Lists of Esoteric Minutiae

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Lists of Esoteric Minutiae

Post by Maj »

Inspired by our Screenshot Gallery and Animations Gallery, this a thread about lists. All kinds of lists - useful lists, pointless lists, interesting lists, tedious lists, long lists, short lists, and so on and such. Oddly enough, i'd like to start with a list of ...

Silhouette Sprites in Fighting Games

- nearly all versions of Dan sometimes flash white during DP startup (SFA2, SFA3, MSF, SvCC, CvS2, etc.)

- SFA2 Dhalsim's Teleport flashes white as he's disappearing and reappearing, and this carries over to all games that use his SFA2 sprites
- SFA3 characters flash white momentarily while tech flipping out of knockdown states

- COTA Iceman's perpetual glimmer cycle includes frames where he's completely whited out
- COTA Spiral flickers black and white at startup of Metamorphosis, Mirror Dance, and her Speed/Power boosts
- MSF Armor Spider-Man flashes white when he takes a hit which triggers his super armor
- MvC1 Megaman's Hyper Megaman and Roll's Hyper Megaman turn white and shades of blue during startup and recovery
- MvC1 Venom flashes white at startup of Venom Web
- MvC1 Jin flashes white at recovery from Saotome Dynamite as well as his Taunt
- MvC1 Morrigan flashes black and white during her pre-fight intro animation
- MvC1 Captain Commando turns black during his pre-fight intro animation

- SvCC Shiki flashes white during her teleport
- SvCC characters flash white while performing Maximum Mode cancels

Also it probably makes sense to point to the other list thread we have already: Grounded Moves that Appear to be Airborne
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Re: Lists of Esoteric Minutiae

Post by Xenozip. »

Adding to the Silhouettes

- GGXX#R, Dizzy is a white silhouette during her intro costume change for 3 frames. And she is a black silhouette with red eyes for 1 frame during her alternate intro.
- GGXX#R, Dizzy is a black silhouette during the second half of her pit super. The first frame of transformation is a Necro silhouette, the second frame is a Dizzy silhouette.
- GGXX#R, Jam flashes into a white silhouette during her command parry (game effect, not in the sprites).
- GGXX#R, Anji is a white silhouette for the startup of his IK (first frame of startup).
- GGXX#R, Baiken's IK causes both players to become black silhouettes.
- GGXX#R, Eddie becomes a solid black silhouette after his ground throw.
- GGXX#R, Eddie becomes a solid black silhouette for the startup of his ground sink special move.
- GGXX#R, Sol is a black (and white) silhouette during his Dragon Install.
- GGXX#R, Testament's familiar Zio becomes a silhouette during her transformation into her other form both during Testaments special move and IK.
- GGXX#R, Testament sorta becomes a two-tone silhouette of reds during a successful catch for his catch-counter move.
- Vampire Savior, Lillith is a white silhouette for a single frame during her intro (first frame).
- Vampire Savior, Morrigan and Lillith create white silhouettes when they make shadow duplicates of themselves during their Darkness Illusion supers.
- Vampire Savior, Morrigan and Lillith become black silhouettes when they make shadow duplicates of themselves during their Dark Force activations.
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dio is a black silhouette with white eyes, surrounded by dust effects, during his intro.
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dio is a white silhouette with a red star "birthmark" during his teleport.
- IaMP and SWR, Sakuya is a white silhouette when she teleports.
- CvS2/Last Blade 2, Hibiki becomes a silhouette during her super.
- Samurai Shodown 5sp, Basara is a black silhouette during his intro (and probably one of his outros).
- Samurai Shodown 5sp, Kazuki is a white/yellow silhouette for his WFT and ZO.
- Samurai Shodown 5sp, Kazuki flashes between white and grey silhouettes for his DP and QCB+S moves.

Note: I didn't check May, Millia, Pote, Robo, Slayer, or Venom.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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