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Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:21 pm
by Maiden Masher
Hello friends, hello people, after 2 years, I'm back to invite everybody to particcipate into a new CMV.

My friend, the combomaker Porco, from Ultracombos had one idea to make one CMV with black skin characters.

The name of CMV is "Black Power CMV" and the work is in progress, and only can make combos with black characters like for example Seth, Dudley, Balrog, Marco Rodriguez, Bob Wilson, and others.

All the fighting games are allowed into this video, since the combo has been made with a black character.

Remember: Only really black characters can particcipate, not mullatos, like Foxy, K', Akuma and others are not allowed.

If you wanna participate, you can send as many combos as you wish to my e-mail, or uploading and sending me by PM.


Maiden Masher



1º= Only combos made with black characters are allowed.

2º= You can send combos of all the fighting game, since the character enters in CMV's profile.

3º= The limit is 4 combos for each combo maker to particcipate.

4º= You can't change/edit the character's color into black to validate the combo, the character needs have original color.

5º= Please, only humans. Don't send me combos made with Venom (marvel), the Panda of Tekken, characters from Smash Bros or something like this.

6º= The propose of this CMV is make combos with black characters, because unfortunally the are rare in fighting games, then, we won't allow mullatos.

7º= The limit will be 3 combos with same character in the same version, except Seth, the limit will be two Seth combos in the same version, or the video will turn Seth's homenage... I made a list and I will update as you send me stuff.

8º= If any character and version combos have exceeded the limit, I will choose the best combos and put into the CMV.

Combo list (What do we have in CMV yet):


Scorpion.................Ring of Destruction: Slammasters.................1..............3

Bob Wilson.................RealBout Fatal Fury Special......................1..............3

Seth.........................The King of Fighters 2001.......................2..............2

Marco Rodriguez..........Garou: Mark of the Wolves......................1..............3

Eddie.............................Double Dragon...............................1..............3

Mr. Jones.....................Rage of the Dragons...........................1..............3

Seth.........................The King of Fighters 2002.......................1..............2

Seth.........................The King of Fighters 2000.......................3..............2

Heavy D......................The King of Fighters 98........................1..............3

Balrog.........................Street Fighter Alpha 3.........................1..............3

Seth.......................The King of fighters 2002UM.....................1..............2

Heavy D..................The King of Fighters 2002UM.....................1..............3

Combo Makers (List in progress)





Siedler Pompiani

Maiden Masher





Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:00 pm
by Raine
How about alternate skin color versions? Vanessa, Whip, King are some characters that come to mind that have alts with darker skin.
Would you like to use this Seth combo? Or is it bad form for me to submit something that I've already released on youtube?

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:33 pm
by onReload
Interesting idea. Don't post your rules anywhere or you'll get a ton of flak/debate about "who is black" and all that.

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:35 pm
by Maiden Masher
Don't understand wrong dude, but edit the skin is not one good idea, the reason from this cmv is a bit different.

My friend had the idea of this cmv, and... he is black.

Use "used" combos isn't a good idea either.

I wish you guys can particcipate and help us in this project.

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:03 pm
by Maiden Masher
I edited the top of this topic with more information about this CMV.

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:42 pm
by Raine
Hmm I was thinking of making a Seth combo for KoF 2002 but it seems you already have enough of him for that game? Maybe I should download Neowave and have a look at that... XD
I wish you luck with the project. Looking at the names involved already it will be a great video. :)

EDIT: It might help to make a list of other potential characters. Do Dudley and DeeJay from Street Fighter count?

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:36 pm
by Maiden Masher
Raine wrote:Hmm I was thinking of making a Seth combo for KoF 2002 but it seems you already have enough of him for that game? Maybe I should download Neowave and have a look at that... XD
I wish you luck with the project. Looking at the names involved already it will be a great video. :)

EDIT: It might help to make a list of other potential characters. Do Dudley and DeeJay from Street Fighter count?
Dudley and Dee Jay enter in CMV's profile.

It's nice back and see people like you alive in the scene, I wish good look for us because I know that you will join us :)

Re: Invite for a new CMV

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:38 pm
by Maiden Masher
The combo makers' list has been edited.

Combo makers added: Elixir; Redeyes9