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Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:22 am
by Maj
Yes, more bad Shoryuken puns. The game is Super Turbo and the goal of this challenge is to use all three of Ryu's special moves in a combo (FB, HK, SRK). For the fireball, you can use any of the three - blue, red, or super. It has to be a true combo, so you can't ghetto it up with a dizzy in the middle.

Each person is allowed to post one clip, but it has to be different from the ones posted before. You get one point for doing that. Then once the contest dies down like a month from now, the top two coolest clips will each get a bonus point. Yeah, it's a subjective criterion but i don't think you need to worry about it cuz i don't think we're gonna see 40 attempts. In fact i'd be hella surprised if we even get more than two.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:49 am
by Toxy
This sounds like a really good/hard challenge, i think i got an idea though, lets hope it works...

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:13 am
by Toxy
While trying to do this, i came across glitch with ryus red fireball, it slowly disapears like chun li's one, don't know if this glitch or known or not but its a first for me...

btw for this challenge, do all 3 things have to hit? e.g just pretend this works... fireball, do an uppercut whiff, fireball hits, then do a hurricane and it hits.
if its like this i already know how to do a combo like that, if all of them have to hit then im not too sure what to do, cuz both hurricane and uppercut knock down.. unless theres maybe you could get the DP/Hurricane to get same time as super is hitting and it might not knock down, and then after that do a DP/Hurricane... but that sounds pretty tricky heh.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:13 pm
by fullmetalross
I have like 1 or 2 ideas to do the setup you are talking about toxy.. but the problem is it's hella fucking elaborate with multiple trades and stuff hopefully it works out... I have to try and program it all in a macro...

Interestingly while trying to do this I found out that the first frame you can do a juice kick on is three frames after hitting up+foward. I think that means you had to have been jumping for two frames before you hit the height requirement for a hurricane kick because isn't there 1 frame of jump startup?

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:59 pm
by Toxy
heres my challenge (although im not sure if i get any points since the hurricane whiffs and doesnt hit, but im not sure since it didnt mention on the first post so im postin it anyway just incase..)

and here is the fireball glitch, it also works with red/blue jab/medium

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:03 pm
by Maj
Nicely done sir. That actually counts, cuz the fireball connected first so you really did "use all three of Ryu's special moves in a combo." If you had whiffed a Hurricane Kick before the fireball connected, it wouldn't have counted.

Regarding the fireball disappearing thing, i don't think it's really a glitch. A lot of projectiles in CvS2 have a maximum active duration so the range of the weak/medium versions ends up being shorter than a full stage length. Even Akuma's lvl1 super FB disappears if you follow it from one end of a stage to the other. It all started with Ryu's new fireball animation in SSF2. I dunno why they implemented that. Maybe someone thought it would look cool, cuz they managed to make the disappearing animation look smooth using the newly drawn sprites. The funny thing is, Ken's fireball uses the old school sprite so it never disappears. Guile's LP Sonic Boom doesn't disappear in ST but it does in CvS series. It's definitely made my life difficult, more than once.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:10 pm
by desk
yeah I actually had an idea for an st 'combo' involving ryu's dissapearing fireball. I was going to get chun to back-fierce it, just as it vanished. Making it appear that she'd destroyed it, lol. Unfortunately I could never find a good set up :(

I'd love to take part in this challenge but I lost my pc a few months ago and can't capture or emulate anything. Very sad.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:30 am
by Maj
Dude that sucks! What happened to your computer? That Chun/Ryu idea sounds like it woulda made a very entertaining clip.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:00 pm
by fullmetalross
I'll look into this more when my computer stops being a douche... But I'll have to think harder, toxy used the same idea I had...

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:15 am
by ShinjiGohan
wrong game but wanted to post something anyway

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:31 pm
by Maj
That's pretty cool. I can't give you a full point since it's not the right game, but i think you deserve at least half a point for that.

Though if nobody else steps up, you just might end up with an extra bonus point. I did say "the top two coolest clips" and so far we've only had one other.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:01 am
by Maj
Since nobody else has posted a clip, i'm gonna award ToXY the first bonus point and upgrade ShinjiGohan's score from half a point to one full point. There are still two points up for grabs here, basically for the next person who posts a (Super Turbo) solution. After that each valid entry will be worth one point.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:08 am
by Dammit
Alright, finally got something.

Kind of minimalistic, but hey, I don't know anything about this game.

Inspired by this of course.

Re: Challenge 04: All You Can

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:16 am
by Maj
Dude that looks dope! Never thought i'd see a backwards air Hurricane Kick combo. So i guess you get two points, cuz my last post is still in effect.