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Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:50 am
by Snoooootch
Hello! Okay, so decided that for the next month I'm gonna do my best to come up with some new Dan combos. Some that work on ssf4. I'll stay away from Vanilla combos so that Maj's Dan tacv doesn't get effected. Perhaps you may see something that'll help you with ideas. Here's some combos I came up with today. It's 2 of 3. I'm just not sure which tatsu to use, the air tatsu or the ground one. I love dhalsim's slow fall.

Oh! And I think I figured out a 3 dash combo.

Re: Combo Penny Tray

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:21 pm
by Snoooootch
Okay, guys, I know this is more of a sharing thread, but I'm actually more like wondering if any of you guys could help me. I'm trying to come up with new combos for dan. I have a total of 9 combos, and 2 in my head that I've yet to try.

Here's the clips I have so far:
Set 1:

Set 2:

Set 3:

The extra 2 combos are :

1. A quadruple dash combo that ends in Cr. Taunt. It starts with Trading DP with sim's neutral jump lp, then dash twice, then ex shoryuken, fadc and dash one 4th time, then do cr. taunt. the plan is to make this a bit more stylish and hopefully make it work.

2. same set up as #1 but with FADC lvl 3 on sim's lp intead. Then I jump and do lk danku. Land in time to do super taunt, then cancel to U2. I need to have enough time.

Idk if these sound interesting enough, but I'll be adding more shenanigans like, Online play including mix ups and funny moments to make it worth watching. Including a cool new Dan Remix.

So... any tips on how to make this stuff better? I'll even take cool shenanigans recorded by any of you guys. Y'all can take part in it. It'd actually be pretty cool if you did. :)

Re: Combo Penny Tray

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:07 pm
by Rufus
I'm not sure if this is new. Vs Seth, may be mid-screen only.
Counterhit Jumping Roundhouse
Crouch Fierce
Fierce Koryuken
EX Jumping Dankuyaku

Ideally, it would be possible to finish with meaty Gadoken, EX Gadoken, Ultra, but...

Re: Combo Penny Tray

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:29 pm
by Doopliss
For ground combos, maybe you could do something like this if you find a suiting dummy:

EX Gadoken
close s.MP
c.MP (or other medium/heavy cancellable move if needed)
EX Gadoken
close s.MP
HP Koryuken

If you can find a dummy where you can get the close s.MP after the EX Gadoken to connect, this should work. the first part works on crouching E.Honda from a j.HK, but after that I'm not sure... Dunno if you can do lvl.2 EX FA after Gadoken, but if you can, you can skip the s.MP and do EX Gadoken directly. s.MP after EX Gadoken is an annoying 1-frame link, so it's up to you if you want to try it. Example

Re: Combo Penny Tray

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:13 pm
by Rufus
Doopliss wrote:For ground combos, maybe you could do something like this if you find a suiting dummy:

EX Gadoken
Dan can special cancel crouching fierce, though you'll probably lose the close mp after.

Also, Dan can link (1f) light Gadoken to any of the Koryukens.

Re: Combo Penny Tray

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:21 pm
by Doopliss
Rufus wrote:
Doopliss wrote:For ground combos, maybe you could do something like this if you find a suiting dummy:

EX Gadoken
Dan can special cancel crouching fierce, though you'll probably lose the close mp after.

Also, Dan can link (1f) light Gadoken to any of the Koryukens.
I know, but adding either of those would make the combo worse overall.

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:23 am
by Maj
This belongs in its own thread. You can rename it if you want.

I like the one-hit MK ghettokick combo against orange Dudley.

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:09 am
by Raine
I can't really help out 'cause I know very little about Dan, but that quadruple dash combo sounds pretty stylish (or in the case of Dan's dash, goofy XD).

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:58 pm
by Snoooootch
Oh, thanks for making the thread. I didn't know if it was allowed. Not sure still how the laws here work. I think it's more like commons sense, but I usually leave home with it and it doesn't come back with me when I get back.

Okay, for one combo I added th same dhalsim set up with neutral jm lp, and this a level 3 on him, then I did LK Danku, in a high juggle, then landed, Super Taunted, then did U2. It'a bit better than one of the ones I previously mentioned/showed on the clips (I think).

Oh! And a trade with a Just-off-his-feet-jump lp trade with Dan's lp dp, followed by 2 dashes that set dan on the opposite side of the opponent, leading to an ex dp to U2. For style. :)

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:49 am
by Doopliss
I don't remember, but doesn't js.HP slam down now? Try using it on Dhalsims j.LP, and juggle with EX KRK FADC into air EX Danku into U2 or smthn.

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:47 pm
by Snoooootch
Ay!!!!!!!!!!! I expanded on one of the combos.

And I think this is how I'll open it:

Aaaand, here'a rough draft. If you guys see anything that probably shouldn't go on. or if the order of things not right, let me know. I'd like to make this video as watchable as possible. :)

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:46 am
by Tigre III
MMmmm the possible intro is really interesting, its a great idea. Maybe you could continue with the footage edit after the dan´s intro, using the same stuff on the "round one, fight" part, and finally start with a middle combo from the starting position, all consecutively.That´s could be a great intro for a dynamic combo video...
You can also introduce the title during that intro, inclusive replacing the original subtitle... I dont know, I'm just suggesting...

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:30 am
by Snoooootch
I was also told to first introduce the idea of the video with the clip of the Dan vs guile fight, then present the combos, then continue with the shenanigans as a continued set for the lol's. I'll take your into consideration. I'm just trying to figure out a way to make it as appealing as possible. :P

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:52 pm
by Snoooootch
It's ready! I didn't do some of the combos you guys mentioned. Dooplis, the neutral jump hp doesn't knock down. I thought it did too. And I left the other combo for Maj's TACV, cause it's already hard enough to do combos with Dan. :)

Anyway, I finished it:

I hope you guys like it!

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:13 pm
by Doopliss
Snoooootch wrote:It's ready! I didn't do some of the combos you guys mentioned. Dooplis, the neutral jump hp doesn't knock down.
I realized it's AE only. Btw, we totally forgot about playing this weekend >.<

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:18 pm
by Snoooootch
Naw man, I didn't forget. My converter didn't arrive. Dont worry though. We'll play sooner or later. Your gold membership may end, but that doesn't mean we can't schedule a time to get 1 month free from a new account we can fake for tags and name's sake. lol

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:26 pm
by Doopliss
We should just play AE later imo. I'm gonna buy gold for it's release anyways.

I've got a medium solution for Akuma now btw.

Re: Snoooootch's SSF4 Dan Combo Video

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:13 pm
by Snoooootch
Sounds like a plan, dude!