to put it, and he is black, I'm not. What could I do? hahaha

Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:38 pm
by Maj
Well, at least it's a pretty cool Dhalsim combo. I like the Seth combo at 1:33 too, the one with thousands of characters flying everywhere.

Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:22 pm
by Maiden Masher
Haha, we made an upgrade in Black Power CMV, because we receive constructive criticisms and made one better edition, added some combos and removed Dhalsin combo, he isn't black, haha.

I wish you guys like it now :D

Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:36 am
by krusan
It´s nice to see a good old-school CMV, with old-school combo-makers, old-school-like edition and old-school content: Combos vs galactica phantom, Interrupt combos with Seth, crazy KOF00 and KOF01 combos and some semi-obscure SNK games here and there.
My favorite combo was Heavy D vs Orochi Leona, and I also liked the one with Birdie, what was happening there?
Nice job!

Re: Black Power CMV

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:03 pm
by Maiden Masher
It´s nice to see a good old-school CMV, with old-school combo-makers, old-school-like edition and old-school content: Combos vs galactica phantom, Interrupt combos with Seth, crazy KOF00 and KOF01 combos and some semi-obscure SNK games here and there.
My favorite combo was Heavy D vs Orochi Leona, and I also liked the one with Birdie, what was happening there?
Nice job!
And I can say, it is nice to see you commenting our CMV, I always liked your rich feedback about CMV, including Vice Vecta and Remxi too.

About Birdie's combos, the speed glitch can be made only against Sodom, using his grab, I really don't know how to do it unfortunally, but this glitch turn his enemies faster.

Thanks for your comment.