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Awesome Comments

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:18 pm
by Maj
Because it's impossible to find these once you close the tab.
crowwinters wrote:re: Garou MotW TAC - Terry

No one's okay after getting punched in the face five times, Terry.
Xenozip wrote:re: DaDoop's Bizarre Combos

Dhalsim combo at 5:47 certainly was a classic Jojo's tandem combo. Dhalsim's stand: catastrophe.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:06 am
by Smileymike101
Luclokam(random youtube guy) wrote:re: SF4 1307 damage

papaduck91(random youtube guy) wrote:re: SF4 1307 damage

Misnamed title
(although the video shows EXACTLY what the title says, 1307 damage in SF4)

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:40 am
by Maj
Haha nice. Although wouldn't the absolute most damage in the game be something like counterhit Final TAP (dizzy), Final TAP xx super?

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:57 am
by Smileymike101
You cant bring the dummy at the stun level required so that the First final TAP dizzies, because you are holding all the butons in order to have 2 TAPs, and you cant charge one fully during only the dizzy animation.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:27 am
by error1
still counterhit Final TAP (dizzy), ultra, super would be more

from my fallout 3 speedrun ... AD22ECE1B5
Shinn1994 wrote:why is this player keep loading saves?
Durkadurka1995 wrote:why do you load the game?
TJRDude wrote:Why do you always re-load a previous save?
smeagol1414 wrote:why do you keep loading all the time?
grilzzybear123 wrote:why did u keep loading the files
korruption wrote:What's with the re-loading autosaves?

On a random note, I find it funny how Fawkes always says, "The calm heart must prevail." And then mere seconds later... "EEEEEAAAAAUURHHHHHHHHHGGAHH!!­!!!!!!"
That is a very small percentage. I can't tell you how tired I've gotten of answering this question. It seems many U2bers don't know what a segment is

also I've gotten around countless
KnucklesOnCrack wrote:To enter VATS, push V.
X3SB wrote:hey there, pal. Having fun?

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:43 am
by Xenozip.
I'm surprised you guys tolerate stupidity at all. After year one my policy became instant delete+block with no response. If they gave a shit (no one does) they could use another account to contact me. And I preemptively close comments on videos that I know will inevitably get dumped on.
miyagishin wrote: why the sudden change to shitty music?
So baited. This was right after my previous videos that carried the disclaimer "if you don't like the music, mute it and play your own". But that disclaimer inspired people to leave comments about how they like the music and asking if I can send it to them. I didn't add it to that video because I intentionally chose something that I knew would annoy people to see if anyone would leave shitty comments like that, youtube is too predictable to care anymore. Yomi level zero all day.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:55 am
by Raine
I thought this was about awesome comments...

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:03 pm
by Xenozip.
Maybe there should be two threads, lol. Requesting thread split!

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:16 pm
by Maj
Hahaha it's alright. When it comes to u2b, awful loops back to awesome. (That outlook is the only way to stay sane.)

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:42 am
by Xenozip.
Well, I'm a jerk.

And I still think the thread should be split in two.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:00 am
by Maj
Haha go start the grimy one then.
FCSugaFree wrote:re: SF? Guile Exhibition (Evo2k7 Edition)

Nice song at the beginning. Guile stands still as he charges his Sonic Booms.
wDawks wrote:re: SSF4 Week-One Combos: Day One

NO NO NO as a rog player..I'm pissed you didn't finish the dirty bull with a solid combo...c'mon man, do SOMETHING tools a combo don't just stop after the stun =( =( Mad faces all day damnit wtf? I'm seriously upset at always surprise me with your combos and that one was just bullshit..even BnB would've worked but don't just TAP and stand there...rog would say "Laaame" damnit. You basically made rog the outtro and didn't give a shit if you did a combo with him or not. =(

Furthermore.....its a combo video...and I've honestly NEVER seen you NOT combo in your vids...I know you like the unusual setups but...AFTER the setup you gotta do something (and you always have)...can't just show the setup and be like "thats my very unique setup" the combo isn't finished....damn man...just damn....saw rog and though for once he wouldn't be sidelined as a "yeah its given his combos look cool but they ain't worth shit" character...let me down =(
sonichurricanedotcom wrote:@wDawks It's a day-one combo video, sir. There's not enough time to fully develop and optimize ideas. These are basically just sketches. How much can Rog do with 2 bars of meter anyway? Btw i tried to FADC the Turn Punch to continue the combo, but it doesn't cause enough hitstun. Even the Focus Attack whiffs because of the way Turn Punch causes Seth to lean back.
wDawks wrote:@sonichurricanedotcom heh, I was drunk as hell last night..I'm glad my shit got marked as spam. But I gotta say it still looks like you gave up on rog there. =( Maybe I expected too much.
Easily my favorite rant on u2b.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:57 pm
by Raine
Maheemo wrote: re: ストⅢ 3rd 厳選シーン2

RX stands for Rape Xtravagance

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:05 am
by Maj
mature942 wrote:re: sh/f Super Fireball Battle

wheres adon
You can tell he's j/k by the lack of punctuation!

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:41 pm
by Maj
kadeybaybe wrote:re: sh/f style exhibition

You never cease to amaze me Maj. :) Congrats on the EVO community award and getting a golden stick by the way.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:59 am
by Dark_Chaotix
she prob wants YOUR golden stick now!!!!


Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:37 am
by Maj
Not sure why i feel the need to stick up for someone who isn't even here ... but has that logic ever worked for anyone besides Daigo and Mike Ross?

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:32 pm
by SlimX
Stick up for!

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:33 pm
by Maj
Haha thanks coach. Anyway i'm glad we avoided that mess and got back on track. Hopefully it sticks.
NostalgiaGoggles wrote:re: SSF4 Week-Three Combos: Day Twenty-One

rather than reiterate the same tired old questions you get about the soundtrack to these videos, I'll simply say this - when 83Til finally, if EVER, gets to releasing a full album, be it in stores or on YouTube or through iTunes or by some other convoluted overpriced digital distribution service, it will be like Christmas morning for me - especially if it comes with instrumental cuts. With or without lyrics, these are still some the best tunes I have ever heard
That is an awesome comment and this dude is awesome for making it. Caught me by surprise because people usually aren't this awesome on the 'tube.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:16 pm
by Pokey86
i have to say i lol'd when i read this... seems a bit OTT :P
Absolutely fantastic.

You have given us the blue prints to the game. Creativity and discovery of new combo's will become more frequent.
Combo videos will become more common place.

New techniques with characters will be found and old ones will be refined.

This is the holy grail
Although i doubt creativity will become more frequent.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:36 pm
by Tigre III
( More Zero Damage)

"Chun-Li has an invincible ass"

mmmm interesting information...

"5 haters wanted to see a Jonas Brothers combo in this game"

Someone had heard about the new characters of SSFV? These guys could be some great fighters, with special moves like "PURITY RING!!!" (DP anti air)

"Genius, pure fucking genius. America's Got Talent ain't got nothing on you, NOTHIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!"

America´s Got Talent??? I'm wasting my time with Combonauts ...

"why are you so fucking amazing o.o"

Why? LOL what a question...

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:50 am
by Don Vecta
Tigre III wrote: -ushiwakamaru30
"Genius, pure fucking genius. America's Got Talent ain't got nothing on you, NOTHIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!"

America´s Got Talent??? I'm wasting my time with Combonauts ...
Heh, you could try a Spain's got combo makers show or so. :)

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:37 pm
by Maj
viridxer wrote:re: CvS2 Guile Tactics v1.0

this game is awesome! were can i get it?
Made me laugh.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:20 pm
by onReload
i helped him out anyway

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:26 pm
by Maj
Haha thanks. I wasn't laughing at him; just thought it was a funny reaction from someone who sounds like he's never seen the game before.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:30 pm
by onReload
surprised you don't get that more often with all the new people SF4 brings in. maybe you should be putting up more CvS2 vids, eh?

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:51 am
by Maj
Nah, i don't think that's how it happens. What made this one unusual is that he suddenly decided he wanted the game like it flipped a switch or something. People who are into SF4 generally tend to stay into SF4 and nothing else. A lot of what they like about SF4 can't really be found anywhere else.

I definitely think i am influencing people to pay attention to other fighting games, but the process is much more gradual. Little by little, they pick up on hints that those games are worth playing until eventually they can't remember why they're resisting. As it is, i have a VERY pro-oldschool website. But of course it takes a long time and doesn't work on everyone and it's so gradual that we're never really sure if it's working.

Luckily i've decided that i don't care. Nobody took me by the hand and told me to play ST. I just kind of gradually got the message and saw enough of it on video to where i felt comfortable trying it out one day. So i don't really see the need to hold anyone else's hand either.

Besides, it's a damn video game. They're play it when the opportunity arises. Not like it's statistics homework that they have to be forced to do.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:51 pm
by noodalls
Awesome. The initiation, active, recovery explanations are perfect now.
Great work.
Good breakdown.
Noodalls Awesome Explanation!
but then
this is a horrible explanation
out of nowhere. Ah youtube, with your lawlessness.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:45 am
by Snoooootch
"At about 1:40 you do Fei's flame kick FADC HK chicken wing Ultra 1 on Honda and Dhalsim, but not Dee Jay. So, heads up, it works on Dee Jay too, and Fei's strongest combo only works on him.

HK CW > cl.HP > MK flame kick > FADC > HK CW > U1

Think you'll enjoy the damage on that."
2 mins later it is deleted because he spoke before watching part 2, where I included Deejay, AND Rufus.

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:54 pm
by error1
megaricardas wrote:why do u load ur saves?
error00001 wrote:@megaricardas what else would you recommend I do with them? It's not a single segment run, it's segmented

Re: Awesome Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:00 pm
by Maj
danielvutran wrote:re: sh/f style exhibition (w/ Evo2k10 Crowd Audio Feed)

Can someone explain 1:33 for me please? What did M bison do that they all cheered for o_O lol. sorry I'm kind of noob at this
mxkaka wrote:@danielvutran the fact that bison linked normals into scissors kick after which he linked it into normals and then into scissors kicks again. thats kinda insane if you ask me
danielvutran wrote:@mxkaka I understand that part, but they started cheering at exactly 1:33, before the combo :p
mxkaka wrote:@danielvutran probably was the headstomp that linked into his normals, it connected rather low. it looked awkward.
danielvutran wrote:@mxkaka OHHHHHHHHHHHH that was a HEADSTOMP? LOL ok I see, I get it now lol, thanks a lot. I was really confused about that ;p you have put my mind at rest!
I didn't catch this until after the whole exchange had happened, but i really enjoyed witnessing it. Makes me happy that he didn't give up.