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Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:17 am
by Pokey86
hi all, i made this video for three reason really

Makoto is fun to play as
i wanted to see how bad my play would get in low quality (forced upon me by my recording method)
it wouldn't take long/require alot of skill.

yes indeed this whole thing from making to editting took me 4 & a half hours, which has to be the quickest (pre-anticipated) video i've ever made ever.

I really do need a new recording method though, does anyone know id a DVD recorder with a HDMI input will record HD to DVD (even if it's downscaled to accomodate) my gameplay is pretty bad in LQ, i couldn't use Sakura for the life of me.

Here the original SRK post in the Makoto Forum, though it's a "help" video regarding a subset of options, i tried to make it a bit stylish, got one or two fun combos in there.

Makoto Post focus options Direct download

youtube link


Hello all, I’m not a Makoto main & you may remember me creating a large "vent post" of how it sucks that makoto is a tough character to use etc etc. But never mind that.

I've been writing a juggle mechanics guide for a while & this is letting me fuck about with every character, anyway Makoto's fun, she's also got some nice quirks & I wanted to list one of them. I would imagine the community is aware of this manoeuvre; however it's nice to bring it to a compiled list & perhaps increase a few people’s options in match ups. This is never a bad thing.

For those of you who don't know, Focus attack has 2 stages.

Stage 1 - the character is fully combo able, this has a large window for level 2 Focus (Or Counter hit LVL 1 Focus) & a massive window for level 3

Stage 2 - this is just a fraction before their head begins flopping to the floor. In this stage the character is considered airborne.

This is important as Fukiage is INCAPABLE of hitting a grounded opponent; even if you match your "hit" boxes to his hittable boxes it will do zilch. (Other moves have this attribute)

Let’s go further:


After a focus attack Makoto's options for damage are: (I'm not listing mix up variations, which would be pointless) All stats are based on a level 2 Focus, as that is the likely one to hit. For level 3 add 60 points of damage (with marginal variation)

Focus Attack -> Hp -> Hayate = 221 (EX Hayate does less)

But let’s face it, she has better options that this shit combo.

Focus attack -> Yamase (Punch x 3) = 243

Easy, & who doesn't love the triple punch but yet she can still progress.

Focus Attack -> HP -> Hayate (Cancel) -> MP -> Oroshi = 258

Which gives Makoto the knockdown she craves, but if you want the peak. Then you’ll have to get your IA’s in gear (Instant Air)

Focus Attack -> IA Tsurugi -> HP -> Oroshi = 288

Now there is nothing wrong with these, they’re strong... but what about when you’re going for the kill. Her trick combos are

Focus Attack Level 2/3 -> Focus Attack Level 1 -> Fukiage -> EX Tsurugi = 262

This is the standard, EX Fukiage garners an extra 24 damage (286) but all told the damage is such pittance it’s not worth burning 2 EX on it. The reason for this is so weak is that Focus attack double scales the scaling system; doing it twice means the first actual hit of the combo will do 60% damage. Which sucks.

So this brings us in to the OTG Fukiage, however it’s character specific. The video above explains all, so I’m just going to cut right in to the facts.

• If there is a star next to the name it means to perform LP Fukiage -> EX Fukiage -> EX Tsurugi (The strongest of the combos) the second EX Fukiage must be kara’d. Unless in corner of course
• Not all characters can be started with an EX Fukiage, however characters with stars can all be started with EX Fukiage. (Except Zangief)

Characters it works on

Balrog (Boxer)
Dee Jay*
E Honda*
El Fuerte*
T Hawk (Can also do LP Fukiage after corner Hayate in corner)
Vega (Claw)

Characters it does not work on:

C Viper
Chun Li
Fei Long
M Bison (Dictator)

Thanks for reading or watching. If this is all clearly & widely known then i apologise
Critique on the video always welcome, i did want sound but half the clips had screwy sound, was using a not very good DVD.

Re: Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:53 am
by Tigre III
Aaaaah, a nice vid pokey.
Only the character´s list showing if you can connect it or not its enough to say "thanks" hehehe.
Seriously, I usually play versus online a couple of time every day ( now I dont have a job :?) and I dont remember any player that uses the fukiage to start a mix up... Well, the truth is that nobody uses fukiage... for anything.
You really can help with this video to considerate fukiage as a good movement to add to the usual Makoto combos and mix ups.
I love this type of helping vids, because this can really help you to play better against another player (for me, the soul of any fighting game)

Re: Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:29 am
by Snoooootch
Great video man! I still can't get my head around all the stuff you explained, but it's very informative. And thanks for going ahead and including all the characters fukiage will work on.

Re: Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:38 am
by Don Vecta
Nice one.

I also posted it at Cyberfanatix for the SSFIV players there, if you don't mind. :)

Re: Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:24 am
by Pokey86
Fine by me... it's a guide, post it anywhere you want...Just don't take credit for it or make up wierd stories.

Re: Makoto Post-Focus & Abare Tosonami video

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:26 am
by Don Vecta
Pokey86 wrote:Fine by me... it's a guide, post it anywhere you want...Just don't take credit for it or make up wierd stories.
Ah no, no worries, I'm not taking credit of anything. :)