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How hard would it be to..?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:47 pm
by ZenFire
A) ...hack the image of a PS2 game (CVS2 in particular) to remove or turn off the life-bars and groove meters for full screen hardcore action.

How much is known about the inner structure of the data files? format/what kind of compression etc. I know ppl used to remove songs or re-encode hem to make DVD game fit on a CD, so there must be tools available.

B) ..make your own PS2 programmable pad by:
1 - figuring out or finding a spec of how the controller signal works, and..
2 - re-wiring a ps2 controller cable to a COM socket to plug straight into my computer and write cotrol signals directly to the ps2.
Is this even possible...?

I've been wondering about these things for a while now. Put me out of my misery.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:51 pm
by Maj
Dunno about part B, but what are you trying to do with part A? If you just want to get rid of all that stuff, there's a setting in the Extra Options menu that lets you turn off the entire display. Unfortunately it also gets rid of the combo counter messages and all the notices like Reversal and Guard Crush. Also the Finest KO explosion, for whatever random reason. But if you want it for editing purposes, it should be easy enough just to do the combo and draw in your own combo counter. Of course, you won't have any way of being sure if your combo comboed.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:27 am
by ZenFire
Dang, I feel silly for not knowing about that option.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:15 pm
by ZenFire
Ok, so I found this: ... conjoy_psx
Which actually explains in a very simple way how the protocol works. Even I understand it. Now I gotta think about how you could interface with a PC. I have no idea to what extent all the PC's i/o ports are programmable.

Looks like the parallel port is probably msot suited, though I dunno what to do with the power and ground signals, nor if you could make a program fast enough to keep up with the clock.