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Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:45 am
by Maj
I'm sure most of you know Vic aka dog-face from his countless XSF championships as well as his MvC2 tournament match live commentary and his ultra popular podcast appearances. I'm sure you're also aware of the terrible state of mainstream media coverage of fighting games.

Here's what we're gonna do. We are going to turn Vic into the next celebrity video game journalist. Here's my three-step plan:

1) Magazine-style interviews with top players accompanied by photographs and a ten-minute embedded video clip of highlights from said interview. We'll start with someone OG like watts cuz guys like him have dope stories, plus they're entertaining cuz they know how to talk shit, plus they've usually got interesting perspectives on modern games.

2) Career highlight reels of various top players, roughly three to four minutes each, showcasing that specific player's abilities and accomplishments. Kobe has forty-two thousand highlight compilations on youtube. It's about damn time Valle got one.

3) Hella promotion on mainstream gaming forums to get every one of these vids like 50,000 views on u2b or whatever, so that Vic can walk into the offices of G4/Gamespot/SpikeTV/whoeverthefuck and tell them they're doing it wrong. In other words when SF4 Champion Edition comes out, i want to watch one mainstream news featurette that doesn't make me fucking cringe for 5 minutes nonstop. I believe that Vic is the best man for the job.

So here's what i need: Lots of people who are good at video editing and website design. That way we can split up the work ten different ways so that nobody has to give up more than one weekend every couple months. If you live in the SoCal area and have access to decent camera equipment, that would help too. Come on guys, let's get this thing off the ground by mid-January.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:24 pm
by Mike Z
I'm for it, but I'm not sure I can help except by clapping.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:55 pm
by ShinjiGohan
Ditto, guess I could try and make some highlight clips from the B4 footage that I have... or was it b5 lol

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:04 pm
by Maj
For the highlight videos, i was thinking a combination of cool/trademark skills and historic tournament moments. For example in Watson's case, we'd have a bunch of random dirty oldschool tricks from casual matches. We'd also mix together some clips from B3, B4 where he won ST, the first major USA vs Japan meeting where he went undefeated in MvC2, B5 where he beat GQ Sodom in A3, and as much oldschool HF/ST footage as we can find. Each tournament clip will be labeled with the name, date, and location of the event as well as his placement - like this:
B4 Street Fighter Championships
Folsom, CA - July 15th-16th 2000
1st Place: Super SF2 Turbo
3rd Place Overall (??)
Depending on how the interviews work out, maybe we can have a couple of short voiceover soundbyte comments regarding the tournament matches in question. The hardest part is going to be doing the first video, because after that we'll have a template that we can reuse.

It would be cool if one of the elite video editors around here got involved so that we could get started on a high note. But there's also a ton of extra work that everyone can help with, such as finding decent quality (non-youtube) versions of oldschool tournament footage as well as cheesy old magazine scans featuring the people we want to interview.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:03 am
by Maj
For the interviews, i was thinking it would be a good idea to email the questions to our guests ahead of time. That way they have a little time to reflect on what we plan on discussing, but all of the questions will still be answered on camera in person. Written responses do tend to be a more contemplative, but we don't want to lose that extra bit of spontaneity that makes candid interviews great.

Can't forget to add a little disclaimer at the end of the email though. Something like, "These are probably all of the questions we'll be asking, but we might think of a good one on the drive over."

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:51 pm
by laugh
I want Vic famous and I want to get fighting games the justice they deserve on the mainstream media. I don't know I how I can help exactly, but if there's anything that I can provide, I'm more than willing to.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:53 am
by Maj
Awesome. I'll let you know how you can help as soon as we get something concrete laid down.

Anyone else wanna volunteer? If Vic ever does become famous, maybe we can take turns being his entourage during parties and award shows.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:58 pm
by Maj
Since the goal of this whole thing is to get as many hits as possible, i'm thinking maybe it would be worthwhile to make a couple of random compilation videos that u2b seems to love. Like, um, a video of all of Zangief's unique throws in all the different games he was in.

WW: close F+MP, close F+HP, close F+MK, SPD (all versions look the same)
CE: close F+HK, close DF+MP, close DF+HP
HF: far F+MP hold, far F+HP hold, far DF+MP/HP hold
SSF2: F+MP and F+MK air throws, far kick SPD, and all three versions of close kick SPD
ST: all three versions of SPD, and FAB
SFA2: all normal throws, all SPD's, lvl1 FAB, lvl1 kick super
SFZ2A: lvl2 FAB, and punch Alpha Counter whiffing and connecting
SFA3: X-Gief's lvl3 FAB, and V-Gief's air throw into kattobi cancel activation into OTG SPD
Gem Fighter: everything
Marvel series: anything that looks different, including showing off XSF FAB super armor, MSF Gief's duo super, and MvC1 lvl3 super
SFEX series: everything
CvS1: lvl2 kick super Finest KO
CvS2: lvl3 kick super Finest KO
CFJ: lvl3 FAB against Hauzer

Sounds like a lot of work but it's all easy so it could be done in a day. As far as opponent choice goes, it's preferable to pick either the biggest opponent available (Blanka, Juggernaut, Chang, Hauzer) or the smallest opponent (Servbot, Nakoruru).

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:20 pm
by Maj
I'm as surprised as anyone, but it looks like this thing might actually get off the ground!!

Check it out!

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:44 pm
by ZenFire
Wait, wait, what's going on??

First off I'm all for it. Vic is one of the funniest ppl in fighting games. I listened to that podcast with him and omni-derek like 3 times. Their idea of making a sport center type sounded solid.

What are you looking for Maj? I'd like to help out, but I'm all the way here in nowhere land.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:05 pm
by Maj
Actually i'm not too clear on the details at the moment, but i think someone already signed on to do the interview video editing. However, there's been no progress on the other half of the project which is making those individual player highlight videos. So i dunno, if you've got a favorite player, maybe you can give that a shot? Pick someone, dig up as much major tournament match footage as you can find, and make them look good for 3-5 minutes.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:57 am
by ZenFire
Ok, but seriously, what's going on? that was a serious question. What am I seeing in those pictures, that's the first interview? So it's actually off the ground? Who's pulling the go-kart on this project? BTW, I wouldn't think of doing any major editing work. Highlight video sounds like it could be fun outside the looking for good sources. I have nothing to do at work this week, so I'll think about it then.

I'm also good at webdevelopment, it's what I do for a living (I can say that now :lol: )

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:18 am
by Maj
They rented a small studio and filmed the first interview with gootecks and Mike Ross, and i think someone's supposed to be editing that footage now. As for when or where it's going to get released, i don't think any of that is determined yet. I'm pretty sure it's going to end up on u2b, but i don't think it would be a bad idea to start out with a simple wordpress blog, simply to have a centralized location for everything. I might end up doing most of the web-related stuff, which i wouldn't mind.

As for who's running this thing, well that's basically Vic himself since this whole project revolves around his schedule. I've already brought this up with a couple of top players who seemed enthusiastic about doing interviews. But i'm sure that depends on a million things. Right now i think the best thing to do would be to get this off the ground, before SF4 release if possible.

Those highlight vids are something that we need to do as a community regardless. Or at least that's how i feel. I really think that the way to promote any competitive activity is through hyping up its top talent. Right now most of the promotion we get is focused on the games and the events, which boils down to banking on the coolness of Las Vegas because it's hard to get anyone excited about dark hole-in-the-wall arcades. You certainly don't see the NBA selling tickets based on the quality of their seats or the roundness of the ball.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:03 pm
by ZenFire
Maj wrote:I really think that the way to promote any competitive activity is through hyping up its top talent. Right now most of the promotion we get is focused on the games and the events, which boils down to banking on the coolness of Las Vegas because it's hard to get anyone excited about dark hole-in-the-wall arcades. You certainly don't see the NBA selling tickets based on the quality of their seats or the roundness of the ball.
That is very good point. Up until recently the only personal info I got on players was reading forum posts. Video interviews are the most obvious way to get fans and outsiders involved with the human side of our sub-culture. Complement that with other media and you got yourself a promotional campaign!

In that vein: I like the idea of hosted chat sessions with top players on a/vic's site where people can ask their own questions, but moderated of course. The way they do with live blogs and you have total control over what messages/questions get publicized.

Also, commentated match videos! Get pros (not necessarily the actual players) to pick one of their favorite matches, introduce it, say stuff about the players, comment on what happens as it plays and finally wrap up by reflecting on the key moments and what they/people should learn from that match. Btw, do you know anyone with a great voice over voice to do NFL'like editorials? :mrgreen: Don't mind me, just spouting ideas.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:48 pm
by Maj
Great ideas! I think a lot of that stuff will flow naturally once we have a solid base established. It wouldn't be too hard to arrange some of those retrospective match commentaries, provided we can find people who actually have insightful things to say about past performances.

Live broadcasts and audience participation is way down the line though. You'd need a lot of people on staff to make that work, because there's no way to get any kind of consistency if Vic is the one keeping track of questions. Not to mention how difficult it is to follow an online chat discussion while trying to keep a live conversation interesting. Even if you have people email questions the day before a scheduled interview, it's either going to suck because nobody writes in or it's going to take a lot of time to sort through the garbage to find good questions.

Anyway i just want to get the ball rolling for now and worry about the rest when it happens. It would be nice to have at least something up before SF4 release, which isn't too far away now.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:43 am
by Maj
Ladies and gentlemen ...

The Dogface Show!

(... also The Dogface Show

... also The Dogface Show

... also The Dogface Show

... also The Dogface Show)

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:12 pm
by Maj
The very first episode of The Dogface Show is finally here!!

The Dogface Show - Episode 01, Part 1

This episode's guests are Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez and Mike "TheGreaterForce" Ross. We'll be splitting these up into 10-minute segments and releasing them on a weekly basis. So press play, kick back, and enjoy.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:31 am
by Maj
Maj wrote:Like, um, a video of all of Zangief's unique throws in all the different games he was in.

WW: close F+MP, close F+HP, close F+MK, SPD (all versions look the same)
CE: close F+HK, close DF+MP, close DF+HP
HF: far F+MP hold, far F+HP hold, far DF+MP/HP hold
SSF2: F+MP and F+MK air throws, far kick SPD, and all three versions of close kick SPD
ST: all three versions of SPD, and FAB
SFA2: all normal throws, all SPD's, lvl1 FAB, lvl1 kick super
SFZ2A: lvl2 FAB, and punch Alpha Counter whiffing and connecting
SFA3: X-Gief's lvl3 FAB, and V-Gief's air throw into kattobi cancel activation into OTG SPD
Gem Fighter: everything
Marvel series: anything that looks different, including showing off XSF FAB super armor, MSF Gief's duo super, and MvC1 lvl3 super
SFEX series: everything
CvS1: lvl2 kick super Finest KO
CvS2: lvl3 kick super Finest KO
CFJ: lvl3 FAB against Hauzer
So i've actually been working on this over the past three days and by the end of today i should have everything aside from Gem Fighter, SFEX series and SF4. Would anyone be able to help me out with SFEX and SF4?

All i need are individual clips of all of Gief's unique throws against different opponents. I'd prefer Gief grabbing something scary instead of simply grabbing idle opponents, but that should be pretty easy if you grab slow moves or grab someone's Ultra with Gief's Ultra since you have plenty of time to switch controllers during ultrafreeze.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:58 am
by ShinjiGohan
I can take a crack with the EX series, and maybe SF4 (ultra a ultra from akuma maybe?)

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:47 am
by Maj
Now that i've put together a rough preview of the Gief video, i can't decide if anyone would actually want to watch it.

Zangief Throw Exhibition BETA-01

Imagine SF4 Zangief theme playing in the background or whatever. (Definitely needs music though.)

The original plan was to add little annotations to each clip explaining what's being shown, like "SF2WW: B+MP" and "MvC: F, F" and "MvC: F, F -> B+HP" and "SF2WW: 360+P" and "SSF2: reversal 360+MK" and "XSF: air 360+HP" and "SFA2: B, DB, D+P (whiff)" and suchly. But i tried it and it sucked. Or maybe it sucked because i couldn't figure out how to do it right before i got lazy.

Anyway i don't know where to go from here.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:44 pm
by Maj
Nothing comma sadface? Come on guys, i could really use some feedback on this one. Literally nobody i've shown preview to has said anything one way or the other. If it sucks, tell me.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:38 pm
by fullmetalross
Okay, well for me it was an okay watch, I didn't feel like I had wasted anytime or anything. For the people I showed it to (IE I was watching it at work and they saw it, hopefully this doesn't break some policy, but it wasn't in the private forums so I figured it was okay) with a very casual interest in street fighter they were laughing their asses off at him grabbing all sorts of random things. The alpha 3 clip got hella laughs.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:12 am
by Maj
Thanks dude. Guess i'll go ahead and finish it. Even if it doesn't get released as a Dogface Show special, i'll put it on my u2b account or something.

Hey ShinjiGohan, are you still down to hook up SFEX and SF4 footage? Basically i need every unique throw in the SFEX series, so if he has the same throw in SFEX and SFEX3, then you only need to capture it once. Try to spread 'em out roughly evenly among the games, and try to grab something semi-interesting whenever possible. Doesn't have to be anything overly elaborate though. Same thing with all the throws in SF4.

Also, the second segment of the first episode is out. Sorry about the slight delay but editing took a while cuz jchensor was helluva busy this past week. Pretty difficult for one guy to handle all the editing but he's the only available dude with the skills at the moment.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:08 am
by ShinjiGohan
got EX's done, now to try and figure out how to get the program pad to work with SFIV (doesn't light up the LED correctly unfortunately, probably not enough power via the USB)

well got the ones for SF4. except for the EX versions of the moves. Would you like those too? though they're pretty much the same as the regular ones... well its up to you.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:21 am
by Maj
Good question; i don't know. It would be cool to have EX SPD simply because of the way the opponent keeps spinning after the slam. As far as i can tell, EX kick SPD looks the same as the all the other versions. No point in including it simply for the yellow flickering glow. On the other hand, both close and far versions have super armor but i don't know if that's worthwhile. The funny thing is that if you activate his super armor hit, he stops glowing yellow the rest of the way.

So here's the list of SF4 stuff to capture:
F+LP+LK throw
B+LP+LK throw
360+LP (optional)
360+MP (optional)
close 360+HK
close 360+KKK (optional)
far 360+HK
far 360+KKK (optional)

If you can get both versions of EX kick SPD going through an attack, that might be kinda cool. But it's totally up to you. If it takes longer than 15 minutes to capture then don't bother. I just think it might be cool for the sake of completeness since we're talking about u2b and they're always looking for something to criticize. This would take the obvious out of the equation.

Oh yeah, and try to mix up Zangief's colors if you can. I tried to show all of them in his various incarnations while selecting classic default colors for opponents. It's not a major issue but if you still have some stuff to record then just mix it up on those.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:17 pm
by ShinjiGohan

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:12 pm
by Maj
Wow dude, thanks! These are awesome, at least the ones i've seen so far. I'm still only halfway in downloading them but i really appreciate that you took the time to upload the uncompressed files.

Haha, gotta admit, my heart skipped a beat when the first clip loaded in WMP and i heard background music. But i guess it won't be that huge a deal if i simply mute the 3D games.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:31 am
by ShinjiGohan

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:00 pm
by Maj
Sweet, thanks dude. I'll start working on it tomorrow and try to finish it over the weekend. I'll make an attempt to keep the voices and sound effects in by muting around them. Hopefully it'll work because it would be much much better with than without, but it's gonna take a lot of luck.

I want start off with Zangief's classic SF2 background music and then transition to the SF4 remix after a few loops.

Re: Who Wants to Help Make dogface Famous?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:15 am
by Maj
Vid's pretty much done. Though i'm not sure when we're going to end up releasing it because it depends on the episode schedule, which is out of my hands. Anyway here it is:

Zangief Throw Exhibition BETA-03

All i gotta do is remove the watermark, re-encode it, and upload it to u2b. Luckily the SF4 training mode BGM was bland/consistent enough to drown out, but i had to mute the SFEX game audio because there was way too much going on.

After it gets released, i'm thinking of going through and adding annotations to each clip to transcribe every throw command.