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CvS2, CvS1, CvSPro, 3S, and KoF Combo DVDs at doujinshop

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:51 am
by Maj
Doujinshop is a Japanese website specializing in online sales of doujin items. The title says "goodstop" so that might be the actual name.

Lately, several combo video authors have started selling DVDs through that online store. Each item summary has a cover image, the name of the author, a brief description, a sample clip, and some other info. Pushing the big button under the price quote brings up other items by the same author.

The price range is usually around 9-10 bucks per DVD, but the shipping costs easily double that. If anyone is interested in buying these, Masato provides a convenient service. They'll order it from the shop and they'll ship it directly to you, but they charge a commission (starting from around $15) and they'll charge you for shipping from the shop as well as international shipping to you. Finding three or four people to split these overhead costs brings down the per-item price dramatically.

DVDs by T-7 (the creator of the CvS2/SvCC Storm videos)

REQUiEM First Symphony - CvS2 combo video clocking in at 67 minutes featuring ... mostly old shit with about 5-10 minutes of new material involving Maki alpha counter setups and minor optimizations

REQUiEM Second Symphony - CvS1/CvSPro combo video featuring lots of crazy advanced combos with truly original setups

NBC Limit Break - NGBC combo video featuring lots of glitchy double-character stuff

DVDs by Studio L (somehow associated with Serial Experiments-T / Tosaka)

SF3 3rd Strike Combo Art - 3S combo video covering every character and featuring some creative stuff with everyone

DVDs by Canon

Friendly Fire - KoFXI combo video featuring lots and lots of crazy glitchy setups, including lots of double-character stuff

Memorial / Luantic - EFZ combo video featuring ... ok, i don't know anything about this game

That's everything i've seen so far, but these things go in and out of stock all the time. Also, a lot of these are home-burned DVDs in storebought cases with a poorly-photocopied cover sleeve as the only decoration. But they're under 10 bucks each so it's a fair deal.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:43 pm
by fullmetalross
CVS 1? I love that game it was the first street fighter I was ever good at. So is the combo video completely amazing showing stuff I've never seen before? If it is I'll totally buy a copy, I just want to know if it's really worth it. How much of it is CVSpro only stuff?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:54 pm
by Maj
Well here's the thing. That guy T-7 has been making combo-videos-for-sale for a couple of years now. He showed up about a year after Sai-Rec disappeared. He made a series called "Storm" which, as far as i can tell, was sold on VHS tapes. Some people have told me that VHS is actually still a popular format in Japan, plus it kinda makes sense because it would make it harder to rip and distribute online.

Storm 2 is a CvS2 combo video with a fair number of improvements over the last Sai-Rec combo video. Of course, the Sai-Rec video was missing almost half the characters so i'm assuming it was an incomplete work in progress. I'm still not sure if there's any connection between T-7 and Sai-Rec. There might even be some drama between the two, because T-7 was borrowing so much stuff from Sai-Rec vids and i've never seen him give them special thanks or anything like that. The other weird thing is that when i first made the A-Rolento combo in my Reversal Combos vid, i showed it to Mem from Sai-Rec and he said it was good, but that they had done a similar combo already. But the first time i ever saw that kind of a combo in a video was the one in Storm 2. So maybe T-7 was once a member of Sai-Rec or maybe they were collaborating on something that never got completed. I dunno, this is all pure pointless speculation at this point.

I've never seen Storm 1 or Storm 3. From what i understand, Storm 1 is another CvS2 combo video and if that's the case then i'm sure all the good stuff wound up in Storm 2 anyway. Storm 3 is a combo video for SvC Chaos and the preview for it is at the end of Storm 2. Actually i asked T-7 for a copy of Storm 3 just recently, and he said that he doesn't have any more left. He also said that "everything in it is outdated compared to what we know now" which is really weird because nobody talks about that dumb game, so who the hell is "we"? Anyway i don't think he was just being modest, because the combos in the Storm 3 preview were totally weak compared to the combos in that SvCC video by adaki.

Storm Zero is a CvS1/CvSPro combo video, made after Storm 3. He had just finished it when i first tried contacting him, and he was nice enough to send me one. It's pretty amazing and almost all of it is new stuff. There's really no precedent for a lot of the setups and tricks that he was using in that video, because i don't even think anyone in Japan had made a CvS1 combo video prior to that. Well, except for the random CvS1 combos in Sai-Rec's very first Harvest video, but the stuff in Storm Zero is way better than any of that. Here's a temporary link (sorry, expired) to the preview video for Storm Zero. You'll need a DVD/mpeg2 codec to watch it.

Fast forward to today.

REQUiEM First Symphony is basically the sequel to Storm 2, featuring all the good stuff in Storm 2 plus maybe 5-10 minutes of new material. If you've seen First Symphony, there's really no point to going back and watching Storm 2.

REQUiEM Second Symphony is basically an exact copy of Storm Zero. Maybe two combos have been altered, and very slightly. There's a new segment at the end explaining some of the tricks he used, but it's pretty much unnecessary cuz all of that stuff is obvious from watching the combos closely enough. So if you've never seen Storm Zero, then you're really going to enjoy Second Symphony.

Bottom line is that every one of these videos contains 80% recycled old material and only 20% new content. Personally i don't see a point to rehashing old combos, but then again nobody would buy a 10-minute DVD. So when you look at the progression of Japanese CvS2 videos from Harvest until now, what you see is a 13-minute video (Harvest) followed by a 22-minute video (Harvest 2) followed by a half-incomplete 19-minute video (Sai-Rec) followed by 55-70 minute videos from T-7. But in reality, that progression is the equivalent of releasing 10 minutes of new combos at one-year intervals. I mean, it's good shit but it's also doable.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:24 am
by desk
first this thread was very interesting. after reading it I went on a rampage downloading lots of awesome clips. It made me realise that apart from tosaka and kysg I've never seen any great programmed combos on 3s. This means that I've never seen a really insane oro combo (I mean as insane as the stuff KYSG comes out with).

anyway to the point, I didn't want to start a new thread but this dvd was linked from this thread so I though it could go here. what's going on in this screen shot?

Though I can read the kana not really being able to speak japanese means that I can't understand it. is it the saturn version? can you remove the charge times with dip switches and stuff? has he made a vid like this? questions!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:05 am
by obot64
desk wrote: anyway to the point, I didn't want to start a new thread but this dvd was linked from this thread so I though it could go here. what's going on in this screen shot?

That looks like st2 rainbow edition to me.... but I could be wrong.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:06 pm
by Maj
desk: I'm glad you brought that up cuz i was wondering what the hell was going on in that picture too. I'm sure our resident ST detective NKI will get to the bottom of this. Nobody's gonna smuggle illegal Sonic Booms across the border (of the screen?) on his watch.
obot64's signature wrote:Can I get an Ode to the air throw?
That sounds like a cool idea. If we had continued with the "Ode to the" series, the next one would probably be "3 hit combo" but that's about as far as you can take it. Nobody wants to see "Ode to the 4 hit combo." However, an air throw compilation would have been a great follow-up after two combo videos.

But of course we never had any intention of taking it past the original "2 hit combo" project cuz that thing took absolutely forever. There's no way we could have kept up that pace.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:49 am
by NKI
desk wrote:what's going on in this screen shot?
Actually, there is no caption or explanation for that screen shot, but I'm pretty sure it's just SSF2 on Kawaks. That'd be awesome if I were wrong and there really is some dope no-charge glitch...but I doubt that's the case.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:53 pm
by Maj
NKI wrote:Actually, there is no caption or explanation for that screen shot, but I'm pretty sure it's just SSF2 on Kawaks. That'd be awesome if I were wrong and there really is some dope no-charge glitch...but I doubt that's the case.
Aw, if that's the case, then that's weak.

Wait, actually, i don't think that's the case. Cuz it says how many wins each character has and that stuff wasn't implemented in the arcade versions of SF2 series games. Plus it's set to infinite time. It'd have to be a console version or something.

Also i don't think that charge is the limitation, cuz you could probably pull that off like Sonic Boom, whiff knee x2, Sonic Boom, whiff knee x2, Sonic Boom. What i don't understand is how they got past the "one projectile onscreen at a time" limitation.

It's too bad that he doesn't have an email address listed. He's got a link to a blog but there's no email address on there either. It's weird that he's registered as "sairec4" on his blog. Maybe he was/is a member of Sai-Rec? It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:59 am
by NKI
Ah yeah, must be a home version. I still say it's just cheating in some form, like a Game Enhancer or something.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:52 pm
by desk
maybe some of the txt was removed from that site because I'm sure I remember some Kana saying 'saturn', that's why I asked in my post. Anyway, isn't there a bug in some version of Super where you can have 2 booms on the screen but one doesn't have a hit box? What's to stop you repeatedly doing that with (like majestros said) whiffed keens inbetween?

also which version allows this? and which version has giefs uber forward reversal from full screen?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:40 am
by NKI
WOOOOOOW, could my memory be any worse? I totally forgot that I actually USED the multiple sonic booms glitch in my own Volume II. :?

Knock over the opponent, do a Sonic Boom that passes over them, then for some reason you can do another one as soon as you're charged (even with the first one still on screen). My vid showed the glitch in ST, but I guess it works in SSF2 as well. And I guess Tosaka probably did something like what Maj suggested (whiffing knees or something to gain ground).


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:26 am
by Maj
NKI: Haha, that video of yours was actually what i was thinking of. If i'd never seen it, i would have thought Tosaka's screenshot was a cheat too. It's also funny that we're talking about the same subject across two threads.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:56 pm
by felineki
That Sonic Boom glitch is pretty strange. Since under normal circumstances, each player can only have one projectile on the screen at a time, I guess the game just won't let the second one hit. I wonder WHY it actually is allowing you to throw it when there's already one on the screen in the first place anyway.

The RAM values that control projectiles are allocated according to the current needs. Meaning, there's a slot for "Projectile 1", one for "Projectile 2", etc. "Projectile 1" could be either Player 1 or Player 2's projectile depending on which was fired first. I was considering that perhaps since P1 already had a projectile on the screen, the second one would be considered P2's, and hence wouldn't hurt P2. However if that was the case, it would hit P1 (Guile) as soon as he threw it (I've actually managed to do this a few times in ST by hacking RAM values... pretty amusing stuff). So something else must be going on.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:32 am
by desk
So in which version is the multiple sonic boom thing possible?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:13 am
by Maj
Supposed to be the Saturn version of Street Fighter Collection i think. It had dope cover artwork of Ryu, Chun, and the four new challengers. Maybe it works on PS1 version as well.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:45 pm
by desk
arse! i was hoping to be able to do some tool assited stuff with it. Never mind, I have the PS1 version so I'll try it out on that. Thanks dude.

EDIT: well it doesn't seem to work, grrr!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:35 am
by Maj
Now they're selling something called "Darkstalkers Combination Cup" which is a tournament video or a collection of matches. Mentioning it because the sample clip features Lei-Lei and i saw you guys talking about her earlier.

There's also an SvCC DVD called "graTeFUL For cannon" by adaki. I'm actually considering buying it only because he actually makes that dumb game look interesting.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:45 am
by desk
hmm, 'interesting' is one way of putting it. I would say he makes the game look even dumber than it already is, lol. But those are the kinds of CV's that I like :D

that zero combo was very, very stupid.

Re: CvS2, CvS1, CvSPro, 3S, and KoF Combo DVDs at doujinshop

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:11 am
by Maj
Well, that SvCC DVD finally arrived in the mail. It features the PS2 version of SvC Chaos, with all of the boss characters selectable. An average of three or four combos are showcased for every character. The most common setups involve Red Arremer's demons, Zero's green arrows, and Dan's taunt super. There's also quite a lot of positioning Hugo/Earthquake at the end of the screen outside the corner, which reduces pushback greatly. Most games won't let you get all the way to the side of the screen while you're midscreen.

Maybe i'm not knowledgeable enough about SvCC to appreciate it, but i didn't notice anything revolutionary. It seems like we've already seen all the best combos in adaki's earlier SvCC vids. Overall i did enjoy it though.

I'll try to contact the dude and let him know i liked it. Lately he's been working on helluva random games i don't recognize.