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Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:48 am
by Maj
I'd like to see someone combo two Ryu c.HK sweeps in the currently available beta version of Super Street Fighter II Turbo High Definition Remix. First person to post a clip of this gets two points. Everyone after that needs to either use a different setup, change the combo noticeably, or get more hits in the process. If you end up repeating an existing submission, you only get one point.

Bonus point: Figure out exactly how much juggle potential Ken's MP and HP uppercuts have, and provide conclusive proof.

Since none of us have capture cards with fancy HDMI inputs yet, the best alternative would probably be an Xbox 360 S-Video cable (or a cheaper third-party version if you're down to gamble with quality).

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:58 am
by laugh
I really wanna participate in this one, since I believe I have a sequence that meets the criteria. However, I don't own any of the new gen consoles and don't have access to STHD Beta here in Korea. Can I just write it?

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:58 am
by Maj
Sorry, no writing allowed. That slope is way too slippery.

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:35 pm
by desk
I actually think this one is impossible.

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:50 am
by Magnetro
I don't think Maj woulda made unless there was at least one way of doing it. He's not that much of an armaniac.

Dont kill me.

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:05 pm
by Maj
Actually desk might be right, because Ryu's LP projectiles don't even last 3/4 stage distance before fading out. There's a very slim chance that Ken's new "remixed" Hurricane Kick is fast enough to get the job done, but the timing on the whole sequence would be so tight that it'd be nearly impossible without a program pad. Here are my two best attempts at simulating the initial setup in SSF2:

SSF2 Trial Simulation 01 | SSF2 Trial Simulation 02

SSF2 has no frameskip which makes it more stable than ST when it comes to testing one-frame bullshit. The problem with the first clip is that Ken needs that extra bit of pushoff which only occurs when Ryu is backed into the corner. Otherwise Ken lands way too close to Ryu's fireball. Therefore the whole thing is useless because we need Ken to end up in the other corner. The problem with the second clip is that it's not even close to working, and i doubt that HDR Ken's new Hurricane Kick is enough to make up the difference.

Re: Challenge 06: Sweeping Changes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:36 pm
by Maj
That said, there's no reason to let this thread go to waste, so here are some alternative ways to earn points:

1) Not all of the challenges have been tested extensively beforehand, so it's certainly possible that a posted challenge could be impossible due to an oversight or poor wording. If this happens, the first person to prove that it's impossible will get however many points the challenge was worth. The proof has to include a video clip as evidence. And it has to be conclusive. (In other words, it won't be easy.)

2) Combo two Ryu c.HK sweeps in any of the SF2 series games: WW, CE, HF, SSF2, ST, HSF2, or STHDR. Unique submissions are worth two points. In order to be considered, the submission must be significantly different from previously accepted submissions. One submission per person.

3) Use HDR Ryu's fake fireball in a ground combo. Unique submissions are worth two points. Submissions which are strikingly similar to existing entries are worth one point, as long as they're at least slightly different. In all honesty, there aren't too many ways to tackle this challenge. Plus anyone who goes through the trouble of capturing from next gen consoles and copes with the lack of training mode deserves some extra breathing room.