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Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:38 am
by Maj
Some of the most promising combo ideas are owed to "wtf" moments occurring during match play. If you see something unexpected, share here.

X-Men vs Street Fighter - Evo 2007 - RoTeNdO vs Dogface 3/5

At 1:01, Ryu's super FB trades with Charlie's Sonic Break, but the beam eradicates the five remaining Sonic Booms in one or two frames. Is there an upper limit to the number of objects that the beam can hit at once? Charlie doesn't get hit, interestingly enough, but he was kinda far away. Maybe the beam's hitbox expands horizontally during startup instead of fully appearing instantly.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:39 am
by Maj
A minor thing, but i thought it was kinda cool ...

EX Capcom vs. SNK 2 - CAB vs.Desora 8

EXC-Dhalsim does Counter Attack xx lvl2 upflame xx HP Yoga Fire midscreen. Didn't know Alpha Counters were cancelable in EX-Groove.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:26 am
by Maj
SRK Battle Fantastic HD Remix Tournament: Finals FrankDux DimMak(Guile) vs damdai(Akuma)

Wtf happens at 1:52? Guile blocks Akuma's HP red FB, dies from chip damage, and then the combo counter displays two hits? Apart from the possibility of lag rewind, the only remaining scenario is the second hit killing Guile and the third hit juggling. But nothing's supposed to juggle in ST after someone dies.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:41 am
by Maj
Another minor thing; worth noting if anyone ever wants to make a Rainbow Edition video.

Street Fighter 2 Rainbow - Hisyouusagi(1P)vs.Desora(2P)

At 0:13, Honda whiffs an air Headbutt over Zangief, who punishes it with j.HP xx air Lariat (and scores the lucky dizzy). Not exactly shocking if you've already seen desk's float glitch but i'm sure it'll come in handy as a combo setup, especially useful for those CE Dhalsim juggles.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:50 am
by Maj
Someone uploaded a random match vid in which Honda 360 grabs Geese as he performs a reversal lvl3 super while recovering from dizzy:

CvS2 menchi vs kurosu on MAX-GROOVE Pocket Office

No clue how ChairmanX found this file because it's not posted on their front page anywhere. Miraculously, the file is still available on their server even though the website itself seems to be down. In any case, this glitch was covered in T-7's Storm combo video DVD, but i'm sure there's some more stuff waiting to be found surrounding this glitch.

edit: Since the source website isn't active anymore, i reuploaded the match video to my u2b account.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:11 am
by Maj
Mikado A2 09/14/08 - 04 - Toki no Tobira (birdie) VS Kitamura (sagat)

Not sure if this is real weirdness or if it only looks weird, but there's a Sagat anti-air CC at 0:19 that works out to be something like s.MP xx whiff Tiger Knee, HP Tiger Uppercut (two hits). Dunno, it just looks odd to have the Tiger Knee completely whiff like that and then see the Tiger Uppercut connect.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:07 am
by Maj
Shanghai nogong SF2T tourn - Xiaogui vs Wanghuili

Weird fake crossup setup at 2:30 leads to a whiffed backwards attack. Might be useful, or not.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:38 pm
by error1
The Shiozawa Cup 5 on 5 Street Fighter IV - Bean vs Iyo

14:48 Sagat throws a lk tiger shot, sim yoga towers it. Sagat then does a kara ex tiger knee hits dhalsim and combos with the tiger shot that had gone off screen.
This was obviously done on purpose but I had never seen it.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:10 pm
by Maj
SFIII: 3S - Ken (Ryan Hart) vs Yun & Yang (Ultrayox)

Ken parries Yun's burn knuckle at 0:12, then whiffs c.LK under his feet. Meaty setup?

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:28 am
by Maj
Street Fighter 4: Maximilian(Ken) vs Alex Valle(Gouken) PT3

Check out the dopeness at 5:25, anti-air EX FB into empty demon flip. Sweep juggles are always cool. Ignore the win count over Ken's lifebar. Yeah i don't really want to talk about my heroes losing four games in a row to random online Kens.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:31 pm
by fullmetalross
That follow up always looks cool for sure! And its the most damaging.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:27 am
by Maj
How arbitrary can SF4's juggle setups get?

iPW Casuals - FilipinoChamp (DH) vs Haunts (SA)

Sagat throws an EX low FB through Dhalsim's Yoga Fire and it connects once, then he throws an HK low FB and it juggles. Wtf?

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:38 am
by error1
yeah Sagats normal fbs are good for one jungle hit. Happens to me sometimes when I do an early antiair lp. tiger uppercut into Tiger knee but a low tiger shot comes out instead.
pretty sure the 1 hit ex to normal thing there will only work full screen or in the corner and you need an opponent trying to out projectile Sagat.
another fun Sagat jungle is anti air tiger shot to F+Hk

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:24 am
by error1

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:02 am
by onReload
[JoJo2 match] 3rd Mikado tournament 19/7/2009 (2/3)

The last combo by the Jotaro player, Chihiro, is just out of this fucking world.

Turn off your stand in mid-air to start a combo, OK. Gross links. Activate Tandem and properly program in a few hits to buy you damage and time to cross up Chaka to keep him in place before the supers start. OK... Then do a longer gross-link combo out of the Tandem.

Does over 80% damage and 61 hits. Reaffirms the fact that I am not playing this game remotely correctly.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:22 pm
by onReload

Spiral DDT in a match.


Another Spiral DDT. I think I'm just gonna start a collection. :mrgreen:

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:11 pm
by Xenozip.
I wonder if that was an intentional parry-reaction-prebuffer.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:16 pm
by error1
that make Spiral DDT more useful then a non ex sbk

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:37 am
by onReload
ex hazanshu is still probably the most worthless move in that game (HCB+KK with Chun-Li). he at least uses non-ex spinning bird to get out of the corner and subsequently win, even if there was no way he did it on purpose to avoid the stomp (which would beat the SBK cleanly)

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:59 pm
by Xenozip.
I still wish they'd give Chun her SFA2/3 hazanshu back. Though back then I think it was sen'enshuu. An EX sen'enshuu would be vastly less worthless than an EX hazanshu.

Though in 3S at least, she certainly didn't need it.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:00 pm
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:I still wish they'd give Chun her SFA2/3 hazanshu back. Though back then I think it was sen'enshuu. An EX sen'enshuu would be vastly less worthless than an EX hazanshu.

Though in 3S at least, she certainly didn't need it.
Yeah really. Some people use it to open matches, and it's fairly safe, but it's still not important. I hate the sen-enshuu because I don't know its invincibility frames

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:09 pm
by Xenozip.
My thing is that ground-based overheads (overheads that don't come off the ground) are way harder to block than overheads that leave the ground, because it's a reflexive instinct to block high when something leaves the ground. So even if the frames are the same, which I doubt they are, sen'enshuu is awesome because she doesn't leave the ground. Of course SF4's hazanshu is technically a better move simply because it's +frames, but I think sen'enshuu is a better overhead.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:44 am
by Dark_Chaotix

Kuroda Q is just soo good. Watch the match against Yun

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:09 am
by error1
at 5:45 when Yun flys in the wrong direction he manages to some how switch his charge.
Why would anyone ever agree to play him. On the off chance you win, congratulations you just won an 8:2 matchup in your favor, and how can you go on knowing that you lost to Q.
Q does have a really unique game play element, it's a shame he'll never be in another game.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:36 am
by onReload
error1 wrote:gdlk
at 5:45 when Yun flys in the wrong direction he manages to some how switch his charge.
Why would anyone ever agree to play him. On the off chance you win, congratulations you just won an 8:2 matchup in your favor, and how can you go on knowing that you lost to Q.
Q does have a really unique game play element, it's a shame he'll never be in another game.
Wow...You mean 6:45, but wow...I was ready to post "well sf3 has a charge preservation thing bla bla bla" but he would have to be ready for that to happen, and probably *was*, as that situation let him corner Yun. Pretty goddamn amazing.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:43 am
by error1
this ken vs blanka reminds me of that famous e. honda mirror. Let's just say this is the most time overs I've seen from a ken player. ... damdai-ken

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:00 am
by onReload
error1 wrote:this ken vs blanka reminds me of that famous e. honda mirror. Let's just say this is the most time overs I've seen from a ken player. ... damdai-ken
You ever see the Guile mirror that had a ridiculous title like "Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom! S-Sonic Boom Boom!" and it was pretty much that for the whole round until one of them messed up? Really funny stuff.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:28 am
by error1
I've seen that type of guile mirror idk if it was the same one. Sagat mirrors are similar but with low high mixup they actually get hit. I love those matches but it normally only seems to happen in mirror. Might be an idea for a sonichurricane article, "what makes a lame match?"

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:40 am
by onReload
error1 wrote:I've seen that type of guile mirror idk if it was the same one. Sagat mirrors are similar but with low high mixup they actually get hit. I love those matches but it normally only seems to happen in mirror. Might be an idea for a sonichurricane article, "what makes a lame match?"
I found the Guile one hilarious just because after the guy got hit, the other Guile didn't capitalize so they went back to trading sonic booms, so when the last 7 seconds arrived, the weaker Guile player had no other choice but to jump in and get flash kicked.

Re: Crazy Inspirational Match Videos

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:04 pm
by Dark_Chaotix
The end of this match is just TOO good. Well in kof anyways....

That HSDM is unblockable but he uses a bypass to initiate and connect with it. So random....