re-doing other peoples combos

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Vega Omega
Posts: 86
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re-doing other peoples combos

Post by Vega Omega »

Is is ok to change up the end of someone else's combo, as long as you followed every other part of the combo perfectly?

For the Morrigan Video .. I re-did the Meik. Vol. 6 morrigan combo, but I want to end on a K.O. Joo ended with a launch lp, lk or soemthing and then the clip faded out. I want to end it with a K.O. and I don't want to K.O. on a launch lp, lk.

this is ok, right?
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Post by Maj »

You're not going to get your combo video making license taken away but you're not going to win any awards either. If you use someone else's idea as a base, you have to build upon it conceptually in order to earn respect. If you simply xcopy it or make very minor stylistic alterations, then it's essentially filler. It's like putting an anime clip into your video. Which is fine, you know, if it fits.

Try using it as a reference instead. Cuz writers make references to their favorite books and directors make references to other movies, so why can't we?

By the way, when am i gonna see some uppercuts?
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Post by Xenozip. »

I ask permission if it's from a Western player. I just ask for the transcript or I'll say "Hey I can add hits to this, is that OK?"

Like most of the time I do collaboration videos I take other peoples combos and optimize them, but I usually ask permission first. I fucking love collaborations though because you get to build of each others ideas.

If it's from an Asian video I try to give props and I do the combo exactly, but change costumes and backgrounds so that they know I at least re-did it myself. But if it's from an Asain video I usually give up hope trying to contact them for permission.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Vega Omega
Posts: 86
Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:39 pm

Post by Vega Omega »

Alright, cool. I'm just making sure there are no rules about this stuff. The idea for this Morrigan video stemmed from the morrigan combo in vol. 6, and I plan to make it perfectly clear who the 1st author was. I'm also re-doing it for quality sake. letting everyone see it in HQ :D
Maj wrote: By the way, when am i gonna see some uppercuts?
after this video is done, thats the next thing i'm diong. :)
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Location: Charlottesville, VA, US

Post by Robyrt »

Asking permission is always nice, but if I can't get ahold of someone, I'll just make it clear that this is not my own brilliant flash of insight while the combo is going on. :-P
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