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SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:37 am
by Doopliss
Dibs on doing a SFIV Koryu CV. I need something to do while I wait for AE.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:32 am
by Snoooootch
i DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD CALL DIBS! I've been trying to get it to work all day!!! :(

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:28 am
by error1
you totally can't call dibs

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:01 am
by Doopliss
Of course I can't call dibs. Worth a shot though :3 This hack is free enough for everyone ot find unique stuff anyways. My favorite characters to work with so far are Fei Long and Cammy. Btw, does Dan not work for anyone else?

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:24 am
by error1
fei long has the super easy corner infinite and a really good wall carry so he can 100% you off of any hit. The second easiest hitconfirmable 100% combos I think

your dan works as intended

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:32 am
by Doopliss
? So he doesn't have any alterations, or what? <.>

Iirc, you can just s.MP -> j.HP infinite anywhere on screen with Fei.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:27 pm
by Snoooootch
I got it to work, but when I start a fight it goes slower than my super freeze videos. ANy tipe on why it may be doing that? I'm on windows 7. Everything else matches the specifications on the pc version except it's intended for xp or vista. Should it matter? And is there anything I may have to do? I need to unlock fei long before I can play him. :(

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:41 pm
by Doopliss
I just replaced the xxx.cmn.emz files in every character folder and it works just fine. I also have W7, and I haven't noticed any slowdowns, even when the screen is filled with fireballs.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:32 pm
by error1
it would be unfair if they improved dan anymore.

@Snoooootch does sf4 run slow for you or just sf4 koryu? try lowering the quality and see if that helps

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:12 am
by Doopliss
in earlier builds, Dan had stuff like gadokens going in random directions, and every move having light move hitstun and massive hitstop. I want that stuff, it would be a challenge to find a 2-hit combo >.<

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:59 pm
by Snoooootch
I got it to work so that it's not slow, but now I'm like 1/2 second behind in input lag. Man, why do I always have problems with my stuff!!! :*(

I did unlock fei long though, and boy oh boy do I love his U1. I got to see the build of every stage, and surprisingly, I never noticed a LOT of stuff before till now. :)

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:15 am
by Doopliss
Gah, I wish I knew how to program combos. Koryu El Fuerte is just like normal El Fuerte; if you can get over the execution barrier, you can do some really sick shit. Like this combo on Rufus:

"Propeller tortilla, s.LK xx Run MK, Run MK, s.LK xx Run MK, c.LP xx Run MK xx FADC, Dash jump j.HK, s.HP, RSF (times as many as you'd like)... xx FADC, instant lvl.3 FA, Propeller tortilla, Run HK"

I've tested all the loose parts and they work, but no way in hell I could do all of that, linking after run MK is still 1-frame... I guess I'll just spit it into three different combos.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:57 am
by error1
something about tool assisted koryu combos seems wrong, like if you have trouble getting a combo to work, just hack the game so you have more hit stun

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 2:03 am
by Doopliss
But this is a specific hack y'know, I can't just... hack the hack XD Besides, even if I knew how to program a combo, recording with fraps tends to drop the FPS by a few frames, so it'd probably get desynched anyways.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:50 pm
by Doopliss

lol, special-cancellable specials are nice.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:41 pm
by Doopliss

Part one of the SFIVK CV is up.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:56 pm
by onReload
Nice, I like how you're obeying meter limits in a game that doesn't even obey them! It would be cool to see it on Max (no refill), so that even the game's absurdly cheap meter costs are shown, but I know some of this stuff is still hard to execute. Some stuff went right past me, like if you did x amount of supers and y amount of ultras, it's not impressive if I can't see it (clearly, I mean. i think people who play Koryu more will get it.)

I loved the flying around cross-up blanka combos, the air-teleport cancel dhalsim (with the whiffed drill, that was pretty nice), and some of your Gen combo starters, but if anything, I think you filled too much time with reps of various infinites. I felt like after you show that Gen's scoop (crane MP or HP?) can juggle infinitely a few times, you should start mixing it up more. Also, I couldn't understand the lyrics from that one song sample, so the ellipses (...) that you show didn't function as a punch line...but I'm guessing it had to do with Dhalsim's fire moves, so you were using it as a joke/segue.

So now that I've gotten positive/negative out of the way, here's neutral: Though some of this is hilariously weird (Blanka's inability to find the ground, El Fuerte's fast-forwarded Ultra with a possible juggle state leftover, etc.) I remember seeing snippets of the game that were just flat-out Ryu farting projectiles, doing uppercuts that leave 10 hadoukens, Sagat's tiger shots with vacuum) it just that these characters aren't as weird, did they make it tamer, or maybe you were trying to make it look less bizarre...?

All that said, I'm intrigued and will be following your combo video series...and installing the game on my PC, finally.

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:16 pm
by error1
a lot of the characters don't have much new stuff, just faster moves and more juggle potential. Ryu, Seth, and Fei feel like the most broken by far, and the rest seem normal in comparison.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:14 pm
by Maj
Haha there's some interesting changes, like Dhalsim's s.HP having backwards knockback and whatever the hell El Fuerte did at 0:43, but overall it's way too broken for me. I didn't realize that supers only use up two bars until onReload's comment made me rewatch it. That's kind of a nice touch i guess.

Anyway i'll probably wait until the whole series is complete to make one post on ComboVid. I don't think i could handle six separate hackfest updates.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:54 am
by error1
yeah, dhalsim is one of the characters with a lot of changes. His lp/mp yoga fires have no range, but his ex yoga fire makes his ultra projectile.
taunts use the ultra meter and do an instant lv3 fa and the ulras use four super bars.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:22 am
by Raine
Haha this was much better than I expected it to be. Elf vs Honda, Blanka vs Gief, 2nd Sim vs Gief and 2nd Gen vs Sim were the highlights imho, really enjoyed watching these with all the crazy crossups and whatnot. The starter to the first Gen vs Sim combo was nice too. Gotta agree with onReload about the repetition stuff though, e.g. there was no point showing that Gen vs Ryu MK xx Hands sequence when you ended up using it as a starter for the very next combo anyway. The song change also made no sense to me and was really jarring. Overall very good though, can't wait to see what crazyness you can find with the other characters. :D

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:02 am
by Doopliss
About the MK Hands thing, I did 10 reps on abel, then I realized I should've just made it a standalone combo, so it got a little repetative indeed. Gen can only juggle with crane s.HP, crane s.MP, crane s.HK and LP Hands, so I didn't have a lot of options (Other moves only have like JP 1 or 2, tops... well, except supers). I kind of went for an overkill theme on the last combo as well, while the first combo with the s.HP reps is a kill combo on dhalsim (well, he gets stunned before that, but it works on Chun-Li, if you just do two normal j.LKs instead of the cross-up thing, which doesn't work on her). And yeah, these characters were quite limited, it was hard coming up with stuff that didn't look too similar, so the infinite reps are just padding.

Btw, perhaps you noticed I cancelled Rolling attack to, for example, EX thunder a few times? This property seems to exist on all rolling attack, all rainbow balls, and Dhalsim seems to have them om EX Yoga Flame and EX yoga Blast. I would like to call it a reverse Armor Cancel, because except for the fact that it occurs when the first active frame of your move hits the opponent instead of when you get hit during the first frame of armor of your move, it works exactly the same. You can only cancel it to a higher priority EX move, teleport, Super or Ultra (Ultra = taunt for Blanka though, while Dhalsim has a lvl.3 FA as an "ultra"), meter cost for the first move is ignored, and you can't do it if you cancel into the move. So I did stuff like EX yoga flame xx EX yoga blast and it only costs one bar. I guess this glitch comes from how sped up the moves in question are, but why? No idea.
onReload wrote:Also, I couldn't understand the lyrics from that one song sample, so the ellipses (...) that you show didn't function as a punch line...but I'm guessing it had to do with Dhalsim's fire moves, so you were using it as a joke/segue.
It's from the song "Slick" of the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie soundtrack, it's a silly song sung by Matthew Patel (The first evil ex), who is the theme of this part of the CV. I can't stop drawing parallells to Dhalsim because they're both indian and use fireballs as a weapon.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:09 am
by Rufus
Doopliss wrote:Btw, perhaps you noticed I cancelled Rolling attack to, for example, EX thunder a few times? This property seems to exist on all rolling attack, all rainbow balls, and Dhalsim seems to have them om EX Yoga Flame and EX yoga Blast. I would like to call it a reverse Armor Cancel, because except for the fact that it occurs when the first active frame of your move hits the opponent instead of when you get hit during the first frame of armor of your move, it works exactly the same. You can only cancel it to a higher priority EX move, teleport, Super or Ultra (Ultra = taunt för Blanka though, while dhalsim has a lvl.3 FA as an "ultra"), meter cost for the first move is ignored, and you can't do it if you cancel into the move. So I did stuff like EX yoga flame xx EX yoga blast and it only costs one bar. I guess this glitch comes from how sped up the moves in question are, but why? No idea.
So can Gen stance switch like that?

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:43 pm
by Doopliss
Gen didn't seem to have any moves that were cancellable in this way.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:46 pm
by error1
I bet you can do the same thing with seths far hp, because it's now a 1 frame move

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:49 pm
by Doopliss
I think this just happens to special moves though. And are you sure it's one frame? If so, maybe you could just kara it into c.HK or something. I'm saving Seth for last, but I already have some ideas.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:08 pm
by error1
I was able to link it after far hk, so unless that recovers faster it's 1 frame, pretty sure is 1 frame too.
you can't kara normals into normals, but you can cancel into taunts or fa

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:14 pm
by Doopliss
Forward+HP~HK is a HP kara'd to a HK, innit? But I guess it would have a 0-frame start-up for that to work.

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:07 pm
by Doopliss
Apparently I'm wrong. I guess I just took it for granted.

Part 2 is up:

Re: SFIV Koryu CV Series

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:49 am
by Raine
Heh these vids are so fun to watch! Gief vs Sim (lol'ed at the juggle after Ultra), Gief vs Abel 2, Gouken vs Ryu, Abel vs Rog 1, Abel vs Rufus 2, Guile vs Rog Stun were all really cool. Overall I think the vid is much more cohesive than the first one. The choice of music worked well. Keep up the good work. :mrgreen: