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Interesting Threads on Other Forums
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:41 am
by Maj
Suggested reading material gathered from random other internets. You know, if you're bored and in case you missed it. If you post something, try to provide a brief description so we can decide if it's worth clicking.
Combo Video thread (New Releases + Commentary) on SRK
- still updated regularly by a number of people, plus contains lots of analysis on major combo video releases
Super Street Fighter II Turbo, in the house on SRK
- NKI's legendary ST advice thread, because everyone needs to learn how to play that game
Street Fighter the Movie Broke My Heart on SRK
- one of the designers of the arcade version of SFTM shares behind-the-scenes info, explaining how the game turned out the way it did
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by Goryus
That SFTM thread was actually pretty cool. Thanks for the link.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:33 pm
by Maj
Street Fighter and Copyright Law on SRK
- UltraDavid offers some theories regarding the legality of combo video making, custom stickbuilding, using game music
- concludes that game developers can sue but have nothing to gain by doing so
Want to know Glitches? Look in here on CV
- BB Hood lists dozens of MvC2 glitches and explains how to perform them
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:43 pm
by Maj
Five Fighting Games - Part 1 on Low Fierce (omni's blog)
- lists the 5 most successful fighting games, but more importantly, there are over 30 crazy comments about obtaining arcade money
Polemix thread. Hex in combo music videos. on Cyberfanatix
- discusses emulator replay hex editing etiquette but doesn't delve into technical specifics
- some people oppose it entirely, most people are ok with it as long as it's admitted in the video, and some people don't care at all
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:47 pm
by Maj
Why I Love Street Fighter. on SRK
- the world's undisputed number one 3S Twelve tutorial maker tells us why he cares
Tool-Assisted Combo Videos? on SRK
- watching so many of my favorite combo video makers engaged in discussion is basically what inspired to make this forum
The Programmable Stick/Pad Thread! on SRK
- go here if you want help obtaining a programmable controller from Japanese sellers/auctions
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:55 pm
by Magnetro
/ Duc Jr was interviewed at a tourney, this guy has beef with everyone but combovideo people.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:02 am
by desk
Does it have to be SF related? ... =1631&st=0
I just randomly got into a huge argument with someone and it ended badly. I'm meeting this cat face to face on sunday and I'm a pacifist so i'm not looking forward to it, lol.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:57 am
by Xenozip.
SSBM: Wobbling. Should it be banned?
This thread went from good to bad to awesome to retarded and back to awesome again, etc.
Wobbles has the mentality of a true gamer, very respectable. It's awesome that a player like him spawned from the SSBM community. That community needs a player like him.
If you want to avoid the stupid in the thread, then just read
Wobbles posts:
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:38 am
by Thongboy Bebop
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:04 am
by Xenozip.
Question: On the usage of Tiers?
I feel this thread got vastly overlooked and neglected, but a few players came through to drop the truth bombs in it. I feel that what was said there totally encompasses the concept of tiers, at least on an implied level if not fully.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:13 am
by jchensor
That post you put there, TB, seriously applies to just about every fighting game there is. It's an excellent article and I think even Street Fighter players should read it. It's completely universal!
- James
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:10 am
by Thongboy Bebop
Ya, I'm kinda shocked by it. Like Xeno said, for such a perfect breakdown of the core concepts to be posted like that, from a SMASH PLAYER no less, is nothing short of a legitimate and vatican-approved miracle.
Empire Wobbles, represent!
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:36 pm
by Maj
Check out these two articles by Xenozip.. He sent them to me by PM because i guess he's shy about promoting himself, haha. Guys, there's no shame in marketing, despite what your past experiences with hostile forum moderators have led you to believe.
Footsies on Xenozip.'s Monster Blog
- goes over the various components of a solid footsies game and adapts them to Monster
- further establishes himself as the true people's champ of the Monster community
Wake-up Monkeys on Xenozip.'s Monster Blog
- makes very good points about the bad habits that certain fighting games instill upon players, especially those who specialize in one game
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:25 pm
by Xenozip.
I look for critique and feedback before I self-promote because I fail at self-validation.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:38 am
by jchensor
Hey, Xeno.
I sent you a PM, just so you know!
BTW, Maj... is there link that goes your your PM's? Oh wait, I guess that "You have no new messages" at the top of the screen is the link. nm
- James
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:47 pm
by Maj
Marvel drama is always entertaining/motivational, but i think it's better left to the experts aka the people who know how to keep it from going too far. Also the person you are about to publicly insult has to sorta be expecting it. You can't just randomly lash out at friends who were under the impression that you were on good terms.
Can't access that without a forum account apparently. If it's on a fighting game forum and not over SF, then what was the argument about? Anyway let us know how it went. I hope you didn't get shanked or anything.
There were definately a few interesting points made in that thread. I kinda feel the same way about complaints. I mean, realistically, the game is what it is and the best characters will win despite getting outplayed by lesser characters. It sucks but complaining about it solves exactly zero problems. Furthermore, low tier matchups are usually chaotic, often ugly, and tend to make the players look bad because of all the missed opportunities. Personally when i pick a low tier character, i want to go up against the top tier because the whole point of staying away from top tier is that i'm looking for a challenge.
Ideally i think people should play three or four serious matches, then pick a low tier character for one match just to mix it up, then go back to bidness characters. It breaks the monotony but it keeps the focus on the matches that matter. Find whatever ratio of competitiveness to wackiness that makes you happy so that you don't get annoyed by the dominance of top tiers. Of course, this requires low tier specialists to learn/play a competitive character but that won't make a person bitter nearly as quickly as losing 20 times in a row on a regular basis.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:07 pm
by desk
I just posted some stuff and deleted it. I rock at forums! Anyway it was just a random argument that started over nothing and ended way too seriously. I'm going to be a gentleman, as the guy isn't here to defend himself, I won't go into it. but I learnt that sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut if you don't want to get involved in drama.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:47 pm
by Xenozip.
Parrying: Good or Bad? - (In)famous thread regarding parries.
Are you a fan of parrying? - Revisited.
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:34 am
by Thongboy Bebop
Pointing at bombs is the future. You have been warned.
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:40 am
by fullmetalross
Oh man, hahahahah, Clockwork is hella tight for that one. His S/D is crazzyyyyy.
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:41 am
by Magnetro
I can't believe people were still playing other games instead of watching the MvC2 matches. O_O
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:45 pm
by jchensor
Bwahahahahaha... Pointing at the bomb was hella clutch!!! Way too good.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:46 pm
by Magnetro
interesting post by someone directed at mikez ... count=1953
made me laugh. its really weird.
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:31 pm
by Magnetro
This thread totally has everything to do with 'us'
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:02 am
by Xenozip.
^ I pretty much agree with
polarity. I just disagree with how he said it. He's a bit bitter. :p
Also, I added a few new posts to my blog regarding
competition and
domination. Comments appreciated.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:13 am
by Magnetro
I don't agree with 1,2,5 =/. It's just a matter of taste really... you know it depends what the point of the video is, heh. Yeah it was phrased amazingly bad.
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:46 am
by Xenozip.
Well, yes it was phased poorly.
That said, I believe for #1 he meant "played out" music, not "shitty music". Which I would agree with. There's a whole sea of music out there and people still end up using the same damn tracks. At least they could pick a different track from the same artist, but not it's the same damn tracks in every video.
I think we can all agree that you can't categorize a whole genre as bad/shitty. It's really personal preference. Use heavy metal or techno trance or polka if that's your thing, but just don't use something that's been in several other videos.
J-Pop is easy to target though because it's in so many other videos. And it's pop, meaning popular, meaning it's probably been used before.
I also think for #5 he meant obnoxious editing, not "flashy" editing. Try to be original, try not to be repetitive, try not to put too many redundant transitions between every fucking clip in the video. Editing can really make a video nice, but shitty editing can make a video annoying and ugly.
I dunno about #2. There's ways to have a really long intro while still keeping the audience entertained. But if it's like a blank screen with a few lines of text for minutes on end, then that's just obviously stupid.
[Edit]: Hmm... I might as well post this in that thread too.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:15 pm
by Maj
Most of that shit is cosmetic though, right? If the content is good then a lot of that stuff is excusable. People get into trouble when they make sub-par combos and exacerbate their lack of effort with eyestrains. For example, regarding the long intro and long ending problem: If you make a truly epic video, you can totally get away with a 3-minute credits sequence. The problem is that people (who are wrong) define "epic" as anything over 20 minutes in length. I enjoy watching the videos that the SNK crowd releases but there are very few cases where those videos don't get eclipsed and forgotten by the very next KoF video released.
There are slightly better ways of minimizing the eyestrains, such as including some non-recycled game clips during the credits section to justify the extra 3 minutes of video length. But overall i think it just comes down to humility. People who aren't willing to spend hours and hours and hours on editing need to realize that if they try to do something fancy then it's going to come out looking tacky. Also people need to show their video to some friends to get some feedback before release, and if someone thinks that their intro is too long then they need to take that into consideration instead of releasing it anyway.
The way i see it, there are these huge video projects where editing is a main emphasis and then there are these more modest videos where it's just about getting your content across. There's no shame in minimalist editing if you have a genuinely cool idea to show people. To some extent i think that people who make huge videos with crazy editing get trapped in "crazy editing" mode. Then when they don't have the quality of content to justify the crazy editing, the whole thing comes off as whack. Especially when you're collaborating with half of China, it's kind of difficult to predict whether or not you can expect people to contribute groundbreaking combos to KoF video #827162.
Anyway ...
Who wants to make a (millionaire) combo video? on SRK
Raven Zwei is trying to revive the original CvS2EO P-Groove combo ideas thread to get that video finally published
Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:15 am
by Thongboy Bebop
Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:24 am
by Xenozip.
Combo video production could learn a lot from movie production.