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Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:09 pm
by Magnetro
There really isn't much to say, joo's been working on a DVD full of his best combos for every character since 2003, that means every volume he's made isn't his best at all. The DVD is supposed to be finished sometime in '08. Joo's so tight on free time he didn't have the chance to make a proper sample/preview video so it's just 3:45 of some of his best combos.


Oh, and the other thing: joo found out how bad the mvc2 community is when it comes to combos and decided he might not release the DVD to the general public as he only wants the people that can appreciate his work to watch it.
X-Posted from SRK.
My thoughts for SH ppl. This is the biggest thing in the mvc2 combo community (hi to all 3 of you) right now and it's going to be at least 45min of the craziest combos joo can come up with.

Fun fact: he recently changed his team name from meikyousisui to joo's 1% 'cause he didnt get any help from them for the DVD. The reason for the NAME is because a famous scientist by the name of Tommy E. said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" and Joo <3's Thomas Edison (im in the tesla group <3) so voila.

enjoy (all three of you & maj)!

P.S. This edison thing makes reading the five fists of science much more interesting hahaha.

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:23 pm
by Magnetro
whoops, posted it in the wrong forum, please move to combovideo _________. thanks james

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:09 pm
by Maj
Wait, what's he saying? He's not gonna release it unless ... what does he want to see? I mean, sometimes i get frustrated by how difficult it is to get a combo video noticed, but that would never stop me from releasing one that was basically complete. In all fairness to us peasant Americans, joo and meikyousisui video releases have always received the full red carpet treatment. Does he want a certain number of views or a certain number of posts begging to see his video?

Dope preview though. I like the Omega Red combo cuz it conveys the spirit of Guile. I don't like the Sakura combo because Sakura is in it.
Magnetro wrote:whoops, posted it in the wrong forum, please move to combovideo _________.
Hah, i guess a new joo video is considered news as well as a community event.

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:13 pm
by Magnetro
No no no. I told him how Americans are when it comes to understanding his work (normal mahvel playahhs) and he said that was really sad and thathe might only release the WHOLE DVD to people that want to see it and that can appreciate his work. I'm not sure how he's going to do that though.

Last time I spoke to him he said it was still a maybe on that. It has nothing to do with how stupid the video gallery on srk is.

I hate the video gallery.

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:02 am
by Maj
So is someone going to explain all this nonsense? For example what the hell happened with Iceman's doublefist air projectile? How did it end up coming down on top of them?

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:37 am
by Vega Omega
For seriousness. That Iceman combo = awesomeness.

Re: Joo's MvC2 Combo DVD...Preview!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:38 pm
by Don Vecta
So... none of us will see the full DVD release? :(

I don't understand Joo's position. I'm not into the MvC community so I can't tell what's going on... but reserving the release of the whole video just for the people that "understand" him it's kinda meh, if you ask me.

As for myself, I got delighted with the preview. The Servbot's combo is the lol's with the paper planes.