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MvC2 Blackheart Tutorial Videos

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:36 pm
by Magnetro
Combined the videos are 32min long so gl. & if you want a lot more information on the video:

Re: MvC2 Blackheart Tutorial Videos

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:21 am
by fullmetalross
This video turned out really well.

I loved the inclusion of the different sprites for the transitions as well as the simple explanation, clip style. The text was onscreen for the perfect amount of time, plus best of all it really made me want to play blackheart.

Blackheart, Sentinel, Doom or something haha.

Good work mags.

Re: MvC2 Blackheart Tutorial Videos

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:41 pm
by error1
I enjoy playing the prince of darkness just because he has a unique play style, but I never thought he was any good. It almost seems like having an airdash automatically makes a char viable for competitive play.
Anyway great video I learned a lot.

Re: MvC2 Blackheart Tutorial Videos

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:30 pm
by Maj
Thumbs up from me; great vid. Pretty cool how the Blackheart sprite gets pushed back at 2:55 when he hits the "Pressuring" heading. Whose idea was that? Also i dig the demons that float around during the text bits over black backgrounds.

Last combo before credits was awesome, as were some of the gratuitously stylish combos against assists.

Good job on the bonus section. Started out confusing as fuck but you managed to sort it out before the end.