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Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:49 am
by oKutabareo
Hmm, apparently there is a Red Earth / Warzard combo video.

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:22 am
by Maj
What the hell is going on in that video? How many moves do these characters have??

And there's no combo counter? In a CPS3 game? What the hell.

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:20 am
by Xenozip.
Well that game is a little weird, but I can explain what's going on.

Have a look at this:

The super stocks are elemental orbs you see under the life bars. They are items you pick up from boxes. And boxes appear after a knockdown. You have to break the box to pick up the orb, then you can use a super. I know, it's weird.
All the supers in the game act in a pre-set manner and cost one orb stock, but have different damage depending on which element you have (poison is stronger for kenji, ice stronger for tabatha, etc).

There's also character levels like an RPG, because there's only 4 playable characters in the game and it was designed to be a "single player fighting game" where the characters level up during story mode. The higher you get in levels the more specials and supers you unlock and the more damage your character deals. So a lot of those supers are basic level supers but then a lot of them are also unlockable supers that any of them can do at a certain level.

Example: Kenji at level 1 only has 2 special moves and 1 super. At max level he has 9 specials and 2 supers plus the universal super.

Leo is kind of normal, basic character. Mai Ling (Lu Bu flame shoes girl) and Kenji/Mukuro both have target combos that are kind of like chains but follow certain rules. So they are basically "the combo characters". They chain into specials and link supers etc, basic stuff.

But Tabatha is bizarre as hell, her heavy punches throw potions, and you can hold and release the button to explode the potion, and you can do other things while the potion is still on the screen. Also her light punch is that floating staff thing, and you can move while it's attacking, so like that one combo she did was superjump backwards and mash light attack since the staff stays in place and keeps hitting the opponent while she's flying around elsewhere.

Now, on to the reason there's not combo counter. Well, again it was meant to be a single player game. And oddly against the CPU a lot of these combos can be rendered invalid. Example, Tabatha's BNB of df+MK (the upper-cat) into her DP+P sword shoryu is a juggle, but the computer can block the shoryu "if it feels like it". I don't know if a human can block it or not but I know the computer can if it wants to.

I don't know if that OTG throw loop is valid or not either, but if it is then there's yet another reason this game is broken (there's a few other reasons lol).

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:45 am
by error1
also all the items have a element, ( that you can change with start ) and each element has it's own super and each enemy is week to an element so that's another 5 or so supers per char. The enemy characters don't have normal hit stun, just if you knock them down or dizzy them can you ever preform a combo.

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:46 am
by Xenozip.
I thought that universal super was an unlockable super but it's not, so it's more like 4 more supers per element that any character can use.

This game isn't really worth pursuing anyway though. It's one saving grace is the aesthetics.

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:26 pm
by Dark_Chaotix

Are there fatalities in this game?

I didnt know Tessa was in it either...Cool

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:51 pm
by onReload
There's no fatalities the way there are in MK, but some moves, if used to kill the opponent, will cut them in half, decapitate, etc...

It really reminds me of Capcom's D&D games, but in this case they focused so much on the art that they didn't put in enough content. I also have no idea how people get to Lvl. 32 without using pre-made passwords, unless you can use it throughout multiple play-throughs, which doesn't seem that fun.

But yeah, I don't think this game would work as combo-video fodder, really; without the orb magic and super spam, there's not much there - but I think as a single-player game, it might be interesting to investigate how close to perfect one player could get.

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:27 pm
by Maj
Too bad CFE/CFJ was such a disappointing/unpopular game. It would've been cool to make a CFE video featuring the Warzard characters and including actual Warzard combo clips for flavor.

Seems like more of a TAS subject than a combo video game though.

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:16 am
by onReload
I'd be very interested in that, been playing it a bunch over the past few days, coincidentally...but if CPS3 was up for TASing I'd be off my ass on that already, I like to think, anyway. :mrgreen:

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:58 am
by Xenozip.
The sad part is CFJ was so terrible because of the Warzard and VSav characters, not despite them. Well, that and the god fucking awful aesthetics from hell.

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:51 am
by Dark_Chaotix
I thought CFJ was good. What you mean by aesthetics ?

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:27 pm
by Xenozip.
Personally I don't care about aesthetics, I only care about gameplay alone, nothing else. But that's not how other people see it, and it's hard to deny that CFJ had major flaws. The announcer, the music, the backgrounds, the hitsparks, everything that wasn't taken from another game was poor. In other words all original content was poor. The announcer most of all, "BERRI GOO!", was by far the most annoying. I was told that Yoshinori Ono even apologized for the game's overall quality.

For me the gameplay was bad though. Leo doing jumping sword attacks all day, Nool spamming squids and supering off anything anywhere (like uber chun-li), overpowered versions of Jedah and Anakris running ridiculous mixups while having infallible anti-airs and GCs. Not to say that the SF2 and SF3 characters were useless because they were not useless, but in the end it didn't really matter because the gameplay was so stupid.

That game evolved from Demitri and Guile throwing fireballs at each other from full screen away to people figuring out the SFA character's CC's and how to use the SF2 and SF3 characters properly, then very quickly devolved to the VSav characters mashing forward and pressing buttons randomly and the Warzard characters holding up+back and pressing random buttons. Whether it was intelligent and/or counterable became irrelevant, the issue was that it very quickly became not fun to play and not fun to watch, therefor a not fun game that no one cared about. Or at least, very few people cared about. They released the game right before SBO, so people were willing to give it a try, and so it was featured in SBO. Then it became blatantly obvious just how bad the game was and how bad things could actually get. A quick glimpse into the future, and so it hasn't been back to SBO or any other major tournaments since then. The people who still play it in small tournaments occasionally are still doing the same tired bullshit from like week three of the game's release, it hasn't gotten anywhere and it isn't likely to either.

Re: Red Earth / Warzard Combo System

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:22 am
by Maj
Hey at least it kept evolving past the mini-Darkstalkers phase. Not that i'm a fan of Leo jumping up and down full screen away, but whatever, nobody plays it anyway. I do like it as a combo playground though. CFJ has a lot of weird unique stuff in it.

Though it's not like i have to bother voicing my helluva biased opinion. Guile + Aegis = SOLD!