How hard would it be to..?
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:47 pm
A) ...hack the image of a PS2 game (CVS2 in particular) to remove or turn off the life-bars and groove meters for full screen hardcore action.
How much is known about the inner structure of the data files? format/what kind of compression etc. I know ppl used to remove songs or re-encode hem to make DVD game fit on a CD, so there must be tools available.
B) ..make your own PS2 programmable pad by:
1 - figuring out or finding a spec of how the controller signal works, and..
2 - re-wiring a ps2 controller cable to a COM socket to plug straight into my computer and write cotrol signals directly to the ps2.
Is this even possible...?
I've been wondering about these things for a while now. Put me out of my misery.
How much is known about the inner structure of the data files? format/what kind of compression etc. I know ppl used to remove songs or re-encode hem to make DVD game fit on a CD, so there must be tools available.
B) ..make your own PS2 programmable pad by:
1 - figuring out or finding a spec of how the controller signal works, and..
2 - re-wiring a ps2 controller cable to a COM socket to plug straight into my computer and write cotrol signals directly to the ps2.
Is this even possible...?
I've been wondering about these things for a while now. Put me out of my misery.