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KoF Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:53 am
by Don Vecta
Okay, let's start with the KOF 2001 infinite bar glitch.
Many people were complaining in some videos with 2001 combos that they used cheats due of the infinite bar shown, however, this is a complete legit bug that can be done in arcade mode and in console mode too. Here's the procedure.

Video examples (credit to Harry Mason for these)

1) To begin, both characters should put their battle configuration at least with one striker available (can be ratio 1 fighter - 3 strikers, 2 fighters - 2 strikers or 3 fighters - 1 striker).
2) Then, both must have only one stock left in their bar.
3) Your character should attack the opponent, but the opponent should block and CD counter the attack (video 2 as reference) or block roll the attack with AB (video 1 and 3).
4) Afterwards, the enemy should attack you, then you have to block and either CD counter it (video 1 and 2) or AB block roll it (video 3) AND at the same time, release a striker with BC as shown in the 3 videos.

The logic of this is that the engine will spend 2 stocks by doing the block counter attack and the striker call that also costs one stock. Since you already have only one stock left and somehow the first blowback attack cheated the engine, it will go in a -1 stock. Of course this causes the bug and then the bar goes infinite afterwards.

If done correctly, the bar will look glitched in black and blue and will grant you infinite stock for the rest of the match. Now that's up to you to use your imagination.

Thanks to Harry Mason for the videos and the details.

Re: reference articles for combovid

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:28 am
by Don Vecta
Maiden Masher elaborated a new interesting screen property dubbed "Altered Screen", which is another screen alternative from the classic screenlock.

This new property might open a new array of combos and bugs to be explored by combo makers. It seems it works properly in any old engine KOF that has super freeze while performing a DM/SDM/HSDM. (tested on 2003, NGBC and XI and doesn't work, however SvC engine works fine, yet to be tried in the UM series).

1) Needs a character with a teleport move (or something similar) that allows him/her to leave the screen and land somewhere else (I.E. Kane, Whip, Maxima, Eiji, Athena, Lucky, Chizuru, etc.)
2) The character needs to perform their teleport move as far ahead as they can so they can scroll the camera quickly when they finish their move (video reference 00:58 onwards). Of course don't do this nearby the walls of the stage otherwise this wouldn't make sense, the idea is that the teleporting move still have space to advance forward and cause the camera pan.
3) The other opponent should perform a DM/SDM/LDM/HSDM or a move that causes a freeze flash right in the moment the character with the teleport move causes the camera pan. If both things happens right at the same time, the camera view will be altered (video reference at 2:11).

The bug freezes everything in screen including fireballs and stuff, so the results of this can come up with something really nice if using creativity.


SNK - Altered Screen Tutorial
BTW, Maiden Masher allowed me to publish this tutorial anywhere, so I think would be fine to add it to our database in

Re: KoF Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:08 pm
by Maj
I can already tell that these topics are gonna get elaborate, so it's better to create new threads for each game series. Every thread will reach a couple of pages at least. Anyway that's what this forum is for, so no reason to squeeze everything into one thread.

Re: KoF Reference Articles (work-in-progress)

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:40 am
by Don Vecta
KOF 2002UM Daimon's glitches (2-in-1). Tutorial video by K'rows (original language in Korean, translated by moonburn)

I've confirmed it and yes, it works.

Pretty much the settings you can do first is to put the dummy in all guard (just to know when the bug gets activated, but I guess can be done without it), and yours without any stock so the bug can be activated.

Then close to the opponent perform qcb B (or D, I use B) and immediately buffer a hcb x2 A DM.

If a weak punch comes out BUT hits the dummy, then the first bug it's activated: every normal attack will land regardless it is trying to block.

Now, with the first glitch activated you must do it again: close qcb B > hcb x2 A DM (withotu stock).

Then try to perform any sort of grab, if it doesn't connect and it whiffs, then the second glitch has been activated.

Notice that no normal grab, command grab, special grab or DM/SDM will connect. The HSDM will only hit the earthquake shake and Daimon will dash towards the opponent but as soon he's close to the dizzy dummy he'll stop and he's free to continue the combo.

An interesting fact is that you perform a second HSDM it will hit the dizzy opponent but Daimon will not dash towards it again. And after 10 seconds it will shake off the dizzy by a ghostly attack that causes no damage and has no juggle property (you can't follow up when the ghost attack hits).

Notice that both glitches can't be done separately. In order to make the no grab gltich you must have the no block glitch first.