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Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:32 pm
by krusan
Here we are again, now with “SFIV combo lab. Subjetc: Seth”, were you can see combos and other tactics and tricks for Seth. Hope you all enjoy. Any polite comments are absolutely welcome.
Download link
Youtube link

Thanx for your time.

Re: Combonauts´CMVs

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:24 pm
by Maj
Really nice video, sirs. I'm glad you decided to do SF4 combos. I hope we can figure out everything about this game before SSF4 comes out because i'm sure most of us won't go back for a long time once we have Super. (Btw this deserves its own thread so i'm gonna split it if that's okay with you guys.)

I especially like the first combo against Blanka with the perfectly spaced c.HP juggles. It looks awesome how Seth doesn't move cuz he knows he has the best combo position. Corner LP DP combo against Abel at 2:15 was very cool. I'll have to remember to try Abel the next time i need a high meaty setup.

Of course i love the teleport transition at 3:32. And that was a really cool way to knock off the wing at 5:52.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:52 pm
by Doopliss
Yes, the Blanka thing was awesome, I thought I knew everything there was to know about Seth already. I would've loved to seen what you could've done with j.d.MK -> j.MP though.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:30 pm
by Tigre III
Thanks Maj!
Yeah, Abel is one of the bests characters for a high meaty setup.
I think that the best thing of Seth is his high Stun capacity, more than a 750 stun without using focus cancel. With a first counter hit, you can do a 991 stun, and finish the combo with the air down+HK, that give to you a nice crossup/mixup possibilities that easy turns in a stun against the enemy (and the damage scaling resets...)
If you have two super bars, connect the Ultra is so easy for Seth, he has a lot of setups. The yosokyaku is also a great weapon to punish the enemy, more if you can connect it in a regular combo, making a hard overhead to block (and relativity safe)
Play with Seth in a online vs is for me one of the best things you can do in SFIV, because you have a lot of tricks to desesperate the enemy... and from the second 99, you are near the KO...

Well, all we are waiting the Super, but only 6 new characters ( i think) will come... the new ultras will give us new combos, but its good to figure out everything, like you say, for start to experiment with super in the best condition...

PD: Sorry for my english :P

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:53 pm
by Tigre III
Well Doopliss, i have seen your Seth´s video, and its CRAZY...

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:23 pm
by Doopliss
Thanks ;D

SSF4 will have 10 new characters btw, I can almost guarantee that they will show Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, and the new character Hakan.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:49 am
by Raine
Very nice, an entertaining and informative vid. I like the idea of using a reset into teleport after c.HP, j.MP, I had no idea that you could do that. You've captured some very interesting combos too, particularly the Blanka and Abel ones.

btw, your English is very good, nothing to be sorry about. :P

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:35 pm
by Tigre III
Hehehe thanks a lot Remxi, but i know my english its just "basic to play the english games". I need to stop and think about i want to write during 1 minut before start to typing,hahahaha...

Dooplis, i have some combos with j.d.MK -> j.MP but i didnt put it in the CMV because the Setup for that combo is "enemy jumping"... and we wanted a more "estandard Setups" CMV... But i think its possible that maybe this is an error...

We have a combo with 3 j.MP in the same combo, i think its nice... but i dont know why, its not included ;(

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:44 pm
by Doopliss
I see.

When we're talking about Seth AA combos, I found a couple of cool ones agains Goukens demon flip armor move.

SRK x3 (first one absorbed) -> j.d.MKx3 -> whiffed j.d.HK -> super

j.d.MKx3 (first one absorbed) -> j.d.MKx3 -> whiffed j.d.HK -> super

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:54 pm
by Tigre III
mmmm interesting one... I dont test that setup.
I use a setup like this: (5 megas)

After the j.d.MK -> j.MP, you can do j.d.MKx3 and super

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:57 pm
by Doopliss
Yes, you can also do EX tanden instead of super. Maybe not in that particular set-up though, it requires precise timing and spacing over the entire juggle iirc. Never thought about doing j.MP after FADC SRK, nice one.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:54 pm
by Tigre III
Ex tanden? Wow, nice combo... Seth is soooo hard to take all the possibilites... i think.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:06 pm
by krusan
Hi everybody.
Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab has a new video to show: SF4 Combo Lab. Subject: Gouken
More than half of the vid is centered around the Kongoshin, showing the "Kongoshin self-cancel" and other combos starting with this special move.
Hope you all enjoy. Polite comments would be apeciated.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:27 pm
by Smileymike101
Haha awesome use on kngo.I think that took some thinking.Loved the way shinku passed right through gouken.Is he invincible to anything after he absorbed a non-armorbreaking hit?
While trying combos agaisnt Akuma, did you find a combo that would do 800 dmg on him(aka a response to the combo challenge 6: 700 class).
Also,was the gouken-sagat scene done with ppad or by hand?Do you have planned another character to be subject to these videos?
Keep up the great series :wink:

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:56 am
by Tigre III
Well, not really invincible... But in some specifics situations, like in the corner, if the fireball is fast, and if you can block the first hit using the firsts frames of the counter, the shinku dont hits you.

mmmmm 800 damage?... what is the total damage for Akuma? I dont remember to make a full life combo to him... But i remember a 1080 damage vs Claw, without the mask... I must see that combo challenge...

We use the Arcade Fightstick tournament edition (Madcatz) for all ours CMVs, nothing more. The reason is that i love to play online, and to make combos is a great training. But i like the TAS or hex videos too. If the CMV is good, its OK, no problems for me. The self cancel kongoshin, or kara counter is not so difficult to execute; you can do it in a real match with a little practice of the timing.

The next subject... I dont know, maybe Gen (its my main, i love him!) or Sagat...

thanks for the kudos :D

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:51 am
by Doopliss
Akuma has 850 HP.

You should pick Gen. If there's any character that can impress me with his links, it's Gen.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:55 am
by Smileymike101
Sagat?hmmm....Gen?YES(Bison accent).Seriously though, great execution on that part, and also i've just noticed you made it only 9 days after the seth combo lab one, which is pretty amazing.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:31 pm
by Raine
Awesome! I didn't know you could absorb Ryu's super like that. The combo vs. Vega was very nice.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:55 pm
by Maj
The whole Kongoshin segment was very well paced, making it just plain fun to watch. You even transitioned Guile's Sonic Boom to Seth's at 0:38.

I'm surprised Vega managed to keep his mask on until 2:09. Cool combos too, and i like how you kept that segment shot since Gouken's combos tend to get repetitive. Nice ending too, with Gouken sitting down and everything. Looked cool.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:28 am
by Tigre III
Yeah, our objective in this CMV was to exploit the Kara counter, or self counter cancel. That isnt a common trick, and i think that isnt full explored. But this, if you dont management good, can be bored to see (you really only need to see it one time...) Gouken can make Stun to 900 tiers with relativity facility; search the way to unmask Vega was easy :)
Gen?... mmmm I love him, but its really hard to do a cools and new combos... But he has a lot of nice crossups. Well, i will work in it :P

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:04 am
by Tigre III
Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab has a new video to show: SF4 Combo Lab. Subject: Akuma

Hope you all enjoy.

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:16 am
by Maj
I like the Raging Demon combos. I was trying to think of something cool to do with those but it's hard to beat FADC for that purpose.

Anyway cool video. You've done all three SF4 bosses now. Do you have more SF4 vids planned?

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:36 am
by Dark_Chaotix
I would like to see combos from Gen. Even tho i dont play sf4, I did play and use him a3

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:05 am
by Tigre III
Gen is my main in SFIV, but some chains and FADC of his palm attacks are a nightmare for me... I think I need 6 months to rec all combos! :(

The possibilities of Gen are great, but i think that all are showed, like in some error or jeb videos... Maybe some crossups or tricks, but... I dont know.

Im surprised about the Akuma´s hability to stun the opponents (I have a stun combo of 1040, but i guess its possible to make 1100... but not with my manual skill)

mmmm next CMV? well, SSFIV is near, I dont know. Maybe we will make another one, but with no one subject. I love some avoid SFIV movements...

Re: Combonauts SF4 Combo Lab

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:17 am
by Raine
Wow, very nice. I learned so many new things and was constantly amazed by the setups. The good editing and music added to the experience.