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Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:23 am
by Goryus
Due to circumstances that can only be described as shameful, I have temporarily lost my ppad. And the timing was pretty bad, because I really want to know if this combo works or not. The story unfolds as follows...

I was showing some Dee Jay stuff to Seth today. Specifically, a weird combo that I actually use in matches, which is meaty cr. fierce, link cr. roundhouse. He was pretty surprised by it, but it's fairly easy and does a lot of damaged, and is completely safe on block, so I like to use it a lot.

After that, I was showing him kara tricks with Dee Jay's special moves. Specifically, how you can kara off of his crounching roundhouse to do zany things. Short upkick won't go through Ryu's jab fireball, for example, not normally. But it will if you kara off the slide (the first few frames go underneath, and then you upkick in the middle of the fireball and pass through). Seth put two and two together, and came up with the idea of meaty cr. fierce, cr. roundhouse, but kara-cancel slide into roundhouse upkicks, and then juggle into super. Bad ass, right?!

But I couldn't do it in the time that was remaining. I came close on a couple of tries, but nothing ever comboed.

Would someone with a ppad mind trying this out for me? If it works, it might even be possible to do stupider things, like meaty fierce, kara-super, juggle with upkicks.

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:19 am
by fullmetalross
why don't you just macro it in kawaks or something?

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:56 am
by Goryus
Because I don't have kawaks installed, and am waaaay too lazy to go download and install it and find the roms and so forth right now. :P

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:24 pm
by fullmetalross
okay. Then I will look into it later tonight.

didn't get a chance to test this yet. Things go really busy yesterday.

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:46 am
by Toxy
You dont need to kara cancel to link upkicks from c.hp, u can just do it on its own, or even c.hp (meaty) > medium upkicks > heavy upkicks > super

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:44 pm
by Maj
It's probably too late now, but i tested this briefly against Gief in the corner and indeed kara-canceling c.HK is unnecessary for linking upkicks after meaty low fierce. Against Ryu, LK upkicks combo after meaty c.HP but HK upkicks whiff. As you predicted, kara-canceling c.HK makes it possible to combo HK upkicks as well. You just gotta remember to do c.HP hella meaty cuz kara-canceling burns through frame advantage.

Re: Wacky Dee Jay combo - help needed

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:58 pm
by fullmetalross
Hmmm, I think I started testing this.... and then stopped cause I was having trouble getting the move to hit meaty enough for it to work. Sorry I forgot...